NOC 9461 過程控制和機器操作員,食品,飲料及相關產品加工 Process Control And Machine Operators, Food, Beverage And Associated Products Processing


簡介 Intro


Process control and machine operators in this unit group operate multi-function process control machinery and single-function machines to process and package food, beverage and associated products. They are employed in fruit and vegetable processing plants, dairies, flour mills, bakeries, sugar refineries, meat plants, breweries, leaf tobacco products plants and other food, beverage and associated products processing establishments.

There is little mobility among the various types of process control operators within the food and beverage processing industry.

Process control operators may progress to supervisory positions in food and beverage processing with experience.

There is mobility among machine operators within the food, beverage and associated products processing.

Machine operators may progress to process control operation or supervisory positions in food, beverage and associated products processing with experience.

主要職責 Main Duties

本單元組的過程控制運營商執行部分或全部下列職責:Process control operators in this unit group perform some or all of the following duties:

  • 通過控制面板,計算機終端或其他控制系統,操作多功能過程控制機械,研磨,提取,組合,融合,烹飪或以其他方式處理食品,裝袋,裝盒或其他包裝食品產品
  • Operate multi-function process control machinery through control panels, computer terminals or other control systems to grind, extract, mix, blend, cook or otherwise process food products and to bag, box or otherwise package food products
  • 操作多功能過程控制機械研磨,提取,混合,攪拌,蒸餾,發酵或以其他方式處理含酒精或不含酒精的飲料,並裝瓶,裝罐或以其他方式包裝飲料
  • Operate multi-function process control machinery to grind, extract, mix, blend, distill, ferment or otherwise process alcoholic or non-alcoholic beverages and to bottle, can or otherwise package beverages
  • 觀察壓力表,計算機打印輸出和視頻顯示器,以驗證指定的加工條件,並進行調整適應過程變量,如烹調時間,原料輸入,流速和溫度設定
  • Observe gauges, computer printouts and video monitors to verify specified processing conditions and make adjustments to process variables such as cooking times, ingredient inputs, flow rates and temperature settings
  • 保留生產輪班日誌及其他數據。
  • Maintain shift log of production and other data.

本組機器操作員執行部分或全部下列職責:Machine operators in this group perform some or all of the following duties:

  • 設置和調整加工和包裝機械,準備操作
  • Set up and adjust processing and packaging machines preparatory to operation
  • 操作單功能機研磨,提取,混合,攪拌,乾燥,冷凍,煮或以其他方式加工食品,飲料或相關產品
  • Operate single-function machines to grind, extract, mix, blend, dry, freeze, cook or otherwise process food, beverage or associated products
  • 操作單功能機來裝箱,裝罐或以其他方式包裝食品,飲料或相關產品
  • Operate single-function machines to box, can or otherwise package food, beverage or associated products
  • 檢查產品,以確保符合公司的標準並按要求清理機器堵塞
  • Check products to ensure conformance to company standards and clear machine blockages as required
  • 記錄生產信息,如產品包裝的數量,重量,大小,日期和類型
  • Record production information such as quantity, weight, size, date and type of products packaged
  • 執行糾正的機器調試,清潔機器和臨時工作區。
  • Perform corrective machine adjustements, clean machines and immediate work areas.

任職要求 Employment Requirements

  • 可能必需完成中學教育。
  • Completion of secondary school may be required.
  • 提供在職培訓。
  • On-the-job training is provided.
  • 工業過程控制的運營商通常需要食品,飲料或相關產品的加工機器操作經驗。
  • Experience as a machine operator in food, beverage or associated products processing is usually required for industrial process control operators.
  • 機器操作員可能需要食品,飲料或相關產品的加工勞動者經驗。
  • Experience as a labourer in food, beverage or associated products processing may be required for machine operators.

所有職稱 All Titles

  • 蘋果醬處理器運營商 applesauce processor operator
  • 助理釀酒師 – 食品和飲料加工 assistant brewer – food and beverage processing
  • 助理磨坊主 – 食品和飲料加工 assistant miller – food and beverage processing
  • 臘肉治療者 bacon curer
  • 裝袋機安裝員 bagging machine setter
  • 裝袋機安裝員/女 bagging machine set-up man/woman
  • 烘烤關閉設備操作員 – 食品和飲料加工 Bake-off equipment tender – food and beverage processing
  • 麵包店機器操作員 – 食品和飲料加工 bakery machine operator – food and beverage processing
  • 籃卸載工 basket unloader
  • 分批混合者,飼料 – 食品和飲料加工 batch mixer, feed – food and beverage processing
  • 麵糊麵團混合工 – 食品和飲料加工 batter and dough mixer – food and beverage processing
  • 啤酒紙箱打包工 beer carton packer
  • 啤酒過濾操作員 beer filter operator
  • 啤酒巴氏殺菌 beer pasteurizer
  • 甜菜指腹按壓操作員 beet pulp press tender
  • 飲料灌裝機的運營商 beverage-canning machine operator
  • 熱燙機操作員 blanching machine tender
  • 漂白運營商 – 食品和飲料加工 bleacher operator – food and beverage processing
  • 攪拌者 – 煙草加工 blender – tobacco processing
  • 攪拌機操作員 – 食品和飲料加工 blender operator – food and beverage processing
  • 攪拌機,人造黃油 blender, margarine
  • 博洛尼亞製造商 bologna maker
  • 錨桿鑽機運營商 – 食品和飲料加工 bolter operator – food and beverage processing
  • 骨式破碎機 – 食品和飲料加工 bone crusher – food and beverage processing
  • 登記人 – 煙草加工 booker – tobacco processing
  • 灌裝機操作員 bottling machine operator
  • 灌裝機操作員 – 食品和飲料加工 bottling machine operator – food and beverage processing
  • 箱機操作員 – 食品和飲料加工 box machine operator – food and beverage processing
  • 麵包切片機操作員 bread slicer operator
  • 麵包切片機操作員 bread-slicing machine operator
  • 斷路器容器服務員 – 食品和飲料加工 breaker tank attendant – food and beverage processing
  • 啤酒生產商 brewer
  • 啤酒製造商幫手工 – 食品和飲料加工 brewer helper – food and beverage processing
  • 啤酒廠水壺操作員 – 食品和飲料加工 brewery kettle tender – food and beverage processing
  • 啤酒廠司泵工 /男/女 brewery pumpman/woman
  • 釀酒廠鍋爐工/男/女 – 飲料加工 brewery stillman/woman – beverage processing
  • 啤酒工人 brewery worker
  • 糖化運營商 brewhouse operator
  • 鹽水工/男/女 – 食品和飲料加工 brine man/woman – food and beverage processing
  • 鹽水攪拌機操作員 – 食品和飲料加工 brine mixer operator – food and beverage processing
  • 鹽水罐分隔操作員 brine tank separator tender
  • 紅糖製造商 brown sugar maker
  • 布爾軋機操作 – 食品和飲料加工 buhr mill operator – food and beverage processing
  • 批量攪拌者 – 煙草加工 bulk blender – tobacco processing
  • 散貨船攪拌者 – 煙草加工 bulker blender – tobacco processing
  • 散裝香腸餡機操作員 – 食品和飲料加工 bulk-sausage-stuffing machine operator – food and beverage processing
  • 聚束器,雪茄 buncher, cigar
  • 黃油製造商 butter maker
  • 蛋糕混合設備操作員 – 食品和飲料加工 cake mix equipment operator – food and beverage processing
  • 蜜餞處理工 candied fruit processor
  • 糖果中心廠商 candy centre maker
  • 糖果製造商 candy maker
  • 糖果車夫和滾子 candy puller and roller
  • 糖果切割機操作員 candy-cutting machine tender
  • 糖果製造機操作員 candy-making machine tender
  • 糖果壓延機操作員 candy-rolling machine operator
  • 糖果紡紗機運營商 – 食品和飲料加工 candy-spinning machine operator – food and beverage processing
  • 可以灌裝機操作員 – 食品和飲料加工 can-filling machine operator – food and beverage processing
  • 罐頭食品烹飪師 canned goods cooker
  • 罐裝牛奶滅菌器 canned milk sterilizer
  • 裝罐機器操作員 canning machine operator
  • 焦糖設備操作員 caramel equipment operator
  • 碳化設備操作員 – 食品和飲料加工 carbonation equipment operator – food and beverage processing
  • 碳酸 – 食品和飲料加工 carbonator – food and beverage processing
  • 級聯攪拌者 – 煙草加工 cascade blender – tobacco processing
  • 套管機操作員 – 食品和飲料加工 casing machine operator – food and beverage processing
  • 套管機操作員 – 煙草加工 casing machine operator – tobacco processing
  • 套管機操作員 – 煙草加工 casing machine tender – tobacco processing
  • 番茄醬製造商 catsup maker
  • 酒窖工人/男/女,酒莊 – 食品和飲料加工 cellarman/woman, winery – food and beverage processing
  • 離心站操作員 – 食品和飲料加工 centrifugal station tender – food and beverage processing
  • 穀物麵包師 – 食品和飲料加工 cereal baker – food and beverage processing
  • 穀物清潔工 cereal cleaner
  • 穀物炊具和擠出機操作員 cereal cooker and extruder operator
  • 穀物生產商 – 食品和飲料加工 cereal maker – food and beverage processing
  • 穀物烤箱操作員 cereal oven tender
  • 穀物清洗設備操作員 cereal-cleaning equipment operator
  • 穀類塗操作員 cereal-coating operator
  • 炭過濾器操作員 – 食品和飲料加工 char filter tender – food and beverage processing
  • 炭窯操作員 – 食品和飲料加工 char kiln tender – food and beverage processing
  • 奶酪攪拌者 – 食品和飲料加工 cheese blender – food and beverage processing
  • 奶酪電磁爐 cheese cooker
  • 奶酪刨絲 cheese grater
  • 奶酪製造商 cheese maker
  • 口香糖機操作員 chewing-gum machine tender
  • 樹膠離心機運營商 – 食品和飲料加工 chicle centrifuge operator – food and beverage processing
  • 巧克力芯片製造商 chocolate chips maker
  • 巧克力塗佈工 – 食品和飲料加工 chocolate coater – food and beverage processing
  • 巧克力屑製造商 chocolate crumbs maker
  • 巧克力成型工,機 chocolate moulder, machine
  • 巧克力精煉者 chocolate refiner
  • 巧克力淬火工 chocolate temperer
  • 鰱魚香腸機操作員 chub sausage machine tender
  • 果酒製造商 cider maker
  • 蘋果酒工廠工人 cider plant worker
  • 雪茄一堆廠商 cigar bunch maker
  • 雪茄聚束者 cigar buncher
  • 雪茄烘乾工 cigar dryer
  • 雪茄填料,混頻器和碎紙機 cigar filler, mixer and shredder
  • 雪茄製造商 cigar maker
  • 雪茄製造商,手工 cigar maker, hand
  • 雪茄製造商,機 cigar maker, machine
  • 雪茄成型工,手工 cigar moulder, hand
  • 雪茄補丁 cigar patcher
  • 雪茄輥,手工 cigar roller, hand
  • 香煙過濾嘴機操作員 cigarette filter machine tender
  • 捲菸機操作員 cigarette machine tender
  • 捲菸製造商 cigarette maker
  • 捲菸製造商運營商 cigarette maker operator
  • 香煙輥 cigarette roller
  • 香煙壓模 cigarette stamper
  • 香煙自卸車 cigarette tipper
  • 柑橘榨汁機 citrus juice extractor
  • 澄清設備操作員 – 食品和飲料加工 clarifying equipment tender – food and beverage processing
  • 清潔機,糧食 – 食品和飲料加工 cleaner-dryer, grain – food and beverage processing
  • 煙草加工清洗和分類操作 – cleaning and classifying operator – tobacco processing
  • 的包衣鍋內運營商 – 食品和飲料加工 coating pan operator – food and beverage processing
  • 可可豆烘烤 cocoa bean roaster
  • 可可豆脫殼機操作員 cocoa bean-shelling machine tender
  • 可可脂過濾者 cocoa butter filterer
  • 可可軋機操作 cocoa mill operator
  • 可可筆尖磨床 cocoa-nib grinder
  • 咖啡攪拌者 coffee blender
  • 咖啡磨豆機 coffee grinder
  • 咖啡烘焙 coffee roaster
  • 巧克力機機操作員 conche machine tender
  • 錐和晶圓機操作員 cone and wafer machine tender
  • 錐機 – 食品和飲料加工 cone maker – food and beverage processing
  • 糖果糖漿製造商 confection syrup maker
  • 糖果電磁爐 confectionery cooker
  • 控制台操作員 – 食品和飲料加工 console operator – food and beverage processing
  • 控制室操作員 – 食品和飲料加工 control room operator – food and beverage processing
  • 的輸送爐運營商 – 食品和飲料加工 conveyor oven operator – food and beverage processing
  • 輸送機操作員 – 煙草加工 conveyor tender – tobacco processing
  • 煮罐運營商 – 食品和飲料加工 cook tank operator – food and beverage processing
  • 電磁爐,罐頭 cooker, canned goods
  • 電飯煲,肉類 – 食品和飲料加工 cooker, meats – food and beverage processing
  • 電飯煲,內臟 – 食品和飲料加工 cooker, offal – food and beverage processing
  • 電飯煲,工藝奶酪 cooker, process cheese
  • 冷卻器操作員 – 煙草加工 cooler tender – tobacco processing
  • 冷卻機操作員 – 食品和飲料加工 cooling machine tender – food and beverage processing
  • 軟木自卸車,香煙 cork tipper, cigarettes
  • 玉米芯片的電磁爐 corn chips cooker
  • 玉米煲 – 食品和飲料加工 corn cooker – food and beverage processing
  • 玉米麵皮機操作員 corn dough machine tender
  • 玉米片輥 – 食品和飲料加工 corn flakes roller – food and beverage processing
  • 玉米胚芽的編制者 – 食品和飲料加工 corn germ preparer – food and beverage processing
  • 玉米產品壓 – 食品和飲料加工 corn products presser – food and beverage processing
  • 玉米產品新聞記者/男/女 – 食品和飲料加工 corn products pressman/woman – food and beverage processing
  • 玉米澱粉壓 corn products starch presser
  • 玉米產品糖結晶操作 corn products sugar crystallizer operator
  • 玉米糖過濾運算符 corn sugar filter operator
  • 玉米糖廠運營商 corn sugar refinery operator
  • 玉米糖漿冷卻器和decolourizer corn syrup cooler and decolourizer
  • 玉米糖漿製造商 corn syrup maker
  • 奶酪製造商 cottage cheese maker
  • 餅乾和餅乾機操作員 cracker and cookie machine operator
  • 奶油奶酪製造商 cream cheese maker
  • 破碎機運營商 – 煙草加工 crusher operator – tobacco processing
  • 破碎機操作員 – 食品和飲料加工 crushing machine tender – food and beverage processing
  • 結晶器操作員 – 食品和飲料加工 crystallizer tender – food and beverage processing
  • 方糖機操作員 – 食品和飲料加工 cube sugar machine tender – food and beverage processing
  • 固化斌操作員 – 食品和飲料加工 curing bin tender – food and beverage processing
  • 定制飼料磨坊主 – 食品和飲料加工 custom feed miller – food and beverage processing
  • 自定義飼料編制者 – 食品和飲料加工 custom feed preparer – food and beverage processing
  • 切割機,菸葉 cutter, tobacco leaf
  • 乳品廠機器操作員 dairy plant machine operator
  • 乳製品專業製造商 dairy products specialty maker
  • 脫水機,糧食 – 食品和飲料加工 dehydrator, grain – food and beverage processing
  • 糊精生產商 – 食品和飲料加工 dextrine maker – food and beverage processing
  • 擴散運營商 – 食品和飲料加工 diffuser operator – food and beverage processing
  • 蒸餾酒的整流器 – 食品和飲料加工 distilled liquors rectifier – food and beverage processing
  • 蒸餾酒鍋爐工/男/女 – 食品和飲料加工 distilled liquors stillman/woman – food and beverage processing
  • 酒廠電飯煲 – 食品和飲料加工 distillery cooker – food and beverage processing
  • 酒廠磨床操作工 distillery grinder operator
  • 酒廠印刷機操作員 distillery press operator
  • 酒廠壓 distillery presser
  • 酒廠笊籬 distillery skimmer
  • 的酒精酵母製造商 – 食品和飲料加工 distillery yeast maker – food and beverage processing
  • 分條機操作員 – 食品和飲料加工 dividing machine tender – food and beverage processing
  • 麵團機 – 食品和飲料加工 dough maker – food and beverage processing
  • 麵團揉麵機操作員 dough-kneading machine tender
  • 醬和醬油攪拌機的 dressing and sauce mixer
  • 穿衣龍頭運營商 – 食品和飲料加工 dressing mixer operator – food and beverage processing
  • 乾食品攪拌機操作員 dry foods mixer operator
  • 干淀粉製造商 dry starch maker
  • 干淀粉壺幫手工 dry starch maker helper
  • 干淀粉運營商 – 食品和飲料加工 dry starch operator – food and beverage processing
  • 干淀粉工人 – 食品和飲料加工 dry starch worker – food and beverage processing
  • 機和冷卻器運營商 – 煙草加工 dryer and cooler operator – tobacco processing
  • 機運營商 – 食品加工 dryer operator – food processing
  • 機操作員 – 煙草加工 dryer tender – tobacco processing
  • 乾燥滾筒操作員 – 食品和飲料加工 drying drum tender – food and beverage processing
  • 乾燥機操作員 – 煙草加工 drying machine operator – tobacco processing
  • 食用油消防車 – 食品和飲料加工 edible oil pumper – food and beverage processing
  • 食用油煉油 – 食品和飲料加工 edible oil refiner – food and beverage processing
  • 包衣機操作員 – 食品和飲料加工 enrobing machine operator – food and beverage processing
  • 蒸發運營商 – 食品加工 evaporator operator – food processing
  • 提取機 – 食品和飲料加工 extract maker – food and beverage processing
  • 養活一批龍頭 – 食品和飲料加工 feed batch mixer – food and beverage processing
  • 飼料廠生產工人 feed mill production worker
  • 飼料磨坊主 – 食品和飲料加工 feed miller – food and beverage processing
  • 飼料混合機 – 食品和飲料加工 feed mixer – food and beverage processing
  • 發酵過程中運營商 – 食品和飲料加工 fermentation process operator – food and beverage processing
  • 發酵罐 – 煙草加工 fermenter – tobacco processing
  • 發酵運營商 fermenter operator
  • 安裝員灌裝機 – 食品和飲料加工 filling machine setter – food and beverage processing
  • 灌裝機建立的男人/男/女 – 食品和飲料加工 filling machine set-up man/woman – food and beverage processing
  • 過濾嘴捲菸機操作員 filter cigarette machine tender
  • 濾棒機運營商 – 煙草產品 filter rod machine operator – tobacco products
  • 剝落輥操作員 – 食品和飲料加工 flaking roll tender – food and beverage processing
  • 香精製造商 – 食品和飲料加工 flavour maker – food and beverage processing
  • 香精製造商 – 煙草加工 flavour maker – tobacco processing
  • 香料-煙草加工 flavourer – tobacco processing
  • 調味料攪拌機 – 煙草加工 flavouring mixer – tobacco processing
  • 的麵粉攪拌機運營商 – 食品和飲料加工 flour blender operator – food and beverage processing
  • 麵粉廠機器操作員 flour mill machine operator
  • 磨粉 flour miller
  • 麵粉淨化器 flour purifier
  • flumer – 食品和飲料加工 flumer – food and beverage processing
  • 食品切片機 – 食品和飲料加工 food slicer – food and beverage processing
  • 食品著色設備操作員 food-colouring equipment operator
  • 食品調味設備操作員的 food-flavouring equipment tender
  • 食品拌和機操作員 food-mixing machine tender
  • 冷凍乾燥食品加工 freeze-dry food processor
  • 冷凍運營商 – 食品和飲料加工 freezer operator – food and beverage processing
  • 結霜機 – 食品和飲料加工 frosting maker – food and beverage processing
  • 結霜攪拌機 – 食品和飲料加工 frosting mixer – food and beverage processing
  • 冷凍棒新奇廠商 – 食品和飲料加工 frozen stick novelty maker – food and beverage processing
  • 冷凍麵團烘烤機操作員 frozen-dough-baking machine tender
  • 水果和蔬菜的機器操作員 fruit and vegetable machine operator
  • 水果電飯煲 – 食品和飲料加工 fruit cooker – food and beverage processing
  • 水果攪拌機 – 食品和飲料加工 fruit mixer – food and beverage processing
  • 水果的保護者 – 食品和飲料加工 fruit preserver – food and beverage processing
  • 的水果按操作員 – 食品和飲料加工 fruit press tender – food and beverage processing
  • 水果壓 fruit presser
  • 煎炒烹炸 – 食品和飲料加工 fry cook – food and beverage processing
  • 炸運營商 – 食品和飲料加工 fryer operator – food and beverage processing
  • 明膠蒸發器過濾運算符 gelatin evaporator filter operator
  • 明膠提取投標的 gelatin extractor tender
  • 明膠乾粉混合機 gelatin powder mixer
  • 明膠股票廠商 gelatin stock maker
  • 明膠混色機操作員 gelatin-blending machine tender
  • 胚芽分離器 – 食品和飲料加工 germ separator – food and beverage processing
  • 胚芽分離器運營商 – 食品和飲料加工 germ separator operator – food and beverage processing
  • 糧食清潔機 – 食品和飲料加工 grain cleaner-dryer – food and beverage processing
  • 糧食電飯煲 – 食品和飲料加工 grain cooker – food and beverage processing
  • 的穀物膳食處理器 – 食品和飲料加工 grain meal processor – food and beverage processing
  • 糧食磨坊主 grain miller
  • 糧食龍頭 – 食品和飲料加工 grain mixer – food and beverage processing
  • 糧食焙燒爐 grain roaster
  • 糧食樣本磨坊主的 grain sample miller
  • 糧食乾洗機操作員 – 食品和飲料加工 grain-cleaning machine operator – food and beverage processing
  • 糧食加工機器操作員 grain-processing machine operator
  • 造粒機操作員 – 煙草加工 granulating machine tender – tobacco processing
  • 造粒機 – 煙草加工 granulator – tobacco processing
  • 造粒機操作員 – 食品和飲料加工 granulator tender – food and beverage processing
  • 磨碎的奶酪製造商 grated cheese maker
  • 粉碎機,菸葉 grinder, tobacco leaf
  • 的穀物磨坊操作 – 食品和飲料加工 grist mill operator – food and beverage processing
  • 口香糖的床單和得分機器操作員 – 食品和飲料加工 gum-sheeting and scoring machine operator – food and beverage processing
  • 火腿治療者 ham curer
  • 錘式粉碎機操作員 – 食品和飲料加工 hammer mill tender – food and beverage processing
  • 換熱器操作員, Votator – 食品和飲料加工 heat exchanger tender, Votator – food and beverage processing
  • 高速機運營商 – 煙草產品 high-speed machine operator – tobacco products
  • 高速打包機運營商 – 煙草產品 high-speed packer operator – tobacco products
  • 均質運營商 – 食品和飲料加工 homogenizer operator – food and beverage processing
  • 蜂蜜加工設備操作工 honey-processing equipment operator
  • 加氫運營商 – 食品和飲料加工 hydrogenation operator – food and beverage processing
  • 冰淇淋裝飾 ice cream decorator
  • 冰淇淋機 ice cream maker
  • 冰淇淋新奇壺的 ice cream novelty maker
  • 除冰機器操作員 – 食品和飲料加工 icing machine operator – food and beverage processing
  • 結冰廠商 – 食品和飲料加工 icing maker – food and beverage processing
  • 結冰攪拌機 – 食品和飲料加工 icing mixer – food and beverage processing
  • 結冰糖廠操作員 icing sugar mill tender
  • 成分潔牙機和飲水機 – 食品和飲料加工 ingredients scaler and dispenser – food and beverage processing
  • 速溶咖啡機 instant coffee dryer
  • 速溶咖啡提取操作 instant coffee extractor operator
  • 速溶粉狀食品設備操作員 instant powdered foods equipment operator
  • 果醬處理器運算符 jam processor operator
  • 番茄醬生產商 ketchup maker
  • 凱特勒麥/男/女 – 食品加工 kettleman/woman – food processing
  • 窯操作員,麥芽房子 – 食品和飲料加工 kiln operator, malt house – food and beverage processing
  • 的豬油渲染 – 食品和飲料加工 lard renderer – food and beverage processing
  • 亞麻籽油提取 linseed oil extractor
  • 液體糖運營商的 liquid sugar operator
  • 白酒攪拌者 – 食品和飲料加工 liquor blender – food and beverage processing
  • 白酒畫廊操作員 – 食品和飲料加工 liquor gallery tender – food and beverage processing
  • 的更衣室植物服務員 – 食品和飲料加工 locker plant attendant – food and beverage processing
  • 棒棒糖製造商 lollipop maker
  • 一次性製造商 – 煙草加工 lump maker – tobacco processing
  • 一次性輥 – 煙草加工 lump roller – tobacco processing
  • 鹼液剝離操作員 – 食品和飲料加工 lye peel tender – food and beverage processing
  • 通心粉印刷機操作員 macaroni press operator
  • 機器操作員 – 食品和飲料加工 machine operator – food and beverage processing
  • 機器操作員 – 煙草加工 machine operator – tobacco processing
  • 機插莫爾德 – 煙草加工 machine plug moulder – tobacco processing
  • 機剝離 – 煙草加工 machine stripper – tobacco processing
  • 麥芽乾燥機操作員 – 食品和飲料加工 malt dryer tender – food and beverage processing
  • 麥芽烘烤 – 食品和飲料加工 malt roaster – food and beverage processing
  • 麥芽製造廠運營商 – 食品和飲料加工 malthouse operator – food and beverage processing
  • maltster – 食品和飲料加工 maltster – food and beverage processing
  • 酒浸櫻桃處理器 – 食品和飲料加工 maraschino cherry processor – food and beverage processing
  • 人造奶油攪拌者 margarine blender
  • 人造黃油澄清 – 食品和飲料加工 margarine clarifier – food and beverage processing
  • 人造黃油處理器 margarine processor
  • 棉花糖機 marshmallow maker
  • 杏仁製造商 marzipan maker
  • 醪機 – 食品和飲料加工 mash dryer – food and beverage processing
  • 醪運營商 – 食品和飲料加工 mash operator – food and beverage processing
  • 肉罐頭 meat canner
  • 絞肉機 – 食品和飲料加工 meat chopper – food and beverage processing
  • 肉煮 – 食品和飲料加工 meat cook – food and beverage processing
  • 肉類治療者 meat curer
  • 絞肉機 – 食品和飲料加工 meat grinder – food and beverage processing
  • 絞肉機 – 食品和飲料加工 meat mincer – food and beverage processing
  • 絞肉機 – 包裝材料 meat mincer – packaging
  • 肉攪拌機 meat mixer
  • 肉成型機 – 食品和飲料加工 meat moulder – food and beverage processing
  • 肉PICKLER的 meat pickler
  • 肉索爾特 meat salter
  • 熔爐操作員 – 食品和飲料加工 melter tender – food and beverage processing
  • 商人磨坊主 – 食品和飲料加工 merchant miller – food and beverage processing
  • 奶機 – 食品和飲料加工 milk dryer – food and beverage processing
  • 牛奶巴氏殺菌 – 食品和飲料加工 milk pasteurizer – food and beverage processing
  • 牛奶加工設備操作工 – 食品和飲料加工 milk-processing equipment operator – food and beverage processing
  • 磨坊主 – 食品和飲料加工 miller – food and beverage processing
  • 百果餡機 mincemeat maker
  • mingler操作員 mingler tender
  • 攪拌機 – 煙草加工 mixer – tobacco processing
  • 攪拌機操作員,乾食品 mixer operator, dry foods
  • 模塊操作員 – 煙草加工 module tender – tobacco processing
  • 糖蜜混合機 – 食品和飲料加工 molasses mixer – food and beverage processing
  • 糖蜜麥汁處理器 molasses wort processor
  • 成型機操作員 – 食品和飲料加工 moulding machine operator – food and beverage processing
  • 螺母攪拌機操作員 nut mixer operator
  • 螺母焙燒設備操作員 nut-roasting equipment operator
  • 燕麥 – 磨坊主 oats miller
  • 油澄清操作員 – 食品和飲料加工 oil clarifier tender – food and beverage processing
  • 運營商,乾衣機和冷卻器 – 煙草加工 operator, dryer and cooler – tobacco processing
  • 包裝機調節器 packaging machine adjuster
  • 包裝機運營商 – 食品加工 packaging machine operator – food processing
  • 打包機運營商 – 煙草產品 packer operator – tobacco products
  • 包裝機設置操作員 packing machine set-up operator
  • 儲藏室工人 – 食品和飲料加工 pantry worker – food and beverage processing
  • 麵條機 pasta maker
  • 巴氏殺菌運營商 pasteurizer operator
  • 巴氏殺菌運營商 – 食品和飲料加工 pasteurizer operator – food and beverage processing
  • 花生醬製造商 peanut butter maker
  • 花生熱燙機操作員 – 食品和飲料加工 peanut-blanching machine tender – food and beverage processing
  • 寵物食品的廚師 – 食品和飲料加工 pet food cook – food and beverage processing
  • pickleman /男/女 – 食品和飲料加工 pickleman/woman – food and beverage processing
  • PICKLER – 食品和飲料加工 pickler – food and beverage processing
  • PICKLER ,肉 pickler, meat
  • 酸洗溶液進樣器 – 食品和飲料加工 pickling solution injector – food and beverage processing
  • 餡餅的麵團輥 pie dough roller
  • 餅餡電磁爐 pie filling cooker
  • 餅餡攪拌機 pie filling mixer
  • 餅機,機 pie maker, machine
  • 餅製作機器操作員 pie-making machine operator
  • 插頭製造商 – 煙草加工 plug maker – tobacco processing
  • 插頭成型機,機 – 煙草加工 plug moulder, machine – tobacco processing
  • 插件切割機操作員 – 煙草加工 plug-cutting machine tender – tobacco processing
  • 爆米花糖果製造商 popcorn candy maker
  • 薯片機器操作員 potato chip machine operator
  • 袋生產線操作員 – 食品加工 pouch line operator – food processing
  • 奶粉機操作 powdered milk dryer operator
  • 預煮香腸製造商 precooked sausage maker
  • 印刷機操作員 – 食品和飲料加工 press operator – food and beverage processing
  • 按運營商 – 煙草加工 press operator – tobacco processing
  • 壓 – 食品和飲料加工 presser – food and beverage processing
  • 的壓力鍋運營商 – 食品和飲料加工 pressure cooker operator – food and beverage processing
  • 壓力容器填料 pressurized container filler
  • 餅乾麵包 – 食品和飲料加工 pretzel baker – food and beverage processing
  • 過程奶酪電磁爐 process cheese cooker
  • 過程奶酪配方 process cheese formulator
  • 過程控制操作員 – 食品和飲料加工 process control operator – food and beverage processing
  • 工藝操作 – 食品和飲料加工 process operator – food and beverage processing
  • 的吹槍運營商 – 食品和飲料加工 puff gun operator – food and beverage processing
  • 膨化穀物生產商 puffed cereal maker
  • 碎漿機操作員 – 食品和飲料加工 pulper tender – food and beverage processing
  • 淨化運營商 – 食品和飲料加工 purifier operator – food and beverage processing
  • 整流器,蒸餾酒 – 食品和飲料加工 rectifier, distilled liquors – food and beverage processing
  • redryer操作員 – 煙草加工 redryer tender – tobacco processing
  • 复烤機操作員 – 煙草加工 redrying machine operator – tobacco processing
  • 的轉爐操作員 – 食品和飲料加工 reel oven operator – food and beverage processing
  • 津津樂道機 – 食品和飲料加工 relish maker – food and beverage processing
  • 的反駁電池廚師 – 食品和飲料加工 retort battery cook – food and beverage processing
  • 反駁操作員 – 食品和飲料加工 retort tender – food and beverage processing
  • 碾米廠工人 rice mill worker
  • 水稻磨坊主 rice miller
  • 輥軋機操作員 – 食品和飲料加工 roller mill tender – food and beverage processing
  • 輥室設備操作員 – 食品和飲料加工 roller room equipment tender – food and beverage processing
  • 沙拉醬終結者 salad dressing finisher
  • 砂光機操作員 – 食品和飲料加工 sanding machine tender – food and beverage processing
  • 香腸機和抽煙 sausage dryer and smoker
  • 香腸機 sausage maker
  • 香腸脫皮機操作員 sausage-peeling machine tender
  • 篩分機操作員 – 食品和飲料加工 screening machine tender – food and beverage processing
  • 分隔運營商 – 食品加工 separator operator – food processing
  • 分隔的巴氏殺菌 – 食品加工 separator-pasteurizer – food processing
  • 碎紙機運營商 – 煙草加工 shredder operator – tobacco processing
  • 切碎機運營商 – 食品加工 shredding machine operator – food processing
  • 笊籬,酒廠 skimmer, distillery
  • 切片奶酪生產商 sliced cheese maker
  • 切片機操作員 – 食品和飲料加工 slicing machine operator – food and beverage processing
  • 切片機操作員 – 食品和飲料加工 slicing machine tender – food and beverage processing
  • 熏制運營商 – 食品和飲料加工 smokehouse operator – food and beverage processing
  • 鼻煙罐巡視員 snuff can inspector
  • 鼻煙機 – 煙草加工 snuff dryer – tobacco processing
  • 鼻煙磨床 – 煙草加工 snuff grinder – tobacco processing
  • 鼻煙混合機器操作員 – 煙草加工 snuff-blending machine operator – tobacco processing
  • 軟飲料粉攪拌機 soft drink powder mixer
  • 大豆軋機操作 soya mill operator
  • 香料熏蒸 – 食品和飲料加工 spice fumigator – food and beverage processing
  • 香料 – 磨坊主 spice miller
  • 香料攪拌機 spice mixer
  • 微調 – 食品和飲料加工 spinner – food and beverage processing
  • 海綿和麵團混合機 – 食品和飲料加工 sponge and dough mixer – food and beverage processing
  • 澱粉轉換器 starch converter
  • 澱粉生產商 – 食品和飲料加工 starch maker – food and beverage processing
  • 澱粉按操作員 starch press tender
  • 壓澱粉,玉米產品 starch presser, corn products
  • 澱粉分離機操作員 starch separator operator
  • 澱粉墊圈 – 食品和飲料加工 starch washer – food and beverage processing
  • 蒸汽烘乾機 – 食品和飲料加工 steam dryer – food and beverage processing
  • 的蒸汽釜經營 – 食品和飲料加工 steam kettle operator – food and beverage processing
  • 的蒸烤箱運營商 – 食品和飲料加工 steam oven operator – food and beverage processing
  • 的蒸汽表營運商 – 食品和飲料加工 steam table operator – food and beverage processing
  • 蒸籠 – 煙草加工 steamer – tobacco processing
  • steepman /男/女 – 食品和飲料加工 steepman/woman – food and beverage processing
  • 乾機 – 煙草加工 stem cutter – tobacco processing
  • 莖輥 – 煙草加工 stem roller – tobacco processing
  • 乾壓扁機運營商 – 煙草加工 stem-flattening machine operator – tobacco processing
  • 乾壓扁機操作員 – 煙草加工 stem-flattening machine tender – tobacco processing
  • 由於機器操作員 – 煙草加工 stemming machine operator – tobacco processing
  • 消毒機器操作員 – 食品和飲料加工 sterilizer machine operator – food and beverage processing
  • 消毒操作 – 食品和飲料加工 sterilizer operator – food and beverage processing
  • 還是運營商 – 啤酒廠 still operator – brewery
  • 帶狀切割和混合運營商 – 煙草加工 strip-cutting and blending operator – tobacco processing
  • 帶狀切割機操作員 – 煙草加工 strip-cutting machine tender – tobacco processing
  • 剝線機運營商 – 煙草加工 stripping machine operator – tobacco processing
  • 剝線機操作員 – 煙草加工 stripping machine tender – tobacco processing
  • 糖鍋爐 sugar boiler
  • 糖處理機器操作員 sugar-processing machine operator
  • 糖漿水壺運營商 syrup kettle operator
  • 糖漿製造商 syrup maker
  • 的脂提取投標 – 食品加工 tallow extractor tender – food processing
  • 牛油細化 tallow refiner
  • 電解車間操作員 – 食品和飲料加工 tankhouse operator – food and beverage processing
  • 撻製造商 tart maker
  • 的回火斌運營商 – 食品和飲料加工 tempering bin operator – food and beverage processing
  • 燙金機操作員 – 煙草加工 tipping machine tender – tobacco processing
  • 煙草攪拌機 tobacco blender
  • 煙草混合線的服務員 tobacco blending line attendant
  • 煙草套管流體攪拌機 tobacco casing fluid blender
  • 煙草套管流體電磁爐 – 煙草加工 tobacco casing fluid cooker – tobacco processing
  • 煙草空調操作員 tobacco conditioner tender
  • 煙草刀 – 煙草加工 tobacco cutter – tobacco processing
  • 煙草烘乾機 – 煙草加工 tobacco dryer – tobacco processing
  • 煙草flavourer tobacco flavourer
  • 菸葉攪拌機 tobacco leaf blender
  • 菸葉刀 tobacco leaf cutter
  • 菸葉粉碎機 tobacco leaf grinder
  • 菸葉倍撚機 tobacco leaf twister
  • 煙草包裝機操作員 tobacco packaging machine tender
  • 煙草輥 tobacco roller
  • 煙草碎紙機 tobacco shredder
  • 煙草脫衣舞 – 煙草加工 tobacco stripper – tobacco processing
  • 煙草混合機器操作員 tobacco-blending machine operator
  • 煙草切割機操作員 tobacco-cutting machine tender
  • 煙草追肥機操作員 – 煙草加工 tobacco-dressing machine operator – tobacco processing
  • 煙草加工機操作員 tobacco-processing machine operator
  • 番茄榨汁機 tomato juice extractor
  • 豬肚煲 – 食品和飲料加工 tripe cooker – food and beverage processing
  • 蘿蔔打蠟機 – 食品和飲料加工 turnip waxer – food and beverage processing
  • 砲塔機操作員 – 煙草加工 turret machine tender – tobacco processing
  • 撚線機,菸葉 twister, tobacco leaves
  • 蔬菜罐頭 – 食品和飲料加工 vegetable canner – food and beverage processing
  • 的蔬菜乾燥操作員 – 食品和飲料加工 vegetable dryer tender – food and beverage processing
  • 蔬菜粉碎機 – 食品和飲料加工 vegetable grinder – food and beverage processing
  • 植物油提取 vegetable oil extractor
  • 植物油提取,溶劑過程 vegetable oil extractor, solvent process
  • 醋壺 vinegar maker
  • 權衡水箱操作員 – 食品和飲料加工 weigh tank tender – food and beverage processing
  • 濕法工藝的磨坊主 – 食品和飲料加工 wet process miller – food and beverage processing
  • 葡萄酒發酵罐 – 食品和飲料加工 wine fermenter – food and beverage processing
  • 巴氏殺菌酒 wine pasteurizer
  • 釀酒師 – 食品和飲料加工 winemaker – food and beverage processing
  • 酒廠cellarman /男/女 – 食品和飲料加工 winery cellarman/woman – food and beverage processing
  • 酒廠按運營商 winery-press operator
  • winterizer操作員 – 食品和飲料加工 winterizer tender – food and beverage processing
  • 麥汁冷卻器 – 食品和飲料加工 wort cooler – food and beverage processing
  • 麥汁製造商 – 食品和飲料加工 wort maker – food and beverage processing
  • 酵母刀 yeast cutter
  • 酵母烘乾機 yeast dryer
  • 的酵母乳化劑操作員 – 食品和飲料加工 yeast emulsifier tender – food and beverage processing
  • 酵母製造商 yeast maker
  • 酵母室操作員 yeast room operator
  • 酵母分離機 – 食品和飲料加工 yeast separator – food and beverage processing
  • 酸奶機 yogurt maker

不包括職稱 Exclusions

  • 麵包師 Bakers 6332
  • 屠夫,肉刀手工和魚販 – 零售及批發 Butchers, meat cutters and fishmongers – retail and wholesale 6331
  • 魚和海鮮工廠的工人 Fish and seafood plant workers 9463
  • 工業屠夫和肉刀,家禽的編制和有關人員 Industrial butchers and meat cutters, poultry preparers and related workers 9462
  • 勞動者在魚類和海產品加工 Labourers in fish and seafood processing 9618
  • 勞動者在食品,飲料及相關產品的加工 Labourers in food, beverage and associated products processing 9617
  • 監事,食品,飲料及相關產品的加工 Supervisors, food, beverage and associated products processing 9213
  • 測試員及定級員,食品,飲料及相關產品的加工 Testers and graders, food, beverage and associated products processing 9465




項目類別 線上申請
48 天
117 天
超級簽證 106 天
13 週
17 週
境內學簽續簽 131 天
畢業工簽境外申請 11 週
畢業工簽境內申請 145 天
145 天
5 个月
12 个月
48 个月
5 个月
40 个月
13 个月
24 个月
6 个月
25 天
62 天




