NOC 5244 工匠和手工工業者 Artisans And Craftspersons


簡介 Intro


This unit group includes those who use manual and artistic skills to design and make ornamental objects, pottery, stained glass, jewellery, rugs, blankets, other handicrafts and artistic floral arrangements. Makers of musical instruments are also included in this unit group. Most craftspersons are self-employed. Artistic floral arrangers are usually employed in florist shops and floral departments of retail establishments, or may be self-employed. Craft instructors are also included in this unit group and are employed by artisan guilds, colleges, private studios and recreational organizations.

主要職責 Main Duties

  • 雕刻師用手工工工具和木工機械生產木材,石材等材料的雕刻,並雕刻裝飾設計成木製家具和其他物體。
  • Carvers use hand tools and woodworking machines to produce carvings from wood, stone and other materials and to carve ornamental designs into wooden furniture and other objects.
  • 玻璃吹製人用吹管和工匠的手工工具和設備設計和創造玻璃物體,。
  • Glass blowers design and create glass objects using blowpipes and artisan’s hand tools and equipment.
  • 金屬藝術工作者設計金屬首飾,器皿,器具,壁掛和其他對象,並用金,銀,銅,鉛錫合金等金屬創建他們。
  • Metal arts workers design metal jewellery, utensils, implements, wall hangings and other objects and create them from gold, silver, copper, pewter and other metals.
  • 陶藝家設計裝飾和陶瓷功能的陶器物件,並使用粘土,模具,轆轤等設備,玻璃材料和窯來造成它們。
  • Potters design ornamental and ceramic functional earthenware pieces and create them using clay, moulds, potter’s wheels and other equipment, glazing materials and kilns.
  • 彩繪玻璃藝術家設計彩色玻璃窗戶,燈罩和其他對象,並切割,噴漆,燒製和組裝一片片的彩色玻璃,造成各種產品。
  • Stained glass artists design stained glass windows, lampshades and other objects and cut, paint, fire and assemble pieces of stained glass to create such products.
  • 儀器製造商,應用硬質橡膠,木材,金屬屬性和其他材料和儀器設計的知識,採用手工動和電動工具來製造儀器。
  • Instrument makers construct instruments applying their knowledge of wood, ebonite, metal properties and other materials and instrument design using hand and power tools.
  • 織工用雙手工或織機交錯編織一條條的柔性材料,如羊毛,棉,絲,草,樹皮和牛皮,製成花籃,花圈,牆飾,服裝,地毯,毛毯和其他物品。
  • Weavers use hands or loom to interlace strips of flexible material such as wool, cotton, silk, grasses, bark and rawhide to make baskets, wreaths, wall hangings, clothing, rugs, blankets and other objects.
  • 工藝導師準備工藝品製作課程,收集所需的材料並展示和教授工藝品製作技術。
  • Craft instructors prepare craftmaking lessons, gather the required working materials and demonstrate and teach craftmaking techniques.
  • 藝術花卉編織工設計花束,胸花,霧狀花,花圈和其他插花等,挑選自然和人工的花朵,樹葉和裝飾配件來創建安排或造成其他花卉項目,以滿足客戶的需求。
  • Artistic floral arrangers design bouquets, corsages, sprays, wreaths and other floral arrangements and select natural and artificial flowers, foliage and decorative accessories to create arrangements or other floral items to suit customers’ requirements.

任職要求 Employment Requirements

  • 往往要作大師技工的學徒學習技能。
  • Skills are often learned through apprenticeship with a master craftsperson.
  • 工匠行會,學院和私人工作室提供培訓課程。
  • Training programs are offered by artisan guilds, colleges and private studios.
  • 創意能力和天賦,以及安全處理材料,工具和設備的知識是必需的。
  • Creative ability and talent, as demonstrated by a portfolio of work, and knowledge of safe handling of material, tools and equipment are required.
  • 可能需要工藝技術大學文憑。
  • A college diploma in fine craft techniques may be required.

所有職稱 All Titles

  • 原住民藝術雕刻師 Aboriginal art carver
  • 原住民工藝導師 Aboriginal craftwork instructor
  • 人造花製作人,手工 artificial flower maker, hand
  • 人造花壓制工 artificial flower presser
  • 工匠 artisan
  • 藝術花束設計師 artistic bouquet designer
  • 藝術插花編曲 artistic floral arranger
  • 藝術花香設計師 artistic floral bouquet designer
  • 藝術插花設計師 artistic floral designer
  • 藝術和手工工藝老師(教育除外) arts and crafts teacher (except education)
  • 書包製作人 – 工藝美術品 bag maker – arts and crafts
  • 巴拉萊卡製造商 balalaika maker
  • 購物籃編織者 basket weaver
  • 蠟染工匠 batik artisan
  • 串珠飾細工,手工 beadworker, hand
  • 波紋管製造商 bellows maker
  • 裝訂工人,手工 bookbinder, hand
  • 蠟燭製造商,手工 candle maker, hand
  • 藤椅編制工,定製家具 caner, custom furniture
  • 獨木舟建設者 – 工藝美術品 canoe builder – arts and crafts
  • 獨木舟修理工 – 工藝美術品 canoe repairer – arts and crafts
  • 雕刻師 carver
  • 雕刻師,原住民藝術 carver, Native art
  • 雕刻,圖騰柱 carver, totem poles
  • 紙盒製造商,手工 case maker, hand
  • 大提琴製造商 cello maker
  • 陶瓷藝術家 ceramic artist
  • 陶瓷陶工 ceramic potter
  • 陶瓷教師(教育除外) ceramics teacher (except education)
  • 陶藝 ceramist
  • 銅版雕刻 – 工匠 copperplate engraver – artisan
  • 工藝導師(教育除外) craft instructor (except education)
  • 工藝編織者 craft weaver
  • 工匠/男/女 craftsman/woman
  • 工匠 craftsperson
  • 鉤編工,手工 crocheter, hand
  • 定製家具藤椅編制工 custom furniture caner
  • 裝飾雕刻 decorative engraver
  • 娃娃製造商,手工 dollmaker, hand
  • 鼓工匠製造商 – drum maker – artisan
  • 繡花工,手工 embroiderer, hand
  • 上釉的工匠 – 藝術和手工工藝 enameller – arts and crafts
  • 上釉的工匠,手工 enameller, hand
  • 上釉的工匠 – 藝術和手工工藝 enamellist – arts and crafts
  • 雕刻師,手工 engraver, hand
  • 雕刻師,金屬 engraver, metal
  • 雕刻師,縮放儀 – 藝術和手工工藝 engraver, pantograph – arts and crafts
  • 織物工匠 fabric artisan
  • 織物藝術家 fabric artist
  • 插花設計師 floral arrangements designer
  • 花藝設計師 floral designer
  • 玻璃鋼風機 glass blower
  • 玻璃雕刻機 glass engraver
  • 玻璃新奇壺製造商 glass novelty maker
  • 玻璃畫家 glass painter
  • 玻璃工匠,手工 glassworker, hand
  • 金匠 goldsmith
  • 吉他製造者 guitar maker
  • 手工串珠飾細工 hand beadworker
  • 手工裝訂工 hand bookbinder
  • 手工工蠟燭製造商 hand candle maker
  • 手工工雕刻,石頭 hand carver, stones
  • 手工工雕刻,木器 hand carver, woodenware
  • 手工紙盒製造商 hand case maker
  • 手工鉤編工 hand crocheter
  • 手工娃娃製造商 hand dollmaker
  • 手工繡花工 hand embroiderer
  • 手工上釉的工匠 hand enameller
  • 手工工雕刻 hand engraver
  • 手工工玻璃工匠 hand glassworker
  • 手工織毛衣 hand knitter
  • 手工工皮革工人 hand leather worker
  • 手工銅匠 hand metalworker
  • 手工縫衣工 hand needleworker
  • 手工造紙工 hand papermaker
  • 手工絎縫工 hand quilter
  • 手工工地毯製造商 hand rug maker
  • 手工絹花廠商 hand silk flower maker
  • 手工紡紗工人 hand spinner
  • 手工石匠 hand stone carver
  • 手工織布工 hand weaver
  • 手工工木工 hand woodworker
  • 大鍵琴建設者 harpsichord builder
  • 指導員,工藝品(除教育) instructor, crafts (except education)
  • 珠寶工匠,手工 jewellery artisan, hand
  • 珠寶雕刻 jewellery engraver
  • 織毛衣,手工 knitter, hand
  • 織花邊 – 工藝美術品 lace weaver – arts and crafts
  • 皮革工人 leather worker
  • 皮革工人,手工 leather worker, hand
  • 雕刻機 – 工藝美術品 machine engraver – arts and crafts
  • 曼陀林製造商 mandolin maker
  • 吹玻璃大師 master glass blower
  • 主玻璃製造商 master glassmaker
  • 金屬藝術工作者 metal arts worker
  • 金屬雕刻工 metal engraver
  • 銅匠,手工 metalworker, hand
  • 樂器製造商 – 工匠 musical instrument maker – artisan
  • 銘牌雕刻 nameplate engraver
  • 原生藝術雕刻 Native art carver
  • 本機工藝導師 Native craftwork instructor
  • 縫衣工人,手工 needleworker, hand
  • 排蕭製造商 panflute maker
  • 受電弓雕刻工 – 工藝美術品 pantograph engraver – arts and crafts
  • 造紙,手工 papermaker, hand
  • 管風琴建設者 pipe organ builder
  • 撲克工匠 poker-work artisan
  • 陶工 potter
  • 壓制工,人造花 presser, artificial flowers
  • 燙花人 pyrographer
  • 絎縫機,手工 quilter, hand
  • 再現木雕工 reproduction woodcarver
  • 地毯製造商,手工 rug maker, hand
  • 地毯鉤織工 rughooker
  • 科學玻璃儀器鼓吹工 scientific glass apparatus blower
  • 絲網印刷工匠 screen printing artisan
  • 絹花製造商,手工 silk flower maker, hand
  • 銀匠 silversmith
  • 銀器雕刻 silverware engraver
  • 微調工,手工 spinner, hand
  • 彩色玻璃藝術家 stained glass artist
  • 彩色玻璃設計師 stained glass designer
  • 彩色玻璃畫家 stained glass painter
  • 鋼雕刻工 – 工藝美術品 steel engraver – arts and crafts
  • 石材雕刻,手工 stone carver, hand
  • 弦樂器製造商 stringed instrument maker
  • 老師,陶瓷(教育除外) teacher, ceramics (except education)
  • 帳篷製造商 tepee maker
  • 紮染工匠 tie-dye artisan
  • 托萊畫家 tole painter
  • 圖騰柱雕刻師 totem pole carver
  • 小提琴製造 violin maker
  • 編織者 – 藝術和手工工藝 weaver – arts and crafts
  • 編織者,手工 weaver, hand
  • 織講師(教育除外) weaving instructor (except education)
  • 木雕 woodcarver
  • 木雕,複製品 woodcarver, reproductions
  • 木器雕刻,手工 woodenware carver, hand
  • 木工,手工 woodworker, hand
  • 花圈製造商 wreath maker

不包括職稱 Exclusions

  • 家具師 Cabinetmakers 7272
  • 面料製造職業(織,針織等織物的職業) Fabric-making occupations in manufacturing (in 9442 Weavers, knitters and other fabric making occupations )
  • 珠寶商,珠寶及鐘錶維修及相關行業 Jewellers, jewellery and watch repairers and related occupations 6344
  • 畫家,雕塑家和其他視覺藝術家 Painters, sculptors and other visual artists 5136




項目類別 線上申請
54 天
108 天
超級簽證 82 天
7 週
10 週
境內學簽續簽 58 天
畢業工簽境外申請 24 週
畢業工簽境內申請 109 天
109 天
42 天
73 天




