NOC 6541 安全警衛和相關安全服務的職業 Security Guards And Related Security Service Occupations


簡介 Intro


This unit group includes workers who guard and implement security measures to protect property against theft, vandalism and fire, control access to establishments, maintain order and enforce regulations at public events and within establishments, conduct private investigations for clients or employers and provide other protective services not elsewhere classified. They are employed by public or private security agencies, residential complexes, educational, cultural, financial and health institutions, retail establishments, businesses and industry, investigation service companies, transportation facilities, and organizations throughout the private and public sectors, or they may be self-employed.

主要職責 Main Duties

  • 保安人員控制進出機構,操作安全控制室設備,並巡邏指定的領域,以防範盜竊,破壞和火災,強制執行規定,維持秩序,化解矛盾,監測機構活動,確保遵守安全和應急程序; 頒布通行,指引訪問者到適宜地區,檢查食客的年齡認證,並執行機場乘客和行李安全檢查工作。
  • Security guards control access to establishments, operate security control-room equipment and patrol assigned areas to guard against theft, vandalism and fire, enforce regulations to maintain order and resolve conflicts and to monitor establishment activities; ensure safety and emergency procedures are followed; issue passes and direct visitors to appropriate areas, check age identification of patrons, and perform security checks of passengers and luggage at airports.
  • 裝甲車衛士駕駛和保衛裝甲​​卡車,提取或運送先進和貴重物品到銀行,自動取款機和零售場所。
  • Armoured car guards drive and guard armoured trucks, pick-up and deliver cash and valuables to banks, automated teller machines and retail establishments.
  • 企業安全人員調查機構的僱員或顧客的非法行為,並推薦安全系統,如電子檢測設備和接入設備。
  • Corporate security officers investigate unlawful acts of employees or patrons of establishments and recommend security systems such as electronic detection devices and access devices.
  • 私家偵探調查以定位失踪人員,並獲得在民事和刑事的訴訟事項,或作其他用途使用的信息,他們也可以為客戶進行測謊測試(誠信調查)。
  • Private investigators conduct investigations to locate missing persons and obtain information for use in civil and criminal litigation matters or for other purposes; they may also conduct polygraph tests (integrity surveys) for clients.
  • 零售防損人員預防和檢測店鋪盜竊和零售場所盜竊。
  • Retail loss prevention officers prevent and detect shoplifting and theft in retail establishments.

任職要求 Employment Requirements

  • 通常需要完成中學學業。 Completion of secondary school is usually required.
  • 可能需要法律和安全或警察技術的大學文憑。 A college diploma in law and security or police technology may be required.
  • 為機場安全衛士提供培訓,為本單元組的安全職業提供幾個特殊培訓。 Training is provided for airport security guards and establishment-specific training may be provided for security occupations in this unit group.
  • 攜帶槍支的保安人員需要許可證。 Security guards carrying firearms require a licence.
  • 裝甲汽車司機需要有效的佔有和收購許可證(PAL)以及限制和非限制槍支火器收購證書(FAC)。 Armoured car drivers require a Valid Possession and Acquisition License (PAL) and a Firearms Acquisition Certificate (FAC) for both restricted and non-restricted firearms.
  • 在魁北克省,私人偵探或保安人員需要取得由Sûreté魁北克頒發的許可證。 In Quebec, a permit issued by the Sûreté du Québec is required to work as a private detective or security officer.
  • 企業的安全人員可能需要作為警察的經驗。 Corporate security officers may require experience as a police officer.
  • 私家偵探需要省級執照。 Private investigators require provincial licensure.
  • 提供含酒精飲料的場所的保安人員通常需要負責餐飲服務認證。 Responsible beverage service certification is usually required for security staff in establishments serving alcoholic beverages.

所有職稱 All Titles

  • 空運快遞保安 air courier guard
  • 機場保安員 airport security guard
  • 研究者報警 alarm investigator
  • 報警信號研究者 alarm signal investigator
  • 報警信號專家 alarm signal specialist
  • 運鈔車司機 armoured car driver
  • 運鈔車保衛 armoured car guard
  • ATM(自動取款機)保衛 ATM (automatic teller machine) guard
  • 助理,門 – 安全 attendant, gate – security
  • 自動取款機(ATM)保衛 automatic teller machine (ATM) guard
  • 保鏢(警察除外) bodyguard (except police)
  • 保鏢 bouncer
  • 保鏢 – 安全 bouncer – security
  • 商業機構調查員 – 安全 business establishment investigator – security
  • 客艙行李檢查員 cabin baggage inspector
  • 隨身攜帶的行李檢查員 carry-on baggage inspector
  • 門警 commissionaire
  • 門警 – 安全 commissionaire – security
  • 車隊保衛 convoy guard
  • 企業安全管理人員 corporate security officer
  • 協管員 crossing guard
  • 偵探,私人 detective, private
  • 門警 /男/女,​​零售商店 floorman/woman, retail store
  • 巡視員,零售商店 floorwalker, retail store
  • 門口的服務員 – 安全 gate attendant – security
  • 門衛/男/女 gateman/woman
  • 保衛,運鈔車 guard, armoured car
  • 門衛,保安 guard, security
  • 手提行李檢查員 hand baggage inspector
  • 手提行李檢查員 hand luggage inspector
  • 房子偵探 house detective
  • 調查人員 – 郵政服務 investigations officer – postal service
  • 研究者,企業成立 investigator, business establishment
  • 研究者,私人 investigator, private
  • 測謊考人員 lie detector examiner
  • 防損員 – 零售 loss prevention officer – retail
  • 防損人員的主管 loss prevention officers supervisor
  • 神秘顧客 mystery shopper
  • 夜班警長 night guard
  • 守夜人/男/女 night watchman/woman
  • 企業的安全人員, officer, corporate security
  • 人員,調查 – 郵政服務 officer, investigations – postal service
  • 人員,防損 – 零售 officer, loss prevention – retail
  • 人員,郵件檢查 officer, postal inspection
  • 人員,安全分析 – 郵政服務 officer, security analysis – postal service
  • 巡警 – 安全 patrol officer – security
  • 巡警/男/女 – 安全 patrolman/woman – security
  • 工廠門衛 plant gatekeeper
  • 植物保衛 plant guard
  • 測謊員 polygraph examiner
  • 測謊儀操作員 polygraph operator
  • 測謊專家 polygraphist
  • 郵政檢查人員 postal inspection officer
  • 郵政業務總監 postal service inspector
  • 登機前保安員 preboarding security guard
  • 私家偵探 private detective
  • 私家偵探 private investigator
  • 私家偵探主管 private investigators supervisor
  • 私人警察代理和調查主管 private police agents and investigators supervisor
  • 私人警察/男/女和調查主管 private policemen/women and investigators supervisor
  • 私人保安人員 private security officer
  • 住宅報警系統專家 residential alarm system specialist
  • 零售研究員 retail investigator
  • 零售損失研究者的 retail loss investigator
  • 零售防損人員 retail loss prevention officer
  • 零售的店floorman /男/女 retail store floorman/woman
  • 零售商店巡視員 retail store floorwalker
  • 學校路口後​​衛 school crossing guard
  • 防盜報警系統顧問 security alarm system consultant
  • 安全分析人員 – 郵政服務 security analysis officer – postal service
  • 安全和調查人員 security and investigations officer
  • 安全顧問(計算機系統除外) security consultant (except computer systems)
  • 警衛 security guard
  • 保安員 – 炸藥 security guard – explosives
  • 安全研究員 security investigator
  • 安全管理人員 security officer
  • 安全管理人員,私營 security officer, private
  • 安全專家(計算機系統除外) security specialist (except computer systems)
  • 購物研究者 – 安全 shopping investigator – security
  • 店面偵探 store detective
  • 主管,防損人員 supervisor, loss prevention officers
  • 主管,私家偵探 supervisor, private investigators
  • 主管,私人警察代理和調查 supervisor, private police agents and investigators
  • 主管,私人警察/婦女和調查 supervisor, private policemen/women and investigators
  • 防盜主任 theft prevention officer
  • 跳馬託管 vault custodian

不包括職稱 Exclusions

  • 懲教服務人員 Correctional service officers 4422
  • 擔保機構經理(其他商務服務經理) Managers of security agencies (in [0125](0125) Other business services managers )
  • 警員(除委託) Police officers (except commissioned) 4311
  • 主管安全衛士及相關行業(其他服務主管) Supervisors of security guards and related occupations (in [6316](6316) Other services supervisors )




項目類別 線上申請
48 天
117 天
超級簽證 106 天
13 週
17 週
境內學簽續簽 131 天
畢業工簽境外申請 11 週
畢業工簽境內申請 145 天
145 天
5 个月
12 个月
48 个月
5 个月
40 个月
13 个月
24 个月
6 个月
25 天
62 天




