NOC 14103 法庭书记员及相关法庭服务职业 Court clerks and related court services occupations


简介 Intro

法院书记员和相关法院服务职业的工作人员为法院履行行政、安全和其他支持职能,例如安排审判、处理服务费、要求法庭下令、准备法庭案卷和保存证物、记录审判程序和保存法庭记录 。 他们还促进法院安全和公共安全,与执法组织联络,并为司法部门提供支持。 他们受雇于联邦、省、地区和市法院以及警察部队。

Court clerks and workers in related court services occupations perform administrative, security, and other support functions for courts of law such as scheduling trials, processing service fees, calling court to order, preparing court dockets and maintaining exhibits, recording trial proceedings and maintaining court records. They also facilitate court security and public safety, liaise with law enforcement organizations, and provide support to the judiciary. They are employed by federal, provincial, territorial and municipal courts and by police forces.

  • 法院管理人员的职责可能包括法院书记员或法院官员的职责,具体取决于法院的位置和规模。Duties of court administrators may include those of court clerks or court officers depending on the location and size of the courthouse.
  • 随着经验的积累,可以晋升到监督或高级法院服务职位。Progression to supervisory or senior court service positions is possible with experience.

主要职责 Main Duties

该小组履行以下部分或全部职责:This group performs some or all of the following duties:

法院书记员 Court clerks

  • 传唤法庭发出命令、宣读指控、听取被告的答辩、让证人宣誓并在法庭上履行其他文书职能 Call courts of law to order, read charges, take pleas from defendants, swear in witnesses and perform other clerical functions in the courtrooms
  • 准备法庭卷宗、法庭案卷和其他文件 Prepare court files, court dockets and other documents
  • 记录主要法庭诉讼程序,包括抗辩、证人姓名、日期、时间和裁决 Record main court proceedings, including pleas, names of witnesses, dates, times and rulings
  • 管理法庭证物的保管和保管 Manage care and custody of court exhibits
  • 准备文件并参与评审团遴选 Prepare documents for and participate in jury selection
  • 更新和维护有关法院采取的行动或响应法院判决的法院办公室文件和电子索引和文件 Update and maintain court office paper and electronic indexes and files on actions taken by court or in response to court decisions
  • 接收、支付和核算罚款、费用和信托资金 Receive, disburse and account for fines, fees and trust monies
  • 在法院办公室协助公众。 Assist the public in court offices.

法庭人员 Court officers

  • 审判前在法庭备有必要的材料 Stock courtrooms with necessary materials before trials
  • 护送法官前往法庭 Escort the judge to the courtroom
  • 维护法官和法庭的安全 Maintain the security and safety of the judge and courtroom
  • 监督诉讼程序并维护法院的规则和程序 Monitor proceedings and uphold the rules and procedures of the court
  • 阅读指控并接受被告的认罪 Read charges and take pleas from defendants
  • 运送囚犯往返法院和拘留中心、精神病院、警察局或其他地方 Transport prisoners to and from the court house and detention centres, psychiatric hospitals, police divisions, or elsewhere
  • 维护法院牢房区域以及护送囚犯前往法庭或其他地方时的安全 Maintain the security of prisoners in the cell area of courthouses and while escorting them to the courtrooms, or elsewhere
  • 保存囚犯记录。 Maintain prisoner records.

法院管理人员 Court administrators

  • 需要完成中学学业。 Completion of secondary school is required.
  • 为法院官员、法院书记员和法院联络官提供在职培训。 On-the-job training is provided for court officers, court clerks, and court liaison officers.
  • 法庭官员和法庭联络官可能需要特殊警察认证。 Special Constable Certification may be required for court officers and court liaison officers.
  • 法院书记员和法院官员可能需要 1-2 年办公室管理专上文凭或同等学历。 Court clerks and court officers may require a 1-2 year post-secondary diploma in office administration or equivalent.
  • 法院管理人员通常需要 1-2 年的专上文凭,或者可能需要法律、工商管理、司法管理或相关领域的大学学位。 Court administrators usually require a 1-2 year post-secondary diploma, or may require a university degree in law, business administration, judicial administration, or related field.
  • 法院管理人员可能需要一些法院书记员的经验。 Some experience as a court clerks may be required for Court administrators.
  • 法院管理人员可能需要具备文书服务、行政管理以及人事信息系统方面的经验。 Experience in clerical services, administration and management, and personnel information systems may be required for court administrators.

任职要求 Employment Requirements

  • 通常需要完成中学学业。
    Completion of secondary school is usually required.
  • 可能需要完成人事管理的大学或其他课程。
    Completion of college or other courses in personnel administration may be required.
  • 可能需要文书经验。
    Some clerical experience may be required.

所有职称 All Titles

  • 诉讼书记官 – 法院 Clerk of proceedings – courts
  • 法庭书记官 Clerk of process – courts
  • 县法院书记员 County court clerk
  • 法院管理员 Court administrator
  • 法院书记员 Court clerk
  • 法院书记员主管 Court clerk supervisor
  • 法院书记员兼宣判员 Court clerk-crier
  • 法院副院长 Court deputy administrator
  • 法庭联络员 Court liaison
  • 法庭官员 Court officer
  • 法庭服务协调员 Court services coordinator
  • 法庭监督员 Court supervisor
  • 法庭书记员 Courtroom clerk
  • 法庭官员 Courtroom officer
  • 刑事法庭书记员 Criminal court clerk
  • 家事法庭管理员 Family court administrator
  • 司法书记员 Judicial clerk
  • 司法官员 – 法院行政服务 Judicial officer – court administrative services
  • 司法官员 Judicial official
  • 司法服务管理员 Judicial services administrator
  • 检控文员 Prosecution clerk
  • 省法院书记员 Provincial court clerk
  • 小额索赔法庭主管 Small claims court supervisor
  • 最高法院书记员 Supreme Court clerk
  • 审判协调员 Trial coordinator
  • 青年法庭书记员 Youth court clerk

不包括职称 Exclusions

  • 行政助理-司法; 司法助理(13111法律行政助理) Administrative assistant – judicial; judicial assistant (in 13111 Legal administrative assistants)
  • 法庭记录员、医疗记录员及相关职业 Court reporters, medical transcriptionists and related occupations (12110)
  • 法律文员(42200 律师助理及相关职业) Law clerk (in 42200 Paralegals and related occupations)
  • 治安官和法警 Sheriffs and bailiffs (43200)



项目类别 线上申请
53 天
117 天
超级签证 93 天
12 周
16 周
境内学签续签 126 天
毕业工签境外申请 12 周
毕业工签境内申请 132 天
132 天
5 个月
12 个月
48 个月
5 个月
40 个月
13 个月
24 个月
6 个月
24 天
68 天




