NOC 1411 辦公室支持工人 General Office Support Workers


簡介 Intro


General office support workers prepare correspondence, reports, statements and other material, operate office equipment, answer telephones, verify, record and process forms and documents such as contracts and requisitions and perform general clerical duties according to established procedures. They are employed in offices throughout the public and private sectors.

Progression to supervisory or office management positions is possible with experience.

Progression to officer level positions is possible with additional training and experience.

主要職責 Main Duties

  • 準備信件,報告,報表,表格,演示文稿,應用程序和來自便籤或錄音電話的其他文件
  • Prepare correspondence, reports, statements, forms, presentations, applications and other documents from notes or dictaphone
  • 回復電話,親身或電子查詢或轉發到合適的人
  • Respond to telephone, in person or electronic enquiries or forward to appropriate person
  • 向員工,客戶和公眾提供有關公司或程序規則,規定和程序的大致信息
  • Provide general information to staff, clients and the public regarding company or program rules, regulations and procedures
  • 影印和整理文件以備分發,郵寄和備案
  • Photocopy and collat​​e documents for distribution, mailing and filing
  • 根據既定的備案系統,排序和歸檔文件,按照要求定位和檢索歸檔的文件,並保持存檔和刪除的材料記錄
  • Sort and file documents according to established filing systems, locate and retrieve documents from files as requested and maintain records of filed and removed materials
  • 手稿或電子檔案,目錄,郵件列表和數據庫的維護和準備工作
  • Maintain and prepare reports from manual or electronic files, inventories, mailing lists and databases
  • 手工或電子處理傳入和傳出的電子郵件
  • Process incoming and outgoing mail, manually or electronically
  • 使用傳真機或電子郵箱發送和接收消息和文件
  • Send and receive messages and documents using fax machine or electronic mail
  • 協助行政程序,如提交預算,合同管理和工作時間安排
  • Assist with administrative procedures such as budget submissions, contracts administration and work schedules
  • 維修庫存辦公用品,按需要訂購耗材,安排維修辦公設備
  • Maintain inventory of office supplies, order supplies as required and arrange for servicing of office equipment
  • 可以執行基本的簿記工作,如準備發票及銀行存款
  • May perform basic bookkeeping tasks such as preparing invoices and bank deposits
  • 可分類,處理和驗證收據,支出,表格及其它文件
  • May sort, process and verify receipts, expenditures, forms and other documents
  • 可以組織其他辦公支持工人的工作流程。
  • May organize the flow of work for other office support workers.

任職要求 Employment Requirements

  • 通常需要完成中學學業。
  • Completion of secondary school is usually required.
  • 通常需要完成中學或貿易或商業大專課程。
  • Completion of secondary school or college business or commercial courses is usually required.

所有職稱 All Titles

  • 地址形式業務員 address forms clerk
  • 行政文員 administrative clerk
  • 飛機記錄員 aircraft records clerk
  • 拍賣業務員 auction clerk
  • 法案分揀機 bill sorter
  • 部門工人,糧食報價 board marker, grain quotations
  • 廣播業務員 broadcast clerk
  • 總線終端店員 bus terminal clerk
  • 卡文件管理器 card filer
  • 分類業務員 classification clerk
  • 分類業務員,記錄 classification clerk, records
  • 文書助理 clerical assistant
  • 店員,飛機記錄 clerk, aircraft records
  • 店員,分類 clerk, classification
  • 店員,一般辦公室 clerk, general office
  • 辦事員,儀表記錄 clerk, meter records
  • 書記員,記錄 clerk, records
  • 書記員,記錄分類 clerk, records classification
  • 店員,技術記錄 clerk, technical records
  • 店員速記員 clerk-stenographer
  • 通信備案店員 correspondence filing clerk
  • 過程統籌 course co-ordinator
  • 信用卡授權店員 credit card authorization clerk
  • 營養學家辦公室文員 – 醫院 dietetics office clerk – hospital
  • 文件業務員 documents clerk
  • 圖紙備案店員 drawings filing clerk
  • 文件和分類店員 file and classification clerk
  • 檔案管理員 file clerk
  • 檔案員 filing clerk
  • 電影備案店員 film filing clerk
  • 彩車店員 float clerk
  • 一般辦公室文員 general office clerk
  • 一般上班族 general office worker
  • 糧食報價部門工人 grain quotations board marker
  • 衛生信息店員 health information clerk
  • 健康記錄店員 health records clerk
  • 醫院記錄店員 hospital records clerk
  • 信息和記錄業務員 information and records clerk
  • 初級辦公室文員 junior office clerk
  • 郵購店員 mail order clerk
  • 郵購填料 mail order filler
  • 地圖店員 map clerk
  • 醫療記錄員 medical records clerk
  • 儀表記錄店員 meter records clerk
  • 市政府辦公室業務員 municipal office clerk
  • 辦公室行政文員 office administration clerk
  • 辦公室助理 office assistant
  • 辦公室文員 office clerk
  • 辦公室機器操作員 office machine operator
  • 運營商,辦公設備 operator, office machines
  • 訂單謄寫員 order transcriber
  • 板備案店員 plate filing clerk
  • 派出所業務員 police station clerk
  • 記錄分類店員 records classification clerk
  • 記錄業務員 records clerk
  • 記錄歸檔系統的店員 records filing-system clerk
  • 記錄管理辦事員 records management clerk
  • 記錄支助辦事員 records support clerk
  • 救災店員 relief clerk
  • 道路店員 road clerk
  • 道路維修員 road maintenance clerk
  • 認購店員 subscription clerk
  • 技術記錄員 technical records clerk
  • 票編制者 – 製造業 ticket preparer – manufacturing
  • 打字員 typist
  • 部業務員 unit clerk
  • 公用事業業務員 utilities clerk
  • 實用店員 utility clerk
  • 醫院病房職員 – ward clerk – hospital
  • 保修店員 warranty clerk
  • 字處理器店員 word processor clerk

不包括職稱 Exclusions

  • 會計及相關文員 Accounting and related clerks 1431
  • 行政助理 Administrative assistants 1241
  • 行政人員 Administrative officers 1221
  • 法院書記員 Court clerks 1416
  • 數據錄入員 Data entry clerks 1422
  • 人事文員 Personnel clerks 1415
  • 接待員 Receptionists 1414
  • 記錄管理技術人員 Records management technicians 1253
  • 主管,總經理辦公室和行政支持人員 Supervisors, general office and administrative support workers []1211(1211)



項目類別 線上申請
48 天
117 天
超級簽證 106 天
13 週
17 週
境內學簽續簽 131 天
畢業工簽境外申請 11 週
畢業工簽境內申請 145 天
145 天
5 个月
12 个月
48 个月
5 个月
40 个月
13 个月
24 个月
6 个月
25 天
62 天




