簡介 Intro
Executive assistants co-ordinate administrative procedures, public relations activities and research and analysis functions for members of legislative assemblies, ministers, deputy ministers, corporate officials and executives, committees and boards of directors. They are employed by governments, corporations and associations.
主要職責 Main Duties
- 為官員,委員會和董事會建立和統籌管理政策和程序
- Establish and co-ordinate administrative policies and procedures for officials, committees and boards of directors
- 分析傳入和傳出的備忘錄,提交報告,並準備和協調編制,並向行政人員,委員會和董事會提交總結簡報和報告
- Analyze incoming and outgoing memoranda, submissions and reports and prepare and co-ordinate the preparation and submission of summary briefs and reports to executives, committees and boards of directors
- 為委員會,董事會和其他會議準備議程和安排
- Prepare agendas and make arrangements for committee, board and other meetings
- 進行調研,編譯數據,從而準備由高管,委員會和董事會審議及呈報得論文
- Conduct research, compile data, and prepare papers for consideration and presentation by executives, committees and boards of directors
- 代表與高管,委員會和理事會與個人,特殊利益集團和其他人事會面,討論議題,評估和推薦各種行動路線
- Meet with individuals, special interest groups and others on behalf of executives, committees and boards of directors to discuss issues and assess and recommend various courses of action
- 代表高管,委員會和董事會聯絡部門和企業的官員及其他組織和協會。
- Liaise with departmental and corporate officials and with other organizations and associations on behalf of executives, committees and boards of directors.
任職要求 Employment Requirements
- 必需完成中學學業。
- Completion of secondary school is required.
- 通常需要公共管理學,政治學或相關學科大學本科學歷,。
- A bachelor’s degree in public administration, political science or a related discipline is usually required.
- 通常需要相關行政職業經驗。
- Experience in a related administrative occupation is usually required.
所有職稱 All Titles
- 委員會書記官 Committee clerk
- 選區援助 Constituency aid
- 選區助理 Constituency assistant
- 公司秘書 Corporate secretary
- 行政助理 Executive assistant
- 立法助理 Legislative assistant
- 醫療資訊助理 Medical information assistant
- 部長助理 Ministerial assistant
- 議會助理 Parliamentary assistant
- 議會委員會書記官 Parliamentary committee clerk
- 特別助理 Special assistant
不包括職稱 Exclusions
- 行政人員 Administrative officers (13100)
- 會議和活動策劃 Conference and event planners (12103)
- 行政助理(法律和醫療除外) Executive secretaries (except legal and medical)(in 13110 Administrative assistants )