NOC 14103 法庭書記官及相關法庭服務職業 Court clerks and related court services occupations


簡介 Intro

法院書記官和相關法院服務職業的工作人員為法院履行行政、安全和其他支援職能,例如安排審判、處理服務費、要求法庭下令、準備法庭案捲和保存證物、記錄審判程序和保存法庭記錄。 他們也促進法院安全和公共安全,與執法組織聯絡,並為司法部門提供支援。 他們受僱於聯邦、省、地區和市法院以及警察部隊。

Court clerks and workers in related court services occupations perform administrative, security, and other support functions for courts of law such as scheduling trials, processing service fees, calling court to order, preparing court dockets and maintaining exhibits, recording trial proceedings and maintaining court records. They also facilitate court security and public safety, liaise with law enforcement organizations, and provide support to the judiciary. They are employed by federal, provincial, territorial and municipal courts and by police forces.

  • 法院管理人員的職責可能包括法院書記官或法院官員的職責,具體取決於法院的位置和規模。Duties of court administrators may include those of court clerks or court officers depending on the location and size of the courthouse.
  • 隨著經驗的積累,可以晉升到監督或高等法院服務職位。Progression to supervisory or senior court service positions is possible with experience.

主要職責 Main Duties

該小組履行以下部分或全部職責:This group performs some or all of the following duties:

法院書記官 Court clerks

  • 傳喚法庭下達命令、宣讀指控、聽取被告的答辯、讓證人宣誓並在法庭上履行其他文書職能 Call courts of law to order, read charges, take pleas from defendants, swear in witnesses and perform other clerical functions in the courtrooms
  • 準備法庭卷宗、法庭案捲和其他文件 Prepare court files, court dockets and other documents
  • 記錄主要法庭訴訟程序,包括抗辯、證人姓名、日期、時間和裁決 Record main court proceedings, including pleas, names of witnesses, dates, times and rulings
  • 管理法庭證物的保管保管 Manage care and custody of court exhibits
  • 準備文件並參與評審團遴選 Prepare documents for and participate in jury selection
  • 更新和維護有關法院採取的行動或回應法院判決的法院辦公室文件和電子索引和文件 Update and maintain court office paper and electronic indexes and files on actions taken by court or in response to court decisions
  • 接收、支付和核算罰款、費用和信託資金 Receive, disburse and account for fines, fees and trust monies
  • 在法院辦公室協助民眾。Assist the public in court offices.

法庭人員 Court officers

  • 審判前在法庭上備有必要的資料 Stock courtrooms with necessary materials before trials
  • 護送法官前往法庭 Escort the judge to the courtroom
  • 維護法官和法庭的安全 Maintain the security and safety of the judge and courtroom
  • 監督訴訟程序並維護法院的規則和程序 Monitor proceedings and uphold the rules and procedures of the court
  • 閱讀指控並接受被告的認罪 Read charges and take pleas from defendants
  • 運送囚犯往返法院和拘留中心、精神病院、警察局或其他地方 Transport prisoners to and from the court house and detention centres, psychiatric hospitals, police divisions, or elsewhere
  • 維護法院牢房區域以及護送囚犯前往法庭或其他地方時的安全 Maintain the security of prisoners in the cell area of courthouses and while escorting them to the courtrooms, or elsewhere
  • 保存囚犯記錄。 Maintain prisoner records.

法院管理人員 Court administrators

  • 協調行政服務並確定法院工作人員的工作重點 Coordinate administrative services and establish work priorities for court staff
  • 監督法院書記官和其他法院服務職業 Supervise court clerks and other court services occupations
  • 安排法庭審判、預審會議和聽證會 Schedule court trials, pre-trial conferences and hearings
  • 監督司法法庭記錄的維護 Oversee the maintenance of judicial court records
  • 協助準備年度預算 Assist in preparing annual budgets
  • 可協助管理人員、營運和法庭設施。May assist in the management of personnel, operations, and the court facilities.

任職要求 Employment Requirements

  • 需要完成中學學業。 Completion of secondary school is required.
  • 為法院官員、法院書記官和法院聯絡官提供在職培訓。 On-the-job training is provided for court officers, court clerks, and court liaison officers.
  • 法庭官員和法庭聯絡官可能需要特殊警察認證。 Special Constable Certification may be required for court officers and court liaison officers.
  • 法院書記官和法院官員可能需要 1-2 年辦公室管理專上文憑或同等學歷。 Court clerks and court officers may require a 1-2 year post-secondary diploma in office administration or equivalent.
  • 法院管理人員通常需要 1-2 年的專上文憑,或者可能需要法律、工商管理、司法管理或相關領域的大學學位。 Court administrators usually require a 1-2 year post-secondary diploma, or may require a university degree in law, business administration, judicial administration, or related field.
  • 法院管理人員可能需要一些法院書記官的經驗。 Some experience as a court clerks may be required for Court administrators.
  • 法院管理人員可能需要具備文書服務、行政管理以及人事資訊系統的經驗。 Experience in clerical services, administration and management, and personnel information systems may be required for court administrators.

所有職稱 All Titles

  • 訴訟書記官 – 法院 Clerk of proceedings – courts
  • 法庭書記官 Clerk of process – courts
  • 縣法院書記官 County court clerk
  • 法院管理員 Court administrator
  • 法院書記官 Court clerk
  • 法院書記官主管 Court clerk supervisor
  • 法院書記官兼宣判員 Court clerk-crier
  • 法院副院長 Court deputy administrator
  • 法庭聯絡員 Court liaison
  • 法庭官員 Court officer
  • 法庭服務協調員 Court services coordinator
  • 法庭監督員 Court supervisor
  • 法庭書記官 Courtroom clerk
  • 法庭官員 Courtroom officer
  • 刑事法庭書記官 Criminal court clerk
  • 家事法庭管理員 Family court administrator
  • 司法書記官 Judicial clerk
  • 司法官員 – 法院行政服務 Judicial officer – court administrative services
  • 司法官員 Judicial official
  • 司法服務管理員 Judicial services administrator
  • 檢控文員 Prosecution clerk
  • 省法院書記官 Provincial court clerk
  • 小額索賠法庭主管 Small claims court supervisor
  • 最高法院書記官 Supreme Court clerk
  • 審判協調員 Trial coordinator
  • 青年法庭書記官 Youth court clerk

不包括職稱 Exclusions

  • 行政助理-司法; 司法助理(13111法律行政助理) Administrative assistant – judicial; judicial assistant (in 13111 Legal administrative assistants)
  • 法庭記錄員、醫療記錄員及相關職業 Court reporters, medical transcriptionists and related occupations (12110)
  • 法律文員(42200 律師助理及相關職業) Law clerk (in 42200 Paralegals and related occupations)
  • 治安官和法警 Sheriffs and bailiffs (43200)



項目類別 線上申請
53 天
120 天
超級簽證 93 天
12 週
16 週
境內學簽續簽 112 天
畢業工簽境外申請 12 週
畢業工簽境內申請 130 天
130 天
5 个月
12 个月
48 个月
5 个月
40 个月
13 个月
24 个月
7 个月
26 天
69 天




