NOC 8411 地下礦山服務和支持工人 Underground Mine Service And Support Workers


簡介 Intro


Underground mine service and support workers perform a range of duties related to the operation of orepasses, chutes and conveyor systems, the construction and support of underground structures, passages and roadways, and the supply of materials and supplies to support underground mining. They are employed by coal, metal and non-metallic mineral mines.

Mobility is possible to other occupational groups in underground mining.

There is mobility between employers within each of the three following sectors: underground coal mining, underground hard rock mining and underground potash, salt or soft rock mining.

Mobility between these sectors is somewhat limited by differences in production technologies.

主要職責 Main Duties

  • 操作和維護礦槽或輸送系統,控制地下礦井礦石或煤的流量
  • Operate and maintain ore chutes or conveyor systems to control flow of ore or coal in underground mine
  • 操作建築設備,如推土機,平地機,反鏟挖土機來建立和維護地下通道和運輸巷道。
  • Operate construction equipment such as bulldozer, grader or backhoe to build and maintain underground passages and haulageways
  • 使用建築和採礦工具建設和修復木材或金屬支承物和結構,如艙壁,平台,漂移門和槽建築。
  • Construct and repair wood or metal supports and structures such as bulkheads, platforms, drift doors and chutes using construction and mining tools
  • 連接和擴展通風,輸水管及相關礦山服務
  • Attach and extend ventilation and water pipes and related mine services
  • 協助礦工搭建和操作各種鑽頭及其他礦山機械
  • Assist miners in setting up and operating various drills and other mining machinery
  • 供應和維護沙子,岩石或其他材料的回填分佈
  • Supply and maintain backfill distribution of sand, rock or other materials
  • 操作柴油或電動軌道運輸設備,如礦石列車,分陪人員和物資,並將礦石從溜井輸送到初級破碎機或翻斗車
  • Operate diesel or electric track haulage equipment such as ore trains to distribute personnel and supplies and to convey ore from orepass to primary crusher or skip
  • 維護供貨存儲區域,並維護設備和用品,如炸藥,鑽頭,滅火器,燈具和電池
  • Maintain supply storage areas and maintain equipment and supplies such as explosives, drill bits, fire extinguishers, lamps and batteries
  • 進行例行機械維護。
  • Perform routine maintenance of machinery.

任職要求 Employment Requirements

  • 通常需要完成中學。
  • Completion of secondary school is usually required.
  • 通常必需具備六週以上的正規培訓,其次是作為助手或支持職業的在職期間培訓。
  • Previous formal training of up to six weeks followed by periods of on-the-job training as a helper or in support occupations is usually required.
  • 通常需要煤礦工人過往的經驗。
  • Previous experience as a mine labourer is usually required.
  • 可能要求安大略省的基本共同核心程序的認證。
  • May be certified in the basic common core program in Ontario.
  • 本單元組的職業往往需要公司許可或證明。
  • Company licensing or certification is often required for occupations in this unit group.

所有職稱 All Titles

  • 裝配工,可擴展的輸送帶 – 地下開採 assembler, extensible conveyor belt – underground mining
  • 回填地下採礦工廠操作員 – backfill plant operator – underground mining
  • 回填 – 地下開採 backfiller – underground mining
  • 衝擊波幫手 – 地下開採 blaster helper – underground mining
  • 衝擊波,線船員 – 地下開採 blaster, line crew – underground mining
  • 底部司罐工 – 地下開採 bottom cager – underground mining
  • 風幛建設者 – 地下開採 brattice builder – underground mining
  • 橋樑運營商 – 地下開採 bridge operator – underground mining
  • 採煤工 – 地下開採 brusher – underground mining
  • 建設者,風幛 – 地下開採 builder, brattice – underground mining
  • 井底司罐工 cage tender
  • 井底司罐工 – 地下開採 cage tender – underground mining
  • 滑道裝載工 – 地下開採 chute loader – underground mining
  • 溜槽運營商 – 地下開採 chute operator – underground mining
  • 煤炭搬運工 – 地下開採 coal hauler – underground mining
  • 建築工人 – 地雷 construction worker – mines
  • 輸送機運營商 – 地下開採 conveyor operator – underground mining
  • 運送者 /男/女 – 地下開採 conveyorman/woman – underground mining
  • 破碎機操作員 – 地下開採 crusher operator – underground mining
  • 壓碎工/男/女 – crusherman /地下開採 crusherman/woman – underground mining
  • 木廠裝卸工 /男/女 – 地下開採 deckman/woman – underground mining
  • 金剛石鑽幫手 – 地下開採 diamond driller helper – underground mining
  • 鑽車操作員幫手 – 地下開採 drill carriage operator helper – underground mining
  • 鑽幫手 – 地下開採 driller helper – underground mining
  • 乾燥工/男/女 – dryman /地下開採 dryman/woman – underground mining
  • 安裝工人,鋼結構 – 地下開採 erector, steelwork – underground mining
  • 可擴展的傳送帶裝配工 – 地下開採 extensible conveyor belt assembler – underground mining
  • 侍從/男/女 – 地下開採 footman/woman – underground mining
  • 運輸卡車司機 – 地下開採 haulage truck driver – underground mining
  • 男/女 – 運輸工 /地下開採 haulageman/woman – underground mining
  • 搬運工,煤 – 地下開採 hauler, coal – underground mining
  • 操作員班長,裝載 – 地下開採 head operator, loading – underground mining
  • 領班/男/女 – 地下開採 headman/woman – underground mining
  • 幫手,衝擊波 – 地下開採 helper, blaster – underground mining
  • 幫手,三化螟 – 地下加薪開採 helper, borer – underground raise mining
  • 幫手,金剛石鑽 – 地下開採 helper, diamond driller – underground mining
  • 幫手,鑽車運營商 – 地下開採 helper, drill carriage operator – underground mining
  • 幫手,鑽 – 地下開採 helper, driller – underground mining
  • 幫手,巨型鑽運營商 – 地下開採 helper, jumbo drill operator – underground mining
  • 幫手,巨型運營商 – 地下開採 helper, jumbo operator – underground mining
  • 幫手,提高礦工 helper, raise miner
  • 幫手,旋挖鑽機 – 提高采礦 helper, rotary driller – raise mining
  • 孔鑽機幫手 – 地下開採 in-hole driller helper – underground mining
  • 插孔運營商 – 地下開採 jack operator – underground mining
  • 巨型鑽機操作員幫手 – 地下開採 jumbo drill operator helper – underground mining
  • 巨型運營商幫手 – 地下開採 jumbo operator helper – underground mining
  • 燈保管員 – 地下開採 lamp keeper – underground mining
  • 線船員衝擊波 – 地下開採 line crew blaster – underground mining
  • 裝載工,溜槽 – 地下開採 loader, chute – underground mining
  • 裝載工,跳躍 – 地下開採 loader, skip – underground mining
  • 加載頭運營商 – 地下開採 loading head operator – underground mining
  • 裝入口袋運營商 – 地下開採 loading pocket operator – underground mining
  • 男/女,通風 – 地下開採 man/woman, ventilation – underground mining
  • 材料工 /男/女 – 地下開採 materialman/woman – underground mining
  • 礦山服務員 mine attendant
  • 礦山建築工人 mine construction worker
  • 礦用汽車司機/男/女 mine motorman/woman
  • 礦山伐木工 /男/女 mine timberman/woman
  • 礦工幫手 – 提高采礦 miner helper – raise mining
  • 機工/男/女 – 礦山 motorman/woman – mines
  • 機工/男/女 – 地下開採 motorman/woman – underground mining
  • 鉗工 – 地下開採 nipper – underground mining
  • 運營商,溜槽門 – 地下開採 operator, chute gate – underground mining
  • 操作員,輸送機 – 地下開採 operator, conveyor – underground mining
  • 運營商,破碎機 – 地下開採 operator, crusher – underground mining
  • 運營商,裝載口袋 – 地下採礦 operator, loading pocket – underground mining
  • 運營商,穿梭車 operator, shuttle car
  • 運營商,轉讓葫蘆 operator, transfer hoist
  • 處理礦石運營商 – 地下開採 ore handling operator – underground mining
  • 溜井看管人 orepass tender
  • 溜井看管人 – 地下開採 orepass tender – underground mining
  • 管養路工/車工 – 男/女 pipe turner – trackman/woman
  • 管道工人 – 地下開採 pipeworker – underground mining
  • 天井鑽機幫手 – 地下開採 raise borer helper – underground mining
  • 天井礦工幫手 raise miner helper
  • 道路開採 – 地下開採 roadmaker – underground mining
  • 旋轉提高鑽機幫手 rotary raise driller helper
  • 填砂男人/男/女 sand fill man/woman
  • 填砂男人/男/女 – 液壓充填 sand fill man/woman – hydraulic stowing
  • 服務人員工人 – 地下開採 service crew worker – underground mining
  • 安裝員,鋼形式 – 地下開採 setter, steel forms – underground mining
  • 軸輸送運營商 shaft conveyance operator
  • 穿梭車運營 shuttle car operator
  • 翻斗 – 地下開採 skip loader – underground mining
  • 翻斗看管人 skip tender
  • 翻斗看管人 – 地下採礦 skip tender – underground mining
  • 污泥泵操作 – 地下開採 sludge pump operator – underground mining
  • 鋼模板安裝員 – 地下開採 steel form setter – underground mining
  • 鋼結構安裝工 – 地下開採 steelwork erector – underground mining
  • 支持礦工 support miner
  • 看管人,籠 – 地下開採 tender, cage – underground mining
  • 看管人,溜井 – 地下開採 tender, orepass – underground mining
  • 看管人,跳過 tender, skip
  • 看管人,跳躍 – 地下開採 tender, skip – underground mining
  • 支架工 /男/女 – 礦山 timberman/woman – mines
  • 支架工 /男/女 – 地下開採 timberman/woman – underground mining
  • 頂級的籃球隊員 – 地下開採 top cager – underground mining
  • 跟踪設備操作員 – 地下開採 track equipment operator – underground mining
  • 養路工/男/女 – 地下開採 trackman/woman – underground mining
  • 跟踪員 – 地下開採 trackperson – underground mining
  • 乘務員/男/女 – 地下開採 trainman/woman – underground mining
  • 檔機車工男/女 trammerman/woman
  • 轉移起重機操作員 transfer hoist operator
  • 通風設備管理人 – 地下開採 ventilation man/woman – underground mining

不包括職稱 Exclusions

  • 鑽井和放炮員 – 表面採礦,採石和建築 Drillers and blasters – surface mining, quarrying and construction 7372
  • 煤礦工人 Mine labourers 8614
  • 地下生產和發展的礦工 Underground production and development miners 8231




項目類別 線上申請
48 天
117 天
超級簽證 106 天
13 週
17 週
境內學簽續簽 131 天
畢業工簽境外申請 11 週
畢業工簽境內申請 145 天
145 天
5 个月
12 个月
48 个月
5 个月
40 个月
13 个月
24 个月
6 个月
25 天
62 天




