NOC 5121 作者和作家 Authors And Writers


簡介 Intro


Authors and writers plan, research and write books, scripts, storyboards, plays, essays, speeches, manuals, specifications and other non-journalistic articles for publication or presentation. They are employed by advertising agencies, governments, large corporations, private consulting firms, publishing firms, multimedia/new-media companies and other establishments, or they may be self-employed.

主要職責 Main Duties

小說家,劇作家,劇本作家,詩人和其他創作家 Novelists, playwrights, script writers, poets and other creative writers

  • 構思和編寫小說,劇本,腳本,詩歌和其他出版材料或演示
  • Conceive and write novels, plays, scripts, poetry and other material for publication or presentation
  • 可能進行研究,以建立事實內容,並獲得其他必要的信息。
  • May conduct research to establish factual content and to obtain other necessary information.

技術作家 Technical writers

  • 分析材料,如規格,注意事項和圖紙,並編寫手冊,用戶指南和其他文檔,清楚和簡潔地解釋軟件和電子,機械和其他設備的安裝,操作和維護。
  • Analyze material, such as specifications, notes and drawings and write manuals, user guides and other documents to explain clearly and concisely the installation, operation and maintenance of software and electronic, mechanical and other equipment

撰稿人 Copywriters

  • 研究和確定銷售的產品和服務的特點,撰寫文字廣告和商業廣告。
  • Study and determine selling features of products and services and write text for advertisements and commercials.
  • 作者和作家可以專注於一個特定主題或類型的寫作。
  • Authors and writers may specialize in a particular subject or type of writing.

任職要求 Employment Requirements

  • 技術作家通常需要專業領域,如計算機科學或工程大學學位。
  • Technical writers usually require a university degree in the area of​​ specialization, such as computer science or engineering.
  • 撰稿人通常需要法語,英語,市場營銷,廣告或其他學科的大學學位或大專文憑。
  • Copywriters usually require a university degree or college diploma in French, English, marketing, advertising or another discipline.
  • 大專院校的創意寫作課程。
  • Creative writing programs are offered by universities and colleges.
  • 一系列的工作證明的天賦和能力,是重要的錄用標準。
  • Talent and ability, as demonstrated by a portfolio of work, are important hiring criteria.
  • 可能需要是相關職業的公會或工會會員。
  • Membership in a guild or union related to the occupation may be required.

所有職稱 All Titles

  • 廣告作家 ad writer
  • 廣告文案 advertising copywriter
  • 廣告作家 advertising writer
  • 作者 author
  • 傳記作者 biographer
  • 文案 copywriter
  • 縱橫字謎廠商 crossword puzzle maker
  • 設計師和編劇 designer and script writer
  • 對話作家 dialogue writer
  • 配音對話作家 dubbing dialogue writer
  • 散文家 essayist
  • 專題作家 feature writer
  • 小說作家 fiction writer
  • 遊戲,CD-ROM或網絡評論家 game, CD-ROM or Web critic
  • 為人代寫的作家 ghost writer
  • 手冊作家 handbook writer
  • 幫助文件的開發 help file developer
  • 幽默作家作者 humorist-author
  • 互動媒體作家 interactive media writer
  • 詞典編纂 lexicographer
  • 文學作家 literary writer
  • 手動作家 manual writer
  • 醫療作家 medical writer
  • 多媒體; multimedia author
  • 多媒體腳本作家 multimedia script writer
  • 多媒體作家 multimedia writer
  • 新媒體的作家 new media writer
  • 小說家 novelist
  • 行參考開發商 on-line reference developer
  • 劇作家 playwright
  • 詩人 poet
  • 編程指令作家的 programmed-instruction writer
  • 宣傳作家 publicity writer
  • 無線電作家 radio writer
  • 重寫 rewriter
  • 科學作家 scientific writer
  • 編劇 screen writer
  • 腳本和對話作家 script and dialogue writer
  • 劇本作家 script writer
  • 自我說明書作家的 self-instruction manual writer
  • 串行故事作家 serial story writer
  • 串行作家 serial writer
  • 短篇小說作家 short story writer
  • 規格作家 specifications writer
  • 規格作家(建築除外) specifications writer (except construction)
  • 詞作家 speech writer
  • 體育作家 – 小說和書籍 sports writer – novels and books
  • 標準的作家 standards writer
  • 分鏡腳本寫作 storyboarder
  • 支持材料作家 support materials writer
  • 技術作家 technical writer
  • 技術作家 – 航空 technical writer – aeronautics
  • 技術作家 – 化學處理 technical writer – chemical processing
  • 技術作家 – 電子設備 technical writer – electronics equipment
  • 技術作家 – 醫藥行業 technical writer – pharmaceutical industry
  • 電視劇作家,編劇 teleplay writer, screenwriter
  • 電視作家 television writer
  • 作家 writer
  • 作家,廣告 writer, advertising
  • 作家,小說 writer, fiction
  • 作家,手冊 writer, handbooks
  • 作家,互動媒體 writer, interactive media
  • 作家,多媒體 writer, multimedia
  • 作家,新媒體 writer, new media
  • 作家,自我說明書 writer, self-instruction manuals
  • 作家,短篇小說 writer, short stories
  • 作家,演講 writer, speeches

不包括職稱 Exclusions

  • 編輯 Editors 5122
  • 記者 Journalists 5123
  • 廣告,市場營銷和公共關係專業職業 Professional occupations in advertising, marketing and public relations 1123
  • 宋代作家(指揮,作曲家和編曲) Song writers (in 5132 Conductors, composers and arrangers )
  • 翻譯,術語和口譯 Translators, terminologists and interpreters 5125




項目類別 線上申請
48 天
117 天
超級簽證 106 天
13 週
17 週
境內學簽續簽 131 天
畢業工簽境外申請 11 週
畢業工簽境內申請 145 天
145 天
5 个月
12 个月
48 个月
5 个月
40 个月
13 个月
24 个月
6 个月
25 天
62 天




