NOC 9243 水及廢物處理廠運營商 Water And Waste Treatment Plant Operators


簡介 Intro


Water treatment plant operators monitor and operate computerized control systems and related equipment in water filtration and treatment plants to regulate the treatment and distribution of water. Liquid waste plant operators monitor and operate computerized control systems and related equipment in wastewater, sewage treatment and liquid waste plants to regulate the treatment and disposal of sewage and wastes. They are employed by municipal governments and industrial facilities. This unit group also includes waste treatment plant operators in composting plants and other waste management facilities.

There is limited mobility between water treatment plant and waste plant operators.

Progression to supervisory positions is possible with experience.

主要職責 Main Duties

水處理廠運營商執行部分或全部下列職責:Water treatment plant operators perform some or all of the following duties:

  • 操作和監管電腦控制系統及水過濾和水處理廠的相關設備,以相應調整水的處理和分配
  • Operate and monitor computerized control systems and related equipment in water filtration and treatment plants to regulate the treatment and distribution of water
  • 監控和檢查工廠設備和系統,檢測設備故障,並確保工廠系統運行正常
  • Monitor and inspect plant equipment and systems to detect equipment malfunctions and to ensure plant systems are operating normally
  • 檢查流量計,壓力表和其他記錄儀器,測量水的輸出水平和消費水平,細菌含量,氯和氟水平
  • Read flow meters, gauges and other recording instruments to measure water output and consumption levels, bacterial content, chlorine and fluoride levels
  • 收集和測試水​​樣的化學和細菌含量,分析測試結果和儀器的讀數,調整工廠設備和系統,以確保質量控制
  • Collect and test water samples for chemical and bacterial content, analyze test results and instrument readings and make adjustments to plant equipment and systems to ensure quality control
  • 對水務系統的過程控制變化提供口頭或書面的說明,以確保產水符合質量標準要求
  • Provide verbal or written instructions for process control changes to waterworks system to ensure water produced meets standardized quality requirements
  • 對廠房及場地執行安全檢查
  • Perform security checks in plant and on grounds
  • 對公眾關於水質問題和緊急情況的查詢給予積極回應
  • Respond to public enquiries regarding water quality issues and emergencies
  • 完成和維護工廠的日誌,報告和統計數據
  • Complete and maintain plant logs, reports and statistics
  • 亦可進行小型維修或協助熟練技工安裝及維修廠房機器設備
  • May perform minor maintenance or assist skilled tradespersons with installation and repair of plant machinery
  • 可以測量,混合和運輸化學品從而保有原料。
  • May measure, mix and transport chemicals to maintain feed stocks.

液體垃圾處理廠運營商執行部分或全部下列職責:Liquid waste plant operators perform some or all of the following duties:

  • 操作和監控電腦控制系統及廢水處理,污水處理和液體廢物工廠的相關設備來調節經過沉澱,曝氣和消化池的污水流量,進而叨叨對污水和廢物的處理處置
  • Operate and monitor computerized control systems and related equipment in wastewater treatment, sewage treatment and liquid waste plants to regulate the flow of sewage through settling, aeration and digestion tanks, and to treat and dispose of sewage and wastes
  • 巡視工廠,檢查泵,馬達,過濾,加氯等工廠設備;監測和讀取儀表,儀表及其他記錄儀器,檢測設備故障,確保工廠系統和設備在規定的範圍內操作
  • Patrol plant to check pumps, motors, filters, chlorinators and other plant equipment; monitor and read gauges, meters and other recording instruments to detect equipment malfunctions and ensure plant systems and equipment are operating within prescribed limits
  • 測試及調整化學品的進給率,以確保消毒過程符合質量標準
  • Test and adjust chemical feed rates to ensure that disinfection processes meet quality standards
  • 收集垃圾和污水樣品,測試和分析結果,並根據需要對工廠設備和系統作出調整,
  • Collect waste and sewage samples, test and analyze results and make adjustments to plant equipment and systems as required
  • 對廠房及場地,執行安全檢查
  • Perform security checks in plant and on grounds
  • 完成和維護工廠的日誌和報告
  • Complete and maintain plant logs and reports
  • 對工廠設備進行預防性維護,以確保設備按照規定的標準運行操作
  • Perform preventive maintenance on plant equipment to ensure that the facility operates in accordance with required standards
  • 可協助熟練技工安裝和維修工廠機器。
  • May assist skilled tradespersons with installation and repair of plant machinery.

任職要求 Employment Requirements

  • 必需完成中學學業。
  • Completion of secondary school is required.
  • 必須具備化學,污染控製或相關學科的大學或行業的培訓課程。
  • College or industry training courses in chemistry, pollution control or related subjects are required.
  • 水處理廠的運營商要求具備水處理和分配等級認證(根據工廠認證等級分為I,II,III或IV級)。
  • Certification in water treatment and distribution (Levels I, II, III or IV
  • depending on the certification level of the plant) is required for water treatment plant operators.
  • 污水處理廠的運營商要求具備污水收集和污水處理認證(根據工廠認證等級分為I,II,III或IV級)。
  • Certification in wastewater collection and wastewater treatment (Level I, II, III or IV depending certification level of the plant) is required for wastewater treatment plant operators.
  • 廢物處理廠運營商可能要求具備固體廢物,垃圾填埋場或堆肥設施運營商的認證。
  • Solid waste, landfill or compost facility operator certification may be required for operators in waste treatment plants.
  • 可能需要具備工作場所有害物質信息系統WHMIS,危險貨物運輸TDG,和安全實踐的課程認證。
  • Certification in workplace hazardous materials information system (WHMIS), transportation of dangerous goods (TDG), and courses in safety practices may be required.
  • 提供在職培訓。
  • On-the-job training is provided.
  • 水處理或污水處理領域的工人要求具備工作經驗。
  • Previous experience as a worker in the water treatment or wastewater field may be required.

所有職稱 All Titles

  • 環保系統操作員 – 水處理 environmental systems operator – water treatment
  • 濾清器廠運營商 – 水處理 filter plant operator – water treatment
  • 的過濾植物控制器 – 水處理 filtration plant controller – water treatment
  • 工業廢水處理廠運營商 industrial waste treatment plant operator
  • 液體廢物處理運營商 liquid waste process operator
  • 液體廢物處理廠,運營商 liquid waste-processing plant, operator
  • 操作員,液體廢物處理廠 operator, liquid waste treatment plant
  • 運營商,泵房 – 水處理 operator, pumphouse – water treatment
  • 運營商,泵站 – 水處理 operator, pumping station – water treatment
  • 運營商,污水處理廠; operator, sewage plant
  • 污水處理廠的運營商, operator, wastewater treatment plant
  • 運營商,水過濾廠 operator, water filtration plant
  • 運營商,自來水廠水泵 operator, water plant pump
  • 操作員,水淨化設備廠 operator, water purification plant
  • 運營商,污水處理廠 operator, water treatment plant
  • 運營商,水廠泵站 operator, waterworks pumping station
  • 過程操作員,液體廢物 process operator, liquid waste
  • 工藝技術員,污水處理廠 process technician, water treatment plant
  • 加工工廠操作員,液體廢物 processing plant operator, liquid waste
  • 泵操作員,自來水廠 pump operator, water plant
  • 泵站運營商 – 水處理 pump station operator – water treatment
  • 泵房運營商 – 水處理 pumphouse operator – water treatment
  • 污水處理廠運營商 sewage plant operator
  • 污水處理設備招標 sewage-processing equipment tender
  • 系統操作員,水處理 systems operator, water treatment
  • 招標,污水處理設備 tender, sewage-processing equipment
  • 廢物處理工廠操作員 waste treatment plant operator
  • 污水收集運營商 wastewater collection operator
  • 污水收集系統操作員 wastewater collection systems operator
  • 污水處理運營商 wastewater treatment operator
  • 污水處理廠運營商 wastewater treatment plant operator
  • 污水處理廠工人 wastewater treatment plant worker
  • 水和廢水技師 water and wastewater technician
  • 水過濾工廠操作員 water filtration plant operator
  • 水門運營商 water gate operator
  • 水廠泵操作員 water plant pump operator
  • 污水處理運營商 water treatment operator
  • 污水處理廠運營商 water treatment plant operator
  • 污水處理廠工藝技師 water treatment plant process technician
  • 水處理系統操作員 water treatment systems operator
  • 水公用事業運營商 water utility operator
  • 水廠泵房操作員 waterworks pump house operator
  • 井點泵操作員 well-point pump operator

不包括職稱 Exclusions

  • 化學工程師 Chemical engineers 2134
  • 化學技師和技術員 Chemical technologists and technicians 2211
  • 監事,石油,天然氣和化學加工和公用事業 Supervisors, petroleum, gas and chemical processing and utilities 9212
  • 水和垃圾處理廠工人勞動者 (化工產品處理與公用事業) Water and waste plant labourers (in 9613 Labourers in chemical products processing and utilities )
  • 自來水和煤氣的維修工人 Waterworks and gas maintenance workers 7442



項目類別 線上申請
48 天
117 天
超級簽證 106 天
13 週
17 週
境內學簽續簽 131 天
畢業工簽境外申請 11 週
畢業工簽境內申請 145 天
145 天
5 个月
12 个月
48 个月
5 个月
40 个月
13 个月
24 个月
6 个月
25 天
62 天




