NOC 0015 高級經理 – 貿易,廣播和其他服務業 (Senior Managers – Trade, Broadcasting And Other Services, N.E.C.)


簡介 Intro


Senior managers in this unit group plan, organize, direct, control and evaluate, through middle managers, trade, broadcasting and other service companies not elsewhere classified. They formulate policies which establish the direction to be taken by these companies, either alone or in conjunction with a board of directors. They work in establishments in broadcasting and related media services, wholesale trade, retail trade, accommodation and food service, and other services not elsewhere classified.

主要職責 Main Duties

  • 建立公司的目標,並製定或批准的政策和計劃
  • Establish objectives for the company and formulate or approve policies and programs
  • 授權和組織建立主要部門和選拔相關的高級職員職位
  • Authorize and organize the establishment of major departments and associated senior staff positions
  • 分配物力,人力和財力資源,以實現組織的政策和方案;建立財務和行政制度;制定和批准的推廣活動;負責整體人員規劃
  • Allocate material, human and financial resources to implement organizational policies and programs; establish financial and administrative controls; formulate and approve promotional campaigns; and approve overall personnel planning
  • 選拔中層管理人員,董事或其他高級行政人員
  • Select middle managers, directors or other executive staff
  • 統籌地區,分支機構或部門的工作
  • Co-ordinate the work of regions, divisions or departments

Represent the company, or delegate representatives to act on behalf of the company, in negotiations or other official functions.

Senior managers in this unit group may specialize in areas such as finance, marketing or human resources or in the sale of a particular product or provision of a particular service.

任職要求 Employment Requirements

  • 通常需要工商管理,金融或其他相關學科的大學學位或大專文憑。
  • A university degree or college diploma in business administration, finance or other discipline related to the service provided is usually required.
  • 通常需要有幾年的在貿易,廣播或其他服務業擔任中層經理的經驗。
  • Several years of experience as a middle manager in trade, broadcasting or other service are usually required.
  • 通過專業的大學或學院在這方面的培訓,或通過以往的經驗,取得了特定功能區或服務業的專業技能。
  • Specialization in a particular functional area or service is possible through specific university or college training in that area or through previous experience.
  • 高級財務經理通常需要一個專業的會計資格認證。
  • Senior managers in finance usually require a professional accounting designation.

所有職稱 All Titles

  • 廣播公司總裁 broadcasting corporation president
  • 賭場總經理 casino general manager
  • CEO(行政總裁) – 貿易,廣播和其他業務 CEO (chief executive officer) – trade, broadcasting and other services
  • CEO(行政總裁),副總經理 – 貿易,廣播和其他業務 CEO (chief executive officer), deputy – trade, broadcasting and other services
  • CEO(行政總裁),旅行社 CEO (chief executive officer), travel agency
  • CFO(首席財務總監) – 貿易,廣播和其他業務 CFO (chief financial officer) – trade, broadcasting and other services
  • CFO(首席財務總監),職業體育俱樂部 CFO (chief financial officer), professional sports club
  • 董事長/女人 – 貿易,廣播及其他服務 chairman/woman – trade, broadcasting and other services
  • 主席 – 貿易,廣播和其他業務 chairperson – trade, broadcasting and other services
  • 首席執行官(CEO – 貿易,廣播和其他業務 chief executive officer (CEO) – trade, broadcasting and other services
  • 副行政總裁(CEO) – 貿易,廣播和其他業務 chief executive officer (CEO), deputy – trade, broadcasting and other services
  • 首席執行官(CEO),旅行社 chief executive officer (CEO), travel agency
  • 首席財務總監(CFO) – 貿易,廣播和其他業務 chief financial officer (CFO) – trade, broadcasting and other services
  • 首席財務總監(CFO),職業體育俱樂部 chief financial officer (CFO), professional sports club
  • 首席運營官 – 貿易,廣播及其他服務 chief operating officer – trade, broadcasting and other services
  • 清潔服務公司總經理 cleaning service general manager
  • 企業控制器 – 貿易,廣播和其他業務 corporate controller – trade, broadcasting and other services
  • 公司財務總監,連鎖餐廳 corporate controller, restaurant chain
  • 百貨公司總裁 department store president
  • 副行政總裁(CEO) – 貿易,廣播和其他業務 deputy chief executive officer (CEO) – trade, broadcasting and other services
  • 工程副總裁 – 電視廣播服務 engineering vice-president – television broadcasting services
  • 工程副總裁 – 貿易,廣播和其他業務 engineering vice-president – trade, broadcasting and other services
  • 執行董事 – 貿易,廣播及其他服務 executive director – trade, broadcasting and other services
  • 執行副總裁 – 金屬和金屬製品批發商 executive vice-president – metal and metal products wholesaler
  • 執行副總裁 – 貿易,廣播和其他業務 executive vice-president – trade, broadcasting and other services
  • 財務及行政副總裁 – 貿易,廣播及其他服務 finance and administration vice-president – trade, broadcasting and other services
  • 財務副總裁 – 食品批發 finance vice-president – food wholesaling
  • 財務副總裁 – 貿易,廣播和其他業務 finance vice-president – trade, broadcasting and other services
  • 殯儀服務公司總經理 funeral services general manager
  • 總經理,清潔服務; general manager, cleaning service
  • 總經理,銷售 – 貿易,廣播和其他業務 general manager, sales – trade, broadcasting and other services
  • 酒店總經理 hotel general manager
  • 人力資源和組織發展的副總裁 – 貿易,廣播及其他服務 human resources and organizational development vice-president – trade, broadcasting and other services
  • 人力資源副總裁 – 貿易,廣播及其他服務 human resources vice-president – trade, broadcasting and other services
  • 信息系統副總裁 – 貿易,廣播和其他業務 information systems vice president – trade, broadcasting and other services
  • 洗衣和乾洗總經理 laundry and dry cleaning general manager
  • 營銷副總裁 – 雜貨連鎖店 marketing vice-president – grocery store chain
  • 營銷副總裁 – 貿易,廣播及其他服務 marketing vice-president – trade, broadcasting and other services
  • 業務經理 – 貿易,廣播及其他服務 operations manager – trade, broadcasting and other services
  • 營運副總裁 – 電台廣播服務 operations vice-president – radio broadcasting services
  • 營運副總裁 – 貿易,廣播及其他服務 operations vice-president – trade, broadcasting and other services
  • 人事副總裁 – 貿易,廣播和其他業務 personnel vice-president – trade, broadcasting and other services
  • 貿易,廣播和其他業務規劃副總裁 – planning vice-president – trade, broadcasting and other services
  • 總裁 – 貿易,廣播和其他業務 president – trade, broadcasting and other services
  • 總裁兼董事 – 貿易,廣播和其他業務 president and director – trade, broadcasting and other services
  • 總裁兼總經理 – 貿易,廣播及其他服務 president and general manager – trade, broadcasting and other services
  • 總裁,百貨 president, department store
  • 電台總經理 radio station general manager
  • 區域副總裁 – 貿易,廣播和其他業務 regional vice-president – trade, broadcasting and other services
  • 區域副總裁,連鎖酒店 regional vice-president, hotel chain
  • 零售機構總裁 retail establishment president
  • 銷售及廣告副總裁 – 貿易,廣播及其他服務 sales and advertising vice-president – trade, broadcasting and other services
  • 銷售總經理 – 貿易,廣播及其他服務 sales general manager – trade, broadcasting and other services
  • 銷售副總裁 – 貿易,廣播及其他服務 sales vice-president – trade, broadcasting and other services
  • 支持服務副總裁 – 貿易,廣播和其他業務 support services vice-president – trade, broadcasting and other services
  • 副總裁 – 貿易,廣播和其他業務 vice-president – trade, broadcasting and other services
  • 副總裁兼銷售總經理 – 貿易,廣播及其他服務 vice-president and general sales manager – trade, broadcasting and other services
  • 副總裁,工程 – 廣播電視服務 vice-president, engineering – television broadcasting services
  • 副總裁,財務 – 食品批發 vice-president, finance – food wholesaling
  • 副總裁,信息系統 – 貿易,廣播及其他服務 vice-president, information systems – trade, broadcasting and other services
  • 副總裁,市場營銷 – 雜貨連鎖店 vice-president, marketing – grocery store chain
  • 副總裁,營運 – 電台廣播服務 vice-president, operations – radio broadcasting services
  • 批發商 – 廣播 wholesaler – broadcasting

不包括職稱 Exclusions

  • 相關的中層管理人員依據下列單位和次要群體分類:Related middle managers are classified in the following unit and minor groups:
  • 藝術,文化,娛樂和體育行業的經理 Managers in art, culture, recreation and sport [051]
  • 客戶經理和人事服務經理 Managers in customer and personal services, n.e.c. [0651]
  • 經理,餐飲服務和住宿 Managers in food service and accommodation [063]
  • 零售和批發貿易經理 Retail and wholesale trade managers [062]




項目類別 線上申請
54 天
108 天
超級簽證 82 天
7 週
10 週
境內學簽續簽 58 天
畢業工簽境外申請 24 週
畢業工簽境內申請 109 天
109 天
42 天
73 天




