NOC 9211 主管,礦物和金屬加工 Supervisors, Mineral And Metal Processing


簡介 Intro


Supervisors, mineral and metal processing, supervise and co-ordinate the activities of workers in the following groups: Central Control and Process Operators, Mineral and Metal Processing 9231, Machine Operators and Related Workers in Metal and Mineral Products Processing and Manufacturing 941 and Labourers in Mineral and Metal Processing 9611. They are employed in mineral ore and metal processing plants such as copper, lead and zinc refineries, uranium processing plants, steel mills, aluminum plants, precious metal refineries, cement processing plants, clay, glass and stone processing plants and foundries.

主要職責 Main Duties

  • 監督,協調和安排從事下列職責的工人活動:操作單一或多功能礦物和金屬加工機械和設備;經營磨俱製造和製芯機或手工製作模具和核心;經營玻璃工藝控制,成型和整理機;經營混凝土,粘土和石材的成型和整理設備及經營水泥工藝控制的機器和設備;
  • Supervise, co-ordinate and schedule the activities of workers engaged in the following duties: operating single or multi-function mineral and metal processing machinery and equipment; operating mouldmaking and coremaking machines or manually make moulds and cores; operating glass process control, forming and finishing machines; operating concrete, clay and stone forming and finishing machines; and operating cement process control machines and equipment
  • 建立方法,以滿足工作計劃,協調與其他部門的工作活動
  • Establish methods to meet work schedules and co-ordinate work activities with other departments
  • 申報材料和用品
  • Requisition materials and supplies
  • 解決工作中的問題,建議工作措施,以提高生產效率和產品質量
  • Resolve work problems and recommend work measures to improve productivity and product quality
  • 培訓工作人員的工作職責,安全程序和公司政策
  • Train staff in job duties, safety procedures and company policies
  • 推薦人事,如僱傭和晉升
  • Recommend personnel actions such as hirings and promotions
  • 準備生產和其他報告
  • Prepare production and other reports
  • 亦可裝配機器和設備。
  • May set up machines and equipment.

任職要求 Employment Requirements

  • 通常需要完成中學學業。
  • Completion of secondary school is usually required.
  • 本單元組的某些職位需要取得在冶金,科學或相關領域的中學後繼續教育。
  • Post-secondary education in metallurgy, sciences or a related field may be required for some occupations in this unit group.
  • 通常需要具有多年在基層單位或部門的工作經驗
  • Several years of experience as a worker in the unit or department being supervised are usually required.

所有職稱 All Titles

  • 氧化鋁廠領班/男/女 alumina plant foreman/woman
  • 退火領班/男/女 annealing foreman/woman
  • 退火領班/男/女 – 初級金屬加工 annealing foreman/woman – primary metal processing
  • 陽極氧化領班/男/女 – 初級金屬加工 anodizing foreman/woman – primary metal processing
  • 石棉生產領班/男/女 asbestos manufacturing foreman/woman
  • 球磨機領班/男/女 – 礦產品加工 ball mill foreman/woman – mineral products processing
  • 高爐工長/男/女 blast furnace foreman/woman
  • 磚瓦領班/男/女 brick and tile foreman/woman
  • 鑄造業務領班/男/女 casting operations foreman/woman
  • 鑄造客房領班/男/女 casting room foreman/woman
  • 水泥生產主管 cement manufacturing supervisor
  • 水泥加工領班/男/女 cement processing foreman/woman
  • 水泥加工主管 cement processing supervisor
  • 粘土製備領班/男/女 clay preparation foreman/woman
  • 粘土製品生產領班/男/女 clay products manufacturing foreman/woman
  • 粘土店領班/男/女 clay shop foreman/woman
  • 粘土,玻璃和石材爐窯操作領班/男/女 clay, glass and stone furnace and kiln operations foreman/woman
  • 粘土,玻璃和石材爐窯運營主管 clay, glass and stone furnace and kiln operators supervisor
  • 煤炭和焦炭的破碎和磨礦領班/男/女 coal-and-coke crushing and grinding foreman/woman
  • 焦爐領班/男/女 coke ovens foreman/woman
  • 焦炭篩分領班/男/女 coke screening foreman/woman
  • 焦炭篩分領班/男/女 – 礦產和金屬加工 coke screening foreman/woman – mineral and metal processing
  • 選礦廠領班/男/女 – 初級金屬和礦產品加工 concentrator foreman/woman – primary metal and mineral products processing
  • 混凝土製品領班/男/女 concrete products foreman/woman
  • 轉換領班/男/女 – 初級金屬和礦產品加工 converter foreman/woman – primary metal and mineral products processing
  • 制芯領班/男/女 – 鑄造 coremaking foreman/woman – foundry
  • 制芯領班/男/女 – 選礦 coremaking foreman/woman – mineral processing
  • 破碎和粉磨作業領班/男/女 – 初級金屬和礦產品加工 crushing and grinding operations foreman/woman – primary metal and mineral products processing
  • 破碎和磨礦主管 – 初級金屬和礦產品 crushing and grinding supervisor – primary metal and mineral products
  • 壓鑄領班/男/女 – 鑄造 die casting foreman/woman – foundry
  • 壓鑄主管 die casting supervisor
  • 電解池操作領班/男/女 – 初級金屬和礦產品加工 electrolytic cell operations foreman/woman – primary metal and mineral products processing
  • 擠出領班/男/女 – 初級金屬和礦產品加工 extruding foreman/woman – primary metal and mineral products processing
  • 擠出領班/男/女 – 初級金屬加工 extruding foreman/woman – primary metal processing
  • 濾清器廠領班/男/女 – 初級金屬和礦產品加工 filter plant foreman/woman – primary metal and mineral products processing
  • 領班/男/女,退火 foreman/woman, annealing
  • 領班/男/女,退火 – 初級金屬加工 foreman/woman, annealing – primary metal processing
  • 領班/男/女,陽極氧化 – 初級金屬加工 foreman/woman, anodizing – primary metal processing
  • 領班/男/女,鑄造業務 foreman/woman, casting operations
  • 領班/男/女,鑄造室 foreman/woman, casting room
  • 領班/男/女,水泥加工 foreman/woman, cement processing
  • 領班/男/女,粘土製品製造業 foreman/woman, clay products manufacturing
  • 領班/男/女,粘土店 foreman/woman, clay shop
  • 領班/男/女,粘土,玻璃和石材爐窯業務 foreman/woman, clay, glass and stone furnace and kiln operations
  • 領班/男/女,煤和焦炭的破碎和磨礦 foreman/woman, coal and coke crushing and grinding
  • 領班/男/女,篩焦 – 礦物和金屬加工 foreman/woman, coke screening – mineral and metal processing
  • 領班/男/女,選礦廠 – 初級金屬和礦產品加工 foreman/woman, concentrator – primary metal and mineral products processing
  • 領班/男/女,混凝土製品 foreman/woman, concrete products
  • 領班/男/女,轉爐 – 初級金屬和礦產品加工 foreman/woman, converter – primary metal and mineral products processing
  • 領班/男/女,制芯 – 鑄造 foreman/woman, coremaking – foundry
  • 領班/男/女,制芯 – 選礦 foreman/woman, coremaking – mineral processing
  • 的領班/男/女,破碎和磨礦作業 – 初級金屬和礦產品加工 foreman/woman, crushing and grinding operations – primary metal and mineral products processing
  • 領班/男/女,壓鑄 – 鑄造 foreman/woman, die casting – foundry
  • 領班/男/女,擠出 – 初級金屬和礦產品加工 foreman/woman, extruding – primary metal and mineral products processing
  • 領班/男/女,擠壓 – 初級金屬加工 foreman/woman, extruding – primary metal processing
  • 領班/男/女,濾清器廠 – 初級金屬和礦產品加工 foreman/woman, filter plant – primary metal and mineral products processing
  • 領班/男/女,鑄造 foreman/woman, foundry
  • 領班/男/女,爐操作 – 主要金屬和礦產品加工 foreman/woman, furnace operations – primary metal and mineral products processing
  • 領班/男/女,鍍鋅 – 金屬和礦物產品的加工 foreman/woman, galvanizing – metal and mineral products processing
  • 領班/男/女,玻璃切割 foreman/woman, glass cutting
  • 領班/男/女,玻璃雕刻 foreman/woman, glass engraving
  • 領班/男/女,玻璃成型 foreman/woman, glass forming
  • 領班/男/女,玻璃爐 foreman/woman, glass furnace
  • 領班/男/女,玻璃研磨和拋光 foreman/woman, glass grinding and polishing
  • 領班/男/女,玻璃深加工 foreman/woman, glass processing
  • 領班/男/女,玻璃製品製造業 foreman/woman, glass products manufacturing
  • 領班/男/女,檢查,測試和分級 – 初級金屬和礦產品加工 foreman/woman, inspecting, testing and grading – primary metal and mineral products processing
  • 領班/男/女,窯工 – 粘土製品 foreman/woman, kiln workers – clay products
  • 領班/男/女,華工 – 初級金屬和礦產品加工 foreman/woman, labourers – primary metal and mineral products processing
  • 領班/男/女,煉鉛 foreman/woman, lead refining
  • 領班/男/女,石灰準備 foreman/woman, lime preparation
  • 領班/男/女,熔化和焙燒 – 初級金屬和礦產品加工 foreman/woman, melting and roasting – primary metal and mineral products processing
  • 領班/男/女,熔化和焙燒爐 – 初級金屬和礦產品加工 foreman/woman, melting and roasting furnace – primary metal and mineral products processing
  • 領班/男/女,金屬鑄造,成型和製芯 foreman/woman, metal casting, moulding and coremaking
  • 領班/男/女,金屬擠壓和拉伸 foreman/woman, metal extruding and drawing
  • 領班/男/女,金屬熱治療 – 初級金屬加工 foreman/woman, metal heat-treating – primary metal processing
  • 領班/男/女,金屬軋製 foreman/woman, metal rolling
  • 領班/男/女,金屬冶煉,轉換和提煉 foreman/woman, metal smelting, converting and refining
  • 領班/男/女,雲母加工 foreman/woman, mica processing
  • 領班/男/女,銑床廠 – 初級金屬和礦產品加工 foreman/woman, milling plant – primary metal and mineral products processing
  • 領班/男/女,混合和分離操作 – 初級金屬和礦產品加工 foreman/woman, mixing and separating operations – primary metal and mineral products processing
  • 領班/男/女,攪拌廠 – 初級金屬和礦產品加工 foreman/woman, mixing plant – primary metal and mineral products processing
  • 領班/男/女,鑄造 – 鑄造 foreman/woman, moulding – foundry
  • 領班/男/女,礦石研磨 foreman/woman, ore milling
  • 領班/男/女,氧爐 – 初級金屬和礦產品加工 foreman/woman, oxygen furnace – primary metal and mineral products processing
  • 領班/男/女,鍋室 – 主要金屬和礦產品加工 foreman/woman, pot room – primary metal and mineral products processing
  • 領班/男/女,鍋室 – 初級金屬加工 foreman/woman, pot room – primary metal processing
  • 領班/男/女,初級金屬和礦產品加工 foreman/woman, primary metal and mineral products processing
  • 領班/男/女,淬火 – 礦物和金屬加工 foreman/woman, quenching – mineral and metal processing
  • 領班/男/女,淬火 – 初級金屬加工 foreman/woman, quenching – primary metal processing
  • 領班/男/女,填海計劃 – 初級金屬和礦產品加工 foreman/woman, reclamation – primary metal and mineral products processing
  • 領班/男/女,縮減廠 – 初級金屬和礦產品加工 foreman/woman, reduction plant – primary metal and mineral products processing
  • 領班/男/女,岩石破碎機 – 初級金屬和礦產品加工 foreman/woman, rock crusher – primary metal and mineral products processing
  • 領班/男/女,軋機 – 初級金屬加工 foreman/woman, rolling mill – primary metal processing
  • 領班/男/女,廢鋼準備 – 初級金屬和礦產品加工 foreman/woman, scrap preparation – primary metal and mineral products processing
  • 領班/男/女,廢鋼準備 – 初級金屬加工 foreman/woman, scrap preparation – primary metal processing
  • 領班/男/女,燒結廠 – 礦產和金屬加工 foreman/woman, sintering plant – mineral and metal processing
  • 領班/男/女,燒結廠 – 初級金屬和礦產品加工 foreman/woman, sintering plant – primary metal and mineral products processing
  • 領班/男/女,冶煉廠 – 初級金屬和礦產品加工 foreman/woman, smelter – primary metal and mineral products processing
  • 領班/男/女,石材加工 foreman/woman, stone processing
  • 領班/男/女,石材製品製造業 foreman/woman, stone products manufacturing
  • 領班/男/女,電解車間 – 初級金屬和礦產品加工 foreman/woman, tankhouse – primary metal and mineral products processing
  • 領班/男/女,攻絲機操作 – 礦產和金屬加工 foreman/woman, tapper operations – mineral and metal processing
  • 領班/男/女,回火 – 初級金屬加工 foreman/woman, tempering – primary metal processing
  • 領班/男/女,鈾處理 foreman/woman, uranium processing
  • 領班/男/女,拉絲 – 初級金屬加工 foreman/woman, wire drawing – primary metal processing
  • 代工工頭/男/女 foundry foreman/woman
  • 鑄造主管 foundry supervisor
  • 爐操作領班/男/女 – 初級金屬和礦產品加工 furnace operations foreman/woman – primary metal and mineral products processing
  • 鍍鋅領班/男/女 – 金屬和礦產品加工 galvanizing foreman/woman – metal and mineral products processing
  • 玻璃切割機主管 glass cutters supervisor
  • 玻璃切割領班/男/女 glass cutting foreman/woman
  • 玻璃雕刻領班/男/女 glass engraving foreman/woman
  • 玻璃成型領班/男/女 glass forming foreman/woman
  • 玻璃窯爐領班/男/女 glass furnace foreman/woman
  • 玻璃深加工領班/男/女 glass processing foreman/woman
  • 玻璃製品生產領班/男/女 glass products manufacturing foreman/woman
  • 玻璃研磨機和玻璃拋光機領班/男/女 glass-grinders and glass-polishers foreman/woman
  • 領班/男/女 – 初級金屬和礦產品加工的檢驗,測試和分級 inspecting, testing and grading foreman/woman – primary metal and mineral products processing
  • 窯工領班/男/女 – 粘土製品 kiln workers foreman/woman – clay products
  • 華工領班/男/女 – 初級金屬和礦產品加工 labourers foreman/woman – primary metal and mineral products processing
  • 煉鉛領班/男/女 lead refining foreman/woman
  • 石灰製備領班/男/女 lime preparation foreman/woman
  • 熔化和焙燒部門主管 melting and roasting department supervisor
  • 熔化和焙燒領班/男/女 – 初級金屬和礦產品加工 melting and roasting foreman/woman – primary metal and mineral products processing
  • 熔化和焙燒操作領班/男/女 – 初級金屬和礦產品加工 melting and roasting operations foreman/woman – primary metal and mineral products processing
  • 熔化爐烘烤爐領班/男/女 – 初級金屬和礦產品加工 melting-furnace and roasting-furnace foreman/woman – primary metal and mineral products processing
  • 金屬腳輪,四面刨和核心製造,工頭/男/女 metal casters, moulders and coremakers foreman/woman
  • 金屬鑄造,造型和製芯領班/男/女 metal casting, moulding and coremaking foreman/woman
  • 金屬熱處理領班/女​​人 – 初級金屬加工 metal heat-treating foreman/woman – primary metal processing
  • 金屬軋製領班/男/女 metal rolling foreman/woman
  • 金屬冶煉,轉換和提煉領班/男/女 metal smelting, converting and refining foreman/woman
  • 金屬擠壓和金屬拉絲領班/男/女 metal-extruding and metal-drawing foreman/woman
  • 雲母加工領班/男/女 mica processing foreman/woman
  • 銑床廠領班/男/女 – 初級金屬和礦產品加工 milling plant foreman/woman – primary metal and mineral products processing
  • 混合和分離操作領班/男/女 – 初級金屬和礦產品加工 mixing and separating operations foreman/woman – primary metal and mineral products processing
  • 攪拌廠領班/男/女 – 初級金屬和礦產品加工 mixing plant foreman/woman – primary metal and mineral products processing
  • 注塑領班/男/女 – 鑄造 moulding foreman/woman – foundry
  • 礦石製粉領班/男/女 ore milling foreman/woman
  • 礦石製粉主管 ore milling supervisor
  • 氧氣轉爐工長/男/女 – 初級金屬和礦產品加工 oxygen furnace foreman/woman – primary metal and mineral products processing
  • 鍋客房領班/男/女 – 初級金屬和礦產品加工 pot room foreman/woman – primary metal and mineral products processing
  • 鍋客房領班/男/女 – 初級金屬加工 pot room foreman/woman – primary metal processing
  • 預製混凝土的工作領班/男/女 precast concrete working foreman/woman
  • 初級金屬和礦產品加工領班/男/女 primary metal and mineral products processing foreman/woman
  • 初級金屬和礦產品加工主管 primary metal and mineral products processing supervisor
  • 淬火領班/男/女 – 礦產和金屬加工 quenching foreman/woman – mineral and metal processing
  • 淬火領班/男/女 – 初級金屬加工 quenching foreman/woman – primary metal processing
  • 填海領班/男/女 – 初級金屬和礦產品加工 reclamation foreman/woman – primary metal and mineral products processing
  • 還原工廠領班/男/女 – 初級金屬和礦產品加工 reduction plant foreman/woman – primary metal and mineral products processing
  • 岩石破碎機領班/男/女 – 初級金屬和礦產品加工 rock crusher foreman/woman – primary metal and mineral products processing
  • 岩石破碎領班/男/女 – 初級金屬和礦產品加工 rock crushing foreman/woman – primary metal and mineral products processing
  • 軋輥車間操作教練 – 鋼廠 roll shop operations coach – steel mill
  • 滾動領班/男/女 – 初級金屬加工 rolling foreman/woman – primary metal processing
  • 軋機領班/男/女 – 初級金屬加工 rolling mill foreman/woman – primary metal processing
  • 鹽磨主管 salt milling supervisor
  • 報廢準備領班/男/女 – 初級金屬和礦產品加工 scrap preparation foreman/woman – primary metal and mineral products processing
  • 報廢準備領班/男/女 – 初級金屬加工 scrap preparation foreman/woman – primary metal processing
  • 統籌轉變,鋼廠 shift co-ordinator, steel mill
  • 燒結廠領班/男/女 – 礦產和金屬加工 sintering plant foreman/woman – mineral and metal processing
  • 燒結廠領班/男/女 – 初級金屬和礦產品加工 sintering plant foreman/woman – primary metal and mineral products processing
  • 冶煉廠領班/男/女 – 初級金屬和礦產品加工 smelter foreman/woman – primary metal and mineral products processing
  • 鋼廠移統籌 steel mill shift co-ordinator
  • 石材加工領班/男/女 stone processing foreman/woman
  • 石材產品生產領班/男/女 stone products manufacturing foreman/woman
  • 主管,水泥製造 supervisor, cement manufacturing
  • 主管,水泥加工 supervisor, cement processing
  • 主管,粘土,玻璃和石爐和窯戶 supervisor, clay, glass and stone furnace and kiln operators
  • 主管,破碎和磨礦 – 初級金屬和礦產品 supervisor, crushing and grinding – primary metal and mineral products
  • 主管,壓鑄 supervisor, die casting
  • 主管,鑄造 supervisor, foundry
  • 主管,玻璃切割機 supervisor, glass cutters
  • 主管,熔化和焙燒部門 supervisor, melting and roasting department
  • 主管,礦石研磨 supervisor, ore milling
  • 主管,初級金屬和礦產品加工 supervisor, primary metal and mineral products processing
  • 主管,鹽磨 supervisor, salt milling
  • 電解車間工長/男/女 – 初級金屬和礦產品加工 tankhouse foreman/woman – primary metal and mineral products processing
  • 攻絲機操作領班/男/女 – 礦產和金屬加工 tapper operations foreman/woman – mineral and metal processing
  • 回火領班/男/女 – 初級金屬加工 tempering foreman/woman – primary metal processing
  • 鈾加工領班/男/女 uranium processing foreman/woman
  • 拉絲領班/男/女 – 初級金屬加工 wire drawing foreman/woman – primary metal processing
  • 庭院領班/男/女,廢金屬 yard foreman/woman, scrap metal

不包括職稱 Exclusions

  • 主管,採礦和採石業 Supervisors, mining and quarrying 8221
  • 主管,其他機械和金屬製品製造​​業 Supervisors, other mechanical and metal products manufacturing 9226



項目類別 線上申請
48 天
117 天
超級簽證 106 天
13 週
17 週
境內學簽續簽 131 天
畢業工簽境外申請 11 週
畢業工簽境內申請 145 天
145 天
5 个月
12 个月
48 个月
5 个月
40 个月
13 个月
24 个月
6 个月
25 天
62 天




