NOC 9531 船装配工和督察 Boat Assemblers And Inspectors


簡介 Intro


Boat assemblers assemble wooden, fibreglass and metal boats, such as sailboats, motorboats, canoes and cabin cruisers. Boat inspectors check assembled boats to ensure proper product quality. They are employed by boat and marine craft manufacturing companies.

Progression to supervisory positions is possible with experience.

主要職責 Main Duties

船裝配工執行部分或全部下列職責:Boat assemblers perform some or all of the following duties:

  • 用手動及電動工具切割,塑型和連接木材片或組裝預切割木材部分,製造木船
  • Cut, shape and join timber pieces or assemble pre-cut timber pieces to make a wooden boat using hand and power tools
  • 組裝預製部件和玻璃纖維,金屬或其他材料部分,以形成完整的船隻
  • Assemble prefabricated parts and sections of fibreglass, metal or other material to form complete boat
  • 採用壓膠槍填補甲板和船體
  • Caulk decks and hulls using caulking gun
  • 使用手工工具,安裝輔料,方向舵,座椅,發動機架和其他配件
  • Install tr​​ims, rudders, seats, engine mounts and other accessories using hand tools
  • 可以修復船隻。
  • May repair boats.

船檢查員執行部分或全部下列職責:Boat inspectors perform some or all of the following duties:

  • 檢查組裝船的缺陷和是否符合質量標準
  • Inspect assembled boats for defects and conformance to quality standards
  • 標記要修復的缺陷
  • Mark defects to be repaired
  • 小型調整和維修
  • Make minor adjustments and repairs
  • 記錄檢查產品的信息。
  • Record information on products inspected.

任職要求 Employment Requirements

  • 可能必需完成中學教育。
  • Some secondary school education may be required.
  • 可能需要完成大學或造船其他課程。
  • Completion of college or other courses in boat building may be required.
  • 提供在職培訓。
  • On-the-job training is provided.
  • 船裝配工可能需要同一公司助理或勞動者的經驗。
  • Experience as a helper or labourer in the same company may be required for boat assemblers.
  • 船督察可能需要船安裝員的經驗。
  • Experience as a boat assembler may be required for boat inspectors.

所有職稱 All Titles

  • 鋁船安裝員 aluminum boat assembler
  • 鋁小船洩漏測試員 aluminum boat leak tester
  • 安裝員,船 assembler, boats
  • 安裝員,獨木舟 assembler, canoes
  • 安裝員,小艇 assembler, dinghies
  • 安裝員,摩托艇 assembler, motorboats
  • 安裝員,帆船 assembler, sailboats
  • 組裝檢查員,船 assembly inspector, boats
  • 組裝檢查員,摩托艇 assembly inspector, motorboats
  • 組裝檢查員,木船 assembly inspector, wooden boats
  • 裝配層壓工,船 assembly laminator, boats
  • 組裝維修工,船 assembly repairer, boats
  • 船安裝員 boat assembler
  • 鋁船安裝員 boat assembler, aluminum
  • 安裝員船,玻璃纖維 boat assembler, fibreglass
  • 船組裝檢查員 boat assembly inspector
  • 船裝配層壓工 boat assembly laminator
  • 船組裝維修工 boat assembly repairer
  • 船組裝維修工,玻璃纖維 boat assembly repairer, fibreglass
  • 船督察 boat inspector
  • 船檢查員和裝訂工,玻璃纖維 boat inspector and finisher, fibreglass
  • 檢查員,木材船 boat inspector, wood
  • 船馬達安裝員 boat motor installer
  • 獨木舟安裝員 canoe assembler
  • 獨木舟建築檢查員 canoe building inspector
  • 獨木舟助選 canoe canvasser
  • 帆布獨木舟防水材料 canvas canoe waterproofer
  • 刻蝕師,木船 – 船裝配 caulker, wooden hulls – boat assembly
  • 小艇安裝員 dinghy assembler
  • 玻璃鋼船安裝員 fibreglass boat assembler
  • 玻璃鋼船檢查員和裝訂工 fibreglass boat inspector and finisher
  • 船體檢查員 hull inspector
  • 船體測量師 hull surveyor
  • 督察和裝訂工,玻璃鋼艇 inspector and finisher, fibreglass boats
  • 巡視員,船裝配 inspector, boat assembly
  • 巡視員,船 inspector, boats
  • 督察,獨木舟建設 inspector, canoe building
  • 檢查員,船體 inspector, hull
  • 巡視員,摩托艇組裝 inspector, motorboat assembly
  • 督察,木船組件 inspector, wooden boat assembly
  • 督察,木船 inspector, wooden boats
  • 安裝工,船馬達 installer, boat motors
  • 安裝工,舷外馬達 installer, outboard motors
  • 安裝鉗工,舷外馬達 installer-fitter, outboard motors
  • 覆膜工,船裝配工 laminator, boat assembly
  • 洩漏測試員,鋁船 leak tester, aluminum boats
  • 閣樓工匠 – 船裝配 loft rigger – boat assembly
  • 電機安裝員,船 motor installer, boats
  • 摩托艇安裝員 motorboat assembler
  • 摩托艇組裝檢查員 motorboat assembly inspector
  • 舷外馬達安裝員 outboard motor installer
  • 舷外馬達安裝鉗工 outboard motor installer-fitter
  • 膠合板船單板層 plywood boat veneer layer
  • 維修工,船裝配 repairer, boat assembly
  • 維修工,玻璃鋼船組件 repairer, fibreglass boat assembly
  • 鉚釘測試員 – 船裝配 rivet tester – boat assembly
  • 帆船安裝員 sailboat assembler
  • 測試員,鉚釘 – 船裝配 tester, rivets – boat assembly
  • 貼面層,膠合板船 veneer layer, plywood boat
  • 防水材料,獨木舟帆布 waterproofer, canoe canvas
  • 木船組裝檢查員 wooden boat assembly inspector
  • 木船督察 wooden boat inspector
  • 木製船體刻蝕師 – 船裝配 wooden hull caulker – boat assembly

不包括職稱 Exclusions

  • 建築商定制木船和木造船( 木匠) Builders of customized wooden boats and wooden shipwrights (in 7271 Carpenters )
  • 獨木舟建設者( 工匠和工匠) Canoe builders (in 5244 Artisans and craftspersons )
  • 傭工和勞動者在船裝配(其他勞動者在加工,製造和公用事業) Helpers and labourers in boat assembly (in 9619 Other labourers in processing, manufacturing and utilities )
  • 船舶維修技師(其他行業及相關行業中, NEC ) Marine repair technicians (in 7384 Other trades and related occupations, n.e.c. )
  • 主管艇裝配和督察(主管,其他產品的製造和裝配) Supervisors of boat assemblers and inspectors (in 9227 Supervisors, other products manufacturing and assembly )
  • 工人製造,鋼鐵和其他金屬部件組裝,適合造船(金屬結構和platework的製造和鉗工) Workers who fabricate, assemble and fit steel and other metal components to build ships (in 7235 Structural metal and platework fabricators and fitters )




項目類別 線上申請
48 天
117 天
超級簽證 106 天
13 週
17 週
境內學簽續簽 131 天
畢業工簽境外申請 11 週
畢業工簽境內申請 145 天
145 天
5 个月
12 个月
48 个月
5 个月
40 个月
13 个月
24 个月
6 个月
25 天
62 天




