
NOC 12110 法庭記錄員、醫療記錄員及相關職業 Court Reporters, Medical Transcriptionists And Related Occupations


簡介 Intro

法庭記錄員逐字記錄和抄寫法庭、立法議會和委員會的訴訟程序,並準備法官、法庭和準司法小組使用的筆錄。 他們受僱於法院、省和聯邦立法議會和委員會,也可能是個體經營者。 醫療轉錄員記錄、轉錄和編輯醫生和其他醫療保健提供者的口述、手術過程、健康相關報告和其他醫療文件。 他們受僱於醫院、診所和醫生辦公室,也可能是自營職業者。 本單元組包括隱藏式字幕員、點字技術員和其他轉錄員。

Court reporters record and transcribe verbatim the proceedings of courts, legislative assemblies and committees, and prepare transcripts for use by judges, tribunals and quasi-judicial panels. They are employed by courts of law, provincial and federal legislative assemblies and committees, or they may be self-employed. Medical transcriptionists record, transcribe and edit dictation by physicians and other health care providers, surgical proceedings, health-related reports and other medical documentation. They are employed by hospitals, medical clinics and doctors’ offices, or they may be self-employed. Closed captioners, braille technicians and other transcriptionists are included in this unit group.

There is some mobility between occupations in this unit group and other occupations requiring similar knowledge of legal or medical terminology, such as legal or medical administrative positions.

主要職責 Main Duties

法庭記者執行部分或全部下列職責:Court reporters perform some or all of the following duties:

醫療打字員執行部分或全部下列職責:Medical transcriptionists perform some or all of the following duties:

任職要求 Employment Requirements

所有職稱 All Titles

不包括職稱 Exclusions
