NOC 0513 娛樂,體育和健身項目和服務董事 (Recreation, Sports And Fitness Program And Service Directors – FLYabroad NOC – LEVEL 0)


簡介 Intro


This unit group includes managers who plan, organize, direct, control and evaluate the operations of comprehensive recreational, sports and fitness programs and services, national or provincial sports governing agencies and professional athletic teams. They are employed by municipalities, community and private recreational and fitness organizations, sports governing agencies and professional athletic team organizations.

主要職責 Main Duties

  • 計劃,組織,指揮,控制和評估娛樂,體育和健身項目和服務項目的運作
  • Plan, organize, direct, control and evaluate the operations of recreation, sports and fitness programs and services
  • 為娛樂,體育健身等事宜提供技術和專業見意
  • Provide technical and professional advice on recreation, sports and fitness matters
  • 準備預算,並製定政策和程序,最後實施方案
  • Prepare budget estimates and develop policies and procedures to implement programs
  • 管理體育管理機構的運作
  • Manage the operations of a sports governing agency
  • 組織和管理國家和省級培訓,輔導,裁判和其他與特定的運動相關聯的項目
  • Organize and administer national and provincial training, coaching, officiating and other programs associated with a particular sport
  • 管理專業運動隊的運作
  • Manage the operations of a professional athletic team
  • 聘請專業的教練員和運動員
  • Recruit professional coaches and athletes
  • 指導籌款驅動,並安排從公共和私人組織拉取贊助
  • Direct fundraising drives and arrange for sponsorships from public and private organizations
  • 制定長期規劃和洽談業務合同。
  • Develop long range plans and negotiate business contracts.

任職要求 Employment Requirements

  • 康樂,體育教育,體育行政部門或相關領域大學學位
  • A university degree in recreology, physical education, sports administration or a related field
  • 或通常需要娛樂管理或體育行政部門大學文憑。
  • A college diploma in recreation management or sports administration is usually required.
  • 通常需要多年的康樂及體育管理相關的職業經驗,諮詢或項目設計經驗。
  • Several years of experience in an occupation related to recreation and sports administration, consulting or programming are usually required.
  • 娛樂董事可能需要具備市康樂董事證書。
  • Some directors of recreation may be required to have a Municipal Recreation Director’s Certificate.
  • 體育管理機構執行董事,可能需要某特定運動的教練認證。
  • Executive directors of sports governing agencies may be required to have coaching certification in a particular sport.

所有職稱 All Titles

  • 首席管理員,休閒 administrator in chief, leisure
  • 首席管理員,娛樂 administrator in chief, recreation
  • 管理員,休閒 administrator, leisure
  • 管理員,娛樂 administrator, recreation
  • 業餘體育經理 amateur sport manager
  • 首席管理員,休閒 chief administrator, leisure
  • 首席管理員,娛樂 chief administrator, recreation
  • 統籌,體育節目管理 co-ordinator, sport program administrative
  • 運動聯合會總幹事 director general, sport federation
  • 健身管理總監 – 政府 director of fitness administration – government
  • 休閒主任 director of leisure
  • 休閒和體育主任 director of leisure and sports
  • 娛樂總監 director of recreation
  • 康樂及體育主任 director of recreation and sports
  • 運動管理主任- 政府 director of sports administration – government
  • 運動和休閒主任 director of sports and leisure
  • 體育和娛樂總監 director of sports and recreation
  • 導演,娛樂,體育和休閒 director, entertainment, sports and leisure
  • 導演,娛樂,體育和娛樂業 director, entertainment, sports and recreation
  • 董事,健身管理 – 政府 director, fitness administration – government
  • 董事,健身計劃 director, fitness programs
  • 董事,賽馬 director, horse racing
  • 董事,休閒 director, leisure
  • 董事,休閒和體育 director, leisure and sports
  • 董事,休閒中心 director, leisure centre
  • 董事,休閒場所 director, leisure establishment
  • 董事,休閒活動 director, leisure programs
  • 董事,休閒服務 director, leisure service
  • 董事,物理教育計劃 director, physical education programs
  • 董事,體能訓練 director, physical training
  • 董事,賽馬場 director, racetrack
  • 董事,娛樂 director, recreation
  • 董事,娛樂和體育 director, recreation and sports
  • 導演,娛樂中心 director, recreation centre
  • 董事,休閒設施 director, recreation establishment
  • 董事,娛樂節目 director, recreation programs
  • 導演,娛樂服務 director, recreation service
  • 主任,體育 director, sports
  • 主任,體育管理 – 政府 director, sports administration – government
  • 董事,運動和休閒 director, sports and leisure
  • 主任,體育和娛樂業 director, sports and recreation
  • 主任,體育協會 director, sports association
  • 主任,體育協會 director, sports federation
  • 導演,體育節目 director, sports programs
  • 主任,體育服務的體育節目 director, sports-service sports programs
  • 董事,田徑 director, track and field
  • 娛樂,體育和休閒董事 entertainment, sports and leisure director
  • 娛樂,體育和娛樂總監 entertainment, sports and recreation director
  • 執行董事,運動理事機構 executive director, sport governing agency
  • 體育運動管理機構執行董事, executive director, sport governing body
  • 健身行政總監 – 政府 fitness administration director – government
  • 健身中心經理 fi​​tness centre manager
  • 健身俱樂部經理 fi​​tness club manager
  • 健身項目主管 fitness programs director
  • 總導演,運動聯合會 general director, sport federation
  • 總導演,YMCA(基督教青年會協會) general director, YMCA (Young Men’s Christian Association)
  • 總經理,專業運動隊 general manager, professional sport team
  • 專業田徑隊總經理 general manager, professional track and field team
  • 總書記,YMCA(基督教青年會協會) general secretary, YMCA (Young Men’s Christian Association)
  • 頭部管理員,休閒 head administrator, leisure
  • 頭部管理員,娛樂 head administrator, recreation
  • 健身俱樂部經理 health club manager
  • 健康工作室經理 health studio manager
  • 賽馬主任 horse racing director
  • 休閒管理員 leisure administrator
  • 休閒首席管理員 leisure administrator in chief
  • 休閒和體育總監 leisure and sports director
  • 休閒中心主任 leisure centre director
  • 休閒中心,體育總監 leisure centre sports director
  • 休閒首席管理員 leisure chief administrator
  • 休閒主任 leisure director
  • 休閒設立主任 leisure establishment director
  • 休閒場所管理主管 leisure establishment managing supervisor
  • 休閒頭部管理員 leisure head administrator
  • 康樂事務經理 leisure manager
  • 休閒節目總監 leisure programs director
  • 休閒項目經理 leisure programs manager
  • 休閒服務總監 leisure service director
  • 康樂事務經理 leisure service manager
  • 健身中心經理, manager, fitness centre
  • 健身俱樂部經理, manager, fitness club
  • 健身俱樂部經理, manager, health club
  • 經理,休閒 manager, leisure
  • 經理,休閒計劃 manager, leisure programs
  • 經理,休閒服務 manager, leisure service
  • 經理,專業運動員隊伍 manager, professional athletes team
  • 經理,職業橄欖球隊 manager, professional football team
  • 經理,專業曲棍球隊 manager, professional hockey team
  • 經理,專業運動隊 manager, professional sport team
  • 經理,專業田徑隊 manager, professional track and field team
  • 經理,康樂 manager, recreation
  • 經理,娛樂節目 manager, recreation programs
  • 經理,娛樂服務 manager, recreation service
  • 經理,團隊的專業運動員 manager, team of professional athletes
  • 常務監事,休閒場所 managing supervisor, leisure establishment
  • 常務監事,娛樂成立 managing supervisor, recreation establishment
  • 市政休閒董事 municipal director of leisure
  • 市政娛樂董事 municipal director of recreation
  • 市政董事,休閒 municipal director, leisure
  • 市政董事,娛樂 municipal director, recreation
  • 市政休閒董事 municipal leisure director
  • 市政康樂事務經理 municipal leisure manager
  • 市政經理的休閒 municipal manager of leisure
  • 市政經理娛樂 municipal manager of recreation
  • 市政經理,休閒 municipal manager, leisure
  • 市政經理,娛樂 municipal manager, recreation
  • 市政娛樂總監 municipal recreation director
  • 市政娛樂經理 municipal recreation manager
  • 體育節目​​總監 physical education programs director
  • 體能訓練總監 physical training director
  • 專業運動員車隊經理 professional athletes team manager
  • 職業橄欖球隊經理 professional football team manager
  • 專業曲棍球隊經理 professional hockey team manager
  • 專業運動隊總經理 professional sport team general manager
  • 專業運動隊經理 professional sport team manager
  • 專業田徑隊總經理 professional track and field team general manager
  • 專業田徑隊經理 professional track and field team manager
  • 項目經理,休閒 programs manager, leisure
  • 程序經理,康樂 programs manager, recreation
  • 賽道總監 racetrack director
  • 休閒管理員 recreation administrator
  • 娛樂首席管理員 recreation administrator in chief
  • 娛樂和體育總監 recreation and sports director
  • 康樂中心主任 recreation centre director
  • 娛樂中心,體育總監 recreation centre sports director
  • 娛樂首席管理員 recreation chief administrator
  • 娛樂總監 recreation director
  • 休閒設施總監 recreation establishment director
  • 娛樂成立管理主管 recreation establishment managing supervisor
  • 娛樂頭部管理員 recreation head administrator
  • 娛樂經理 recreation manager
  • 娛樂節目總監 recreation programs director
  • 娛樂項目經理 recreation programs manager
  • 娛樂服務總監 recreation service director
  • 娛樂服務經理 recreation service manager
  • 服務經理,休閒 service manager, leisure
  • 服務經理,娛樂 service manager, recreation
  • 體育總會總幹事 sport federation director general
  • 體育總會總幹事 sport federation general director
  • 體育管理機構執行董事 sport governing agency executive director
  • 體育運動管理機構執行董事 sport governing body executive director
  • 體育節目​​管理統籌 sport program administrative co-ordinator
  • 體育行政總監 – 政府 sports administration director – government
  • 運動和休閒董事的 sports and leisure director
  • 體育和娛樂總監 sports and recreation director
  • 體育協會理事長 sports association director
  • 體育總監 sports director
  • 體育部主任,休閒中心 sports director, leisure centre
  • 體育總監,娛樂中心 sports director, recreation centre
  • 運動聯合會主任 sports federation director
  • 體育節目​​總監 sports program director
  • 體育服務體育節目總監 sports-service sports programs director
  • 車隊經理,專業運動員 team manager, professional athletes
  • 車隊經理,專業足球 team manager, professional football
  • 專業曲棍球隊經理, team manager, professional hockey
  • 車隊經理,專業田徑 team manager, professional track and field
  • 田徑總監 track and field director
  • YMCA(基督教青年會協會)總導演 YMCA (Young Men’s Christian Association) general director
  • YMCA(基督教青年會協會)秘書長 YMCA (Young Men’s Christian Association) general secretary
  • YMCA(基督教青年會協會)計劃主任 YMCA (Young Men’s Christian Association) programs director

不包括職稱 Exclusions

  • 教練 Coaches 5252
  • 項目領導人和教官 娛樂,體育和健身 Program leaders and instructors in recreation, sport and fitness 5254
  • 娛樂,體育健身的政策研究人員,顧問和項目官員 Recreation, sports and fitness policy researchers, consultants and program officers 4167
  • 體育官員和裁判 Sports officials and referees 5253




項目類別 線上申請
54 天
108 天
超級簽證 82 天
7 週
10 週
境內學簽續簽 58 天
畢業工簽境外申請 24 週
畢業工簽境內申請 109 天
109 天
42 天
73 天




