NOC 2211 化學技師和技術員 Chemical Technologists And Technicians


簡介 Intro


Chemical technologists and technicians provide technical support and services or may work independently in chemical engineering, chemical and biochemical research and analysis, industrial chemistry, chemical quality control and environmental protection. They are employed by research and development and quality control laboratories, consulting engineering companies, in chemical, petrochemical, pharmaceutical and a variety of other manufacturing and processing industries, and by utilities, health, educational and government establishments.

Considerable mobility is possible among jobs within this occupational group.

Progression to managerial positions is possible with experience.

Some chemical technologists and technicians working in support of fundamental research in chemistry or biochemistry are university graduates.

主要職責 Main Duties

化學技師執行部分或全部下列職責:Chemical technologists perform some or all of the following duties:

  • 運用如下技術,如色譜法,光譜學,物理和化學分離技術和顯微鏡設置和指導化學實驗,測試和分析
  • Set up and conduct chemical experiments, tests and analyses using techniques such as chromatography, spectroscopy, physical and chemical separation techniques and microscopy
  • 操作和維護的實驗室設備和裝置,氣體或液體中製備溶液,試劑和样品的配方
  • Operate and maintain laboratory equipment and apparatus and prepare solutions of gas or liquid, reagents, and sample formulations
  • 編譯記錄和解釋實驗或分析結果
  • Compile records and interpret experimental or analytical results
  • 制定並進行採樣和分析的方案,以維持原料,化工中間體和產品的質量標準
  • Develop and conduct programs of sampling and analysis to maintain quality standards of raw materials, chemical intermediates and products
  • 協助開發化工工藝,研究化學工程採購,施工,驗收和維護開發標準,程序和健康及安全措施
  • Assist in the development of chemical engineering processes, studies of chemical engineering procurement, construction, inspection and maintenance and the development of standards, procedures and health and safety measures
  • 操作實驗化學或化工試驗工廠
  • Operate experimental chemical or petrochemical pilot plants
  • 指導或協助測試和評估空氣和水的質量,環境監測與保護活動,制定並履行標準
  • Conduct or assist in air and water quality testing and assessments, environmental monitoring and protection activities, and development of and compliance with standards
  • 為製造候選藥物,協助小分子的合成
  • Assist in synthesis of small molecules for the purpose of creating drug candidates
  • 協助設計和製造實驗裝置。
  • Assist in the design and fabrication of experimental apparatus.

化學技術員執行部分或全部下列職責:Chemical technicians perform some or all of the following duties:

  • 協助建立和指導化學實驗,測試和分析
  • Assist in setting up and conducting chemical experiments, tests and analyses
  • 操作和維護實驗室設備和裝置,準備氣體和液體,試劑和样品配方製備溶液的解決方案
  • Operate and maintain laboratory equipment and apparatus and prepare solutions of gas and liquid, reagents and sample formulations
  • 編譯記錄分析研究
  • Compile records for analytical studies
  • 協助開發並指導採樣和分析的方案,來維護質量標準
  • Assist in developing and conducting programs of sampling and analysis to maintain quality standards
  • 開展有限範圍的其他技術功能,以支持化學研究,試驗和分析,環境空氣和水質監測和保護
  • Carry out a limited range of other technical functions in support of chemical research, tests and analyses, and environmental air and water quality monitoring and protection
  • 協助實驗裝置的設計和製造。
  • Assist in the design and fabrication of experimental apparatus.

任職要求 Employment Requirements

  • 化學技師通常需要完成兩或三年制化工,生化或化學工程技術或密切相關學科的大專課程。
  • Chemical technologists usually require completion of a two- or three-year college program in chemical, biochemical or chemical engineering technology or a closely related discipline.
  • 化學技術員通常需要完成一或兩年化學,生化或化學工程技術大學項目。
  • Chemical technicians usually require completion of a one- or two-year college program in chemical, biochemical or chemical engineering technology.
  • 加拿大化學技術學會認可的國家認​​證的化學技師和技術員。
  • National certification for chemical technologists and technicians is available through the Canadian Society for Chemical Technology.
  • 雇主可能要求具有省級工程/應用科學技師和技術員協會適用的化學工程技術或相關領域的認證。
  • Certification in chemical engineering technology or in a related field is available through provincial associations of engineering/applied science technologists and technicians and may be required by employers.
  • 在魁北克省,監管​​機構的成員必須具有“專業技術人員”頭銜。
  • In Quebec, membership in the regulatory body is required to use the title “Professional Technologist.”
  • 通常需要兩年的被監管工作經驗,才可取得認證。
  • A period of supervised work experience, usually two years, is required before certification.

所有職稱 All Titles

  • 分析化學技師 analytical chemistry technician
  • 分析化學技師 analytical chemistry technologist
  • 化學分析技術員 analytical technician, chemical
  • 助理,實驗室 – 應用化學 assistant, laboratory – applied chemistry
  • 生化實驗室技術員 biochemistry laboratory technician
  • 生化實驗室技術員 biochemistry laboratory technologist
  • 生物化學技術人員(醫療除外) biochemistry technician (except medical)
  • 生化技術專家 biochemistry technologist
  • 生物化學技師(醫療除外) biochemistry technologist (except medical)
  • 啤酒廠技術員 brewery technician
  • 啤酒廠技術員 – 應用化學 brewery technician – applied chemistry
  • 纖維素薄膜解決方案測試員 cellulose film solutions tester
  • 化學分析專家 chemical analysis specialist
  • 化學分析師 chemical analyst
  • 化學工程技術員 chemical engineering technician
  • 化學工程技師 chemical engineering technologist
  • 化學實驗室分析師 chemical laboratory analyst
  • 化學實驗室主管 chemical laboratory supervisor
  • 化學實驗室技術員 chemical laboratory technician
  • 化學實驗室技師 chemical laboratory technologist
  • 化工流程分析師 chemical process analyst
  • 化工工藝技師 chemical process technologist
  • 化學處理的質量控制技術人員 chemical processing quality control technician
  • 化學處理的質量控制技術專家 chemical processing quality control technologist
  • 化工產品質量控制技術專家 chemical products quality control technologist
  • 化學研究技術員 chemical research technician
  • 化學研究技師 chemical research technologist
  • 化學技術員 chemical technician
  • 化學技術員 – 重水工廠和核能發電站 chemical technician – heavy water plant and nuclear generating station
  • 化工技術員,NMR(核磁共振) chemical technician, NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance)
  • 化學技術人員,核磁共振(NMR)的 chemical technician, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)
  • 化學技師 chemical technologist
  • 壓縮氣體測試員 compressed gases tester
  • 文件考官 – 應用化學 documents examiner – applied chemistry
  • 染整技術員 dyeing and finishing technician
  • 染整技師 dyeing and finishing technologist
  • 染色技術員 dyeing technician
  • 食品加工質量控制技術人員 food processing quality control technician
  • 食品加工質量控制技術專家 food processing quality control technologist
  • 食品技師 food technician
  • 食品技術 food technologist
  • 法醫檢驗員 – 酒精 forensic examiner – alcohol
  • 法醫實驗室分析師,化學 forensic lab analyst, chemical
  • 法醫實驗室技術員 forensic laboratory technician
  • 林產品技師 forest products technologist
  • 制定技師 formulation technician
  • 燃料技術員 fuel technician
  • 氣相色譜分析 gas chromatographer
  • 地球化學技師 geochemical technician
  • 地球化學技師 geochemical technologist
  • 筆跡鑑定專家,法醫 handwriting expert, forensic
  • 家政技師 home economics technologist
  • 工業衛生技師 industrial hygiene technologist
  • 檢查員,藥品 inspector, pharmaceuticals
  • 實驗室助理 – 應用化學 laboratory assistant – applied chemistry
  • 化學實驗室技術員 laboratory technician, chemical
  • 化驗師,化學 laboratory technologist, chemical
  • 實驗室測試員 laboratory tester
  • 實驗室測試員 – 紙漿和造紙 laboratory tester – pulp and paper
  • 實驗室測試員,化學處理 laboratory tester, chemical processing
  • 質譜儀技師 mass spectrometer technician
  • 質譜儀技術專家 mass spectrometer technologist
  • 質譜技術人員 mass spectrometry technician
  • 主代爾 – 紡織品 master dyer – textiles
  • NMR(核磁共振)化學技術員 NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance) chemical technician
  • 核磁共振(NMR)的化學技術人員 nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) chemical technician
  • 油漆技師 paint technician
  • 石化工程技術人員 petrochemical engineering technician
  • 石化工程技師 petrochemical engineering technologist
  • 石化化驗師 petrochemical laboratory technologist
  • 石油加工測試員 petroleum processing tester
  • 石油研究技師 petroleum research technologist
  • 藥品和化妝品檢查員 pharmaceuticals and toiletries inspector
  • 藥品檢查員 pharmaceuticals inspector
  • 試驗廠技術員 pilot plant technician
  • 試點廠技師 pilot plant technologist
  • 塑料和合成樹脂的技術人員 plastics and synthetic resins technician
  • 聚合物測試員 polymers tester
  • 質量控制技術員 – 化學處理 quality control technician – chemical processing
  • 質量控制技術員 – 化學 quality control technician – chemistry
  • 質量控制技術員 – 食品加工 quality control technician – food processing
  • 質量控制技術專家 – 化學處理 quality control technologist – chemical processing
  • 質量控制技術專家 – 食品加工 quality control technologist – food processing
  • 質量控制技術專家,化工產品 quality control technologist, chemical products
  • 研究技師,石油 research technologist, petroleum
  • 光譜技術專家 spectroscopic technologist
  • 光譜學家 spectroscopist
  • 合成紡織品技師 synthetic textiles technician
  • 技術員,生物化學(醫療除外) technician, biochemistry (except medical)
  • 技師,化學工程 technician, chemical engineering
  • 技術員,化學處理的質量控制 technician, chemical processing quality control
  • 技術員,染色 technician, dyeing
  • 技術員,食品 technician, food
  • 技術員,食品加工質量控制 technician, food processing quality control
  • 技術人員,制定 technician, formulation
  • 技術員,質譜儀 technician, mass spectrometer
  • 技術員,質譜 technician, mass spectrometry
  • 技術人員進行,塗料 technician, paints
  • 技術員,石化工程 technician, petrochemical engineering
  • 技術員,試驗工廠 technician, pilot plant
  • 技術人員,塑料和合成的樹脂 technician, plastics and synthetic resins
  • 技術員,化纖紡織 technician, synthetic textiles
  • 技術員,紡織染料 technician, textile dyes
  • 技術專家,分析化學 technologist, analytical chemistry
  • 技術專家,生物化學 technologist, biochemistry
  • 技術專家,生物化學(醫療除外) technologist, biochemistry (except medical)
  • 技師,生化實驗室 technologist, biochemistry laboratory
  • 技師,化學工程 technologist, chemical engineering
  • 技師,化學處理的質量控制 technologist, chemical processing quality control
  • 技師,化工產品的質量控制 technologist, chemical products quality control
  • 技術員,染整 technologist, dyeing and finishing
  • 技師,食品 technologist, food
  • 技師,食品加工質量控制 technologist, food processing quality control
  • 技師,森林產品 technologist, forest products
  • 技術專家,家政 technologist, home economics
  • 技術專家,工業衛生 technologist, industrial hygiene
  • 技師,石化工程 technologist, petrochemical engineering
  • 技師,石化實驗室 technologist, petrochemical laboratory
  • 技師,石油研究 technologist, petroleum research
  • 技師,試驗工​​廠 technologist, pilot plant
  • 技師,化工產品的質量控制 technologist, quality control of chemical products
  • 測試分析師,鈦顏料 test analyst, titanium pigments
  • 測試員,纖維素薄膜解決方案 tester, cellulose film solutions
  • 測試員,壓縮氣體 tester, compressed gases
  • 測試員,石油 tester, petroleum
  • 測試員,聚合物 tester, polymers
  • 紡織品色技師 textile colour technologist
  • 紡織染料技師 textile dye technician
  • 紡織印染技師 textile dyeing technician
  • 淨水技術人員 water purification technician

不包括職稱 Exclusions

  • 醫務化驗師 生物化學科技工作(醫用化驗師) Biochemistry technologists working as medical laboratory technologists (in 3211 Medical laboratory technologists )
  • 工藝技術人員 操作控制化學或石化加工廠(石油,天然氣和化工工藝操作) Process technicians who operate the controls of chemical or petrochemical processing plants (in 9232 Petroleum, gas and chemical process operators )




項目類別 線上申請
48 天
117 天
超級簽證 106 天
13 週
17 週
境內學簽續簽 131 天
畢業工簽境外申請 11 週
畢業工簽境內申請 145 天
145 天
5 个月
12 个月
48 个月
5 个月
40 个月
13 个月
24 个月
6 个月
25 天
62 天




