NOC 4031 中學教師 (Secondary School Teachers)


簡介 Intro


Secondary school teachers prepare and teach academic, technical, vocational or specialized subjects at public and private secondary schools. Secondary school teachers who are heads of departments are included in this group.

Progression to vice-principal or other administrative positions in the education system is possible with experience.

主要職責 Main Duties

  • 根據批准的課程,準備呈現給學生的主體材料
  • Prepare subject material for presentation to students according to an approved curriculum
  • 系統有計劃的使用講座,討論,視聽演示和實驗室,車間和現場研究等方式教授學生。
  • Teach students using a systematic plan of lectures, discussions, audio-visual presentations, and laboratory, shop and field studies
  • 佈置並批改作業
  • Assign and correct homework
  • 準備,管理和糾正考試
  • Prepare, administer and correct tests
  • 評估進展情況,確定學生的個性化需求,並與家長和學校官員討論結果
  • Evaluate progress, determine individual needs of students and discuss results with parents and school officials
  • 針對需要額外幫助的學生準備和實施補救方案
  • Prepare and implement remedial programs for students requiring extra help
  • 參加員工會議,教育會議和師資培訓工作
  • Participate in staff meetings, educational conferences and teacher training workshops
  • 亦可通過遠程或網上課程教授和評估學生
  • May teach and evaluate students through distance or online courses
  • 針對課程選擇及職業和個人事宜向學生提供建議
  • May advise students on course selection and on vocational and personal matters
  • 可以監督實習教師。
  • May supervise student teachers.
  • 中學教師可以專注於數學,英語,法語,特殊教育或第二語言教學等領域。職業和行業科目的中學教師可能專注於某領域,如美容或汽車修理工。
  • Secondary school teachers may specialize in such areas as mathematics, English, French, special education or second language instruction. Secondary school teachers of vocational and trades subjects may specialize in areas such as hairdressing or auto mechanics.

任職要求 Employment Requirements

  • 學科教師需要教育學士學位,在這之前往往取得藝術或科學的學士學位。
  • Teachers of academic subjects require a bachelor’s degree in education which is often preceded by a bachelor’s degree in the arts or sciences.
  • 職業或技術科目的教師通常取得該科目的專業培訓或經驗後,還必須取得教育學士學位。
  • Teachers of vocational or technical subjects require a bachelor’s degree in education which is usually preceded by specialized training or experience in the subject.
  • 在魁北克省的行業導師需要完成學徒訓練計劃及產業或行業認證。
  • Instructors of trades in Quebec require completion of an apprenticeship training program and industry or trade certification.
  • 部門負責人通常需要幾年的教學經驗。
  • Department heads usually require several years of teaching experience.
  • 專注於特殊的教育或英語或法語作為第二語言的,要求參加額外的培訓。
  • To specialize in special education or English or French as a second language, additional training is required.
  • 必需取得省級教學證書。
  • A provincial teaching certificate is required.
  • 可能需要省或地區教師協會或聯會的會員身份。
  • Membership in a provincial or territorial teachers’ association or federation may be required.

所有職稱 All Titles

  • 原住民學校教師 – 中學 Aboriginal school community teacher – secondary school
  • 學科高中教師 academic subjects high school teacher
  • 學科中學教師 academic subjects secondary school teacher
  • 會計老師 – 中學 accounting teacher – secondary school
  • 成人教育教師,中學 adult education teacher, secondary school
  • 代數老師 – 中學 algebra teacher – secondary school
  • 美術老師 – 中學 art teacher – secondary school
  • 藝術和手工藝老師 – 中學 arts and crafts teacher – secondary school
  • 生物老師 – 中學 biology teacher – secondary school
  • 生物老師,高中 biology teacher, high school
  • 業務和電子商務的老師 –​​ 中學 business and commerce teacher – secondary school
  • 商業教育教師 business education teacher
  • 企業教師 – 中學 business teacher – secondary school
  • 微積分老師 – 中學 calculus teacher – secondary school
  • 事業和生活管理老師 career and life management teacher
  • 職業和技術學科教師 career and technology studies teacher
  • 職業教育教師 career education teacher
  • 職業生涯的探索教師 career exploration teacher
  • 化學老師 – 中學 chemistry teacher – secondary school
  • 古典語言中學教師 classical languages secondary school teacher
  • 電子商務的老師 –​​ 中學 commerce teacher – secondary school
  • 社區教師,原住民學校 – 中學 community teacher, Aboriginal school – secondary school
  • 社區教師,原住民學校 – 中學 community teacher, Native school – secondary school
  • 計算機技術教師 – 中學 computer technology teacher – secondary school
  • 烹飪名師 – 中學 cooking teacher – secondary school
  • 合作教育教師 cooperative education teacher
  • 合作學習的老師 cooperative learning teacher
  • 對應教師 – 中學 correspondence teacher – secondary school
  • 數據處理教師 – 中學 data processing teacher – secondary school
  • 部門負責人,中學 department head, secondary school
  • 遠程教育教師 – 中學 distance education teacher – secondary school
  • 戲劇老師 – 中學 drama teacher – secondary school
  • 經濟學老師 – 中學 economics teacher – secondary school
  • 英語作為第二語言(ESL)的高中教師 English as a second language (ESL) high school teacher
  • 英語作為第二語言的教師,高中 English as a second language teacher, high school
  • 英語文學高中老師 English literature high school teacher
  • 中學英語教師, English teacher, secondary school
  • ESL(英語作為第二語言)高中教師 ESL (English as a second language) high school teacher
  • 倫理老師 – 中學 ethics teacher – secondary school
  • 美術教師 – 中學 fine arts teacher – secondary school
  • 法語作為第二語言的教師 – 中學 French as a second language teacher – secondary school
  • 法語作為第二語言的教師,高中 French as a second language teacher, high school
  • 法語教師 – 中學 French teacher – secondary school
  • 地理老師 – 中學 geography teacher – secondary school
  • 幾何老師 – 中學 geometry teacher – secondary school
  • 德語教師 – 中學 German teacher – secondary school
  • 希臘教師 – 中學 Greek teacher – secondary school
  • 客座教師 – 中學 guest teacher – secondary school
  • 健康教育教師 – 中學 health education teacher – secondary school
  • 高中老師 high school teacher
  • 高中老師,英語作為第二語言 high school teacher, English as a second language
  • 高中老師,法語作為第二語言 high school teacher, French as a second language
  • 高中老師,戶外活動 high school teacher, outdoor activities
  • 高中老師,體育 high school teacher, physical education
  • 高中老師,宗教教育 high school teacher, religious education
  • 高中老師,科學 high school teacher, science
  • 高中教師,特殊教育 high school teacher, special education
  • 歷史老師,中學 history teacher, secondary school
  • 的家政老師 – 中學 home economics teacher – secondary school
  • 人文學科老師 – 高中 humanities teacher – high school
  • 工業和職業教育教師 – 中學 industrial and vocational education teacher – secondary school
  • 工業藝術老師 – 中學 industrial arts teacher – secondary school
  • 信息技術教師 – 中學 information technology teacher – secondary school
  • 意大利名師 – 中學 Italian teacher – secondary school
  • 拉丁老師 – 中學 Latin teacher – secondary school
  • 館員教師,高中 librarian-teacher, high school
  • 數學教師 – 中學 mathematics teacher – secondary school
  • 現代語言教師 – 中學 modern languages teacher – secondary school
  • 音樂教師 – 中學 music teacher – secondary school
  • 母語學校的老師 –​​ 中學 Native school community teacher – secondary school
  • 戶外體育老師 – 中學 outdoor physical education teacher – secondary school
  • 體育與健康教育教師 – 中學 physical and health education teacher – secondary school
  • 體育老師 – 中學 physical education teacher – secondary school
  • 物理科學教師 – 中學 physical science teacher – secondary school
  • 物理老師 – 中學 physics teacher – secondary school
  • 藝術教師的實際和應用 practical and applied arts teacher
  • 民辦教師 – 中學 private teacher – secondary school
  • 閱讀醫生 – 中學 reading clinician – secondary school
  • 宗教教育的高中老師 religious education high school teacher
  • 輔導老師 – 中學 remedial teacher – secondary school
  • 輔導老師,中學 remedial teacher, secondary school
  • 學校的老師 –​​ 中學 school teacher – secondary school
  • 科學高中老師 science high school teacher
  • 科學教師 – 中學 science teacher – secondary school
  • 中學部頭 secondary school department head
  • 中學讀臨床 secondary school reading clinician
  • 中學教師 secondary school teacher
  • 中學教師,古典語言 secondary school teacher, classical languages
  • 中學教師,體育 secondary school teacher, physical education
  • 中學教師,特殊教育 secondary school teacher, special education
  • 中學職教師資 secondary school vocational teacher
  • 縫紉老師 – 中學 sewing teacher – secondary school
  • 的鈑金教練 – 中學 sheet metal instructor – secondary school
  • 社會科學教師 – 中學 social sciences teacher – secondary school
  • 西班牙語教師 – 中學 Spanish teacher – secondary school
  • 特殊教育教師 – 中學 special education teacher – secondary school
  • 特殊需要的老師 –​​ 中學 special needs teacher – secondary school
  • 老師特別節目 – 中學 special programs teacher – secondary school
  • 高中代課老師 substitute high school teacher
  • 代課老師 – 中學 substitute teacher – secondary school
  • 代課高中老師 supply high school teacher
  • 代課教師,高中 supply teacher, high school
  • 老師,高中 teacher, high school
  • 老師,中學 teacher, secondary school
  • 學校圖書館,高中 teacher-librarian, high school
  • 技術和職業教師 – 中學 technical and vocational teacher – secondary school
  • 行業指導員 – 中學 trades instructor – secondary school
  • 職業高中教師 vocational high school teacher
  • 中等職業學校教師 vocational secondary school teacher
  • 職業教師 – 中學 vocational teacher – secondary school
  • 高職教師,高中; vocational teacher, high school

不包括職稱 Exclusions

  • 學院和其他職業指導員 College and other vocational instructors 4021
  • 教育輔導員 Educational counsellors 4033
  • 小學和中學教師助理 Elementary and secondary school teacher assistants 4413
  • 小學和幼兒園教師 Elementary school and kindergarten teachers 4032
  • 初中教師(小學和幼兒園教師) Junior high school teachers (in 4032 Elementary school and kindergarten teachers )
  • 心理教育者(家庭,婚姻和其他相關的輔導員) Psychoeducators (in 4153 Family, marriage and other related counsellors )
  • 初等和中等教育的學校校長和管理員 School principals and administrators of elementary and secondary education 0422
  • 中學圖書館館長(圖書館和公共檔案技師) Secondary school librarians (in 5211 Library and public archive technicians )
  • 非學歷課程的教師(其他導師) Teachers of non-academic courses (in 4216 Other instructors )
  • 教師生活技能課程,殘疾人士(指導員殘疾人) Teachers teaching life skills courses to persons with disabilities (in 4215 Instructors of persons with disabilities )




項目類別 線上申請
54 天
108 天
超級簽證 82 天
7 週
10 週
境內學簽續簽 58 天
畢業工簽境外申請 24 週
畢業工簽境內申請 109 天
109 天
42 天
73 天




