NOC 9432 紙漿廠的機器操作員 Pulp Mill Machine Operators


簡介 Intro


Pulp mill machine operators operate and monitor various types of processing machinery and equipment to produce pulp. They are employed by pulp and paper companies.

There is limited mobility among jobs within this occupational group.

Progression to pulping control operator is possible with experience.

主要職責 Main Duties

  • 操作和監視篩分設備,漂白設備,沼氣池,攪拌罐,墊圈及其他漿粕加工機械和設備,開展一個或多個纖維素處理步驟
  • Operate and monitor screening equipment, bleaching equipment, digesters, mixing tanks, washers, and other pulp processing machinery and equipment to carry out one or more cellulose processing steps
  • 觀察設備和機械面板指示燈,儀表,一級指標和其他設備儀器,檢測機械設備故障,確保工藝步驟按規格進行
  • Observe equipment and machinery panel indicators, gauges, level indicators and other equipment instruments to detect machinery and equipment malfunctions and ensure process steps are carried out according to specifications
  • 與製漿控制運營商溝通,進行工藝調整,並按要求啟動或關閉機器及設備
  • Communicate with pulping control operator to make process adjustments and start up or shut down machinery and equipment as required
  • 收集處理樣品並進行滴定測試,pH讀數,具體密度測試,以及其他紙漿和溶液等常規測試
  • Collect processing samples and conduct titration tests, pH readings, specific density tests and other routine tests on pulp and solutions
  • 完成和維護生產報告。
  • Complete and maintain production reports.

任職要求 Employment Requirements

  • 必需完成中學學業。
  • Completion of secondary school is required.
  • 可能必需具備林產品加工或相關學科的大專文憑。
  • A college diploma in forest products processing or a related subject may be required.
  • 需要完成多個星期的正規公司的培訓和若干月的在職培訓。
  • Completion of several weeks of formal company training and several months of on-the-job training is required.
  • 通常需要在同一公司內紙漿廠工人以往的經驗。
  • Previous experience as a pulp mill labourer within the same company is usually required.
  • 可能需要工業急救證書。
  • A certificate in industrial first aid may be required.

所有職稱 All Titles

  • 酸製造商 – 紙漿和造紙 acid maker – pulp and paper
  • 漂白運營商助理 – 紙漿和造紙 assistant bleacher operator – pulp and paper
  • 沼氣池運營商助理 assistant digester operator
  • 沼氣池操作員助理 – 紙漿和造紙 assistant digester operator – pulp and paper
  • 打包機 – 紙漿和造紙 baler – pulp and paper
  • 批沼氣池運營商 batch digester operator
  • 批處理廚師 – 紙漿和造紙 batch process cook – pulp and paper
  • 打漿機運營商 – 紙漿和造紙 beater operator – pulp and paper
  • 漂白鍋爐看管者 bleach boiler tender
  • 漂白場運營商 – 紙漿和造紙 bleach field operator – pulp and paper
  • 漂白液製造商,紙漿 bleach liquor maker, pulp
  • 漂白備料運營商 – 紙漿和造紙 bleach stock preparation operator – pulp and paper
  • 漂白運營商 – 紙漿和造紙 bleacher operator – pulp and paper
  • 漂白看管者 – 紙漿和造紙 bleacher tender – pulp and paper
  • 漂白工,抹布股票 bleacher, rag stock
  • 吹坑看管者 – 紙漿和造紙 blow pit tender – pulp and paper
  • 斷路器 – 紙漿和造紙 breaker – pulp and paper
  • 斷路器看管者 – 紙漿和造紙 breaker tender – pulp and paper
  • 斷路工/男/女 – 紙漿和造紙 breakerman/woman – pulp and paper
  • 打破打漿機看管者 – 紙漿和造紙 broke beater tender – pulp and paper
  • 粗漿運營商 – 紙漿和造紙 brown stock operator – pulp and paper
  • 粗漿清洗工 – 紙漿和造紙 brown stock washer – pulp and paper
  • 苛性工廠操作員 caustic plant operator
  • 苛運營商 causticizer operator
  • 苛化運營商 – 紙漿和造紙 causticizing operator – pulp and paper
  • 離心清潔看管者 – 紙漿和造紙 centri-cleaner tender – pulp and paper
  • 化學配製酒運營商 – 紙漿和造紙 chemical liquor preparation operator – pulp and paper
  • 化學製漿廠運營商 – 紙漿和造紙 chemical pulping plant operator – pulp and paper
  • 化學溶液運營商 – 紙漿和造紙 chemical solutions operator – pulp and paper
  • 化學熱磨機械漿(CTMP )機輔助運營商 chemi-thermomechanical pulp (CTMP) machine assistant operator
  • 化學熱磨機械漿( CTMP )操作者 chemi-thermomechanical pulp (CTMP) operator
  • 化學洗運營商 – 紙漿和造紙 chemi-wash operator – pulp and paper
  • 連續蒸煮運營商 – 紙漿和造紙 continuous digester operator – pulp and paper
  • 連續處理廚師 – 紙漿和造紙 continuous process cook – pulp and paper
  • 廚師 – 紙漿和造紙 cook – pulp and paper
  • 廚師的第一幫手 – 紙漿和造紙 cook’s first helper – pulp and paper
  • CTMP (化學熱磨機械漿)機輔助運營商 CTMP (chemi-thermomechanical pulp) machine assistant operator
  • 化學熱磨機械漿( CTMP )運算符 CTMP (chemi-thermomechanical pulp) operator
  • 裝飾者看管者 – 紙漿和造紙 decker tender – pulp and paper
  • 裝飾者 /男/女 – 紙漿和造紙 deckerman/woman – pulp and paper
  • 沼氣池廚師 – 紙漿和造紙 digester cook – pulp and paper
  • 沼氣池現場操作員 digester field operator
  • 沼氣池運營商 – 紙漿和造紙 digester operator – pulp and paper
  • 沼氣池看管者 – 紙漿和造紙 digester tender – pulp and paper
  • 烘乾機看管者,絕緣板 dryer tender, insulation boards
  • 蒸發器看管者 – 紙漿和造紙 evaporator tender – pulp and paper
  • 現場操作員 – 紙漿和造紙 field operator – pulp and paper
  • 過濾工 /男/女 – 紙漿和造紙 filterman/woman – pulp and paper
  • 磨床裝載工 – 紙漿和造紙 grinder loader – pulp and paper
  • 磨床運營商 – 紙漿和造紙 grinder operator – pulp and paper
  • 研磨者 /男/女 – 紙漿和造紙 grinderman/woman – pulp and paper
  • 窯苛化運營商 – 紙漿和造紙 kiln-recaust operator – pulp and paper
  • 石灰窯運營商 – 紙漿和造紙 lime kiln operator – pulp and paper
  • 石灰污泥攪拌者 lime sludge mixer
  • 白酒生產商 – 紙漿和造紙 liquor maker – pulp and paper
  • 混合運營商 – 紙漿和造紙 mixing operator – pulp and paper
  • 運營商,漂白劑 – 紙漿和造紙 operator, bleacher – pulp and paper
  • 運營商,沼氣池 – 紙漿和造紙 operator, digester – pulp and paper
  • 操作者,紙漿磨漿機 – 紙漿和造紙 operator, pulp refiner – pulp and paper
  • 運營商,紙漿和造紙洗漿機 – operator, pulp washer – pulp and paper
  • 操作者,熱磨機械漿; operator, thermomechanical pulp
  • 紙漿測試員 paper pulp tester
  • 紙漿和紙張尺寸厂商 pulp and paper size maker
  • 紙漿打包工 – 紙漿和造紙 pulp baler – pulp and paper
  • 紙漿漂白液製造商 pulp bleach liquor maker
  • 煮漿師 pulp cook
  • 紙漿機操作員 pulp dryer operator
  • 漿分級工 pulp grader
  • 紙漿製作商 pulp maker
  • 紙漿廠設備操作員 pulp mill equipment operator
  • 紙漿廠機器操作員 pulp mill machine operator
  • 紙漿磨漿機運營商 – 紙漿和造紙 pulp refiner operator – pulp and paper
  • 紙漿測試員 – 紙漿和造紙 pulp tester – pulp and paper
  • 洗漿工 pulp washer
  • 洗漿機運營商 – 紙漿和造紙 pulp washer operator – pulp and paper
  • 紙漿用木材製品測試員 pulpwood products tester
  • 恢復運營商 – 紙漿和造紙 recovery operator – pulp and paper
  • 煉油工 – 紙漿和造紙 refiner – pulp and paper
  • 煉油工/男/女 – 紙漿和造紙 refiner man/woman – pulp and paper
  • 磨漿運營商 – 紙漿和造紙 refiner operator – pulp and paper
  • 碎漿運營商 repulper operator
  • 屏幕室操作員 – 紙漿和造紙 screen room operator – pulp and paper
  • 屏幕看管者 – 紙漿和造紙 screen tender – pulp and paper
  • 篩漿工 /男/女 – 紙漿和造紙 screenman/woman – pulp and paper
  • 尺碼製作商,紙漿和造紙 size maker, pulp and paper
  • 存貨測試儀 – 紙漿和造紙 stock tester – pulp and paper
  • 存貨清洗工 – 紙漿和造紙 stock washer – pulp and paper
  • 妥爾油經營者 tall oil operator
  • 看管者,打破了打漿機 – 紙漿和造紙 tender, broke beater – pulp and paper
  • 熱磨機械漿助理運營商 thermomechanical pulp assistant operator
  • 熱磨機械漿助理運營商 – 紙漿和造紙 thermomechanical pulp assistant operator – pulp and paper
  • 熱磨機械漿運營商 thermomechanical pulp operator
  • 未漂白洗漿工 – 紙漿和造紙 unbleached pulp washer – pulp and paper
  • 洗衣機操作員,紙漿 washer operator, pulp
  • 漂布工/男/女 – 紙漿和造紙 washerman/woman – pulp and paper
  • 洗滌篩選操作員 – 紙漿和造紙 washing-screening operator – pulp and paper
  • 木漿鹼液廠商 wood pulp caustic liquor maker

不包括職稱 Exclusions

  • 木材,紙漿和紙加工的勞動力 Labourers in wood, pulp and paper processing 9614
  • 製漿,造紙和塗料控制操作員 Pulping, papermaking and coating control operators 9235
  • 主管,林產品加工 Supervisors, forest products processing 9215




項目類別 線上申請
48 天
117 天
超級簽證 106 天
13 週
17 週
境內學簽續簽 131 天
畢業工簽境外申請 11 週
畢業工簽境內申請 145 天
145 天
5 个月
12 个月
48 个月
5 个月
40 个月
13 个月
24 个月
6 个月
25 天
62 天




