NOC 7231 機械師和加工檢察員 Machinists And Machining And Tooling Inspectors


簡介 Intro


Machinists set up and operate a variety of machine tools to cut or grind metal, plastic or other materials to make or modify parts or products with precise dimensions. Machining and tooling inspectors inspect machined parts and tooling in order to maintain quality control standards. They are employed by machinery, equipment, motor vehicle, automotive parts, aircraft and other metal products manufacturing companies and by machine shops.

Familiarity with exotic and composite materials may be required for machinists in aviation and other advanced manufacturing sectors.

The Red Seal endorsement allows for interprovincial mobility.

Progression to supervisory positions is possible with experience.

主要職責 Main Duties

機械師執行部分或全部下列職責:Machinists perform some or all of the following duties:

  • 讀取和解釋工程圖紙,藍圖,圖表和表格或研究樣本零件,以確定要執行的操作加工,並規劃最佳的操作順序
  • Read and interpret engineering drawings, blueprints, charts and tables or study sample parts to determine machining operation to be performed, and plan best sequence of operations
  • 計算尺寸和公差,測量並給零件置樣
  • Compute dimensions and tolerances and measure and lay out work pieces
  • 設立,運營和維護各種機床,包括電腦數值控制CNC工具來進行高精度,非重複的加工操作,如鋸,車,銑,鏜,刨,鑽,精密磨床等操作
  • Set up, operate and maintain a variety of machine tools including computer numerically controlled (CNC) tools to perform precision, non-repetitive machining operations such as sawing, turning, milling, boring, planing, drilling, precision grinding and other operations
  • 手工製作並用電動工具調試和組裝加工金屬零件和子裝配
  • Fit and assemble machined metal parts and subassemblies using hand and power tools
  • 使用精密測量儀器檢驗各種規格產品尺寸的準確性和一致性
  • Verify dimensions of products for accuracy and conformance to specifications using precision measuring instruments
  • 可為模具操作員應用的機床設置和編寫程序。
  • May set up and program machine tools for use by machining tool operators.

加工和模具檢查員執行部分或全部下列職責:Machining and tooling inspectors perform some or all of the following duties:

  • 使用微米,游標尺,卡尺,高度計,光學比較,坐標測量機CMM或其他專門的測量工具,確認加工的零件或模具的尺寸
  • Verify dimensions of machined parts or tooling using micrometers, verniers, callipers, height gauges, optical comparators, co-ordinate measuring machines (CMM) or other specialized measuring instruments
  • 維護,修理和校準千分錶,固定計,高度計和其他測量設備等精密測量儀器
  • Maintain, repair and calibrate precision measuring instruments such as dial indicators, fixed gauges, height gauges and other measuring devices
  • 從規格公差角度向主管報告偏差
  • Report deviations from specifications and tolerances to supervisor
  • 完成和維護檢驗報告。
  • Complete and maintain inspection reports.

任職要求 Employment Requirements

  • 通常需要完成中學學業。
  • Completion of secondary school is usually required.
  • 完成一個為期四年的學徒項目
  • Completion of a four-year apprenticeship program
  • 或要取得行業認證,通常需要超過四年的行業內工作經驗,並且具備加工專業或工科的一些大學課程。
  • A combination of over four years of work experience in the trade and some college or industry courses in machining is usually required to be eligible for trade certification.
  • 機械師行業認證在所有的省份和地區都可用,但是是自願考取的。
  • Trade certification for machinists is available, but voluntary, in all provinces and territories.
  • 在安大略省汽車機械師行業認證可用,但是自願的,。
  • Trade certification for automotive machinists is available, but voluntary, in Ontario.
  • 在新不倫瑞克省,魁北克省和馬尼托巴省機械師行業認證CNC可用,但是自願的,。
  • Trade certification for machinists (CNC) is available, but voluntary, in New Brunswick, Québec and Manitoba.
  • 加工檢察員可能需要是具有多年經驗的機械師,工具和模具製造商或加工工具操作員。
  • Several years of experience as a machinist, tool and die maker or machining tool operator may be required for machining and tooling inspectors.
  • 成功通過跨省的紅色鋼印的考試的合格的機械師,紅色印章有效。
  • Red Seal endorsement is also available to qualified machinists upon successful completion of the interprovincial Red Seal examination.

所有職稱 All Titles

  • 飛機發動機零件機械師 aircraft engine parts machinist
  • 飛機機械師 aircraft machinist
  • 汽車機械師學徒 apprentice automotive machinist
  • 學徒機械師 apprentice machinist
  • 汽車零部件機加工車間檢查員 auto parts machine shop inspector
  • 汽車機械師 automotive machinist
  • 航空機械師 aviation machinist
  • 板凳機械師 bench machinist
  • 充電手,機加工車間 charge hand, machine shop
  • 機械師CNC計算機數控 CNC (computer numerical control) machinist
  • 計算機數字控制CNC機械師 computer numerical control (CNC) machinist
  • 計算機輔助機械師 computer-assisted machinist
  • 柴油發動機機械師 diesel engine machinist
  • 差動齒輪檢測機械師 differential gear testing machinist
  • 電氣機械師 electrical machinist
  • 槍支加工檢查員 firearms machining inspector
  • 槍支模型廠商機械師 firearms model maker machinist
  • 齒輪檢查機械師 gear inspector-machinist
  • 齒輪檢測儀機械師 gear tester-machinist
  • 總機械師 general machinist
  • 檢查員,汽車零部件機加工車間 inspector, auto parts machine shop
  • 檢察員,槍支加工 inspector, firearms machining
  • 檢驗員,機加工車間 inspector, machine shop
  • 檢驗員,機加工零件 inspector, machined parts
  • 檢驗員,機械加工 inspector, machining
  • 檢察員,加工和模具 inspector, machining and tooling
  • 檢察員,螺旋槳 – 機械加工 inspector, propellers – machining
  • 檢察員,工具和模具 inspector, tool and die
  • 檢察員,工裝和量具 inspector, tool and gauge
  • 檢查員,工裝 inspector, tooling
  • 檢察員,模具車間 inspector, toolroom
  • 熟練工/女機械師 journeyman/woman machinist
  • 機加工車間充電手 machine shop charge hand
  • 機加工車間巡視員 machine shop inspector
  • 機加工車間檢查,汽車配件 machine shop inspector, auto parts
  • 加工零件檢察員 machined parts inspector
  • 加工和模具檢察員 machining and tooling inspector
  • 加工檢查員 machining inspector
  • 加工檢查員,槍支 machining inspector, firearms
  • 機械師 machinist
  • 機械師學徒 machinist apprentice
  • 機械師,飛機發動機零部件 machinist, aircraft engine parts
  • 機械師,汽車 machinist, automotive
  • 機械師,彈道實驗室 machinist, ballistic laboratory
  • 機械師,板凳 machinist, bench
  • 機械師,CNC電腦數控 machinist, CNC (computer numerical control)
  • 機械師,柴油發動機 machinist, diesel engines
  • 機械師,差動齒輪測試 machinist, differential gear testing
  • 機械師,實驗 machinist, experimental
  • 機械師,維護 machinist, maintenance
  • 機械師,模型製作; machinist, model maker
  • 機械師,電影設備 machinist, motion picture equipment
  • 機械師,mouldmaking machinist, mouldmaking
  • 機械師,模具和核心 machinist, moulds and cores
  • 機械師,精度 machinist, precision
  • 機械師,模具車間 machinist, toolroom
  • 維修機械師 maintenance machinist
  • 主機械師 master machinist
  • 模具和核心機械師的 mould and core machinist
  • 模具製造機械師 mouldmaking machinist
  • NC數字控制機械師 NC (numerically controlled) machinist
  • 精密機械師 precision machinist
  • 印刷機機械師 printing press machinist
  • 螺旋槳檢查 – 機械加工 propeller inspector – machining
  • 原型機械師 prototype machinist
  • 設置機械師 set-up machinist
  • 工具和模具檢察員 tool and die inspector
  • 工具和壓力表檢查 tool and gauge inspector
  • 工裝檢察員 tooling inspector
  • 模具車間檢查員 toolroom inspector
  • 模具車間機械師 toolroom machinist
  • 渦輪葉片機械師 turbine blade machinist

不包括職稱 Exclusions

  • CAD-CAM程序員工業工程與製造技師和技術員CAD-CAM programmers (in 2233 Industrial engineering and manufacturing technologists and technicians )
  • 承包商和主管,機械加工,金屬成型,塑造,成型和裝配行業及相關行業 Contractors and supervisors, machining, metal forming, shaping and erecting trades and related occupations 7201
  • 加工工具運營商 Machining tool operators 9417
  • 工具和模具製造商 Tool and die makers 7232




項目類別 線上申請
48 天
117 天
超級簽證 106 天
13 週
17 週
境內學簽續簽 131 天
畢業工簽境外申請 11 週
畢業工簽境內申請 145 天
145 天
5 个月
12 个月
48 个月
5 个月
40 个月
13 个月
24 个月
6 个月
25 天
62 天




