NOC 7511 運輸卡車司機 Transport Truck Drivers


簡介 Intro


Transport truck drivers operate heavy trucks to transport goods and materials over urban, interurban, provincial and international routes. They are employed by transportation, manufacturing, distribution and moving companies, and trucking employment service agencies, or they may be self-employed. This unit group also includes drivers of special purpose trucks and shunters who move trailers to and from loading docks within trucking yards or lots.

Progression to supervisory positions or to non-driving occupations, such as driver trainer, safety officer or truck dispatcher is possible with additional training or experience.

主要職責 Main Duties

長途運輸卡車司機執行部分或全部下列職責:Long-haul transport truck drivers perform some or all of the following duties:

  • 主要操作和駕駛拖拉機,長結合車輛和直體重量超過4500公斤的卡車,長途運輸貨物和材料
  • Operate and drive primarily tractor-trailor, long-combination vehicle and straight-body trucks weighing over 4500 kg to transport goods and materials over long distances
  • 計劃物流行程,並取得所需的文檔來運輸貨物
  • Plan trip logistics and obtain required documentation to transport goods
  • 執行前行,途中以及行程後檢查車輛的系統,設備和配件,如輪胎,車燈和轉向信號,剎車和冷庫
  • Perform pre-trip, en route and post-trip inspection of vehicle systems, equipment and accessories such as tires, lights and turning signals, brakes and cold storage
  • 確保按照安全要求正確固定貨物,並遵守危險貨物的運輸安全規程
  • Ensure cargo is secured properly in accordance with safety requirements and follow safety procedures for transporting dangerous goods
  • 獲得國際航線貨物運輸所需的特殊證等證件
  • Obtain special permits and other documents required to transport cargo on international routes
  • 記錄貨物信息,服務時間,行駛距離及油耗
  • Record cargo information, hours of service, distance travelled and fuel consumption
  • 管理提單票據或電子和手動維護記錄簿
  • Administer bills of lading and manually or electronically maintain log books
  • 使用的通信設備和車載計算機與調度,其他司機和客戶進行溝通
  • Communicate with dispatcher, other drivers and customers using communication devices and on-board computers
  • 可以執行緊急路邊維修
  • May perform emergency roadside repairs
  • 可以作為兩人團隊的一部分進行駕駛或傳輸
  • May drive as part of a two-person team or convoy
  • 可能運輸危險產品或危險貨物。
  • May transport hazardous products or dangerous goods.

短途和本地運輸卡車司機執行部分或全部下列職責:Short-haul and local transport truck drivers perform some or all of the following duties:

  • 主要是操作和司機直卡車,主要是在當地的路線和城市間的短航線,運送貨物和材料
  • Operate and drive primarily straight trucks to transport goods and materials mainly on local routes and short inter-urban routes
  • 執行途前,途中及行程後檢查和監督車輛的各個方面,如設備條件和貨物裝卸
  • Perform pre-trip, en route and post-trip inspection and oversee all aspects of vehicle such as condition of equipment, and loading and unloading of cargo
  • 可以駕駛特殊用途卡車,如拖車,自卸車, hydrovac卡車或水泥攪拌車。
  • May drive special purpose trucks such as tow trucks, dump trucks, hydrovac trucks or cement mixing trucks.

任職要求 Employment Requirements

  • 通常需要完成中學。
  • Completion of secondary school is usually required.
  • 提供在職培訓。
  • On-the-job-training is provided.
  • 可能需要通過職業學校或社區學院,完成一個長達3個月時間的認可的駕駛訓練課程。
  • Completion of an accredited driver training course of up to three months duration, through a vocational school or community college, may be required.
  • 駕駛直體卡車需要具備3級或D型許可證。
  • A Class 3 or D licence is required to drive straight-body trucks.
  • 駕駛長結合的車輛需要具備1級或A牌照。
  • A Class 1 or A licence is required to drive long combination vehicles.
  • 操作配備空氣製動器的車輛的司機要求具備空氣製動背書( Z )。
  • Air brake endorsement (Z) is required for drivers who operate vehicles equipped with air brakes.
  • 危險產品或危險貨物運輸的司機必須具備危險貨物運輸( TDG )認證。
  • Transportation of dangerous goods (TDG) certification is required for drivers who transport hazardous products or dangerous goods.
  • 駕駛鉸接式卡車可能需要額外的授權認可或認證。
  • Additional licensing endorsement or certification may be required to drive articulated trucks.

所有職稱 All Titles

  • 汽車載體司機 automobile carrier driver
  • 汽車運輸司機 automobile transport driver
  • 大宗貨物的卡車司機 bulk goods truck driver
  • 散裝牛奶卡車司機 bulk milk truck driver
  • 水泥的卡車司機 – 建築 cement truck driver – construction
  • 煤炭搬運工(除了地下開採) coal hauler (except underground mining)
  • 司機,散裝奶車 driver, bulk milk truck
  • 司機,自卸車 driver, dump truck
  • 司機,炸藥的卡車 driver, explosives truck
  • 司機,砂石車 driver, gravel truck
  • 司機,重型卡車 driver, heavy truck
  • 司機,線路長途 driver, line-haul
  • 司機,記錄卡車 driver, logging truck
  • 司機,長途 driver, long haul
  • 司機,低平板半掛車 driver, low-bed semi-trailer
  • 司機,移動式混凝土攪拌機 driver, mobile concrete mixer
  • 司機,預拌 – 建設 driver, ready-mix – construction
  • 司機,預拌車 driver, ready-mix truck
  • 司機,拖車 driver, tow truck
  • 司機,運輸 driver, transport
  • 司機,卡車 driver, truck
  • 司機,卡車拖車 driver, truck-trailer
  • 泥頭車司機 dump truck driver
  • 垃圾箱的卡車司機 dumpster truck driver
  • 炸藥的卡車司機 explosives truck driver
  • 平板車司機 flatbed truck driver
  • 貨運卡車司機 freight truck driver
  • 燃油卡車司機 fuel oil truck driver
  • 汽油車運營商 gasoline truck operator
  • 碎石搬運工 gravel hauler
  • 砂石車司機 gravel truck driver
  • 搬運工,礫石 hauler, gravel
  • 重型卡車司機 heavy truck driver
  • hydrovac卡車運營商 hydrovac truck operator
  • LCV (組合車輛長)司機 LCV (long combination vehicule) driver
  • 長途運輸司機 line-haul driver
  • 液體肥料的卡車司機 liquid fertilizer truck driver
  • 日誌搬運工 log hauler
  • 登錄卡車司機 log truck driver
  • 記錄卡車司機 logging truck driver
  • 長結合車輛( LCV )司機 long combination vehicule (LCV) driver
  • 長途卡車司機 long distance truck driver
  • 長途司機 long haul driver
  • 長途司機,雜貨 long haul driver, groceries
  • 拖拉機拖車司機長途 long haul tractor-trailer driver
  • 長途卡車司機 long haul truck driver
  • 低平板半掛車司機 low-bed semi-trailer driver
  • 移動水泥攪拌車司機 mobile cement mixer driver
  • 移動式混凝土攪拌機司機 mobile concrete mixer driver
  • 移動卡車司機 moving truck driver
  • 移動麵包車司機 moving van driver
  • 沼地上的拖拉機操作員 muskeg tractor operator
  • 石油運輸司機 oil transport driver
  • 操作員,汽油車 operator, gasoline truck
  • 運營商,汽車 operator, truck
  • 預拌司機 – 建設 ready-mix driver – construction
  • 預拌卡車司機 ready-mix truck driver
  • 短途卡車司機 short haul truck driver
  • 分流卡車司機 shunt truck driver
  • 調車 – 卡車 shunter – trucking
  • 調車卡車司機 shunter truck driver
  • 油罐車司機 tank truck driver
  • 拖車司機 tow truck driver
  • 拖拉機拖車司機,長途 tractor-trailer driver, long haul
  • 拖拉機拖車的卡車司機 tractor-trailer truck driver
  • 運輸司機 transport driver
  • 卡車司機 truck driver
  • 卡車司機,散裝牛奶 truck driver, bulk milk
  • 卡車司機,水泥 – 建築 truck driver, cement – construction
  • 卡車司機,危險品 truck driver, dangerous goods
  • 卡車司機,炸藥 truck driver, explosives
  • 卡車司機,平板車 truck driver, flatbed
  • 卡車司機,貨運 truck driver, freight
  • 卡車司機,重型卡車 truck driver, heavy truck
  • 卡車司機,液體肥料 truck driver, liquid fertilizer
  • 卡車司機,長途 truck driver, long distance
  • 卡車司機,長途 truck driver, long haul
  • 卡車司機,預拌 truck driver, ready-mix
  • 卡車司機,拖拉機拖車 truck driver, tractor-trailer
  • 卡車司機,卡車拖車 truck driver, truck-trailer
  • 攪拌車司機 – 建設 truck mixer driver – construction
  • 卡車運營商 truck operator
  • 卡車所有者對經營者 truck owner operator
  • 卡車司機 trucker
  • 卡車拖車司機 truck-trailer driver

不包括職稱 Exclusions

  • 輕型卡車的司機( 貨運和快遞服務司機) Drivers of light trucks (in 7514 Delivery and courier service drivers )
  • 鏟雪車和垃圾車司機( 公共工程維護設備操作人員及相關人員) Snowplough and garbage truck drivers (in 7522 Public works maintenance equipment operators and related workers )
  • 主管,汽車運輸和其他地面交通運營 Supervisors, motor transport and other ground transit operators 7305
  • 卡車調度員( 調度員) Truck dispatchers (in 1525 Dispatchers )
  • 卡車司機的佣工(鐵路和汽車運輸工人) Truck driver helpers (in 7622 Railway and motor transport labourers )
  • 卡車司機培訓師( 學院和其他職業教師) Truck driver trainers (in 4021 College and other vocational instructors )




項目類別 線上申請
48 天
117 天
超級簽證 106 天
13 週
17 週
境內學簽續簽 131 天
畢業工簽境外申請 11 週
畢業工簽境內申請 145 天
145 天
5 个月
12 个月
48 个月
5 个月
40 个月
13 个月
24 个月
6 个月
25 天
62 天




