NOC 0422 初等和中等教育的學校校長和管理員 (School Principals And Administrators Of Elementary And Secondary Education)


簡介 Intro


School principals plan, organize, direct, control and evaluate the activities of teachers and other staff of an elementary or secondary school. They are employed by public and private schools. Administrators of elementary and secondary education plan, organize, direct, control and evaluate the academic affairs of a school system. They are employed by school boards.

There is little mobility between institutional settings, for example, between elementary and secondary schools.

主要職責 Main Duties

0422 校長執行部分或全部下列職責:School principals perform some or all of the following duties:

  • 通過部門主管或督學,計劃,組織,指導,控制和評估教師和教輔人員的活動。 Plan, organize, direct, control and evaluate, through department heads or supervisors, the activities of teachers and support staff
  • 審查程序,以確保符合學校董事會或地方標準,並在權限範圍內製定方案。 Review programs to ensure conformance to school board or provincial standards and develop programs within limits of authority
  • 通過人事分配,確定班級大小,以及準備時間表等來協調機構的教學活動。 Co-ordinate teaching activities of the institution by making personnel assignments, determining class size and preparing timetables
  • 組織和維護程序以備存紀錄。 Organize and maintain procedures for the keeping of records
  • 準備和管理機構或項目預算。 Prepare and administer institution or program budget
  • 指導和統籌校舍維修服務和學校設施的使用。 Direct and co-ordinate school maintenance services and the use of school facilities
  • 亦可聘任教師和其他工作人員。 May recruit and hire teachers and other staff
  • 教學亦可。 May teach.

0422 小學和中學教育的管理員執行部分或全部下列職責:Administrators of elementary and secondary education perform some or all of the following duties:

  • 通過學校的校長,計劃,組織,指揮,控制和評估學校的學術事務。 Plan, organize, direct, control and evaluate, through school principals, the academic affairs of a school district
  • 評估課程設置,教學方法和社區對學區方案的參與,並根據要求修改方案。 Evaluate curriculum, teaching methods and community participation in programs for a school district and revise programs as required
  • 開發和管理學生和成人的教育和培訓計劃。 Develop and administer programs for the education and training of students and adults
  • 對有關學區的年度經營預算提出建議。 Make recommendations concerning the annual operating budget of a school district
  • 指導或監督對教學人員的招聘,任用,培訓,考核和提升。 Direct or supervise the recruitment, appointment, training, evaluation and promotion of teaching personnel.

0422 初等和中等教育的學校校長和管理員任職要求 Employment requirements:

  • 教育學本科學歷。 A bachelor’s degree in education is required.
  • 教育碩士亦可。 A master’s degree in education may be required.
  • 幾年的高級教師或部門主管的經驗。 Several years of experience as a senior teacher or department head are required.
  • 具備就業地區要求的教師資格證。 A teacher’s certificate for the province of employment is required.
  • 校長要求具備校長資格證書。 School principals may require a principal’s certificate.
  • 小學和中學教育的管理員可能需要督導人員證書。 Administrators of elementary and secondary education may require a supervisory officer certificate.

任職要求 Employment Requirements

  • 學院管理員需要具備與學術管理員相關領域的的研究生學位。 Faculty administrators require a graduate degree in a field related to the academic faculty
  • 並且具有幾年一個大學教授或大學老師的經驗。 Several years of experience as a university professor or college teacher.
  • 登記要求具備工商管理或相關領域的本科學位。 Registrars require an undergraduate degree in business administration or a related field
  • 並且具備幾年的登記管理經驗。 Several years of experience in registration administration.
  • 職業培訓學校的管理員通常需要具有工商管理本科學位。 Administrators of vocational training schools usually require an undergraduate degree in business administration
  • 或者俱備教學的學科專業知識和認證。 Expertise and certification in a subject of instruction.

所有職稱 All Titles

  • 原住民學校校長 Aboriginal school principal
  • 學術管理者 academic superintendent
  • 管理員,教育委員會 administrator, board of education
  • 區域管理者 – 學校 area superintendent – schools
  • 區助理督學 assistant district school superintendent
  • 校長助理 assistant principal
  • 助理學區督學 assistant school district superintendent
  • 助理督學 assistant superintendent of schools
  • 聯營公司管理者 – 學校 associate superintendent – schools
  • 教育板管理員 board of education administrator
  • 企業大學校長 business college principal
  • 總警司 – 學校 chief superintendent – schools
  • 大學校長 – 中學 college principal – secondary level
  • 社區學校的校長 community school principal
  • 副警司 – 學校 deputy superintendent – schools
  • 教育總監,懲教機構 director of education, correctional institution
  • 學校董事,聾啞學校 director of school for the blind or deaf
  • 學校為聽障主任 director of school for the hearing impaired
  • 為視障學校總監 director of school for the visually impaired
  • 學區的學校助理總監 district school assistant superintendent
  • 區督學 district school superintendent
  • 小學校長 elementary school principal
  • 大廳校長 – 中學 hall principal – secondary school
  • 校長/女校長,私立學校 headmaster/mistress, private school
  • 高中校長 high school principal
  • 原生學校校長 Native school principal
  • 主要 principal
  • 私立小學大學校長 private primary college principal
  • 民辦學校校長/情婦 private school headmaster/mistress
  • 私立學校校長 private school principal
  • 區域學校管理者 regional schools superintendent
  • 區域管理者 – 學校 regional superintendent – schools
  • 學校板管理員 school board administrator
  • 學區助理總監 school district assistant superintendent
  • 學校學區總監 school district superintendent
  • 學校校長 school principal
  • 學校的校長 school superintendent
  • 學校副校長 school vice-principal
  • 中學校長 secondary school principal
  • 教務主管 superintendent of academic affairs
  • 管理者的教育方案 superintendent of education programs
  • 在公立學校的教育計劃的管理者 superintendent of education programs in public schools
  • 教育服務的管理者 superintendent of educational services
  • 基礎教育的管理者 superintendent of elementary education
  • 小學的管理者 superintendent of elementary schools
  • 經營管理者 – 學校 superintendent of operations – schools
  • 管理者的專業發展 – 學校 superintendent of professional development – schools
  • 中學管理者 superintendent of secondary schools
  • 管理者特殊教育 superintendent of special education
  • 學生服務的管理者 superintendent of student services
  • 管理者,區域學校 superintendent, regional schools
  • 學校管理者, superintendent, schools
  • 技術高中校長 technical high school principal
  • 副校長,學校 vice-principal, school
  • 職業高中校長 vocational high school principal

不包括職稱 Exclusions

  • 管理員 – 中學後教育和職業培訓 Administrators – post-secondary education and vocational training 0421
  • 教育政策研究人員,顧問和項目官員 Education policy researchers, consultants and program officers 4166
  • 政府管理者 – 制定教育政策和程序管理 Government managers – education policy development and program administration 0413
  • 高級管理人員 – 衛生,教育,社會和​​社區服務及會員組織 Senior managers – health, education, social and community services and membership organizations 0014




項目類別 線上申請
48 天
117 天
超級簽證 106 天
13 週
17 週
境內學簽續簽 131 天
畢業工簽境外申請 11 週
畢業工簽境內申請 145 天
145 天
5 个月
12 个月
48 个月
5 个月
40 个月
13 个月
24 个月
6 个月
25 天
62 天




