NOC 11201 企业管理咨询专业职业 (Professional occupations in business management consulting)


简介 Intro


Professionals in business management consulting occupations provide services to management such as analyzing the structure, operations, managerial methods or functions of an organization in order to propose, plan and implement improvements. They are employed by management consulting firms and throughout the public and private sectors or are self-employed.

Progression to senior and managerial positions is possible with experience.

主要职责 Main Duties

以下是本单元组一些职业的主要职责总结:The following is a summary of main duties for some occupations in this unit group:

  • 对公共或私人部门建立的管理方法和运作方式进行分析并提供建议
    Analyze and provide advice on the managerial methods and organization of a public or private sector establishment
  • 进行研究,以确定管理政策和程序的效率和效度
    Conduct research to determine efficiency and effectiveness of managerial policies and programs
  • 在运作,人力资源,档案管理和通信等领域进行评估,并提出改进的方法,系统和程序
    Conduct assessments and propose improvements to methods, systems and procedures in areas such as operations, human resources, records management and communications
  • 进行质量审核和制定质量管理和质量保证标准达到ISO(国际标准化组织)注册要求
    Conduct quality audits and develop quality management and quality assurance standards for ISO (International Organization for Standardization) registration
  • 为企业提供监管政策和程序方面的指导和支持; 确保内部遵守监管要求; 并向监管机构准备提交材料和备案Provide guidance and support to businesses on regulatory policies and procedures; ensure internal compliance with regulatory requirements; and prepare submissions and filings with regulatory bodies
  • 规划机构运营重组
    Plan the reorganization of the operations of an establishment
  • 可以监督签约研究员或文职人员。
    May supervise contracted researchers or clerical staff.

任职要求 Employment Requirements

  • 通常需要工商管理,电子商务或相关学科大学本科学历或大专文凭。
    A bachelor’s degree or college diploma in business administration, commerce or a related discipline is usually required.
  • 可能需要工商管理研究生学位。
    A graduate degree in business administration may be required.
  • 一些机构可能需要取得认证的省级管理咨询协会管理顾问。
    Some establishments may require management consultants to be certified by a provincial management consulting association.
  • 本单元组的某些职业可能需要质量审核员认证。
    Certification as a quality auditor may be required for some occupations in this unit group.
  • 健康信息管理咨询职业,可能需要由加拿大卫生信息管理协会(CHIMA)认证。
    Occupations in health information management consulting may require certification by the Canadian Health Information Management Association (CHIMA).

所有职称 All Titles

  • 业务分析师项目经理 Business analyst project manager
  • 商业顾问 Business consultant
  • 企业管理分析师 Business management analyst
  • 企业管理顾问 Business management consultant
  • 商业方法分析师 Business methods analyst
  • 认证管理顾问 Certified management consultant
  • 客户组主管 Client group supervisor
  • 会议主持人 Conference facilitator
  • 企业发展规划顾问 Corporate development planning adviser
  • 企业策划师 Corporate planner
  • 直邮专家 Direct mail specialist
  • 出口贸易顾问 Export trade consultant
  • 文件管理器 File manager
  • 归档系统分析师 Filing systems analyst
  • 形成管理分析师主管 Forms management analysts supervisor
  • 健康信息管理顾问 Health information management consultant
  • 工商方法分析师 Industrial and commercial methods analyst
  • 行业标准质量审核员 Industrial standards quality auditor
  • ISO顾问 ISO consultant
  • 管理分析师 Management analyst
  • 管理顾问 Management consultant
  • 方法和成本分析师 Methods and cost analyst
  • 方法和程序分析师 Methods and procedures analyst
  • 职业分析师 – 为管理公司提供服务 Occupational analyst – services to management firms
  • 运营管理高级顾问 Operations management senior consultant
  • 组织和方法官员 Organization and methods officer
  • 组织与方法研究员 Organization and methods researcher
  • 组织分析顾问 Organizational analysis consultant
  • 组织分析师 Organizational analyst
  • 销售点系统经理 Point of sale system manager
  • 价格管理分析师 Price management analyst
  • 记录归档系统分析师主管 Records filing systems analysts supervisor
  • 记录管理专家 Records management specialist
  • 记录管理系统分析师 Records management systems analyst
  • 记录经理 – 商业服务 Records manager – business services
  • 监管事务分析师 Regulatory affairs analyst
  • 监管事务助理 Regulatory affairs associate
  • 监管事务官 Regulatory affairs officer
  • 监管事务专家 Regulatory affairs specialist
  • 监管合规官 Regulatory compliance officer
  • 监管合规专家 Regulatory compliance specialist
  • 安全管理专家 Security management specialist
  • 标准协调员 Standards coordinator
  • 标准专家 Standards specialist
  • 供应链流程分析师 Supply chain process analyst
  • 供应链项目经理 Supply chain project manager
  • 团队培训专家 Team training specialist
  • 时间研究分析师 – 为管理公司提供服务 Time study analyst – services to management firms
  • 过渡管理顾问 Transition management consultant
  • 工作重组顾问 Work reorganization consultant
  • 工作学习分析师 Work study analyst
  • 工作研究分析师主管 Work study analysts supervisor

不包括职称 Exclusions

  • 商业发展主任及营销研究人员和顾问 Business development officers and marketing researchers and consultants (41402)
  • 经济学家和经济政策研究人员和分析师 Economists and economic policy researchers and analysts(41401)
  • 工程检查员和监管官员Engineering inspectors and regulatory officers (22231)
  • 财务及投资分析员 Financial and investment analysts (11101)
  • 财务审计师和会计师 Financial auditors and accountants (11100)
  • 卫生信息管理职业 Health information management occupations(12111)
  • 工业和制造工程师 Industrial and manufacturing engineers(21321)
  • 记录管理技术人员 Records management technicians(12112)
  • 其他财务人员 Other financial officers(11109)




项目类别 线上申请
48 天
117 天
超级签证 106 天
13 周
17 周
境内学签续签 131 天
毕业工签境外申请 11 周
毕业工签境内申请 145 天
145 天
5 个月
12 个月
48 个月
5 个月
40 个月
13 个月
24 个月
6 个月
25 天
62 天




