NOC 9436 木材定級員等木材加工檢查員和定級員 Lumber Graders And Other Wood Processing Inspectors And Graders


簡介 Intro


Lumber graders and other wood processing inspectors and graders inspect and grade lumber, shingles, veneer, waferboard and similar wood products to identify defects, ensure conformance to company specifications and classify products according to industry standards. They are employed by sawmills, planing mills, wood treatment plants, waferboard plants and other wood processing companies.

There is some mobility between employers processing similar wood products.

主要職責 Main Duties

木材定級員執行部分或全部下列職責:Lumber graders perform some or all of the following duties:

  • 目視檢查木材節點,孔洞,分裂和其他缺陷,排序進行進一步乾燥,修整或再製造
  • Examine lumber visually for knots, holes, splits and other defects and sort for further drying, trimming or remanufacturing
  • 使用卡鉗,儀表和帶子等措施測量木材,以確保指定的厚度,長度和寬度
  • Measure lumber using callipers, gauges and tape measures to ensure specified thickness, length and width
  • 根據行業標準分類和排序木材,並給木材蓋章表示等級,木材類型,水分含量等特點
  • Classify and sort lumber according to industry standards and stamp lumber to indicate grade, wood type, moisture level and other characteristics
  • 理貨木材
  • Tally lumber
  • 完成和維護報告。
  • Complete and maintain reports.

其他木材加工檢查員和定級員執行部分或全部下列職責:Other wood processing inspectors and graders perform some or all of the following duties:

  • 目測檢查膠合板,薄木片,配電板,礫石和類似的木製品的節接,孔洞,劈裂,平直度和其他缺陷
  • Inspect plywood panels, veneer sheets, panelboards, shingles and similar wood products visually for knots, holes, splits, straightness and other defects
  • 標記缺陷和排序維修或再加工
  • Mark defects and sort for repair or reprocessing
  • 使用標準的測量儀器,測量木製品,以確保符合規格
  • Measure wood products to ensure conformance to specifications using standard measuring instruments
  • 按照質量標准給木製品定級和貼標籤
  • Grade and label wood products according to quality standards
  • 完成和維護檢查和分級報告。
  • Complete and maintain inspection and grading reports.

任職要求 Employment Requirements

  • 通常需要完成中學。
  • Completion of secondary school is usually required.
  • 為木材定級員提供就業培訓和長達兩星期的課堂培訓。
  • On-the-job training and up to two weeks of classroom training are provided for lumber graders.
  • 本單元組的定級員和檢察員通常要求具有鋸木廠機器操作員,其他木材加工操作員或木材加工勞動者以往的經驗。
  • Previous experience as a sawmill machine operator, other wood processing operator or as a labourer in wood processing is usually required for graders and inspectors in this unit group.
  • 木材定級員要求取得省木材協會頒發的木材定級員許可證。
  • Lumber graders require a lumber grader’s licence issued by a provincial lumber association.

所有職稱 All Titles

  • 板材定級員 – 木材加工 board grader – wood processing
  • 地板定級員 – 木材加工 flooring grader – wood processing
  • 定級員 – 木材加工 – grader – wood processing
  • 定級理貨員/男/女 – 木材加工 grader tallyman/woman – wood processing
  • 定級員,電路板 – 木材加工 grader, board – wood processing
  • 定級員,木材 grader, lumber
  • 定級員,刨花板 – 木材加工 grader, particleboards – wood processing
  • 定級員,膠合板 – 木材加工 grader, plywood – wood processing
  • 定級員,單板 – 木材加工 grader, veneer – wood processing
  • 定級員,單板和膠合板 – 木材加工 grader, veneer and plywood – wood processing
  • 定級員,木材加工 grader, wood processing
  • 綠色木材定級員 green lumber grader
  • 檢查員 – 木材加工 inspector – wood processing
  • 督察,膠合板 – 木材加工 inspector, plywood – wood processing
  • 巡視員,奶昔 – 木材加工 inspector, shakes – wood processing
  • 督察,處理極 – 木材加工 inspector, treated poles – wood processing
  • 木材定級員 lumber grader
  • 木材檢查員 lumber inspector
  • 木材標記員 lumber marker
  • 標記員,木材 marker, lumber
  • 面板檢查員 – 木材加工 panel inspector – wood processing
  • 刨花板定級員 – 木材加工 particleboard grader – wood processing
  • 刨床定級員 – 木材加工 planer grader – wood processing
  • 龍門刨銑定級員 – 木材加工 planer mill grader – wood processing
  • 膠合板及單板匹配員 – 木材加工 plywood and veneer matcher – wood processing
  • 膠合板定級員 plywood grader
  • 膠合板定級員 – 木材加工 plywood grader – wood processing
  • 膠合板督察 plywood inspector
  • 膠合板檢查員 – 木材加工 plywood inspector – wood processing
  • 極檢查員 – 木材加工 pole inspector – wood processing
  • 搖檢查員 – 木材加工 shake inspector – wood processing
  • 瓦檢查員 – 木材加工 shingle inspector – wood processing
  • 股權定級員 – 木材加工 stake grader – wood processing
  • 領帶和木材檢查員 tie and timber inspector
  • 處理極測試員 – 木材加工 treated pole tester – wood processing
  • 單板和膠合板定級員 – 木材加工 veneer and plywood grader – wood processing
  • 單板定級員 veneer grader
  • 單板定級員 – 木材加工 veneer grader – wood processing
  • 木材標記員 – 木材加工 wood marker – wood processing
  • 木材測量員 wood measurer
  • 木材測量員 – 木材加工 wood measurer – wood processing
  • 木材加工定級員 wood processing grader
  • 木材加工巡視員 wood processing inspector

不包括職稱 Exclusions

  • 林產品技術人員( 化學技師和技術員) Forest products technologists (in [2211]2211 Chemical technologists and technicians )
  • 木材定標員(林業技術人員和技術人員) Log scalers (in 2223 Forestry technologists and technicians )
  • 鋸木廠的生產技術人員(工業工程與製造技師和技術員) Production technologists in sawmills (in 2233 Industrial engineering and manufacturing technologists and technicians )
  • 主管,林產品加工 Supervisors, forest products processing 9215




項目類別 線上申請
48 天
117 天
超級簽證 106 天
13 週
17 週
境內學簽續簽 131 天
畢業工簽境外申請 11 週
畢業工簽境內申請 145 天
145 天
5 个月
12 个月
48 个月
5 个月
40 个月
13 个月
24 个月
6 个月
25 天
62 天




