NOC 9535 塑料產品裝配工,整理工和檢查員 Plastic Products Assemblers, Finishers And Inspectors


簡介 Intro


This unit group includes workers who assemble, finish and inspect plastic parts and finished products. They are employed by plastic products manufacturing companies and plastic parts divisions of aircraft or other manufacturing companies.

Mobility among the various workers in this unit group is possible.

Progression to supervisory positions is possible with experience.

主要職責 Main Duties

塑料產品裝配工和整理者執行部分或全部下列職責:Plastic products assemblers and finishers perform some or all of the following duties:

  • 操作機器或設備,或使用手動工具切割,塑型,拼接和調整塑膠原料,形成零件和裝配體
  • Operate machines or equipment, or use hand tools to cut, shape, splice and fit plastic materials to form parts and assemblies
  • 使用粘接劑,在圖案上組裝複合材料,形成零件和裝配體
  • Assemble composite materials on patterns to form parts and assemblies using bonding agents
  • 操作噴槍裝置,將樹脂混合物應用到金屬或木製的模具內,形成塑料製品
  • Operate spray-gun unit to apply resin mixtures to metal or wooden mould to form plastic products
  • 加載和操作高壓滅菌烘箱,固化和結合塑料和復合材料部件和組件
  • Load and operate autoclave oven to cure and bond plastic and composite parts and subassemblies
  • 操作整理設備修剪,研磨或拋光塑料製品進入最終形式。
  • Operate finishing equipment to trim, grind or buff plastic products into final form.

塑料製品檢查員執行部分或全部下列職責:Plastic products inspectors perform some or all of the following duties:

  • 肉眼觀察或使用儀器,檢查生產的塑料製品是否存在缺陷,以及符合規格和質量標準
  • Inspect manufactured plastic products for defects and conformance to specifications and quality standards, visually or using instruments
  • 給獲准的塑料製品貼上封條或標籤,標記和退回有缺陷的產品進行維修或回收
  • Affix seals or tags to approved plastic products and mark and reroute defective products for repair or recycle
  • 準備產品檢驗報告
  • Prepare reports on products inspected
  • 對產品稍作調整和維修
  • Make minor adjustments and repairs to products
  • 可以培訓或協助培訓新工人。
  • May train or assist in training new workers.

任職要求 Employment Requirements

  • 通常需要中學教育。
  • Some secondary school education is usually required.
  • 裝配工,整理工和檢查員需要同一公司勞動者在的經驗。
  • Experience as a labourer in the same company may be required for assemblers, finishers and inspectors.
  • 提供在職培訓。
  • On-the-job training is provided.

所有職稱 All Titles

  • 飛機零部件組裝維修工 – 塑料製品製造 aircraft parts assembly repairer – plastic products manufacturing
  • 飛機塑料鑲板裝配工 aircraft plastic panelling assembler
  • 飛機塑料部件整理工裝配工 aircraft plastic parts trimmer-assembler
  • 裝配工,飛機塑料鑲板 assembler, aircraft plastic panelling
  • 裝配工,汽車車門鑲板 – 塑料製品製造 assembler, automotive door panelling – plastic products manufacturing
  • 裝配工,冷卻器殼 – 塑膠製品製造業 assembler, cooler shells – plastic products manufacturing
  • 裝配工,玻璃纖維過濾器 assembler, fibreglass filters
  • 裝配工,行李綁定 – 塑料製品製造 assembler, luggage bindings – plastic products manufacturing
  • 裝配工,海上船舶塑料鑲板 assembler, marine craft plastic panelling
  • 裝配工,塑料盒 assembler, plastic cases
  • 裝配工,塑料件 assembler, plastic parts
  • 裝配工,塑料製品 assembler, plastic products
  • 裝配工,全塑罐 assembler, plastic tanks
  • 裝配工,塑料玩具 assembler, plastic toys
  • 裝配工,塑料 assembler, plastics
  • 裝配工,有機玻璃 assembler, Plexiglas
  • 裝配工,天窗 – 塑料製品製造 assembler, skylights – plastic products manufacturing
  • 組裝檢查員 – 塑料製造 assembly inspector – plastic manufacturing
  • 裝配線巡視員 – 塑料製造 assembly line inspector – plastic manufacturing
  • 組裝維修工,塑料製品 assembly repairer, plastic products
  • 霧化帽機看管者 atomizer cap machine tender
  • 汽車車門鑲板裝配工 – 塑料製品製造 automotive door panelling assembler – plastic products manufacturing
  • 帶覆膜工,手 – 塑料製品製造 belt laminator, hand – plastic products manufacturing
  • 吸塑包裝成型工 – 塑料製品製造 blister former – plastic products manufacturing
  • 腹膜工,塑料製品; buffer, plastic products
  • 拋光機操作員 – 塑料製造 buffing machine operator – plastic manufacturing
  • 建設者,塑料模板 builder, plastic templates
  • 玻璃紙裝訂工 – 塑料製造 cellophane finisher – plastic manufacturing
  • 水泥工,塑料 cementer, plastics
  • 換板工 – 塑料製造 changer, plates – plastic manufacturing
  • 光盤督察 – 塑料製品製造 compact disc inspector – plastic products manufacturing
  • 冷卻器殼裝配工 – 塑料製品製造 cooler shell assembler – plastic products manufacturing
  • 切割者,地板的插圖 – 塑料製造 cutter, floorcovering insets – plastic manufacturing
  • 切割者,塑料 cutter, plastics
  • 切丁看管者 – 塑料製造 dicer tender – plastic manufacturing
  • 切割機看管者 – 塑料製造 dicing machine tender – plastic manufacturing
  • 製造者,塑料塗層 fabricator, plastic coating
  • 製造者,塑料包裝 fabricator, plastic packing
  • 製造者,塑料管道 fabricator, plastic piping
  • 製造者,塑料製品 fabricator, plastic products
  • 玻璃纖維過濾器裝配工 fibreglass filter assembler
  • 玻璃纖維督察 fibreglass inspector
  • 玻璃纖維層壓 fibreglass laminator
  • 玻璃纖維上籃/男/女 – 塑料製造 fibreglass layup man/woman – plastic manufacturing
  • 玻璃纖維上籃工人 – 塑料製造 fibreglass layup worker – plastic manufacturing
  • 填料剝離工,模具 – 塑料製造 filler-stripper, moulds – plastic manufacturing
  • 整理工,玻璃紙 – 塑料製造 finisher, cellophane – plastic manufacturing
  • 裝訂工,模壓塑料 finisher, moulded plastic
  • 裝訂工,塑料製品 finisher, plastic products
  • 整理工,塑料片 finisher, plastic sheets
  • 裝訂工,雷達天線罩 – 塑料製造 finisher, radomes – plastic manufacturing
  • 裝訂工-粉碎工- 塑料製造 finisher-grinder – plastic manufacturing
  • 地板嵌入切割者 – 塑料製造 floorcovering inset cutter – plastic manufacturing
  • 泡沫墊生產維修工 – 塑料製品製造 foam cushion production repairer – plastic products manufacturing
  • 泡沫坐墊增強劑 – 塑料製品的製造 foam cushion reinforcer – plastic products manufacturing
  • 成型工,水皰 – 塑料製品製造 former, blisters – plastic products manufacturing
  • 成型工,有機玻璃 former, Plexiglas
  • 督察人員和測試人員,塑料製品 inspector and tester, plastic products
  • 檢查員,裝配生產線 – 塑料製造 inspector, assembly line – plastic manufacturing
  • 檢查員,玻璃纖維 inspector, fibreglass
  • 巡視員,油氈 inspector, linoleum
  • 檢查員,模壓塑料 inspector, moulded plastic
  • 檢查員,塑料製品 inspector, plastic products
  • 檢查員,塑料製品製造 inspector, plastic products manufacturing
  • 督察,塑料 inspector, plastics
  • 督察測試員,模壓塑料 inspector-tester, moulded plastic
  • 覆膜工,模具 – 塑料製造 laminator, moulds – plastic manufacturing
  • 塑封工,塑料 – 塑料製造 laminator, plastics – plastic manufacturing
  • 絞合工/男/女,玻璃纖維 – 塑料製造 layup man/woman, fibreglass – plastic manufacturing
  • 絞合工人,玻璃纖維 – 塑料製造 layup worker, fibreglass – plastic manufacturing
  • 絞合工人,塑料再現 layup worker, plastic reproduction
  • 線督察,油氈 line inspector, linoleum
  • 油氈巡視員 linoleum inspector
  • 油氈線巡視員 linoleum line inspector
  • 油氈質量控制檢查員 linoleum quality control inspector
  • 製造巡視員,塑料製品 manufacturing inspector, plastic products
  • 海洋工藝塑料鑲板裝配工 marine craft plastic panelling assembler
  • 模具填料分離工 – 塑料製造 mould filler-stripper – plastic manufacturing
  • 模具層壓工 – 塑料製造 mould laminator – plastic manufacturing
  • 模具分離器 – 塑料製造 mould stripper – plastic manufacturing
  • 模具打蠟工 – 塑料製造 mould waxer – plastic manufacturing
  • 模壓塑料的整理工 moulded plastic finisher
  • 模壓塑料督察 moulded plastic inspector
  • 模壓塑料督察測試員 moulded plastic inspector-tester
  • 成型的塑料製品整理工者 moulded plastic products trimmer
  • 模壓製品裝訂工 – 塑料製品製造 moulded products finisher – plastic products manufacturing
  • 模壓製品剝工 – 塑料製品製造 moulded products stripper – plastic products manufacturing
  • 成型工,塑料腳踝件 moulder, plastic ankle pieces
  • 成型工,室內裝潢 – 塑料製造 moulder, upholstery – plastic manufacturing
  • 淨塗藥工 – 塑料製品製造 net applicator – plastic products manufacturing
  • 軟墊儀表板製造商 – 塑料製品製造 padded dashboard maker – plastic products manufacturing
  • 鑲板裝配工,汽車門 – 塑料製品製造 panelling assembler, automotive doors – plastic products manufacturing
  • 塑料和復合工人 plastic and composite worker
  • 塑料腳踝片成型工 plastic ankle piece moulder
  • 塑料瓶修整者 plastic bottle trimmer
  • 塑料盒製造商 plastic box maker
  • 塑料案例裝配工 plastic case assembler
  • 塑料棺材製造商 plastic casket maker
  • 塑料塗層製造者 plastic coating fabricator
  • 塑料切割者 plastic cutter
  • 塑料材料捲取工和切割者 plastic material reeler and cutter
  • 塑料包裝製造者 plastic packing fabricator
  • 塑料鑲板裝配工,海上船舶 plastic panelling assembler, marine craft
  • 塑料件裝配工 plastic parts assembler
  • 塑料管道製造者 plastic piping fabricator
  • 塑料製品裝配工 plastic products assembler
  • 塑料製品組裝維修工 plastic products assembly repairer
  • 塑料製品的緩衝 plastic products buffer
  • 塑料製品製作者 plastic products fabricator
  • 塑料製品整理工 plastic products finisher
  • 塑料製品成型工 plastic products former
  • 塑料製品督察 plastic products inspector
  • 塑料製品督察人員和測試人員 plastic products inspector and tester
  • 塑料製品層壓工 plastic products laminator
  • 塑料製品生產督察 plastic products manufacturing inspector
  • 塑料製品修整者 plastic products trimmer
  • 塑料製品真空成型機看管者 plastic products vacuum-forming machine tender
  • 塑料絞合工人 plastic reproduction layup worker
  • 塑料片材裝訂工 plastic sheet finisher
  • 塑料符號整理工和裝配工 plastic sign trimmer and assembler
  • 塑料油箱裝配工 plastic tank assembler
  • 塑料模板建造者 plastic template builder
  • 塑料玩具裝配工 plastic toy assembler
  • 塑料裝配工 plastics assembler
  • 塑料水泥工 plastics cementer
  • 塑料切割者 plastics cutter
  • 塑料督察 plastics inspector
  • 塑料覆膜工 – 塑料製造 plastics laminator – plastic manufacturing
  • 塑料整理工 plastics trimmer
  • 換板 – 塑料製造 plate changer – plastic manufacturing
  • 有機玻璃裝配工 Plexiglas assembler
  • 有機玻璃前 Plexiglas former
  • 拋光機操作員 – 塑料製造 polishing machine operator – plastic manufacturing
  • 壓,裝飾布 – 塑料製造 presser, upholstery – plastic manufacturing
  • 生產維修工,泡沫墊子 – 塑料製品製造 production repairer, foam cushions – plastic products manufacturing
  • 質量控制檢查員 – 塑料製品製造 quality control inspector – plastic products manufacturing
  • 質量控制檢查員,油氈 quality control inspector, linoleum
  • 雷達罩的整理工 – 塑料製造 radome finisher – plastic manufacturing
  • 捲取工和切割工 – 塑料製造 reeler and cutter – plastic manufacturing
  • 捲取工,切割工,塑料材料 reeler and cutter, plastic material
  • 加固工人,泡沫墊 – 塑膠製品製造業 reinforcer, foam cushions – plastic products manufacturing
  • 維修工,壓路機 – 塑料製造 repairer, rollers – plastic manufacturing
  • 輥維修工 – 塑料製造 roller repairer – plastic manufacturing
  • 輥修理工/男/女 – 塑料製造 roller repairman/woman – plastic manufacturing
  • 護目鏡組裝維修工 – 塑料製品製造 safety goggle assembly repairer – plastic products manufacturing
  • 頁裝訂工,塑料 sheet finisher, plastic
  • 天窗裝配工 – 塑料製品製造 skylight assembler – plastic products manufacturing
  • 剝離工,模具 – 塑料製造 stripper, moulds – plastic manufacturing
  • 看管者,切丁機 – 塑料製造 tender, dicer – plastic manufacturing
  • 看管者,切割機 – 塑料製造 tender, dicing machine – plastic manufacturing
  • 看管者,真空成型機,塑料製品 tender, plastic products vacuum-forming machine
  • 修剪工和裝配工,塑料標牌 trimmer and assembler, plastic signs
  • 整理工,模壓塑料製品 trimmer, moulded plastic products
  • 整理工,塑料瓶 trimmer, plastic bottles
  • 整理工,塑料製品 trimmer, plastic products
  • 整理工-裝配工,飛機塑料部件 trimmer-assembler, aircraft plastic parts
  • 內飾成型工 – 塑料製造 upholstery moulder – plastic manufacturing
  • 內飾壓 – 塑料製造 upholstery presser – plastic manufacturing
  • 真空成型機看管者,塑料製品 vacuum-forming machine tender, plastic products
  • 打蠟工,模具 – 塑料製造 waxer, moulds – plastic manufacturing
  • 拉鍊成型機看管者 – 塑料製品製造 zipper-forming machine tender – plastic products manufacturing

不包括職稱 Exclusions

  • 勞動者在橡膠和塑料製品製造業 Labourers in rubber and plastic products manufacturing 9615
  • 塑料加工機械操作員 Plastics processing machine operators 9422
  • 橡膠加工機器操作員及有關人員 Rubber processing machine operators and related workers 9423
  • 主管,塑料和橡膠製品製造業 Supervisors, plastic and rubber products manufacturing 9214




項目類別 線上申請
48 天
117 天
超級簽證 106 天
13 週
17 週
境內學簽續簽 131 天
畢業工簽境外申請 11 週
畢業工簽境內申請 145 天
145 天
5 个月
12 个月
48 个月
5 个月
40 个月
13 个月
24 个月
6 个月
25 天
62 天




