NOC 0714 設施操作和維護經理 (Facility Operation And Maintenance Managers)


簡介 Intro


Facility operation managers plan, organize, direct, control and evaluate the operations of commercial, transportation and recreational facilities and the included real estate. Facility operation managers are employed by a wide range of establishments, such as airports, harbours, canals, shopping centres, convention centres, warehouses and recreational facilities. Maintenance managers plan, organize, direct, control and evaluate the maintenance department within commercial, industrial, institutional, recreational and other facilities. Maintenance managers are employed by a wide range of establishments, such as office buildings, shopping centres, airports, harbours, warehouses, grain terminals, universities, schools and sports facilities, and by the maintenance and mechanical engineering departments of manufacturing and other industrial establishments.

主要職責 Main Duties

設施運營經理執行部分或全部下列職責:Facility operation managers perform some or all of the following duties:

  • 計劃,組織,指揮,控制和評估商業,交通和娛樂設施,包括地產業務。 Plan, organize, direct, control and evaluate the operations of commercial, transportation and recreational facilities and the included real estate
  • 監督設施和房地產空間租賃和開發營銷策略。 Oversee the leasing of space in the facility and the included real estate and the development of marketing strategies
  • 計劃,組織和指導行政服務,如標牌,清洗,維修,停車,安全檢查,安全和除雪等。 Plan, organize and direct administrative services such as signage, cleaning, maintenance, parking, safety inspections, security and snow removal
  • 計劃,組織,指揮,控制和評估將要修改商業,交通和娛樂設施和房地產建設項目。 Plan, organize, direct, control and evaluate construction projects to modify commercial, transportation and recreational facilities and real estate
  • 監督房地產基礎設施,包括機械,設備,電氣和機械系統的​​安裝,維護和修理。 Oversee the installation, maintenance and repair of real estate infrastructures including machinery, equipment and electrical and mechanical systems
  • 規劃和管理設施的業務預算。 Plan and manage the facility’s operations budget
  • 準備或監督有關責任區編制報告和統計數據。 Prepare or oversee the preparation of reports and statistics related to areas of responsibility
  • 聘請和監管員工的培訓和監督。 Hire and oversee training and supervision of staff.

維護經理執行部分或全部下列職責:Maintenance managers perform some or all of the following duties:

  • 指導公司機械,設備,電氣和機械系統的​​保養和維修。 Direct the maintenance and repair of an establishment’s machinery, equipment and electrical and mechanical systems
  • 制定和實施安全檢查和預防性維護計劃的時間表和程序。 Develop and implement schedules and procedures for safety inspections and preventive maintenance programs
  • 協調清掃,除雪和美化環境行動。 Co-ordinate cleaning, snow removal and landscaping operations
  • 提供的物資和服務的管理合約。 Administer contracts for the provision of supplies and services
  • 規劃和管理設施的維修預算。 Plan and manage a facility’s maintenance budget
  • 聘請和監管人員的培訓和監督。 Hire and oversee training and supervision of staff.

任職要求 Employment Requirements

  • 設施運營經理需要完成工商管理或相關設施的運行和維護學科的大專或大學課程。 Facility operation managers require completion of a college or university program in business administration or in a discipline related to facility operation and maintenance
  • 或技術培訓和管理或維護經驗的等效結合。 An equivalent combination of technical training and experience in administration or maintenance.
  • 維護管理人員需要完成的電氣或機械工程或涉及樓宇維修的另一學科的學院或大學項目。 Maintenance managers require completion of a college or university program in electrical or mechanical engineering or in another discipline related to building maintenance
  • 技術培訓和樓宇維修經驗的等效結合。 An equivalent combination of technical training and experience in building maintenance.
  • 通常需要多年的設備操作或維護的監管經驗。 Several years of supervisory experience in facility operations or maintenance are usually required.

所有職稱 All Titles

  • 機場經理 airport manager
  • 機場服務經理 airport services manager
  • 機場終端管理 airport terminal manager
  • 舞台經理 arena manager
  • 購物中心經理助理 assistant shopping centre manager
  • 商場助理經理 assistant shopping mall manager
  • 倉庫經理助理 assistant warehouse manager
  • 體育設施經理 athletic facility manager
  • 樓宇維修領班 building maintenance head
  • 樓宇維修經理 building maintenance manager
  • 建築運營經理 building operations manager
  • 建設服務領班 building services head
  • 建設服務經理 building services manager
  • 校園維修經理 campus maintenance manager
  • 運河主任 canal director
  • 運河管理者 canal superintendent
  • 墓地經理 cemetery manager
  • 行政主管,維護支持服務 chief, maintenance support services
  • 會議中心經理 conference centre manager
  • 會展中心經理 convention centre manager
  • 國家糧食電梯設施經理 country grain elevator facility manager
  • 維護總監 director of maintenance
  • 主任,運河 director, canal
  • 董事,設施管理 director, facility management
  • 配送中心經理 distribution centre manager
  • 電警 electrical superintendent
  • 設施維護頭 facilities maintenance head
  • 設施維護經理 facility maintenance manager
  • 設施管理總監 facility management director
  • 設施經理,國家糧食電梯 facility manager, country grain elevator
  • 設施運營經理 facility operations manager
  • 健身設施經理 fi​​tness facility manager
  • 糧食碼頭電梯經理 grain terminal elevator manager
  • 海務監督長 harbour master
  • 領班,建設服務 head, building services
  • 領班,設施維護 head, facilities maintenance
  • 工業維護經理 industrial maintenance manager
  • 維護和服務經理 maintenance and service manager
  • 維護和服務管理者 maintenance and service superintendent
  • 維修統籌 maintenance co-ordinator
  • 維修總監 maintenance director
  • 維修經理 maintenance manager
  • 維修業務經理 maintenance operations manager
  • 維護計劃者 maintenance planner
  • 維修服務經理 maintenance services manager
  • 維修主管 maintenance superintendent
  • 維護支持服務首席 maintenance support services chief
  • 經理,機場 manager, airport
  • 經理,機場服務 manager, airport services
  • 經理,競技場 manager, arena
  • 經理,體育設施 manager, athletic facility
  • 經理,建築維修 manager, building maintenance
  • 建築運營經理, manager, building operations
  • 經理,建築服務 manager, building services
  • 經理,校園維修 manager, campus maintenance
  • 經理,會議中心 manager, conference centre
  • 經理,配送中心; manager, distribution centre
  • 經理,設施維護; manager, facility maintenance
  • 經理,健身設施 manager, fitness facility
  • 管理器,維護 manager, maintenance
  • 管理器,維護和服務 manager, maintenance and service
  • 碼頭經理, manager, marina
  • 經理,維修廠 manager, plant maintenance
  • 經理,康樂設施 manager, recreation facility
  • 經理,校舍維修 manager, school maintenance
  • 購物中心經理, manager, shopping centre
  • 經理,購物中心維修 manager, shopping centre maintenance
  • 商場經理, manager, shopping mall
  • 經理,商場維修 manager, shopping mall maintenance
  • 經理,體育設施 manager, sports facility
  • 球場經理, manager, stadium
  • 經理,網球場 manager, tennis court
  • 經理,煙草倉庫 manager, tobacco warehouse
  • 經理,大學保養 manager, university maintenance
  • 經理,倉庫 manager, warehouse
  • 經理,倉儲 manager, warehousing
  • 碼頭經理 marina manager
  • 碼頭運營商 marina operator
  • 機械服務管理者 mechanical services superintendent
  • 業務經理,維修; operations manager, maintenance
  • 維修廠經理 plant maintenance manager
  • 維修廠管理者 plant maintenance superintendent
  • 端口主任 port director
  • 物業經理 property manager
  • 娛樂設施經理 recreation facility manager
  • 校舍維修經理 school maintenance manager
  • 購物中心維修經理 shopping centre maintenance manager
  • 購物中心經理 shopping centre manager
  • 商場維修經理 shopping mall maintenance manager
  • 商場經理 shopping mall manager
  • 體育設施經理 sports facility manager
  • 球場經理 stadium manager
  • 管理者的操作,維護 superintendent of operations, maintenance
  • 管理者,維護 superintendent, maintenance
  • 管理者,維護和服務 superintendent, maintenance and service
  • 管理者,維護操作 superintendent, maintenance operations
  • 管理者,機械服務 superintendent, mechanical services
  • 管理者,廠房維修 superintendent, plant maintenance
  • 網球場經理 tennis court manager
  • 煙草倉庫經理 tobacco warehouse manager
  • 大學維護經理 university maintenance manager
  • 倉庫和配送中心經理 warehouse and distribution centre manager
  • 倉庫管理員 warehouse manager
  • 倉庫主管 warehouse superintendent
  • 倉儲經理 warehousing manager

不包括職稱 Exclusions

  • 行政服務經理 Administrative services managers 011
  • 大廈管理者(門衛,管理員和建築管理者) Building superintendents (in 6733 Janitors, caretakers and building superintendents )
  • 承包商和主管,機械行業 Contractors and supervisors, mechanic trades 7301
  • 生產運營經理(製造經理) Production operations managers (in 0911 Manufacturing managers )
  • 物業管理員 Property administrators 1224
  • 運輸業務和貨運交通管理者(運輸經理) Transportation operations and freight traffic managers (in 0731 Managers in transportation )




項目類別 線上申請
54 天
108 天
超級簽證 82 天
7 週
10 週
境內學簽續簽 58 天
畢業工簽境外申請 24 週
畢業工簽境內申請 109 天
109 天
42 天
73 天




