NOC 9417 加工工具運營商 Machining Tool Operators


簡介 Intro


Machining tool operators set up and operate or tend metal-cutting machines designed for repetitive machining work. They are employed by metal products and other manufacturing companies and in machine shops. This unit group also includes workers who etch or chemically mill metal pieces.

Experienced machining tool operators may become machinists or tool and die makers through apprenticeship training.

主要職責 Main Duties

  • 研究工作訂單和閱讀藍圖來確定要執行的加工操作
  • Study job orders and interpret blueprints to determine machining operations to be performed
  • 安裝和操作機器工具來執行反復加工操作,如車,銑,鑽,鏜,刨,珩磨,拉削,磨削或其他加工業務
  • Set up and operate machine tools to perform repetitive machining operations, such as turning, milling, drilling, boring, planing, honing, broaching, grinding or other machining operations
  • 用千分尺,卡尺及其他精密測量儀器確認加工零件的尺寸
  • Verify dimensions of parts machined using micrometers, callipers and other precision measuring instruments
  • 準備蝕刻溶液,並將金屬零件或工件浸泡在蝕刻溶液中,除去不需要的部分
  • Prepare etching solution and immerse metal parts or workpiece in etching solution to remove unwanted portions
  • 執行機器及設備的日常維護
  • Perform routine maintenance on equipment and machinery
  • 可以進入計算機數控( CNC )機床的切割者路徑的指定速度,填補和切割代碼。
  • May enter codes specifying speed, feed and cut of the toolpath for computer numerical controlled (CNC) machine tools.

任職要求 Employment Requirements

  • 要求具備中學教育。
  • Some secondary school education is required.
  • 可能必需完成學院或其他加工課程。
  • College or other courses in machining may be required.
  • 提供數月的在職培訓。
  • Several months of on-the-job training are provided.
  • 本單元組的高級職位,如安裝操作員,需要機器操作員的經驗。
  • Senior positions in this unit group, such as set-up operator, require experience as a machine operator.

所有職稱 All Titles

  • 飛機發動機零部件的機床設置操作員 aircraft engine parts machine tool set-up operator
  • 飛機零件刻蝕工 aircraft parts etcher
  • 自動化機床設置操作員 automated machine tool set-up operator
  • 自動螺絲機運營商 automatic screw machine operator
  • 自動移機操作員 – 金屬機械加工 automatic transfer machine operator – metal machining
  • 軸車床操作 axle lathe operator
  • 桶銼工 barrel rifler
  • 桶穿線工,小武器 barrel threader, small arms
  • 軸承鑽孔者 bearing borer
  • 軸承磨床工 bearing grinder
  • 長凳上設置操作員,機器工具 bench set-up operator, machine tool
  • 螺栓穿線工 bolt threader
  • 螺栓線程機器操作員 bolt-threading machine operator
  • 鑽孔者 – 金屬加工 borer – metal machining
  • 掘進機運營商 – 金屬機械加工 boring machine operator – metal machining
  • 鏜銑床運營商 – 金屬機械加工 boring mill operator – metal machining
  • 鏜銑床建立運營商 – 金屬機械加工 boring mill set-up operator – metal machining
  • 制動鼓車床操作員 brake drum lathe operator
  • 拉床,生產 – 金屬機械加工 broacher, production – metal machining
  • 拉床運營商 – 金屬機械加工 broaching machine operator – metal machining
  • 拉床建立運營商 – 金屬機械加工 broaching machine set-up operator – metal machining
  • 布拉德多軸車床操作 Bullard multiple-spindle lathe operator
  • 凸輪機操作 – 金屬機械加工 camming machine operator – metal machining
  • 無心外圓磨床設置操作員 centreless cylindrical grinder set-up operator
  • 無心磨床圓柱運營商 centreless cylindrical-grinder operator
  • 無心磨床運營商 centreless grinder operator
  • 無心磨床建立操作員 centreless grinder set-up operator
  • 夾緊機設置操作員 chucking machine set-up operator
  • CNC (計算機數值控制)車床操作員 – 金屬機械加工 CNC (computer numerical control) lathe operator – metal machining
  • CNC (計算機數控)加工工具操作員 CNC (computer numerical control) machining tool operator
  • CNC (計算機數控)型材軋機操作員 CNC (computer numerical control) profile mill operator
  • CNC (計算機數值控制)機台的操作員 – 金屬機械加工 CNC (computer numerically controlled) machine set-up operator – metal machining
  • CNC (電腦數控)加工中心操作工 CNC (computer numerically controlled) machining centre operator
  • 數控加工切割者的運營商 CNC machining tool operator
  • 電腦數控( CNC )機器設置運營商 – 金屬機械加工 computer numerically controlled (CNC) machine set-up operator – metal machining
  • 計算機數控( CNC )加工中心操作工 computer numerically controlled (CNC) machining centre operator
  • 連桿鑽孔者 connecting rod borer
  • 穿孔者 – 金屬加工 countersinker – metal machining
  • 自定義螺桿機操作員 custom screw machine operator
  • 餐具和工具刻蝕工 cutlery and tool etcher
  • 圓筒磨床 – 金屬機械加工 cylinder grinder – metal machining
  • 缸榮譽證書 – 金屬機械加工 cylinder honer – metal machining
  • 模據穿孔機設置操作員 diesinking machine set-up operator
  • 鑽床操作員 – 金屬加工 drill press operator – metal machining
  • 鑽按設置操作員 – 金屬機械加工 drill press set-up operator – metal machining
  • 鑽孔和銑削機床操作員 – 金屬機械加工 drilling and milling machine operator – metal machining
  • 鑽孔機操作員 – 金屬機械加工 drilling machine operator – metal machining
  • EDM (放電加工機)運算符 EDM (electrical discharge machine) operator
  • EDM (放電加工機)設置操作員 EDM (electrical discharge machine) set-up operator
  • EDM (放電加工機)招標 EDM (electrical discharge machine) tender
  • 放電加工機( EDM )運算符 electrical discharge machine (EDM) operator
  • 放電加工機( EDM )招標 electrical discharge machine (EDM) tender
  • 電化學加工工具操作 electrochemical machining tool operator
  • 電解蝕刻機 – 金屬機械加工 electrolytic etcher – metal machining
  • 發動機車床設置操作員 engine lathe set-up operator
  • 蝕刻師,飛機零部件 etcher, aircraft parts
  • 蝕刻師,電解 – 金屬機械加工 etcher, electrolytic – metal machining
  • 蝕刻師,槍支 etcher, firearms
  • 外圓磨床設置操作員 external cylindrical grinder set-up operator
  • 外圓磨床操作 external cylindrical-grinder operator
  • 文件切割者 – 金屬機械加工 file cutter – metal machining
  • 文件製造商 – 金屬機械加工 file maker – metal machining
  • 槍支蝕刻師 firearms etcher
  • 齒輪切割者 gear cutter
  • 齒輪磨床 gear grinder
  • 滾齒機建立運營商 gear hobber set-up operator
  • 齒輥磨床 gear roller grinder
  • 齒輪切割機設置操作員 gear-cutting machine set-up operator
  • 齒輪切割機招標 gear-cutting machine tender
  • 齒輪研磨機設置操作員 gear-grinding machine set-up operator
  • 滾齒機設置操作員 gear-hobbing machine set-up operator
  • 齒輪滾刀銑床的設置操作員 gear-hob-milling machine set-up operator
  • 齒輪研磨機操作員 gear-lapping machine operator
  • 齒輪研磨機的設置操作員 gear-lapping machine set-up operator
  • 齒輪銑床操作員 gear-milling machine operator
  • 齒輪銑床設置操作員 gear-milling machine set-up operator
  • 齒輪滾動機操作員 gear-rolling machine operator
  • 齒輪成型機操作員 gear-shaper operator
  • 齒輪剃齒機設置操作員 gear-shaving machine set-up operator
  • 普通機床設置操作員 general machine tool set-up operator
  • 磨床建立運營商 – 金屬機械加工 grinder set-up operator – metal machining
  • 磨床,氣缸 – 金屬機械加工 grinder, cylinders – metal machining
  • 粉碎機,金屬鋸齒 grinder, metal saw teeth
  • 印刷膠輥磨床, grinder, printing rollers
  • 開槽機設置操作員 – 金屬機械加工 grooving machine set-up operator – metal machining
  • 手文件管理器,工具 – 金屬機械加工 hand filer, tools – metal machining
  • 手成捲機 – 金屬機械加工 hand lapper – metal machining
  • 重卡盤車床操作員 – 金屬加工 heavy chucking lathe operator – metal machining
  • 珩磨機操作員 – 金屬機械加工 honing machine operator – metal machining
  • 珩磨機設置操作員 – 金屬機械加工 honing machine set-up operator – metal machining
  • 臥式鏜銑床建立運營商 horizo​​ntal boring and milling machine set-up operator
  • 令人印象深刻的機器看管者 – 金屬機械加工 impressing machine tender – metal machining
  • 夾具磨床設置操作員 jig grinder set-up operator
  • keyseater運營商 keyseater operator
  • keyseater設置操作員 keyseater set-up operator
  • 鍵槽機操作員 keyseating machine operator
  • 舖網機,手 – 金屬機械加工 lapper, hand – metal machining
  • 研磨機操作員 lapping machine operator
  • 研磨機設置操作員 lapping machine set-up operator
  • 研磨機看管者 lapping machine tender
  • 車床手 – 金屬機械加工 lathe hand – metal machining
  • 車床加工操作 lathe machining operator
  • 車床操作員 – 金屬機械加工 lathe operator – metal machining
  • 車床操作員, CNC (計算機數控) – 金屬機械加工 lathe operator, CNC (computer numerical control) – metal machining
  • 佈局,機械加工車間 layer-out, machine shop
  • 佈局標記,機加工車間 layout marker, machine shop
  • 機器操作員 – 金屬機械加工 machine operator – metal machining
  • 機路由器 – 金屬機械加工 machine router – metal machining
  • 機加工車間層 machine shop layer-out
  • 機床操作員 – 金屬機械加工 machine tool operator – metal machining
  • 機床安裝員 machine tool setter
  • 機床安裝員/男/女 machine tool set-up man/woman
  • 機床設置操作員 machine tool set-up operator
  • 建立操作機床,飛機發動機零部件 machine tool set-up operator, aircraft engine parts
  • 機床設置操作員,鉗工 machine tool set-up operator, bench
  • 機床安裝員 – 金屬機械加工 machine-tool setter – metal machining
  • 加工設備設置操作員 machining equipment set-up operator
  • 加工工具操作員 machining tool operator
  • 加工工具操作員, CNC (電腦數控) machining tool operator, CNC (computerized numerical control)
  • 主軸承螟 – 金屬機械加工 main bearing borer – metal machining
  • 金屬帶鋸運營商 metal band saw operator
  • 金屬鋸齒磨床 metal saw tooth grinder
  • 的銑床操作員 – 金屬加工 milling machine operator – metal machining
  • 銑床安裝員 milling machine setter
  • 銑床設置操作員 milling machine set-up operator
  • 建立操作銑床 – 金屬機械加工 milling machine set-up operator – metal machining
  • 機動車圓筒磨床 motor vehicle cylinder grinder
  • 多功能金屬切削工具操作 multi-function metal-cutting tool operator
  • 多功能金屬切削工具操作員實習生 multi-function metal-cutting tool operator trainee
  • 多主軸鑽床操作員 – 金屬機械加工 multiple-spindle drill press operator – metal machining
  • 多主軸鑽床建立運營商 – 金屬加工 multiple-spindle drill press set-up operator – metal machining
  • 多軸螺釘機器操作員 multiple-spindle screw machine operator
  • 多主軸立式鏜床設置操作員 multiple-spindle vertical boring mill set-up operator
  • 多主軸立式轉塔車床設置操作員 multiple-spindle vertical turret lathe set-up operator
  • 銘牌壓模 name plate stamper
  • NC (數控)鑽孔機操作員 – 金屬機械加工 NC (numerical control) drilling machine operator – metal machining
  • NC (數控)機床操作員 – 金屬機械加工 NC (numerically controlled) machine operator – metal machining
  • NC (數控)機床操作員 NC (numerically controlled) machine tool operator
  • NC (數控)機床設置操作員 NC (numerically controlled) machine tool set-up operator
  • NC (數字控制)加工工具操作 NC (numerically controlled) machining tool operator
  • NC (數控)示踪運營商 – 金屬機械加工 NC (numerically controlled) tracer operator – metal machining
  • NC / CNC (數控/計算機數字控制)加工工具操作 NC/CNC (numerical control/computer numerical control) machining tool operator
  • 數控( NC )加工工具操作 numerical control (NC) machining tool operator
  • 數控( NC )機床操作員 – 金屬機械加工 numerically controlled (NC) machine operator – metal machining
  • 數控( NC )機床設置操作員 numerically controlled (NC) machine tool set-up operator
  • 見習運營商,多功能金屬切削工具 operator trainee, multi-function metal-cutting tool
  • 運營商,鏜床 – 金屬機械加工 operator, boring machine – metal machining
  • 運營商,鏜銑床 – 金屬機械加工 operator, boring mill – metal machining
  • 運營商,鑽床 – 金屬機械加工 operator, drill press – metal machining
  • 運營商, EDM (放電加工機) operator, EDM (electrical discharge machine)
  • 運營商,放電加工機( EDM ) operator, electrical discharge machine (EDM)
  • 操作員,車床 – 金屬機械加工 operator, lathe – metal machining
  • 操作員,車床加工 operator, lathe machining
  • 操作員,機器工具 – 金屬機械加工 operator, machine tool – metal machining
  • 受電弓銑床設置操作員 pantograph milling machine set-up operator
  • 底座鑽機操作員 – 金屬機械加工 pedestal drill operator – metal machining
  • 穿線管 pipe threader
  • 管道穿線機操作員 pipe-threading machine operator
  • 刨床操作 – 金屬機械加工 planer operator – metal machining
  • 刨床建立運營商 – 金屬機械加工 planer set-up operator – metal machining
  • 精密磨床運營商 – 金屬機械加工 precision grinder operator – metal machining
  • 精密磨床建立操作員 precision grinder set-up operator
  • 精密磨床建立運營商 – 金屬機械加工 precision grinder set-up operator – metal machining
  • 精密珩磨機操作員 – 金屬機械加工 precision honing machine operator – metal machining
  • 精密舖網機 – 金屬機械加工 precision lapper – metal machining
  • 精密車床操作員 – 金屬機械加工 precision lathe operator – metal machining
  • 印刷輥裝訂工 printing-roller finisher
  • 印刷輥磨床 printing-roller grinder
  • 印刷滾筒拋光機 printing-roller polisher
  • 產品鑽孔者 – 金屬機械加工 production borer – metal machining
  • 生產掘進機操作員 – 金屬加工 production boring machine operator – metal machining
  • 生產拉床運營商 – 金屬機械加工 production broaching machine operator – metal machining
  • 生產拉床看管者 – 金屬機械加工 production broaching machine tender – metal machining
  • 生產齒輪切割者 production gear cutter
  • 生產粉碎機 – 金屬機械加工 production grinder – metal machining
  • 生產磨床運營商 – 金屬加工 production grinder operator – metal machining
  • 生產研磨機操作員 production lapping machine operator
  • 生產研磨機看管者 production lapping machine tender
  • 的生產車床操作員 – 金屬機械加工 production lathe operator – metal machining
  • 生產機床操作員 production machine tool operator
  • 生產金屬粉碎機操作員 production metal grinder operator
  • 生產銑床操作員 – 金屬機械加工 production milling machine operator – metal machining
  • 生產多軸螺桿機設置操作員 production multiple-spindle screw machine set-up operator
  • 型材軋機操作員, CNC (電腦數控) profile mill operator, CNC (computer numerical control)
  • 型材軋機操作員, CNC (電腦數控) profile mill operator, CNC (computerized numerical control)
  • 仿形銑削機床操作員 – 金屬機械加工 profile milling machine operator – metal machining
  • 仿形銑削機設置操作員 profile milling machine set-up operator
  • 的仿形機床操作員 – 金屬機械加工 profiling machine operator – metal machining
  • 仿形機設置操作員 profiling machine set-up operator
  • 搖臂鑽運營商 – 金屬機械加工 radial drill operator – metal machining
  • 徑向鑽床操作員 – 金屬機械加工 radial drill press operator – metal machining
  • 搖臂鑽按Set-up運營商 – 金屬機械加工 radial drill press set-up operator – metal machining
  • 搖臂鑽設置運營商 – 金屬機械加工 radial drill set-up operator – metal machining
  • 旋轉頭銑床設置操作員 rotary-head milling machine set-up operator
  • 路由器的運營商 – 金屬機械加工 router operator – metal machining
  • 螺桿機運營商 – 金屬加工 screw machine operator – metal machining
  • 螺桿機操作員,自定義 screw machine operator, custom
  • 螺桿機設置操作員 screw machine set-up operator
  • 螺旋絲 screw threader
  • 安裝員,機床 setter, machine tools
  • 安裝員,銑床 setter, milling machines
  • 安裝員/男/女,機床 set-up man/woman, machine tools
  • 建立運營商 – 金屬機械加工 set-up operator – metal machining
  • 設置操作員,飛機發動機部件機床 set-up operator, aircraft engine parts machine tool
  • 設置操作員,自動機床 set-up operator, automated machine tool
  • 建立運營商,鏜銑床 – 金屬機械加工 set-up operator, boring mill – metal machining
  • 設置操作員, diesinking機 set-up operator, diesinking machine
  • 設置操作員,鑽床 – 金屬機械加工 set-up operator, drill press – metal machining
  • 建立運營商, EDM (放電加工機) set-up operator, EDM (electrical discharge machine)
  • 設置操作員,發動機車床 set-up operator, engine lathe
  • 建立運營商,齒輪剃齒機 set-up operator, gear-shaving machine
  • 建立運營商,粉碎機 – 金屬機械加工 set-up operator, grinder – metal machining
  • 建立運營商,臥式鏜銑床 set-up operator, horizo​​ntal boring mill
  • 設置操作員,夾具磨床 set-up operator, jig grinder
  • 設置操作員, keyseater set-up operator, keyseater
  • 設置操作員,機床 set-up operator, machine tool
  • 設置操作員,機加工設備 set-up operator, machining equipment
  • 設置操作員,數控機床( NC ) set-up operator, numerically controlled (NC) machine tool
  • 設置操作員,精密磨床 set-up operator, precision grinder
  • 安裝操作員,旋轉頭銑床 set-up operator, rotary-head milling machine
  • 整形器設置操作員 shaper set-up operator
  • 單主軸鑽床建立運營商 – 金屬加工 single-spindle drill press set-up operator – metal machining
  • 螺旋錐齒輪切割者設置操作員 spiral bevel-gear cutting machine set-up operator
  • 螺旋錐齒輪發電機組的操作員 spiral bevel-gear generator set-up operator
  • 螺旋齒輪發電機操作員 spiral gear-generator operator
  • 直齒錐齒輪切割者設置操作員 straight bevel-gear cutting machine set-up operator
  • 直齒錐齒輪發電機組的操作員 straight bevel-gear generator set-up operator
  • 平面磨床建立操作員 surface grinder set-up operator
  • 表面研磨機的操作員,生產 surface-grinder operator, production
  • 螺紋切割者 – 金屬機械加工 thread cutter – metal machining
  • 螺紋磨床上設置操作員 thread grinder set-up operator
  • 穿線 – 金屬加工 threader – metal machining
  • 螺紋磨床操作員 thread-grinder operator
  • 穿線機操作員 threading machine operator
  • 螺紋銑床設置操作員 thread-milling machine set-up operator
  • 工具文件管理員,手 – 金屬機械加工 tool filer, hand – metal machining
  • 工具磨床 – 金屬機械加工 tool grinder – metal machining
  • 工具磨床建立操作員 tool grinder set-up operator
  • 切割者舖網機 – 金屬機械加工 tool lapper – metal machining
  • 工具梳妝台操作員 tool-dresser operator
  • 移機看管者 – 金屬機械加工 transfer machine tender – metal machining
  • 轉塔車床操作員 – 金屬機械加工 turret lathe operator – metal machining
  • 轉塔車床設置操作員 turret lathe set-up operator
  • 萬能磨床建立操作員 universal grinder set-up operator
  • 垂直鑽孔機操作員 vertical boring machine operator
  • 立式鏜床操作員 vertical boring mill operator
  • 立式鏜床建立運營商 – 金屬機械加工 vertical boring mill set-up operator – metal machining
  • 立式加工中心操作工 vertical machining centre operator
  • 立式磨粉機設置操作員 – 金屬機械加工 vertical milling machine set-up operator – metal machining
  • 立軸銑床設置運營商 – 金屬加工 vertical-spindle milling machine set-up operator – metal machining

不包括職稱 Exclusions

  • CAD / CAM和CNC程序員( 工業工程與製造技師和技術員) CAD/CAM and CNC programmers (in 2233 Industrial engineering and manufacturing technologists and technicians )
  • 承包商和主管,機械加工,金屬成型,塑造,樹立行業及相關行業 Contractors and supervisors, machining, metal forming, shaping and erecting trades and related occupations 7201
  • 機械師和機械加工及模具督察 Machinists and machining and tooling inspectors 7231
  • 工具和模具製造商 Tool and die makers 7232




項目類別 線上申請
48 天
117 天
超級簽證 106 天
13 週
17 週
境內學簽續簽 131 天
畢業工簽境外申請 11 週
畢業工簽境內申請 145 天
145 天
5 个月
12 个月
48 个月
5 个月
40 个月
13 个月
24 个月
6 个月
25 天
62 天




