NOC 3111 專科醫師 (Specialist Physicians)


簡介 Intro


This unit group includes specialist physicians in clinical medicine, in laboratory medicine and in surgery. Specialists in clinical medicine diagnose and treat diseases and physiological or psychiatric disorders and act as consultants to other physicians. Specialists in laboratory medicine study the nature, cause and development of diseases in humans. Specialists in surgery perform and supervise surgical procedures. Specialists in clinical medicine usually work in private practice or in a hospital while those in laboratory medicine and in surgery usually work in hospitals. Residents in training to become specialist physicians are included in this unit group.

Progression to management positions, such as director of laboratory medicine or chief of surgery, is possible with experience.

主要職責 Main Duties

中醫臨床專家執行部分或全部下列職責:Specialists in clinical medicine perform some or all of the following duties:

  • 診斷和治療疾病和生理性或精神失常
  • Diagnose and treat diseases and physiological or psychiatric disorders
  • 預訂化驗檢查,X射線和其他診斷程序
  • Order laboratory tests, X-rays and other diagnostic procedures
  • 處方用藥和治療,指導患者手術
  • Prescribe medication and treatment and refer patients for surgery
  • 充當其他醫生顧問
  • Act as consultants to other physicians
  • 亦可進行醫學研究
  • May conduct medical research.

檢驗醫學專家執行部分或全部下列職責:Specialists in laboratory medicine perform some or all of the following duties:

  • 研究人類疾病的的性質,原因和發展,疾病引起的結構和功能改變
  • Study the nature, cause and development of diseases in humans and the structural and functional changes caused by diseases
  • 對實驗室樣品和標本進行顯微鏡和化學分析
  • Conduct microscopic and chemical analyses of laboratory samples and specimens
  • 監督實驗室活動
  • Supervise laboratory activities
  • 作為其他醫生的顧問。
  • Act as consultants to other physicians.

手术专家执行部分或全部下列职责:Specialists in surgery perform some or all of the following duties:

  • 評估病人的疾病或功能紊亂,以確定採用適當的手術
  • Assess patients’ diseases or disorders to determine appropriate surgical procedures
  • 執行和監督外科手術,糾正身體畸形和缺陷,修復受傷
  • Perform and supervise surgical procedures to correct physical abnormalities and deficiencies and repair injuries
  • 作為其他醫生的顧問。
  • Act as consultants to other physicians.

任職要求 Employment Requirements

專科醫師 Specialist physicians

  • 科學學士學位。 A bachelor of science degree
  • 或者在魁北克省,通常需要完成大學課程和一年的預醫藥大學學習。 In Quebec, completion of a college program and one year of pre-medicine university studies is usually required.
  • 必需畢業於被認可的醫療學校和具體專業培訓。 Graduation from an approved medical school and specific specialty training are required.
  • 完成加拿大皇家學院的醫生和外科醫生認證考試。 Completion of the certifying examinations of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada
  • 必需持有由省級或本土執照當局頒發的許可。 Licensing by the provincial or territorial licensing authority are required.

中醫臨床專家 Specialists in clinical medicine

  • 要求具有四到五年的專業住院醫師培訓。 Four to five years of specialty residency training are required.
  • 也可能需要兩年的專科訓練。 Two years of subspecialty training may also be required.

檢驗醫學專家 Specialists in laboratory medicine

  • 必需具有四到五年的專業住院醫師培訓。 Four to five years of specialty residency training are required.

手術專家 Specialists in surgery

  • 必需具備五至六年的專業住院醫師培訓。 Five to six years of specialty residency training are required.
  • 也可能要求具備兩年的專科訓練。 Two years of subspecialty training may also be required.

所有職稱 All Titles

  • 過敏症專治醫師 allergist
  • 過敏症專治醫師 allergologist
  • 解剖病理學家 anatomical pathologist
  • anatomopathologist anatomopathologist
  • 麻醉師 anesthesiologist
  • 麻醉師 anesthetist
  • 麻醉師復甦 anesthetist-resuscitator
  • 屍體解剖的病理學家 autopsy pathologist
  • 生物化學,醫療 – 醫生 biochemist, medical – physician
  • 心臟外科醫生 cardiac surgeon
  • 心髒病專家 cardiologist
  • 心髒病學專家 cardiology specialist
  • 心胸外科醫生 cardiothoracic surgeon
  • 心血管和胸外科醫生 cardiovascular and thoracic surgeon
  • 心血管和胸外科專家 cardiovascular and thoracic surgery specialist
  • 心血管外科醫生 cardiovascular surgeon
  • 兒童專科 child specialist
  • 臨床免疫專家 clinical immunologist
  • 臨床免疫過敏症 clinical immunologist-allergist
  • 臨床免疫學和過敏專家 clinical immunology and allergy specialist
  • 臨床病理學家 clinical pathologist
  • 臨床藥理專家 clinical pharmacologist
  • 社區衛生醫師 community health physician
  • 社區醫師 community medicine physician
  • 社區醫學專家 community medicine specialist
  • 整容外科醫生 cosmetic surgeon
  • 重症監護醫師 critical care medicine physician
  • 危重病醫學專家 critical care medicine specialist
  • 皮膚科醫生 dermatologist
  • 放射科醫生診斷 diagnostic radiologist
  • 放射診斷專家 diagnostic radiology specialist
  • 耳朵專家 ear specialist
  • 急診醫師 emergency medicine physician
  • 急診醫學專家 emergency medicine specialist
  • 急診醫師 emergency physician
  • emergentologist emergentologist
  • 內分泌科醫生 endocrinologist
  • 環境醫學專家 environmental medicine specialist
  • 審美外科醫生 esthetic surgeon
  • 眼睛專家 eye specialist
  • 法醫病理學家 forensic pathologist
  • 腸胃病 gastroenterologist
  • 一般病理學家 general pathologist
  • 普通外科醫生 general surgeon
  • 遺傳學家 – 醫學專家 geneticist – medical specialist
  • 老年醫學專家 geriatric medicine specialist
  • 老年病學者 geriatrician
  • 老年病學專家 geriatrics specialist
  • 老年病學者 geriatrist
  • 婦科醫生 gynecologist
  • 心臟專科醫生 heart specialist
  • 血液病理學家 hematological-pathologist
  • 血液學學者 hematologist
  • 血液病理學家 hematopathologist
  • 血液病理學專家 hematopathology specialist
  • 組織病理學家 – 醫學專家 histopathologist – medical specialist
  • 高壓醫師 hyperbaric physician
  • 免疫及過敏症專治醫師 immunologist and allergologist
  • 傳染病醫師 infectious disease physician
  • 傳染病專家 infectious disease specialist
  • 不孕不育專科 infertility specialist
  • 住院醫生 inpatient physician
  • 內科專家 internal medicine specialist
  • 內科專家 internist
  • 喉科專家 laryngologist
  • 肺癌專家 lung specialist
  • 醫療細菌學家 medical bacteriologist
  • 醫學生物化學 – 醫生 medical biochemist – physician
  • 法醫 medical examiner
  • 醫學遺傳學家 medical geneticist
  • 醫學遺傳學專家 medical genetics specialist
  • 醫療微生物學家 medical microbiologist
  • 腫瘤內科 medical oncologist
  • 醫療腫瘤專科 medical oncology specialist
  • 醫學寄生蟲學家 medical parasitologist
  • 醫療病理學家 medical pathologist
  • 醫學生理學家 medical physiologist
  • 醫學專家 medical specialist
  • 新生兒專家 neonatologist
  • 腎臟科醫師 nephrologist
  • 神經專科 nerve specialist
  • 神經外科醫生 neurological surgeon
  • 神經學家 neurologist
  • 神經病理學家 neuropathologist
  • 神經精神病 neuropsychiatrist
  • 神經外科 neurosurgeon
  • 鼻子專家 nose specialist
  • 核醫學醫師 nuclear medicine physician
  • 核醫學專家 nuclear medicine specialist
  • 核醫師 nuclear physician
  • 產科醫生 obstetrician
  • 婦產科醫生 obstetrician-gynecologist
  • 職業健康醫生(OHP) occupational health physician (OHP)
  • 職業醫學專科 occupational medicine specialist
  • 職業醫師 occupational physician
  • 眼科醫生 oculist
  • OHP(職業健康醫生) OHP (occupational health physician)
  • 腫瘤科醫生 oncologist
  • 腫瘤科醫生,兒科 oncologist, pediatric
  • 腫瘤學家,放射 oncologist, radiation
  • 眼科醫生 ophthalmologist
  • 整形外科醫生 orthopedic surgeon
  • 骨科專家 orthopedics specialist
  • 骨科醫生 orthopedist
  • 耳鼻喉科學醫生 otolaryngologist
  • 耳科醫生 otologist
  • 耳鼻喉科 otorhinolaryngologist
  • 耳鼻咽喉科專家 otorhinolaryngology specialist
  • 病理學家 – 醫療 pathologist – medical
  • 病理學家,驗屍 pathologist, autopsy
  • 病理學家血液科 pathologist-hematologist
  • 小兒腫瘤 pediatric oncologist
  • 小兒外科醫生 pediatric surgeon
  • 兒科醫師 pediatrician
  • phoniatrician phoniatrician
  • phoniatrist phoniatrist
  • 復健科醫師 physiatrist
  • 物理醫學與康復專家 physical medicine and rehabilitation specialist
  • 醫生,社區衛生服務; physician, community health
  • 醫生,社區藥 physician, community medicine
  • 醫師,危重病急救醫學 physician, critical care medicine
  • 醫生,緊急 physician, emergency
  • 醫師,傳染病 physician, infectious diseases
  • 核醫學醫師, physician, nuclear medicine
  • 醫師,職業健康 physician, occupational health
  • 醫師,預防醫學 physician, preventive medicine
  • 肺內科醫師, physician, pulmonary medicine
  • 醫師,運動醫學 physician, sports medicine
  • 醫生,熱帶醫學 physician, tropical medicine
  • 生理學家,醫療 physiologist, medical
  • 整形外科醫生 plastic surgeon
  • 整形外科專家 plastic surgery specialist
  • 肺病學家 pneumologist
  • 警方外科醫生 police surgeon
  • 預防醫學醫師 preventive medicine physician
  • 預防醫學專家 preventive medicine specialist
  • 直腸病學家 proctologist
  • 精神科醫生 psychiatrist
  • 精神藥物專家 psychopharmacologist
  • 肺疾病專科 pulmonary disease specialist
  • 肺內科醫師 pulmonary medicine physician
  • 肺內科專家 pulmonary medicine specialist
  • 肺病學家 pulmonologist
  • 放射腫瘤科專家 radiation oncologist
  • 放射科醫生 radiologist
  • 放射科醫生診斷 radiologist, diagnostic
  • 放射腫瘤學家 radio-oncologist
  • 無線電腫瘤專科 radio-oncology specialist
  • 康復專家 rehabilitation specialist
  • 呼吸病專科 respiratory disease specialist
  • 呼吸道疾病學家 respirologist
  • 風濕病 rheumatologist
  • 鼻科醫生 rhinologist
  • 皮膚疾病專家 skin disease specialist
  • 皮膚專科 skin specialist
  • 專科醫生 specialist doctor
  • 心臟科專家 specialist in cardiology
  • 在心血管和胸外科專家 specialist in cardiovascular and thoracic surgery
  • 社區醫學專家 specialist in community medicine
  • 危重病急救醫學專家 specialist in critical care medicine
  • 急診醫學專家 specialist in emergency medicine
  • 環境醫學專家 specialist in environmental medicine
  • 在流行病學和社會醫學專家 specialist in epidemiology and community medicine
  • 老年醫學專家 specialist in geriatric medicine
  • 血液病理學專家 specialist in hematopathology
  • 傳染病專家 specialist in infectious diseases
  • 不孕不育專家 specialist in infertility
  • 內科專家 specialist in internal medicine
  • 在腫瘤內科專家 specialist in medical oncology
  • 核醫學專家 specialist in nuclear medicine
  • 物理醫學與康復專家 specialist in physical medicine and rehabilitation
  • 在整形外科專家 specialist in plastic surgery
  • 預防醫學專家 specialist in preventive medicine
  • 肺部疾病專家 specialist in pulmonary disease
  • 脊髓損傷專家 specialist in spinal injuries
  • 在運動醫學專家 specialist in sports medicine
  • 在血管外科專家 specialist in vascular surgery
  • 專科醫師 specialist physician
  • 專家,兒童 specialist, children
  • 專家,耳朵 specialist, ears
  • 專家,眼睛 specialist, eyes
  • 專科,心 specialist, heart
  • 專家,潤肺 specialist, lungs
  • 專科,神經 specialist, nerves
  • 專家,鼻子 specialist, nose
  • 職業醫學專家, specialist, occupational medicine
  • 專科,康復 specialist, rehabilitation
  • 專科,皮膚 specialist, skin
  • 專科,咽喉 specialist, throat
  • 脊髓損傷專家 spinal injury specialist
  • 運動醫學醫生 sports medicine physician
  • 運動醫學專家 sports medicine specialist
  • 外科醫生 surgeon
  • 外科病理學家 surgical pathologist
  • 手術醫師 surgical physician
  • 外科住院醫師 surgical resident
  • 胸外科醫生 thoracic surgeon
  • 喉頭專家 throat specialist
  • 熱帶醫學醫師 tropical medicine physician
  • 泌尿科醫師 urologist
  • 血管外科醫生 vascular surgeon

不包括職稱 Exclusions

  • 聯合初級保健醫生 Allied primary health practitioners 3124
  • 脊醫 Chiropractors 3122
  • 全科醫生和家庭醫生 General practitioners and family physicians 3112
  • 經理在醫療保健 Managers in health care 0311
  • 其他專業的職業健康診斷和治療 Other professional occupations in health diagnosing and treating 3125




項目類別 線上申請
48 天
117 天
超級簽證 106 天
13 週
17 週
境內學簽續簽 131 天
畢業工簽境外申請 11 週
畢業工簽境內申請 145 天
145 天
5 个月
12 个月
48 个月
5 个月
40 个月
13 个月
24 个月
6 个月
25 天
62 天




