NOC 4163 商業發展主任及營銷研究人員和顧問 (Business Development Officers And Marketing Researchers And Consultants)


簡介 Intro


Business development officers and marketing researchers and consultants conduct research, formulate policies and manage programs to stimulate industrial and commercial business investment or tourism in urban and rural areas, or to promote commercial or industrial products and services. They are employed by government departments, international organizations , marketing firms and business associations or may be self-employed.

Progression to managerial positions is possible with experience.

主要職責 Main Duties

  • 制定政策和管理方案,以促進城市和農村地區的工業和商業企業投資
  • Develop policies and administer programs to promote industrial and commercial business investment in urban and rural areas
  • 設計市場調研問卷
  • Design market research questionnaires
  • 在地方,區域或國家地區進行社會或經濟調查,評估發展潛力和未來的發展趨勢
  • Conduct social or economic surveys on local, regional or national areas to assess development potential and future trends
  • 計劃開發項目,並與各種各樣的工業和商業企業,社區和商業協會和政府機構的代表進行活動協調
  • Plan development projects and co-ordinate activities with representatives of a wide variety of industrial and commercial enterprises, community and business associations and government agencies
  • 評估業務機會和發展戰略,以吸引風險資本
  • Assess business opportunities and develop strategies to attract venture capital
  • 對於商業界和一般公眾對發展機遇的查詢給予回應
  • Respond to enquiries from members of the business community and general public concerning development opportunities
  • 審查和評估商業或工業的發展方案,並就政府審批程序和要求提供建議
  • Review and evaluate commercial or industrial development proposals and provide advice on procedures and requirements for government approval
  • 針對批發或零售消費者的購買習慣和偏好,進行調查和數據分析
  • Conduct surveys and analyze data on the buying habits and preferences of wholesale or retail consumers
  • 評估客戶服務和存儲環境
  • Evaluate customer service and store environments
  • 比較研究工業及商業產品的營銷策略
  • Conduct comparative research on marketing strategies for industrial and commercial products
  • 制定城市和農村地區的社會和經濟概況,鼓勵工商業投資和發展。
  • Develop social and economic profiles of urban and rural areas to encourage industrial and commercial investment and development.
  • 準備報告,研究論文,教育文本或文章
  • Prepare reports, research papers, educational texts or articles
  • 規劃和發展電子商務策略
  • Plan and develop E-commerce strategies
  • 提供有關規劃和啟動新業務的諮詢。
  • Provide consultation on planning and starting of new businesses.

任職要求 Employment Requirements

  • 必需是經濟,商業,工商管理或公共管理大學本科學歷。
  • A bachelor’s degree in economics, commerce, business administration or public administration is required.
  • 可能需要認證經濟開發商證書(Ec.D.)。
  • Certification as a certified economic developer (Ec.D.) may be required.

所有職稱 All Titles

  • 原住民經濟發展人員 Aboriginal economic development officer
  • 廣告分析師 advertising analyst
  • 農業和糧食部門發展顧問 agriculture and food sector development consultant
  • 農業和糧食部門營銷顧問 agriculture and food sector marketing consultant
  • 農業食品部門發展顧問 agri-food sector development consultant
  • 農業食品行業營銷顧問 agri-food sector marketing consultant
  • 分析師 – 市場調研 analyst – market research
  • 分析師製造商協會 analyst, manufacturers’ association
  • 分析師,市場營銷 analyst, marketing
  • 景區開發人員 – 政府 area development officer – government
  • 業務發展主任 business development officer
  • 業務問題遊說 business issues lobbyist
  • 工商人員 commerce officer
  • 商業開發人員 – 政府 commercial development officer – government
  • 商業研究分析師 commercial research analyst
  • 社區發展顧問 community development consultant
  • 社區經濟發展顧問 community economic development consultant
  • 社區經濟發展官 community economic development officer
  • 顧問,市場營銷 – 市場調研 consultant, marketing – market research
  • 旅遊 – 政府顧問 consultant, tourism – government
  • 統籌,旅遊服務 – 政府 co-ordinator, tourism services – government
  • 經濟發展顧問 economic development consultant
  • 經濟發展官 economic development officer
  • 經濟開發人員 – 原住民社區 economic development officer – Aboriginal communities
  • 經濟預測 economic forecaster
  • 經濟研究人員 economic research officer
  • 工業專員 industrial commissioner
  • 工業發展官 industrial development officer
  • 工業發展代表 industrial development representative
  • 國際發展和援助研究員 international development and assistance researcher
  • 國際市場營銷專家 international marketing specialist
  • 遊說,業務問題 lobbyist, business issues
  • 製造商協會分析師 manufacturers’ association analyst
  • 市場分析師 – 非金融 market analyst – non-financial
  • 市場研究分析師 market research analyst
  • 市場研究專家 market research specialist
  • 市場研究 market researcher
  • 市場分析專家 marketing analysis specialist
  • 市場分析師 marketing analyst
  • 市場分析師 – 非金融 marketing analyst – non-financial
  • 營銷顧問 – 市場調研 marketing consultant – market research
  • 營銷顧問 – 批發 marketing consultant – wholesale
  • 營銷項目官員 marketing project officer
  • 營銷研究專家 marketing research specialist
  • 市場研究員 marketing researcher
  • 採礦業發展顧問 mining industry development consultant
  • 人員,商業開發 – 政府 officer, commercial development – government
  • 官,經濟發展 – 政府 officer, economic development – government
  • 主任,工業發展 – 政府 officer, industrial development – government
  • 官,區域經濟發展機構 officer, regional economic development agency
  • 官,旅遊業的發展 – 政府 officer, tourism development – government
  • 方案交付人員 – 業務發展 program delivery officer – business development
  • 項目官員 – 國際發展機構 program officer – international development agency
  • 項目人員,市場營銷 project officer, marketing
  • 區域發展分析師 regional development analyst
  • 區域發展官 regional development officer
  • 區域經濟發展機構人員 regional economic development agency officer
  • 區域工業發展官 regional industrial development officer
  • 區域主任,工業發展 regional officer, industrial development
  • 研究員,市場 researcher, market
  • 研究員,市場營銷 researcher, marketing
  • 農村發展官 rural development officer
  • 小經商參贊 small business counsellor
  • 旅遊顧問-政府 tourism consultant – government
  • 旅遊開發官 tourism development officer
  • 旅遊業的開發人員 – 政府 tourism development officer – government
  • 旅遊業顧問 tourism industry consultant
  • 旅遊業專家 tourism industry specialist
  • 旅遊服務統籌 – 政府 tourism services co-ordinator – government
  • 貿易推廣主任 trade promotion officer
  • 遊客口譯服務統籌 – 政府 visitor interpretation services co-ordinator – government

不包括職稱 Exclusions

  • 經濟發展管理者(政府管理者 – 經濟分析,政策制定和計劃管理) Economic development managers (in 0412 Government managers – economic analysis, policy development and program administration )
  • 經濟學家和經濟政策研究人員和分析師 Economists and economic policy researchers and analysts 4162
  • 財務及投資分析員 Financial and investment analysts 1112
  • 國際發展援助人員(社會政策研究人員,顧問和項目官員) International development or aid officers (in 4164 Social policy researchers, consultants and program officers )
  • 市場營銷經理(廣告,市場營銷和公共關係經理) Marketing managers (in 0124 Advertising, marketing and public relations managers )
  • 其他財務人員 Other financial officers 1114
  • 城市規劃和土地使用規劃人員 Urban and land use planners 2153




項目類別 線上申請
48 天
117 天
超級簽證 106 天
13 週
17 週
境內學簽續簽 131 天
畢業工簽境外申請 11 週
畢業工簽境內申請 145 天
145 天
5 个月
12 个月
48 个月
5 个月
40 个月
13 个月
24 个月
6 个月
25 天
62 天




