NOC 7533 船和電纜渡輪營辦商及相關職業 Boat And Cable Ferry Operators And Related Occupations


簡介 Intro


This unit group includes workers who operate lock gates, bridges and similar equipment along canal systems and workers who operate cable ferries and ferry terminals. This group also includes boat operators, and owner-operators, who operate small motorboats or watercraft to transport passengers or freight . Workers in this group are employed by the federal government, cable ferry companies, ferry terminals, marine companies and canal, port or harbour authorities. Owner-operators of small boats are self-employed.

There is little or no mobility among lock equipment operators, cable ferry operators and ferry terminal workers.

Mobility between boat operators in this unit group is possible.

Progression from boat operator positions to deck officer positions is possible with additional training, experience and certification.

主要職責 Main Duties

水閘定設備運營商執行部分或全部下列職責:Lock equipment operators perform some or all of the following duties:

  • 操作電信設備或使用便攜式揚聲器指導閘區船隻的變動
  • Operate telecommunication equipment or use portable loudspeakers to direct movements of vessels in lock area
  • 操作控制器開啟或關閉閘門
  • Operate controls to open or close lock gates
  • 操作控制器,提高,降低或關閉橋樑
  • Operate controls to raise, lower or turn bridges
  • 觀察通過閘區船隻的進展。
  • Observe progress of vessels passing through locks.

電纜渡輪營辦商執行部分或全部下列職責:Cable ferry operators perform some or all of the following duties:

  • 用信號通知乘客和機動車登船和離船
  • Signal passengers and motor vehicles to embark and disembark
  • 操作電纜輪渡橫跨狹窄水道
  • Operate cable ferry across narrow waterway
  • 進行日常維護和維修發動機,電纜和絞車。
  • Perform routine maintenance and repairs to engine, cables and winches.

渡輪碼頭工人執行部分或全部下列職責:Ferry terminal workers perform some or all of the following duties:

  • 操作控制器來調整著陸橋,定位或刪除跳板,打開或關閉門和大門,並保證對接安全或移除對接設備
  • Operate controls to adjust landing bridge, position or remove gangplank, open or close doors and gates, and secure or remove docking devices
  • 用信號通知乘客和機動車登船和離船
  • Signal passengers and motor vehicles to embark and disembark
  • 可能收取門票或乘客的車費。
  • May collect tickets or fares from passengers.

船運營商執行部分或全部下列職責:Boat operators perform some or all of the following duties:

  • 操作摩托艇,汽艇,小渡船和其他類似船隻運輸旅客或貨物
  • Operate motorboats, launches, small ferry boats and other similar vessels to transport passengers or freight
  • 維護船和船上設備,如發動機,絞車,井架,滅火器及救生衣
  • Maintain boats and equipment on board, such as engines, winches, derricks, fire extinguishers and life preservers
  • 可能會執行其他工作,如檢查港口和碼頭周圍是否有漏油或其他污染物,巡邏海灘和測量水深。
  • May perform other duties, such as checking for oil spills or other pollutants around ports and harbours, patrolling beaches and measuring depth of water.

任職要求 Employment Requirements

  • 通常需要完成中學教育。
  • Some secondary school education is usually required.
  • 提供在職培訓。
  • On-the-job training is provided.
  • 小船經營者要求具備由加拿大運輸部頒發的小型客輪業主證書或小工藝品業主認證。
  • Master of a Small Craft or Master of a Small Passenger Craft certificate, issued by Transport Canada, is required for boat operators.

所有職稱 All Titles

  • 服務員,輪渡碼頭 attendant, ferry terminal
  • 駁船船長 barge captain
  • 駁船運營商 barge operator
  • 流浪漢 beachcomber
  • 橋服務員 – 運河水閘系統 bridge attendant – canal lock systems
  • 橋樑看護者 – 水閘系統 bridge keeper – lock system
  • 橋樑大師 bridgemaster
  • 橋樑大師 – 水閘系統 bridgemaster – lock systems
  • 電纜渡輪水手 cable ferry deckhand
  • 電纜渡輪營辦商 cable ferry operator
  • 電纜渡輪營辦商,說明書 cable ferry operator, manual
  • 運河水閘定運營商 canal lock operator
  • 運河水閘看管者 canal lock tender
  • 運河船閘管理人/男/女 canal lockman/woman
  • 包船隊長 charter boat captain
  • 租船主 charter boat master
  • 包船運營商 charter boat operator
  • 幹船塢工人 dry dock worker – shipbuilding
  • 渡輪營辦商 ferry operator
  • 渡輪碼頭服務員 ferry terminal attendant
  • 渡輪碼頭工人 ferry terminal worker
  • 發射隊長 launch captain
  • 小輪船船長 launch master
  • 推出運營商 launch operator
  • 發動業主運營 launch owner-operator
  • 燈塔看守人 lighthouse keeper
  • 線路工人 – 運河水閘系統 lineshandler – canal lock system
  • 巡線工人/男/女 – 運河水閘系統 linesman/woman – canal lock system
  • 裝卸橋操作員 loading bridge operator
  • 裝卸橋操作員 – 輪渡 loading bridge operator – ferry
  • 水閘操作員 lock operator
  • 閘門監視人 lockmaster
  • 摩托艇運營商 motor boat operator
  • 機動發射運營商 motor launch operator
  • 摩托艇隊長 motorboat captain
  • 摩托艇運營商 motorboat operator
  • 電源線渡輪營辦商 power cable ferry operator
  • 反應渡輪營辦商 reaction ferry operator
  • 維修船東運營商 repair ship owner-operator
  • 頗具匠心隊長 scow captain
  • 頗具匠心運營商 scow operator
  • 觀光船隊長 sightseeing boat captain
  • 觀光艇業主 sightseeing boat master
  • 觀光船運營商 sightseeing boat operator
  • 小工藝操作員 small craft operator
  • 水上巴士隊長 water bus captain
  • 水上巴士大師 water bus master
  • 水上巴士運營商 water bus operator
  • 水上的士隊長 water taxi captain
  • 水出租車師傅 water taxi master
  • 水上出租車運營商 water taxi operator
  • 工作船運營商 workboat operator

不包括職稱 Exclusions

  • 甲板人員,水路運輸 Deck officers, water transport 2273
  • 水上運輸甲板和機艙船員 Water transport deck and engine room crew 7532




項目類別 線上申請
48 天
117 天
超級簽證 106 天
13 週
17 週
境內學簽續簽 131 天
畢業工簽境外申請 11 週
畢業工簽境內申請 145 天
145 天
5 个月
12 个月
48 个月
5 个月
40 个月
13 个月
24 个月
6 个月
25 天
62 天




