NOC 9447 督察及評級員,紡織,面料,毛皮及皮革製品製造 Inspectors And Graders, Textile, Fabric, Fur And Leather Products Manufacturing


簡介 Intro


Inspectors and graders in this unit group inspect and grade textile, fabric, fur and leather products. They are employed by textile companies, leather tanning and fur dressing establishments and garment, fur and leather products manufacturers.

There is limited mobility among the different inspectors and graders in this unit group.

主要職責 Main Duties

  • 檢查天然,合成和混合紡織,面料,皮革和毛皮服裝或產品,確保符合質量標準
  • Examine natural, synthetic and hybrid textile, fabric, fur and leather garments or products for conformity to quality standards
  • 根據規模,條件和重量,檢查和定級獸皮和毛皮
  • Inspect and grade animal hides and pelts according to size, condition and weight
  • 通過測量,把產品與樣品和圖案進行比較,驗證成品服裝和產品的合身度或尺寸
  • Verify fit or size of finished garments and products by measuring or comparing products with samples and patterns
  • 標記缺陷,修復細小瑕疵,用剪刀切斷多餘的材料,並用刷子,皮棉去污劑和清潔溶液,去除皮棉和斑點
  • Mark defects, repair minor imperfections, cut excess materiel using scissors, and remove lint and spots using brushes, lint removers and cleaning solutions
  • 根據大小,樣式和質量,分級和分類成品並貼標籤
  • Grade and sort finished products and tag according to size, style and quality
  • 記錄已檢查產品的信息
  • Record information on products inspected
  • 可以包裝產品。
  • May package products.

任職要求 Employment Requirements

  • 通常需要中學教育。
  • Some secondary school education is usually required.
  • 提供在職培訓。
  • On-the-job training is provided.
  • 通常需要製造產品的工作經驗。
  • Work experience in the manufacturing of the products inspected is usually required.

所有職稱 All Titles

  • 藍色皮革定級員 blue-leather grader
  • 靴子和鞋定級員 boot and shoe grader
  • 靴子和鞋督察 boot and shoe inspector
  • 靴子和靴式分揀工 boot and shoe sorter
  • 帆布貨物檢查員 canvas goods inspector
  • 地毯督察 carpet inspector
  • 布檢察員 cloth examiner
  • 布定級員 cloth grader
  • 布督察 cloth inspector
  • 布測量者 cloth measurer
  • 布採樣工 cloth sampler
  • 布分揀工 cloth sorter
  • 布測試員 cloth tester
  • 服裝巡視員 clothing inspector
  • 布測量機操作者 cloth-measuring machine tender
  • 彩色定級員- 紡織品 colour grader – textiles
  • 配色工 – 紡織品 colour matcher – textiles
  • 墊子和遮蓋物督察 cushion and cover inspector
  • 坐墊和家具鋪面製造檢查員 cushion and furniture-coverings manufacturing inspector
  • 布店 draper
  • 織物檢查員 fabric examiner
  • 織物定級員 fabric grader
  • 織物督察 fabric inspector
  • 織物生產檢查員 fabric manufacturing inspector
  • 布料取樣工 fabric sampler
  • 纖維檢查員 – 紡織品 fibre examiner – textiles
  • 纖維定級員 – 紡織品 fibre grader – textiles
  • 纖維檢查員 – 紡織品 fibre inspector – textiles
  • 整理督察,服裝 final inspector, garments
  • 整理檢查員 – 紡織品 finishing inspector – textiles
  • 試衣間督察 – 面料產品製造 fitting room inspector – fabric products manufacturing
  • 基礎服裝督察 foundation garments inspector
  • 毛皮定級員 fur grader
  • 毛皮匹配工 – 毛皮製品製造業 fur matcher – fur products manufacturing
  • 毛皮分揀工 fur sorter
  • 毛皮分揀工,帽子 fur sorter, hats
  • 服裝最終督察 garment final inspector
  • 服裝巡視員 garment inspector
  • 成衣製造巡視員 garment manufacturing inspector
  • 手套,手套檢查員 glove and mitten examiner
  • 定級員 – 紡織品 grader – textiles
  • 定級員,織物 grader, fabric
  • 定級員,襪機 grader, hosiery
  • 坯布布檢查員 greige-cloth examiner
  • 帽子毛皮分揀工 hat fur sorter
  • 帽子巡視員 hat inspector
  • 皮和毛皮加工檢查員 hide and pelt processing inspector
  • 獸皮定級員 hide grader
  • 獸皮督察 hide inspector
  • 獸皮分揀工 hide sorter
  • 織襪定級員 hosiery grader
  • 織襪巡視員 hosiery inspector
  • 織襪配對工 hosiery pairer
  • 襪業尺寸工 hosiery sizer
  • 檢查機看管者 – 紡織品 inspecting machine tender – textiles
  • 檢查員 – 布製品製造業 inspector – fabric products manufacturing
  • 檢查員 – 毛皮製品製造業 inspector – fur products manufacturing
  • 檢查員 – 紡織品 inspector – textiles
  • 巡視員,基礎服裝 inspector, foundation garments
  • 巡視員,服裝 inspector, garment
  • 督察,針織 inspector, knitting
  • 檢查員,皮具 inspector, leather goods
  • 巡視員,織機 inspector, loom
  • 檢查員,修整材料 inspector, trimming material
  • 督察定級員,秒 inspector-grader, seconds
  • 外套製造巡視員 jacket manufacturing inspector
  • 針織面料督察 knitted fabric inspector
  • 針織督察 knitting inspector
  • 皮革手套檢查員 leather glove examiner
  • 皮具督察 leather goods inspector
  • 皮革定級員 leather grader
  • 皮革巡視員 leather inspector
  • 皮革分揀工 leather sorter
  • 庫存皮革巡視員 leather stock inspector
  • 皮革皮革廠督察 leather tanneries inspector
  • 織機巡視員 loom inspector
  • 窄幅織物檢查員 narrow fabric examiner
  • 降落傘檢查員 – 布製品製造業 parachute inspector – fabric products manufacturing
  • 毛皮定級員 – 皮和毛皮加工 pelt grader – hide and pelt processing
  • 毛皮加工檢查員 pelt processing inspector
  • 鱸魚運營商 perch operator
  • 鱸魚運營商 – 紡織品 perch operator – textiles
  • percher – 紡織品 percher – textiles
  • 預縮工藝測試工 – 紡織品 preshrinking process tester – textiles
  • 質量控制檢查員 – 紡織品 quality control inspector – textiles
  • 質量控制測試工 – 紡織品 quality control tester – textiles
  • 質量控制者 – 紡織品 quality controller – textiles
  • 粗紗重量測量員 – 紡織品 roving weight gauger – textiles
  • 樣品檢查工 – 紡織品 sample checker – textiles
  • 樣品的編制者 – 紡織品 sample preparer – textiles
  • 採樣工 – 紡織品 sampler – textiles
  • 秒督察定級員 seconds inspector-grader
  • 燈罩匹配 工- 紡織品 shade matcher – textiles
  • 襯衫巡視員 shirt inspector
  • 鞋督察 shoe inspector
  • 絞絲檢查員交談 – 紡織品 skein yarn examiner – textiles
  • 分揀工,靴子和鞋 sorter, boot and shoe
  • 分揀工,皮革 sorter, leather
  • 放養督察 stocking inspector
  • 樣本檢查員 – 紡織品 swatch checker – textiles
  • 紡織定級員生 textile grader
  • 紡織巡視員 textile inspector
  • 紡織產品樣品 textile product sampler
  • 紡織產品檢驗員 textile products inspector
  • 紡織採樣工 textile sampler
  • 紡織著色工 textile shader
  • 紡織測試工 textile tester
  • 線程檢查員 – 紡織品 thread inspector – textiles
  • 修剪材料檢查員 trimming material inspector
  • 經紗張力測試工 – 紡織品 warp tension tester – textiles
  • 織督察 weaving inspector
  • 羊毛定級員 wool fleece grader
  • 羊毛定級員 wool grader
  • 紗,細紗督察 yarn and spun yarn inspector
  • 紗檢查員 yarn examiner
  • 紗線督察 yarn inspector
  • 紗線測試工 yarn tester

不包括職稱 Exclusions

  • 主管,紡織,面料,皮革和毛皮製品的加工和製造Supervisors, textile, fabric, fur and leather products processing and manufacturing 9217




項目類別 線上申請
48 天
117 天
超級簽證 106 天
13 週
17 週
境內學簽續簽 131 天
畢業工簽境外申請 11 週
畢業工簽境內申請 145 天
145 天
5 个月
12 个月
48 个月
5 个月
40 个月
13 个月
24 个月
6 个月
25 天
62 天




