
NOC 14103 法庭書記官及相關法庭服務職業 Court clerks and related court services occupations


簡介 Intro

法院書記官和相關法院服務職業的工作人員為法院履行行政、安全和其他支援職能,例如安排審判、處理服務費、要求法庭下令、準備法庭案捲和保存證物、記錄審判程序和保存法庭記錄。 他們也促進法院安全和公共安全,與執法組織聯絡,並為司法部門提供支援。 他們受僱於聯邦、省、地區和市法院以及警察部隊。

Court clerks and workers in related court services occupations perform administrative, security, and other support functions for courts of law such as scheduling trials, processing service fees, calling court to order, preparing court dockets and maintaining exhibits, recording trial proceedings and maintaining court records. They also facilitate court security and public safety, liaise with law enforcement organizations, and provide support to the judiciary. They are employed by federal, provincial, territorial and municipal courts and by police forces.

主要職責 Main Duties

該小組履行以下部分或全部職責:This group performs some or all of the following duties:

法院書記官 Court clerks

法庭人員 Court officers

法院管理人員 Court administrators

任職要求 Employment Requirements

所有職稱 All Titles

不包括職稱 Exclusions
