NOC 5225 音頻和視頻錄製技術人員 Audio And Video Recording Technicians


簡介 Intro


Audio and video recording technicians operate equipment to record, mix and edit sound, music and videotape, for motion pictures, television and radio programs, videos, recordings and live events. They are employed by multimedia companies, film, video and concert production companies, sound recording firms, theatre and dance companies, educational establishments, clubs, hotels, bands, radio stations, television networks and video production and editing companies.

主要職責 Main Duties

  • 設置,準備,操作和調節音頻,錄音,編輯和重放設備來錄製,編輯和復制磁帶,唱片,光盤,數字音頻設備的聲音輸入或預先錄製的材料的饋送,並為電影,錄像,廣播和電視節目和唱片從現場麥克風、衛星或微波車輸入
  • Set up, prepare, operate and adjust audio, recording, editing and reproducing equipment to record, edit and reproduce sound input or feed of pre-recorded material from tapes, records, compact discs, digital audio devices, and input from live microphones, satellites or microwave trucks for films, videos, radio and television programs and recordings
  • 準備和操作錄像帶錄製和播放設備來錄製視頻,電視節目,演唱會和現場活動,錄製完後編輯錄像帶
  • Prepare and operate videotape recording and playback equipment to record videos, television programs, concerts and live events, and to edit video tape after production
  • 操作電子設備來生產電視節目的片頭,片尾,子標題,背景圖形或動畫
  • Operate electronic equipment to generate program titles, credits, sub-titles, graphic backgrounds or animation for television programs
  • 操作音頻遊戲機或電腦,磁帶機,麥克風和聲音加工設備,來混合,組合和編輯音樂會和現場活動的音樂和聲音
  • Operate audio consoles or computers, tape machines, microphones and sound processing equipment to mix, combine and edit music and sound at concerts and live events
  • 操作複製機來播放來自不同源的編輯對話,音樂和聲音效果軌道,保持與電影膠卷的同步
  • Operate dubbing machines to play back edited dialogue, music and sound effect tracks from different sources, in synchronization with motion picture film
  • 可以監督和協調其他音頻和視頻錄製技術人員的工作。
  • May supervise and co-ordinate the work of other audio and video recording technicians.

任職要求 Employment Requirements

  • 完成錄音工程,視聽技術或相關領域的大學或其他課程
  • Completion of a college or other program in recording engineering, audiovisual technology or a related field
  • 通常需要錄音棚助理的經驗。
  • Experience as a recording studio assistant is usually required.
  • 本單元組的高級職業,如錄音和聲音工程師,要求有經驗。
  • Senior occupations in this unit group, such as recording and sound engineers, require experience.

所有職稱 All Titles

  • 助理聲音編輯 assistant sound editor
  • 音頻工程師 – 錄音棚 audio engineer – recording studio
  • 音頻運營商 audio operator
  • 音頻操作員助理 audio operator assistant
  • 錄音工作室運營商 audio recording studio operator
  • 音頻技術員 audio technician
  • 視聽(AV)技術員 audiovisual (AV) technician
  • AV(視聽)技術員 AV (audiovisual) technician
  • 彩色計時器 – 視頻 colour timer – video
  • 數字特效專家 digital effects specialist
  • 配音機器操作員 dubbing machine operator
  • 編輯器,聲音 editor, sound
  • 編輯,錄像帶 editor, videotape
  • 電子新聞採集(ENG)編輯器 electronic news gathering (ENG) editor
  • 電子視頻圖形運營商的 electronic video graphics operator
  • ENG(電子新聞採集)編輯器 ENG (electronic news gathering) editor
  • 電影技師 film technician
  • 電影技師 – 運動畫面 film technician – motion picture
  • 主記錄裁剪者 master record cutter
  • 調音技術員,音樂或聲音 mixer, music or sound
  • 多媒體音響技師 multimedia sound technician
  • 多媒體音響特效總監 multimedia sound-effects supervisor
  • 音樂編輯 – 錄音棚 music editor – recording studio
  • 音樂調音技術員 music mixer
  • 音樂或聲音混頻器 music or sound mixer
  • 操作員,P.A. (公網地址) operator, P.A. (public address)
  • 操作員,P.A. (公網地址)系統 operator, P.A. (public address) systems
  • 運營商,公共地址(“P.A.) operator, public address (P.A.)
  • 運營商,公共廣播系統(P.A.“) operator, public address (P.A.) systems
  • P.A.“運算符(公網地址) P.A. (public address) operator
  • P.A.“ (公網地址)系統操作 P.A. (public address) system operator
  • 播放運營商 playback operator
  • 後期製作技師 postproduction technician
  • 生產錄音師 production sound recordist
  • 公共地址(P.A.“)運算工 public address (P.A.) operator
  • 公共地址(“P.A.)系統操作 public address (P.A.) system operator
  • 收錄機 radio recorder
  • 無線電技師 radio technician
  • 錄音師 recording engineer
  • 錄音室技術員 recording studio technician
  • 錄音調音技術員 re-recording mixer
  • 聲音裁剪者 sound cutter
  • 聲音編輯 sound editor
  • 音效編輯 sound effects editor
  • 音效專家 sound effects specialist
  • 錄音師 sound engineer
  • 錄音師(專業工程師除外) sound engineer (except professional engineers)
  • 錄音師助理 sound engineer assistant
  • 音控 sound keyer
  • 聲音館員 – 音頻記錄 sound librarian – audio-recording
  • 混音工程師 sound mix engineer
  • 調音技術員 sound mixer
  • 聲符 sound operator
  • 錄音機 sound recorder
  • 聲錄音師 sound recording engineer
  • 錄音主管 sound recording supervisor
  • 錄音師 sound recordist
  • 錄音師 sound technician
  • 聲音記錄和視頻記錄再現設備操作 sound-recording and video-recording reproduction equipment operator
  • 聲音錄製設備操作員 sound-recording equipment operator
  • 立體聲磁帶編輯器 stereo tape editor
  • 影樓經營者,錄音 studio operator, audio recording
  • 主管,錄音 supervisor, sound recording
  • 視頻和聲音記錄 video and sound recorder
  • 錄像機 video recorder
  • 視頻錄音師 video recording technician
  • 視頻調音台 video sound mixer
  • 視頻技術員 video technician
  • 視頻編輯設備操作員 video-editing equipment operator
  • 視頻記錄設備操作員 video-recording equipment operator
  • 錄像帶編輯 videotape editor
  • 錄像帶後期製作編輯 videotape postproduction editor
  • 錄像帶記錄(VTR)編輯 videotape recording (VTR) editor
  • 錄像帶記錄(VTR)運算符 videotape recording (VTR) operator
  • 錄像帶技師 videotape technician
  • VTR(錄相)編輯 VTR (videotape recording) editor
  • VTR(錄相)運算員 VTR (videotape recording) operator

不包括職稱 Exclusions

  • 廣播技術員 Broadcast technicians 5224
  • 電影和視頻的攝像頭運營商 Film and video camera operators 5222
  • 電影編輯人員(製片人,導演,編舞和相關的職業) Film editors (in [5131]5131 Producers, directors, choreographers and related occupations )
  • 其他技術和統籌職業運動圖片,廣播和表演藝術 Other technical and co-ordinating occupations in motion pictures, broadcasting and the performing arts 5226
  • 錄音棚助理(支持職業在電影,廣播,攝影和表演藝術) Recording studio assistants (in 5227 Support occupations in motion pictures, broadcasting, photography and the performing arts )




項目類別 線上申請
48 天
117 天
超級簽證 106 天
13 週
17 週
境內學簽續簽 131 天
畢業工簽境外申請 11 週
畢業工簽境內申請 145 天
145 天
5 个月
12 个月
48 个月
5 个月
40 个月
13 个月
24 个月
6 个月
25 天
62 天




