NOC 9217 主管,紡織,面料,毛皮及皮革製品加工及製造 Supervisors, Textile, Fabric, Fur And Leather Products Processing And Manufacturing


簡介 Intro


Supervisors in this unit group supervise and co-ordinate the activities of workers engaged in textile, fabric, fur and leather products processing and manufacturing. They are employed by textile manufacturing companies, tanneries and other manufacturers of fabric, fur and leather products.

There is some mobility among supervisory positions in this group.

Progression to managerial positions is possible with experience.

主要職責 Main Duties

  • 監督,協調和統籌安排以下生產工人的活動,操作機器處理天然,合成和混合纖維,紗和線;漂白劑,染料和光潔度紡織品;操作製造機進行切,縫和生產面料,毛皮或皮革服裝及其他產品,並檢查紡織品。
  • Supervise, co-ordinate and schedule the activities of production workers who operate machines to process natural, synthetic and hybrid textile fibre, yarn and thread; bleach, dye and finish textiles; operate manufacturing machines to cut, stitch and produce fabric, fur or leather garments and other products; and inspect textiles products
  • 建立方法,以滿足工作計劃,並協調與其他部門的工作活動
  • Establish methods to meet work schedules and co-ordinate work activities with other departments
  • 解決工作中的問題和建議措施,以提高生產率和產品質量
  • Resolve work problems and recommend measures to improve productivity and product quality
  • 申報材料和用品
  • Requisition materials and supplies
  • 培訓工作人員的工作職責,安全程序和公司政策
  • Train staff in job duties, safety procedures and company policies
  • 推薦人員行動,如聘用和晉升。
  • Recommend personnel actions such as hirings and promotions
  • 準備生產和其他報告
  • Prepare production and other reports
  • 亦可安裝機器和設備。
  • May set up machines and equipment.

任職要求 Employment Requirements

  • 通常需要完成中學。
  • Completion of secondary school is usually required.
  • 本單元組的一些職位可能需要紡織技術或相關領域專科教育。
  • Post-secondary education in textile technology or a related field may be required for some positions in this group.
  • 通常需要多年的本組工人的經驗。
  • Several years of experience as a worker in the unit group being supervised are usually required.
  • 可能需要特定加工的經驗,或具有特定的產品或不同設備的經驗。
  • Experience may be required in a specific process, or with a specific product or type of equipment.

所有職稱 All Titles

  • 改建主管 – 服裝製造 alterations supervisor – clothing manufacturing
  • 裝配主管 – 面料,毛皮及皮革製品製造 assemblers supervisor – fabric, fur and leather products manufacturing
  • 梁部領班/男/女 – 隱藏和毛皮加工 beam department foreman/woman – hide and pelt processing
  • 漂白領班/男/女 – 紡織品 bleaching foreman/woman – textiles
  • 引導和鞋領班/男/女 boot and shoe foreman/woman
  • 製靴者和修鞋的領班/男/女 bootmakers and shoemakers foreman/woman
  • 製靴者領班/男/女 bootmakers foreman/woman
  • 帆布製品製造領班/男/女 canvas products manufacturing foreman/woman
  • 棋牌室主管 – 紡織品 card room supervisor – textiles
  • 服裝生產領班/男/女 clothing manufacturing foreman/woman
  • 切割部門領班/男/女 – 面料,毛皮及皮革製品製造 cutting department foreman/woman – fabric, fur and leather products manufacturing
  • 切割部領班/男/女,織物 cutting department foreman/woman, fabric
  • 切割客房領班/男/女 – 面料,毛皮及皮革製品製造 cutting room foreman/woman – fabric, fur and leather products manufacturing
  • 禮服維修領班/男/女 – 服裝製造 dress repairs foreman/woman – clothing manufacturing
  • 裁縫主管 dressmakers supervisor
  • 製衣部領班/男/女 dressmaking department foreman/woman
  • 染料領班/男/女 – 紡織品 dye foreman/woman – textiles
  • 染料室主管 dye room supervisor
  • 染料室主管 – 紡織品 dye room supervisor – textiles
  • 染房領班/男/女 – 皮和毛皮加工 dyehouse foreman/woman – hide and pelt processing
  • 染房領班/男/女 – 紡織品 dyehouse foreman/woman – textiles
  • 染房導師 – 紡織加工 dyehouse supervisor – textile processing
  • 主管 – 紡織品染色 dyeing supervisor – textiles
  • 刺繡主管 – 面料產品 embroidery supervisor – fabric products
  • 繡花主管,面料產品 embroidery supervisor, fabric products
  • 產品面料繡花主管 fabric products embroidery supervisor
  • 氈帽整理客房領班/男/女 felt hat finishing room foreman/woman
  • 完成部門領班/男/女 – 面料,毛皮及皮革製品製造 finishing department foreman/woman – fabric, fur and leather products manufacturing
  • 完成部門領班/男/女 – 紡織品加工 finishing department foreman/woman – textile processing
  • 完成部門主管 – 紡織加工 finishing department supervisor – textile processing
  • 完成主管 – 紡織品 finishing supervisor – textiles
  • 鞋類整理領班/男/女 footwear finishing foreman/woman
  • 領班/男/女 – 紡織加工 foreman/woman – textile processing
  • 領班/男/女,梁部 – 皮和毛皮加工 foreman/woman, beam department – hide and pelt processing
  • 領班/男/女,漂白 – 紡織品 foreman/woman, bleaching – textiles
  • 領班/男/女,引導和鞋 foreman/woman, boot and shoe
  • 領班/男/女,帆布製品製造業 foreman/woman, canvas products manufacturing
  • 領班/男/女,服裝製造 foreman/woman, clothing manufacturing
  • 領班/男/女,製衣部 foreman/woman, dressmaking department
  • 領班/男/女,染料部 – 紡織品 foreman/woman, dye department – textiles
  • 領班/男/女,染料房 – 紡織加工 foreman/woman, dye room – textile processing
  • 領班/男/女,織物切割部 foreman/woman, fabric-cutting department
  • 領班/男/女,精加工部 – 紡織品 foreman/woman, finishing department – textiles
  • 領班/男/女,鞋類製造 foreman/woman, footwear manufacturing
  • 領班/男/女,毛皮修整 – 皮和毛皮加工 foreman/woman, fur dressing – hide and pelt processing
  • 領班/男/女,毛皮hatmaking部門 foreman/woman, fur hatmaking department
  • 領班/男/女,裘皮製品製造業 foreman/woman, fur products manufacturing
  • 領班/男/女,皮貨 foreman/woman, furriers
  • 領班/男/女,成衣製造 foreman/woman, garment manufacturing
  • 領班/男/女,手套製造 foreman/woman, glove manufacturing
  • 領班/男/女,手袋製造 foreman/woman, handbag manufacturing
  • 領班/男/女,帽子和帽子製造商 foreman/woman, hat and cap makers
  • 領班/男/女,帽子微調部門 foreman/woman, hat trimming department
  • 領班/男/女,隱藏內部 – 皮和毛皮加工 foreman/woman, hide-house – hide and pelt processing
  • 領班/男/女,織襪 foreman/woman, hosiery
  • 領班/男/女,檢查 – 紡織品 foreman/woman, inspection – textiles
  • 領班/男/女,檢查員,平地機,採樣和測試人員 – 面料,毛皮及皮革製品製造 foreman/woman, inspectors, graders, samplers and testers – fabric, fur and leather products manufacturing
  • 領班/男/女,針織 – 紡織加工 foreman/woman, knitting – textile processing
  • 領班/男/女,佈局和標記 – 面料,毛皮及皮革製品製造 foreman/woman, layout and marking – fabric, fur and leather products manufacturing
  • 領班/男/女,皮革塗飾 – 隱藏和毛皮加工 foreman/woman, leather finishing – hide and pelt processing
  • 領班/男/女,皮革製品製造業 foreman/woman, leather products manufacturing
  • 領班/男/女,行李裝配 – 面料,毛皮及皮革製品製造 foreman/woman, luggage assembly – fabric, fur and leather products manufacturing
  • 領班/男/女,女帽 – 面料,毛皮及皮革製品製造 foreman/woman, millinery – fabric, fur and leather products manufacturing
  • 領班/男/女,準備部門 – 紡織加工 foreman/woman, preparation department – textile processing
  • 領班/男/女,生產 – 面料,毛皮及皮革製品製造 foreman/woman, production – fabric, fur and leather products manufacturing
  • 領班/男/女,生產 – 毛皮製品製造業 foreman/woman, production – fur products manufacturing
  • 領班/男/女,質量控制 – 紡織加工 foreman/woman, quality control – textile processing
  • 領班/男/女,縫紉機運營商 – 面料,毛皮及皮革製品製造 foreman/woman, sewing machine operators – fabric, fur and leather products manufacturing
  • 領班/男/女,動感單車房 – 紡織加工 foreman/woman, spinning room – textile processing
  • 領班/男/女,細紗準備 foreman/woman, spun yarn preparation
  • 領班/男/女,拼接部門 – 面料,毛皮及皮革製品製造 foreman/woman, stitching department – fabric, fur and leather products manufacturing
  • 領班/男/女, suitmaking foreman/woman, suitmaking
  • 領班/女子,制革廠 – 皮和毛皮加工 foreman/woman, tannery – hide and pelt processing
  • 領班/男/女,紡織加工 foreman/woman, textile processing
  • 領班/男/女,裝潢 – 面料,毛皮及皮革製品製造 foreman/woman, upholsterers – fabric, fur and leather products manufacturing
  • 領班/男/女,編織 foreman/woman, weaving
  • 的領班/男/女,編織檢查員 – 紡織加工 foreman/woman, weaving inspectors – textile processing
  • 的領班/男/女,編織室 – 紡織品加工 foreman/woman, weaving room – textile processing
  • 領班/男/女,羊毛分揀機及平地機 – 紡織加工 foreman/woman, wool sorters and graders – textile processing
  • 領班/男/女,羊毛分揀和分級 foreman/woman, wool sorting and grading
  • 毛皮修整領班/男/女 fur dressing foreman/woman
  • 毛皮修整領班/男/女 – 皮和毛皮加工 fur dressing foreman/woman – hide and pelt processing
  • 毛皮hatmaking的部領班/男/女 fur hatmaking department foreman/woman
  • 裘皮製品生產領班/男/女 fur products manufacturing foreman/woman
  • 皮貨領班/男/女 furriers foreman/woman
  • 皮貨主管 furriers supervisor
  • 成衣製造領班/男/女 garment manufacturing foreman/woman
  • 手套製造商領班/男/女 glove makers foreman/woman
  • 手袋製造領班/男/女 handbag manufacturing foreman/woman
  • 帽子和帽子製造商領班/男/女 hat and cap makers foreman/woman
  • 帽子微調部領班/男/女 hat trimming department foreman/woman
  • 制革主管 hide tanning supervisor
  • 織襪領班/男/女 hosiery foreman/woman
  • 檢查領班/男/女 – 紡織加工 inspection foreman/woman – textile processing
  • 針織領班/男/女 knitting foreman/woman
  • 針織主管 – 紡織加工 knitting supervisor – textile processing
  • 乳膠地毯後盾部領班/男/女 latex carpet-backing department foreman/woman
  • 皮革塗飾領班/男/女 – 皮和毛皮加工 leather finishing foreman/woman – hide and pelt processing
  • 皮革製品生產領班/男/女 leather products manufacturing foreman/woman
  • 行李裝配領班/男/女 – 面料,毛皮及皮革製品製造 luggage assembly foreman/woman – fabric, fur and leather products manufacturing
  • 女帽領班/男/女 – 面料,毛皮及皮革製品製造 millinery foreman/woman – fabric, fur and leather products manufacturing
  • 籌備部領班/男/女 – 紡織品 preparation department foreman/woman – textiles
  • 生產領班/男/女 – 面料,毛皮及皮革製品製造 production foreman/woman – fabric, fur and leather products manufacturing
  • 生產領班/男/女 – 毛皮製品製造業 production foreman/woman – fur products manufacturing
  • 質量控制領班/男/女 – 紡織品 quality control foreman/woman – textiles
  • 絎縫領班/男/女 – 紡織加工 quilting foreman/woman – textile processing
  • 樣品室領班/男/女 – 面料,毛皮及皮革製品製造 sample room foreman/woman – fabric, fur and leather products manufacturing
  • 樣品室領班/男/女,皮革製品 sample room foreman/woman, leather products
  • 縫紉機操作員領班/男/女 – 面料,毛皮及皮革產品製造業 sewing machine operators foreman/woman – fabric, fur and leather products manufacturing
  • 縫紉機運營主管 sewing machine operators supervisor
  • 紡紗客房領班/男/女 – 紡織品 spinning room foreman/woman – textiles
  • 紡紗主管 – 紡織品 spinning supervisor – textiles
  • 細紗準備上司 – 紡織品加工 spun yarn preparation supervisor – textile processing
  • 裝訂領班/男/女 – 面料,毛皮及皮革製品製造 stitchers foreman/woman – fabric, fur and leather products manufacturing
  • 拼接部門領班/男/女 – 面料,毛皮及皮革製品製造 stitching department foreman/woman – fabric, fur and leather products manufacturing
  • 拼接部門主管 stitching department supervisor
  • 主管,改建 – 服裝製造 supervisor, alterations – clothing manufacturing
  • 主管,裝配 – 面料,毛皮及皮革製品製造 supervisor, assemblers – fabric, fur and leather products manufacturing
  • 主管,棋牌室 – 紡織品 supervisor, card room – textiles
  • 主管,刀具 – 面料,毛皮及皮革製品製造 supervisor, cutters – fabric, fur and leather products manufacturing
  • 主管,裁縫 supervisor, dressmakers
  • 主管,製衣部門 supervisor, dressmaking department
  • 主管,染料房 – 紡織品加工 supervisor, dye room – textiles processing
  • 主管,染房 – 紡織加工 supervisor, dyehouse – textile processing
  • 主管,印染 – 紡織品 supervisor, dyeing – textiles
  • 主管,產品面料刺繡 supervisor, fabric products embroidery
  • 主管,整理 – 紡織品 supervisor, finishing – textiles
  • 主管,精加工部 – 紡織加工 supervisor, finishing department – textile processing
  • 主管,毛皮修整 supervisor, fur dressing
  • 主管,皮貨 supervisor, furriers
  • 主管,帽子染工 supervisor, hat dyers
  • 主管,針織 supervisor, knitting
  • 主管,針織 – 紡織加工 supervisor, knitting – textile processing
  • 主管,縫紉機操作員 – 面料,毛皮及皮革製品製造 supervisor, sewing machine operators – fabric, fur and leather products manufacturing
  • 主管,紡紗 – 紡織品加工 supervisor, spinning – textile processing
  • 主管,拼接部門 – 面料,毛皮及皮革製品製造 supervisor, stitching department – fabric, fur and leather products manufacturing
  • 主管,制革廠 – 皮和毛皮加工 supervisor, tannery – hide and pelt processing
  • 主管,紡織加工 supervisor, textile processing
  • 主管,簇絨地毯編織 supervisor, tufted-carpet weavers
  • 主管,簇絨 – 紡織加工 supervisor, tufting – textile processing
  • 主管,編織 supervisor, weaving
  • 主管,紗線準備 – 紡織品 supervisor, yarn preparation – textiles
  • 制革工頭/男/女 tannery foreman/woman
  • 制革工頭/男/女 – 皮和毛皮加工 tannery foreman/woman – hide and pelt processing
  • 制革廠領班/男/女 – 皮和毛皮加工 tanyard foreman/woman – hide and pelt processing
  • 紡織加工領班/男/女 textile processing foreman/woman
  • 紡織加工主管 textile processing supervisor
  • 簇絨主管 – 紡織品 tufting supervisor – textiles
  • 扭領班/男/女 – 紡織品 twisting foreman/woman – textiles
  • 裝潢領班/男/女 – 面料,毛皮及皮革製品製造 upholsterers foreman/woman – fabric, fur and leather products manufacturing
  • 內飾裁剪和縫製領班/男/女 upholstery-cutting and sewing foreman/woman
  • 編織客房領班/男/女 – 紡織加工 weave room foreman/woman – textile processing
  • 織室主管 weave room supervisor
  • 編織室主管 – 紡織品加工 weave room supervisor – textile processing
  • 織領班/男/女 weaving foreman/woman
  • 織室主管 – 紡織品加工 weaving room supervisor – textile processing
  • 織室主管 – 紡織品 weaving room supervisor – textiles
  • 織主管 weaving supervisor
  • 織物檢驗領班/男/女 – 紡織品加工 woven fabric inspection foreman/woman – textile processing

不包括職稱 Exclusions

  • 機器操作員及有關人員,在紡織,面料,皮革和毛皮產品加工和製造 Machine operators and related workers in textile, fabric, fur and leather products processing and manufacturing 944
  • 主印染紡織品色技術人員( 化學技師和技術員) Master dyers and textile colour technologists (in 2211 Chemical technologists and technicians )
  • 裁縫,皮貨和女帽 Tailors, dressmakers, furriers and milliners 6342
  • 紡織製造技師和技術員( 工業工程與製造技師和技術員) Technologists and technicians in textile manufacturing (in 2233 Industrial engineering and manufacturing technologists and technicians )
  • 紡織機械師( 建設技工和工業機械) Textile machinery mechanics (in 7311 Construction millwrights and industrial mechanics )



項目類別 線上申請
48 天
117 天
超級簽證 106 天
13 週
17 週
境內學簽續簽 131 天
畢業工簽境外申請 11 週
畢業工簽境內申請 145 天
145 天
5 个月
12 个月
48 个月
5 个月
40 个月
13 个月
24 个月
6 个月
25 天
62 天




