NOC 1215 主管,供應鏈,跟踪和調度協調職業 Supervisors, Supply Chain, Tracking And Scheduling Co-Ordination Occupations


簡介 Intro


Supervisors in this unit group supervise and co-ordinate the activities of workers in the following unit groups: Shippers and Receivers 1521, Storekeepers and Partspersons 1522, Production Logistics Co-ordinators 1523, Purchasing and Inventory Control Workers 1524, Dispatchers 1525 and Transportation Route and Crew Schedulers 1526. They are employed throughout the private and public sectors.

主要職責 Main Duties

  • 協調,分配和審查從事下列職責的文員工作:航運,接收,存儲,分發和維護材料,零部件和產品的庫存;處理採購交易,協調生產工作,調度人員,調度運輸船員和路線;操作機場斜坡維修車輛及其他相關活動
  • Co-ordinate, assign and review the work of clerks engaged in the following duties: shipping, receiving, storing, distributing and maintaining inventories of materials, parts and products; processing purchasing transactions; co-ordinating production work; dispatching crews; scheduling transportation crews and routes; operating airport ramp servicing vehicles; and other related activities
  • 規劃,組織和監督組織的物流運作,制定工作時間表和程序,解決與工作相關的問題,準備和提交進度和其他報告,並與其他供應鏈的工作單位或部門協調活動
  • Plan, organize and oversee operational logistics of the organization, establish work schedules and procedures, resolve work-related issues, prepare and submit progress and other reports and co-ordinate activities with other supply-chain work units or departments
  • 培訓工人工作職責,安全程序和公司政策
  • Train workers in job duties, safety procedures and company policies
  • 徵用物資和材料
  • Requisition supplies and materials
  • 保證電腦系統,設備和機械順利進行,安排維護和修理工作
  • Ensure smooth operation of computer systems, equipment and machinery and arrange for maintenance and repair work
  • 可以執行其監管下屬的相同工作。
  • May perform the same duties as workers supervised.

任職要求 Employment Requirements

  • 通常需要完成中學學業。
  • Completion of secondary school is usually required.
  • 通常要求具備多年基層工作經驗。
  • Several years of experience in the occupation supervised are usually required.

所有職稱 All Titles

  • 911急救中心的營運總監 911 emergency centre operations officer
  • 機場主管 aerodrome supervisor
  • 航空運輸作業職工主管 air transport operating staff supervisor
  • 空運業務主管 air transport operations supervisor
  • 航空運輸業務支持主管 air transport operations support supervisor
  • 航空公司負荷控制管理 airline load control supervisor
  • 彈藥領班/男/女 ammunition foreman/woman
  • 航空電子設備維修主管 avionics service supervisor
  • 協調員,貨運交通 co-ordinator, freight traffic
  • 船員調度主管 crew schedulers supervisor
  • 船員調度主管 crew schedules supervisor
  • 跨碼頭主管 cross dock supervisor
  • 調度後勤 dispatch logistician
  • 調度員主管 dispatchers supervisor
  • 分配和運輸物流技術員 distribution and transport logistics technician
  • 配送人員 distribution officer
  • 分銷主管 distribution supervisor
  • 爆炸物和彈藥雜誌領班/男/女 explosives and ammunition magazine foreman/woman
  • 炸藥庫領班/男/女 explosives magazine foreman/woman
  • 出口交通主管 export traffic supervisor
  • 飛行機組調度主管 flight crew scheduling supervisor
  • 機組人員主管 flight crew supervisor
  • 貨運後勤 freight forwarding logistician
  • 貨運主管 freight forwarding supervisor
  • 貨運技術員 freight forwarding technician
  • 貨運單位主管 freight forwarding unit supervisor
  • 貨運主管 freight supervisor
  • 貨運量協調員 freight traffic co-ordinator
  • 貨運交通調度主管 freight traffic scheduling supervisor
  • 貨運交通主管 freight traffic supervisor
  • 引導運營商 guide-operator
  • 調度隊長 head dispatcher
  • 托運人隊長 head shipper
  • 進口交通主管 import traffic supervisor
  • 庫存辦事員主管 inventory clerks supervisor
  • 庫存控制主管 inventory control supervisor
  • 庫存管理人員 inventory management officer
  • 作業順序辦事員主管 – 生產 job order clerks supervisor – manufacturing
  • 負荷控制管理員 load control supervisor
  • 後勤主管 – 交通的 logistical supervisor – traffic
  • 物流主管 logistics supervisor
  • 物流主管 – 運輸 logistics supervisor – transportation
  • 雜誌領班/男/女,炸藥 magazine foreman/woman, explosives
  • 製造業訂單辦事員主管 manufacturing orders clerks supervisor
  • 物料文員主管 material clerks supervisor
  • 材料控制協調員 material control co-ordinator
  • 海運協調員 ocean freight co-ordinator
  • 海運技術人員 ocean freight technician
  • 部分文員主管 parts clerks supervisor
  • 部分服務主管 parts service supervisor
  • 零件船務經理 parts shipping manager
  • 生產文員主管 production clerks supervisor
  • 生產計劃文員主管 production planning clerks supervisor
  • 採購和庫存管理協調員 purchasing and inventory management co-ordinator
  • 採購文員主管 purchasing clerks supervisor
  • 停機坪服務主管 – 機場 ramp services supervisor – airport
  • 接收辦事員主管 receiving clerks supervisor
  • 接受上司 receiving supervisor
  • 路線規劃主管 route planning supervisor
  • 調度員主管 scheduling clerks supervisor
  • 發貨和收貨主管 shipping and receiving supervisor
  • 船務文員主管 shipping clerks supervisor
  • 航運協調員 shipping co-ordinator
  • 航運主管 shipping supervisor
  • 股票辦事員主管 stock clerks supervisor
  • 庫存控制主管 stock control supervisor
  • 主管,機場 supervisor, aerodrome
  • 主管,空運業務 supervisor, air transport operations
  • 主管,空運業務支持 supervisor, air transport operations support
  • 主管,航空公司負荷控制 supervisor, airline load control
  • 主管,船員的調度 supervisor, crew schedulers
  • 主管,船員時間表 supervisor, crew schedules
  • 主管,調度員 supervisor, dispatchers
  • 主管,分銷 supervisor, distribution
  • 主管,出口流量 supervisor, export traffic
  • 主管,飛行機組調度 supervisor, flight crew scheduling
  • 主管,貨運 supervisor, freight
  • 主管,貨運單位 supervisor, freight forwarding unit
  • 主管,貨運交通調度 supervisor, freight traffic scheduling
  • 主管,進口流量 supervisor, import traffic
  • 主管,庫存辦事員 supervisor, inventory clerks
  • 主管,工作秩序員 – 製造 supervisor, job order clerks – manufacturing
  • 主管,負載控制 supervisor, load control
  • 主管,物流 supervisor, logistics
  • 主管,製造業訂單辦事員 supervisor, manufacturing order clerks
  • 主管,材料員 supervisor, material clerks
  • 主管,部分業務員 supervisor, parts clerks
  • 主管,部分服務 supervisor, parts service
  • 主管,生產文員 supervisor, production clerks
  • 主管,生產策劃員 supervisor, production planning clerks
  • 主管,採購文員 supervisor, purchasing clerks
  • 主管,停機坪服務 – 機場 supervisor, ramp services – airport
  • 主管,接收 supervisor, receiving
  • 主管,接收辦事員 supervisor, receiving clerks
  • 主管,調度員 supervisor, scheduling clerks
  • 主管,航運 supervisor, shipping
  • 主管,航運和接收 supervisor, shipping and receiving
  • 主管,船務文員 supervisor, shipping clerks
  • 主管,股票辦事員 supervisor, stock clerks
  • 主管,工具飼養 supervisor, tool keepers
  • 主管,販運和分銷 supervisor, traffic and distribution
  • 主管,交通路線調度 supervisor, transportation route schedulers
  • 供應和接收的主管 supply and receiving supervisor
  • 供應鍊主管 supply chain supervisor
  • 供應控制協調員 supply control co-ordinator
  • 工具員領班/男/女 tool clerks foreman/woman
  • 工具嬰兒床主管 tool crib supervisor
  • 刀具飼養主管 tool keepers supervisor
  • 交通及分銷主管 traffic and distribution supervisor
  • 交通控制主管 traffic control supervisor
  • 運輸後勤 transport logistician
  • 運輸物流技師 transport logistics technician
  • 運輸協調員 transportation co-ordinator
  • 交通規劃協調員 transportation planning co-ordinator
  • 運輸路線的調度主管 transportation route schedulers supervisor
  • 倉儲配送主管 warehouse distribution supervisor
  • 倉庫領班/男/女 warehouse foreman/woman
  • 倉庫主管 warehouse supervisor

不包括職稱 Exclusions

  • 主管,郵件和消息分發職業 Supervisors, mail and message distribution occupations 1214




項目類別 線上申請
54 天
108 天
超級簽證 82 天
7 週
10 週
境內學簽續簽 58 天
畢業工簽境外申請 24 週
畢業工簽境內申請 109 天
109 天
42 天
73 天




