NOC 7512 巴士司機,地鐵運營商及其他交通營辦商 Bus Drivers, Subway Operators And Other Transit Operators


簡介 Intro


This unit group includes workers who drive buses and operate streetcars, subway trains and light rail transit vehicles to transport passengers on established routes. Bus drivers are employed by urban transit systems, school boards or transportation authorities and private transportation companies. Streetcar, subway and light rail transit operators are employed by urban transit systems.

Progression to transit supervisory positions, inspector or training instructor positions is possible with experience.

主要職責 Main Duties

巴士司機和有軌電車運營商執行部分或全部下列職責:Bus drivers and streetcar operators perform some or all of the following duties:

  • 駕駛公共汽車或有軌電車沿著既定的路線運送乘客到當地目的地
  • Drive buses or streetcars to transport passengers along established routes to local destinations
  • 駕駛公共汽車運輸乘客和貨物到達城際或長途目的地
  • Drive buses to transport passengers and goods to intercity or long distance destinations
  • 駕駛觀光遊覽車在本地或長途運送乘客
  • Drive sightseeing tour buses to transport passengers locally or over long distances
  • 駕駛配備輪椅的無障礙設施的公共汽車,並幫助乘客上車
  • Drive buses equipped for wheelchair accessibility, and aid passengers in boarding
  • 為乘客提供票價,時刻表和站台信息
  • Provide passengers with information on fares, schedules and stops
  • 收取車費,發行及驗證過戶,檢查巴士通行證和記錄交易
  • Collect fares, issue and validate transfers, check bus passes and record transactions
  • 進行車輛出行前和旅行後檢查
  • Conduct pre-trip and post-trip inspections of vehicle
  • 使用雙向無線電系統與乘客,調度員或其他司機溝通
  • Communicate with passengers, dispatchers or other drivers using two-way radio systems
  • 報告延誤,機械問題和事故
  • Report delays, mechanical problems and accidents
  • 觀光旅遊期間,可能會提供有關景點的信息
  • May provide information on points of interest during sightseeing tours
  • 可能會加載和卸載乘客的行李和快遞貨運。
  • May load and unload passengers’ luggage and express freight.

校車司機執行部分或全部下列職責:School bus drivers perform some or all of the following duties:

  • 駕駛校車在學校和家庭之間接送孩子或載其遊覽
  • Drive school buses to transport children between school and home or on excursions
  • 在上下校車和過馬路時,校車挺穩,確保孩子的安全
  • Ensure children’s safety when boarding and leaving buses and crossing street while bus is stopped
  • 在旅游過程中管理學生活動,以防止干擾或可能危及安全的行為
  • Maintain control of student activities during travel to prevent distractions or behaviours that could compromise safety
  • 校外時間亦可接受包車旅行,輸送成人。
  • May transport adults outside of school hours on chartered trips.

地鐵列車,輕軌交通運營商執行部分或全部下列職責:Subway train and light rail transit operators perform some or all of the following duties:

  • 作為兩人小組的一部分操作地鐵或軌道交通車輛
  • Operate subway or rail transit vehicles as part of two-person crew
  • 在十字路口和到站及出發點觀察信號燈。
  • Observe signals at crossings and arrival and departure points
  • 操作控制裝置來打開和關閉過境車輛的門
  • Operate controls to open and close transit vehicle doors
  • 報告延誤,故障和事故以管理裝置
  • Report delays, malfunctions and accidents to control unit
  • 確保在緊急情況下乘客的安全和健康,並在疏散過程中指導乘客。
  • Ensure passenger safety and welfare in emergencies, and direct passengers during evacuation procedures.

任職要求 Employment Requirements

  • 通常需要完成中學學業。
  • Completion of secondary school is usually required.
  • 本單元組的所有職業通常都要提供3個多月的在職培訓,包括課堂教學。
  • Up to three months of on-the-job training, including classroom instruction, is usually provided for all occupations in this unit group.
  • 要求具備至少一年的安全駕駛經驗。
  • A minimum of one year of safe driving experience is required.
  • 在安大略省公交車司機要求持有B,C , E或F類駕駛許可證,在所有其他省份和地區需要2級駕駛執照。
  • Bus drivers require a Class B, C, E or F driver’s licence in Ontario, and a Class 2 driver’s licence is required in all other provinces and the territories.
  • 可能需要氣閘背書和急救證書。
  • An air brakes endorsement and first aid certificate may be required.
  • 地鐵和輕軌交通運營商通常需要公交車司機的經驗。
  • Experience as a public transit bus driver is usually required for subway and light rail transit operators.
  • ( CPBO )一個為期三年的可以獲得認證的專業巴士營運商的課程對於巴士司機是適用的。
  • A three-year program leading to the Certified Professional Bus Operator (CPBO) designation is available for bus drivers.

所有職稱 All Titles

  • 鉸接式客車運營商 articulated bus operator
  • 公交車司機 bus driver
  • 公交車司機 – 特殊需要的乘客 bus driver – special needs passengers
  • 巴士營運商 bus operator
  • 巴士營運商 – 訪問服務 bus operator – accessible services
  • 包車司機 charter bus driver
  • 司機,總線 driver, bus
  • 司機,電機教練 driver, motor coach
  • 司機,公共客運交通 driver, public passenger transit
  • 司機,校車; driver, school bus
  • 城際公交車司機 intercity bus driver
  • 輕軌運營商 light rail transit operator
  • 長途巴士司機 long distance bus driver
  • 大客車司機 motor coach driver
  • 運營商,公交車 operator, bus
  • 運營商,有軌電車 operator, streetcar
  • 運營商,地鐵 operator, subway
  • 運營商,城市軌道交通 operator, urban transit
  • 公共客運交通司機 public passenger transit driver
  • 校車司機 school bus driver
  • 校車司機 – 特殊需要的乘客 school bus driver – special needs passengers
  • 穿梭巴士司機 shuttle bus driver
  • 班車運營商 shuttle operator
  • 觀光巴士司機 sightseeing bus driver
  • 觀光旅遊司機 sightseeing tour driver
  • 巴士售票員 streetcar conductor
  • 有軌電車運營商 streetcar operator
  • 地鐵列車運營 subway train operator
  • 旅遊巴士運營商 tour bus operator
  • 公交運營商 – 運輸 transit operator – transportation
  • 無軌電車運營商 trolley bus operator
  • 小車客車司機 trolley coach driver
  • 城市軌道交通運營商 urban transit operator

不包括職稱 Exclusions

  • 巴士司機,地鐵運營商和其他與過境運營商( 主管,汽車運輸和其他地面交通運營的監督檢查人員)Supervisors and inspectors of bus drivers, subway operators and other transit operators (in 7305 Supervisors, motor transport and other ground transit operators )




項目類別 線上申請
48 天
117 天
超級簽證 106 天
13 週
17 週
境內學簽續簽 131 天
畢業工簽境外申請 11 週
畢業工簽境內申請 145 天
145 天
5 个月
12 个月
48 个月
5 个月
40 个月
13 个月
24 个月
6 个月
25 天
62 天




