NOC 3217 心脏病学技师及电生理诊断技师 Cardiology technologists and electrophysiological diagnostic technologists, n.e.c.


简介 Intro


ardiology technologists operate electrocardiogram and other electronic equipment to record cardiac activity of patients to aid in the diagnosis, monitoring and treatment of heart disease. Electrophysiological diagnostic technologists, not elsewhere classified, operate electroencephalographic, electromyographic and other electrophysiological diagnostic equipment to assist physicians in diagnosing diseases, injuries and abnormalities. Cardiology technologists and electrophysiological diagnostic technologists who are supervisors or instructors are included in this unit group. They are employed in clinics, hospitals and medical laboratories.

主要职责 Main Duties

心脏病学技师主要职责 Cardiology technologists:

  • 操作心电图及其它电子设备来记录患者的心脏活动
    Operate electrocardiogram and other electronic equipment to record cardiac activity of patients
  • 执行心血管程序和测试,如心电图、运动耐量试验、动态监测和扫描、动态心电图扫描心律失常、起搏器分析及后续
    Perform cardiovascular procedures and tests, such as electrocardiograms, exercise tolerance tests, ambulatory monitoring and scanning of tapes, holter arrhythmia scanning, pacemaker analysis and follow-up
  • 记录和评估心脏活动并提供测试的初步报告
    Record and assess cardiac activity and provide preliminary reports of tests
  • 提供患者的护理程序和测试
    Provide patients with care during procedures and tests
  • 准备心脏科医生的解释报告
    Prepare reports for interpretation by cardiologists
  • 按照规定的标准重新编程起搏器
    Reprogram pacemakers according to required standards
  • 检查,校准和进行心脏病设备的日常维护,以确保其正常工作
    Check, calibrate and perform routine maintenance of cardiology equipment to ensure proper operation
  • 分析测试,并通知医师或其他卫生保健专业人员有关异常情况
    May analyze tests and notify physician or other health care professionals of abnormalities
  • 在医生的直接监督下管理特定的药物
    May administer certain drugs under direct supervision of physician
  • 在心脏外科医生的直接监督下记录起搏器植入阈值测量
    May document and record pacemaker implant threshold measurements under direct supervision of cardiac surgeon
  • 监督并培训学生、其他心脏病技师和护士。
    May supervise and train students, other cardiology technologists and nurses.

电生理技术专家主要职责 Electrophysiological technologists:

  • 检查病人的病历并评估问题的性质来确定所需的程序和测试
    Review patient’s case history and assess nature of problem to determine procedures and tests required
  • 为患者安装诊断设备已确保舒适和安全
    Attach diagnostic equipment to patients and ensure their comfort and safety
  • 操作如脑电图等诊断设备和诱发电位设备来记录大脑和脑神经及中枢神经系统的电活动
    Operate diagnostic equipment such as electroencephalographic and evoked potential equipment to record the electrical activity of the brain and cranial and central nervous systems
  • 操作设备进行肌电电神经传导速度测试,并协助医师进行肌肉的力量和重复刺激等电测试
    Operate electromyographic equipment to conduct electrophysiological nerve conduction velocity tests and to assist physicians in conducting electrophysiological tests such as muscle strength and repetitive stimulation
  • 在记录的图形上做笔记来识别干扰,如电极接触不良或患者运动不当等
    Take notes on the recorded graph to identify interference such as poor electrode contact or patient movement
  • 为医生准备录音和报告来帮助诊断神经系统疾病
    Prepare recordings and reports of findings for physicians to aid in the diagnosis of neurological disorders
  • 检查、校准并维护诊断设备
    Check, calibrate and perform routine maintenance of diagnostic equipment
  • 培训和监督学生、技术人员或其他脑电图技师。
    Train and supervise students, technicians or other electroencephalograph technologists.

任职要求 Employment Requirements

  • 心脏病技师需要完成在心脏病学技术为期2年的大专文凭课程和实践培训
    Cardiology technologists require completion of a two-year college diploma program in cardiology technology and Supervised practical training.
  • 在魁北克以外的所有省份心脏病技师需要注册加拿大心脏病学技师协会
    Cardiology technologists require registration with the Canadian Society of Cardiology Technologists in all provinces except Quebec.
  • 脑电图和其他诊断技术人员需要完成电技术方面为期2年的大学课程或医院经验,以及相关实践培训
    Electroencephalograph and other diagnostic technologists require completion of a two-year college or hospital-based program in electrophysiology technology and Supervised practical training.
  • 雇主要求脑电图技师注册加拿大脑电图技师协会
    Registration with the Canadian Board of Electroencephalograph Technologists is available for electroencephalograph technologists and is usually required by employers.
  • 雇主要求肌电技师注册加拿大肌电技师协会
    Registration with the Association of Electromyography Technologists of Canada is available for electromyography technologists and is usually required by employers.

所有职称 All Titles

  • 心脏病助理主管 assistant supervisor, cardiology
  • 心导管检查技师 cardiac catheterization technician
  • 心导管技师 cardiac catheterization technologist
  • 心脏压力技师 cardiac stress technologist
  • 心脏技师 cardiac technician
  • 心脏病学讲师 cardiology instructor
  • 心脏科主管 cardiology supervisor
  • 心脏病技师 cardiology technician
  • 心脏病技师 cardiology technologist
  • 心血管技师 cardiovascular technician
  • 心血管技术员 cardiovascular technologist
  • 心电图主管技师 charge technologist – electrocardiography
  • 首席脑电图技师 chief electroencephalograph technologist
  • 首席肌电图(EMG)技师 chief electromyography (EMG) technologist
  • 首席EMG(肌电图)技师 chief EMG (electromyography) technologist
  • 首席技师,脑电图 chief technologist, electroencephalograph
  • 首席技师,肌电图(EMG) chief technologist, electromyography (EMG)
  • 首席技师,肌电图(肌电图) chief technologist, EMG (electromyography)
  • ECG(心电图)技术员 ECG (electrocardiographic) technician
  • ECG(心电图)技师 ECG (electrocardiographic) technologist
  • 脑回波描记术专家 echoencephalographic technologist
  • 脑回波描记术技师 echoencephalography technician
  • EEG(脑电图)首席技术专家 EEG (electroencephalograph) chief technologist
  • EEG(脑电图)技术人员 EEG (electroencephalograph) technician
  • EEG(脑电图)技术专家 EEG (electroencephalograph) technologist
  • EEG(脑电图)技术专家 EEG (electroencephalography) technologist
  • 心电图(ECG)技术员 electrocardiographic (ECG) technician
  • 心电图(ECG)技术专家 electrocardiographic (ECG) technologist
  • 心电图技师 electrocardiography technician
  • 心电图技师 electrocardiography technologist
  • 电学技师 electrocardiology technician
  • 电学技师 electrocardiology technologist
  • 脑电图(EEG)首席技术专家 electroencephalograph (EEG) chief technologist
  • 脑电图(EEG)技术人员 electroencephalograph (EEG) technician
  • 脑电图(EEG)技术专家 electroencephalograph (EEG) technologist
  • 脑电图技师 electroencephalograph technologist
  • 脑电图指导员 electroencephalographic instructor
  • 肌电图(EMG)的首席技术专家 electromyography (EMG) chief technologist
  • 肌电图(EMG)技术员 electromyography (EMG) technician
  • 肌电图(EMG)技师 electromyography (EMG) technologist
  • 神经电诊断技师(END) electroneurodiagnostic (END) technologist
  • 电生理(ENP)技师 electroneurophysiology (ENP) technologist
  • EMG(肌电图)首席技术官 EMG (electromyography) chief technologist
  • EMG(肌电图)技术员 EMG (electromyography) technician
  • EMG(肌电图)技师 EMG (electromyography) technologist
  • END(神经电诊断)技师 END (electroneurodiagnostic) technologist
  • 诱发电位(EP)技师 evoked potential (EP) technologist
  • 动态心电图监测技师 Holter monitor technologist
  • 动态心电图扫描技师 Holter scanning technologist
  • 神经电生理技术专家 neuroelectrophysiology technologist
  • 非注册心电图技术人员 non-registered electrocardiography technician
  • 注册心脏病技师 registered cardiology technologist
  • 注册心电图技师 registered electrocardiography technician
  • 学生心脏病技师 student cardiology technologist
  • 心脏病监事 supervisor, cardiology
  • 心导管检查技术员 technician, cardiac catheterization
  • 心脏病技术员 technician, cardiology
  • 脑回波描记术技术员 technician, echoencephalography
  • 心电图(ECG)技术员 technician, electrocardiographic (ECG)
  • 心电图技师 technician, electrocardiography
  • 电学技术员 technician, electrocardiology
  • 脑电图(EEG)技术员 technician, electroencephalograph (EEG)
  • 肌电图(EMG)技术员 technician, electromyography (EMG)
  • 肌电图(肌电图)技术员 technician, EMG (electromyography)
  • 心导管检查技师 technologist, cardiac catheterization
  • 心脏病技术专家 technologist, cardiology
  • ECG(心电图)技师 technologist, ECG (electrocardiographic)
  • 脑回波描记术技师 technologist, echoencephalographic
  • 心电图(ECG)技师 technologist, electrocardiographic (ECG)
  • 心电图技师 technologist, electrocardiography
  • 电学技师 technologist, electrocardiology
  • 脑电图技师 technologist, electroencephalograph
  • 脑电图(EEG)技师 technologist, electroencephalograph (EEG)
  • 肌电图(EMG)技师 technologist, electromyography (EMG)
  • 神经电诊断(END)技师 technologist, electroneurodiagnostic (END)
  • 肌电图(肌电图)技师 technologist, EMG (electromyography)
  • END(神经电诊断)技师 technologist, END (electroneurodiagnostic)
  • 诱发电位(EP)技师 technologist, evoked potential (EP)
  • 血管技师 technologist, vascular
  • 血管技师 vascular technologist

不包括职称 Exclusions

  • 心血管灌注 Cardiovascular perfusionists (in [3214](3214) Respiratory therapists, clinical perfusionists and cardiopulmonary technologists )



项目类别 线上申请
53 天
115 天
超级签证 97 天
13 周
17 周
境内学签续签 131 天
毕业工签境外申请 12 周
毕业工签境内申请 138 天
138 天
5 个月
12 个月
48 个月
5 个月
40 个月
13 个月
24 个月
6 个月
24 天
65 天




