NOC 0414 其他的公共管理經理 (Other Managers In Public Administration)


簡介 Intro


Managers in this unit group plan, organize, direct, control and evaluate the development of policies and programs which govern the daily operations of legislatures and other activities unique to government such as intergovernmental affairs and elections. They are employed by government departments, agencies and legislative bodies.

Progression to senior management positions in this field is possible with experience.

主要職責 Main Duties

  • 參與政策和方案的發展,就政府獨特的活動,向立法機關或部門或機構的政府高級經理提供參考​​意見
  • Participate in the development of policies and programs by providing advice to senior government managers of legislatures or departments or agencies involved in activities unique to government
  • 組織政府單位或機構,建立程序,以滿足高級管理人員設定的目標
  • Organize government unit or agency and establish procedures to meet objectives set by senior management
  • 對進行研究,準備文件或提供行政支援的專業和非專業的工作人員指進行指導和提供建議
  • Direct and advise professional and non-professional staff conducting research, preparing documents or providing administrative support
  • 計劃,管理和控制項目,計劃,設備和物資的科研和管理預算
  • Plan, administer and control research and administration budgets for projects, programs, equipment and supplies
  • 組織和指導委員會和工作組規劃,管理或評估項目和方案
  • Organize and direct committees and working groups to plan, manage or evaluate projects and programs
  • 面試,聘用及為員工進行培訓。
  • Interview, hire and provide training for staff.

任職要求 Employment Requirements

  • 教育專業大學本科學歷。
  • A bachelor’s degree in education is required.
  • 特殊教育專業碩士學位。
  • A master’s degree in a particular educational specialization may be required.
  • 學校老師,政府教育政策研究員,顧問或項目官員要求具備幾年的經驗。
  • Several years of combined experience as a school teacher and as a government educational policy researcher, consultant or program officer are usually required.
  • 省級教學證書
  • A provincial teaching certificate is usually required.

所有職稱 All Titles

  • 管理員,下議院 administrator, House of Commons
  • 雙邊關係主管 bilateral relations chief
  • 內閣關係總監 Cabinet relations director
  • 內閣關係經理 Cabinet relations manager
  • 禮賓司長 chief of protocol
  • 長,雙邊關係 chief, bilateral relations
  • 科長,聯邦與省政府關係 chief, federal-provincial relations
  • 科長,政府間事務 chief, intergovernmental affairs
  • 主任,政府間關係 chief, intergovernmental relations
  • 科長,國際關係 – 政府 chief, international relations – government
  • 主任,省際關係 chief, interprovincial relations
  • 文員 – 立法大會 Clerk – Legislative Assembly
  • 店員委員會,立法大會 clerk of the committee, Legislative Assembly
  • 立法議會的秘書 Clerk of the Legislative Assembly
  • 下議院副書記 Deputy Clerk of the House of Commons
  • 立法議會副書記 Deputy Clerk of the Legislative Assembly
  • 公共工程主管 director of public works
  • 董事,內閣關係 director, Cabinet relations
  • 加拿大選舉董事 director, Elections Canada
  • 董事,選舉開支 director, elections expenses
  • 董事,選舉財政 director, elections finances
  • 董事,選舉規劃 director, elections planning
  • 董事,應急響應服務 director, emergency responses services
  • 董事,聯邦與省政府關係 director, federal-provincial relations
  • 政府間事務主任 director, intergovernmental affairs
  • 主任,政府間關係 director, intergovernmental relations
  • 主任,國際關係 – 政府 director, international relations – government
  • 董事,立法議會服務 director, Legislative Assembly services
  • 董事,法律服務 director, legislative services
  • 董事,議會服務 director, parliamentary services
  • 賑災服務統籌 disaster relief services co-ordinator
  • 選舉開支主任 elections expenses director
  • 選舉財務總監 elections finances director
  • 選舉策劃總監 elections planning director
  • 應急管理協調員 – 政府服務 emergency management co-ordinator – government services
  • 緊急措施經理 – 政府服務 emergency measures manager – government services
  • 應急響應統籌 – 政府服務 emergency response co-ordinator – government services
  • 緊急安全管理者 – 政府服務 emergency safety manager – government services
  • 聯邦與省政府關係首席 federal-provincial relations chief
  • 聯邦與省政府關係主任 federal-provincial relations director
  • 政府間事務主任 intergovernmental affairs chief
  • 政府間事務主任 intergovernmental affairs director
  • 政府間關係主管 intergovernmental relations chief
  • 政府間關係總監 intergovernmental relations director
  • 國際關係主管 – 政府 international relations chief – government
  • 國際關係部主任 – 政府 international relations director – government
  • 際關係主管 interprovincial relations chief
  • 立法議會服務總監 Legislative Assembly services director
  • 立法事務總監 legislative services director
  • 議會服務總監 parliamentary services director
  • 主要立法委員會書記 principal clerk of legislative committees
  • 下議院首席秘書 Principal Clerk of the House of Commons
  • 立法議會首席秘書 Principal Clerk of the Legislative Assembly
  • 公共工程總監 public works director
  • 公共工程監 public works superintendent

不包括職稱 Exclusions

  • 行政服务经理 Administrative services managers [011](011)
  • 政府管理者 – 经济分析,政策制定和计划管理 Government managers – economic analysis, policy development and program administration [0412](0412)
  • 政府管理者 – 制定教育政策和程序管理 Government managers – education policy development and program administration [0413](0413)
  • 政府管理者 – 卫生和社会政策的制定和计划管理 Government managers – health and social policy development and program administration [0411](0411)
  • 政府的项目经理(政策和程序的研究人员,顾问和管理人员)Program managers in government (in [416](416) Policy and program researchers, consultants and officers )
  • 政府高级管理人员和政府官员 Senior government managers and officials [0012](0012)




項目類別 線上申請
48 天
117 天
超級簽證 106 天
13 週
17 週
境內學簽續簽 131 天
畢業工簽境外申請 11 週
畢業工簽境內申請 145 天
145 天
5 个月
12 个月
48 个月
5 个月
40 个月
13 个月
24 个月
6 个月
25 天
62 天




