NOC 4152 社會工作者 Social Workers)


簡介 Intro


Social workers help individuals, couples, families, groups, communities and organizations develop the skills and resources they need to enhance social functioning and provide counselling, therapy and referral to other supportive social services. Social workers also respond to other social needs and issues such as unemployment, racism and poverty. They are employed by hospitals, school boards, social service agencies, child welfare organizations, correctional facilities, community agencies, employee assistance programs and Aboriginal band councils, or they may work in private practice.

主要職責 Main Duties

  • 對客戶進行個人、家庭、或團體訪談,以評估他們的現狀和問題所在,並確定所需的服務類型
  • Interview clients individually, in families, or in groups, to assess their situation and problems and determine the types of services required
  • 提供諮詢和治療,以協助客戶發展交流技巧,從而解決他們的個人和社會問題
  • Provide counsel and therapy to assist clients in developing skills to deal with and resolve their social and personal problems
  • 為客戶準備援助計劃方案,包括為機構提供財政援助、法律援助、住房、醫療和其他服務
  • Plan programs of assistance for clients including referral to agencies that provide financial assistance, legal aid, housing, medical treatment and other services
  • 調查兒童虐待或兒童疏忽案件,必要時採取保護行為
  • Investigate cases of child abuse or neglect and take authorized protective action when necessary
  • 為客戶充當跨領域的專業輔導人員
  • Serve as members on interdisciplinary teams of professionals working with client groups
  • 在社區為客戶群體擔任代訟人,解決直接影響客戶群的問題並製訂預防和乾預方案,以滿足社區需求
  • Act as advocates for client groups in the community, lobby for solutions to problems directly affecting client groups and develop prevention and intervention programs to meet community needs
  • 促進和指導社會政策立法,指導社會研究和促進社區發展
  • Develop or advise on social policy legislation, conduct social research and assist in community development
  • 提供調解服務和心理評估
  • Provide mediation services and psychosocial assessments
  • 對建議和社會方案的有效性進行評估
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of counselling and social programs
  • 可能為專業人士或團體提供公共教育和諮詢的輔導服務和解決方法
  • May provide public education and consultation to professionals or groups regarding counselling services, issues and methods
  • 可能領導其他社會工作者
  • May supervise other social workers.
  • 社會服務工可能專門從事某個領域,如兒童福利、家庭服務、糾錯學、老年學或上癮症
  • Social workers may specialize in fields of practice such as child welfare, family services, corrections, gerontology or addictions.

任職要求 Employment Requirements

  • 紐芬蘭省和拉布拉多、愛德華王子島、新斯科舍、新不倫瑞克省、魁北克省、安大略省、馬尼托巴省、不列顛哥倫比亞省、努納武特地區和西北地區需要學士學位
  • A bachelor’s degree in social work is required in Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, British Columbia, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut.
  • 埃爾伯塔省需要社會工作學士學位或畢業文憑
  • In Alberta, a bachelor’s degree or diploma in social work is required.
  • 通常需要有管理方面的實踐經驗
  • Supervised practical experience is usually required.
  • 要求完成省級書面和口語考試
  • Successful completion of provincial written and oral examinations may be required.
  • 紐芬蘭省和拉布拉多、愛德華王子島、新斯科舍、新不倫瑞克省、安大略省和阿爾伯塔的社會工作者需要在省級主管部門登記註冊
  • Registration with a provincial governing body is mandatory to practise as a social worker in Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, Quebec, Ontario and Alberta.
  • 所有的省都要求使用“社會服務工”或“註冊社會服務工”的頭銜
  • Use of the titles “Social Worker” and “Registered Social Worker” is regulated in all provinces.
  • 通常要求從業人員是省級社會工作者協會會員
  • Membership in a provincial association of social workers is usually required.

所有職稱 All Titles

  • 治療上癮者的社會工作者 addiction social worker
  • 案件管理顧問 – 社會工作 case management consultant – social work
  • 個案管理社工 case management social worker
  • 個案工作顧問 – 社會工作 case work consultant – social work
  • 個案主管 – 社會工作 casework supervisor – social work
  • 個案工作 – 社會工作 caseworker – social work
  • 註冊社工 certified social worker
  • 兒童福利社工 child welfare social worker
  • 兒童援助研究者 children’s aid investigator
  • 統籌社會工作 co-ordinator of social work
  • 家庭社工 family social worker
  • 老年社會工作者 geriatric social worker
  • 組社工 group social worker
  • 醫務社工 medical social worker
  • 精神科社工 psychiatric social worker
  • 註冊社工 registered social worker
  • 學校社工 school social worker
  • 社會個案工作顧問 social casework consultant
  • 社會統籌工作 social work co-ordinator
  • 社會工作主任 social work officer
  • 社會工作主管 social work supervisor
  • 社工 social worker
  • 社會工作者,團體 social worker, groups
  • 社會工作者主管 social workers supervisor

不包括職稱 Exclusions

  • 教育輔導員 Educational counsellors 4033
  • 家庭,婚姻和其他相關的輔導員 Family, marriage and other related counsellors 4153
  • 在社會,社區和懲教服務經理 Managers in social, community and correctional services 0423
  • 社會和社區服務工作者 Social and community service workers 4212




項目類別 線上申請
48 天
117 天
超級簽證 106 天
13 週
17 週
境內學簽續簽 131 天
畢業工簽境外申請 11 週
畢業工簽境內申請 145 天
145 天
5 个月
12 个月
48 个月
5 个月
40 个月
13 个月
24 个月
6 个月
25 天
62 天




