NOC 7311 建筑维修工和工业机械师 Construction millwrights and industrial mechanics


简介 Intro


Construction millwrights and industrial mechanics install, maintain, troubleshoot, overhaul and repair stationary industrial machinery and mechanical equipment. This unit group includes industrial textile machinery mechanics and repairers. Construction millwrights are employed by millwrighting contractors. Industrial mechanics are employed in manufacturing plants, utilities and other industrial establishments.

Construction millwrights are mostly engaged in the initial installation of industrial plant machinery and equipment; industrial mechanics are more concerned with the post-installation maintenance and repair of machinery and equipment.

Industrial mechanics and millwrights may be cross-trained in a second trade such as pipefitting, welding, machining or electrical maintenance.

The Red Seal endorsement allows for interprovincial mobility.

Progression to supervisory positions is possible with experience.

主要职责 Main Duties

  • 建筑维修工和工业机械师执行部分或全部下列职责:Construction millwrights and industrial mechanics perform some or all of the following duties:
  • 阅读蓝图,图表和示意图,确定工作程序
    Read blueprints, diagrams and schematic drawings to determine work procedures
  • 根据布局计划,用手动及电动工具安装,调整,拆卸和移动固定工业机械和机械设备,如水泵,风机,水箱,输送机,炉和发电机
    Install, align, dismantle and move stationary industrial machinery and mechanical equipment, such as pumps, fans, tanks, conveyors, furnaces and generators according to layout plans using hand and power tools
  • 在安装,设置及维修机器过程中,操作起重设备,如起重机,千斤顶和拖拉机来放置机械或部件
    Operate hoisting and lifting devices such as cranes, jacks and tractors to position machinery and parts during the installation, set-up and repair of machinery
  • 检查和检验机械及设备,检测和调查违规和故障
    Inspect and examine machinery and equipment to detect and investigate irregularities and malfunctions
  • 安装,故障排除和维护动力传动,真空,液压和气动系统以及可编程逻辑控制器
    Install, troubleshoot and maintain power transmission, vacuum, hydraulic and pneumatic systems, and programmable logic controls
  • 调整机械,维修或更换有缺陷的部件
    Adjust machinery and repair or replace defective parts
  • 操作机床如车床和磨床,按照在大修,维修或设置机械的过程中的需要来制造零部件
    Operate machine tools such as lathes and grinders to fabricate parts required during overhaul, maintenance or set-up of machinery
  • 清洁,润滑和执行其他日常维护机械的工作
    Clean, lubricate and perform other routine maintenance work on machinery
  • 构建机械基础或指导其他工人构建基础
    Construct foundations for machinery or direct other workers to construct foundations
  • 安装之前,使用手动和电动工具,焊接设备,组装机械设备。
    Assemble machinery and equipment prior to installation using hand and power tools and welding equipment.

任职要求 Employment Requirements

  • 通常需要完成中学学业。
    Completion of secondary school is usually required.
  • 完成三到四年的学徒计划
    Completion of a three- to four-year apprenticeship program
  • 或通常需要行业内五年以上的工作经验,以及某高中,大学或行业内工业机械修补或维修的课程才能获的行业认证。
    A combination of over five years of work experience in the trade and some high school, college or industry courses in industrial machinery repair or millwrighting is usually required to be eligible for trade certification.
  • 来自其他行业的纺织机械机械师可能需要纺织工艺过程的额外培训,以及作为纺织制造机械操作员的经验。
    Textile machinery mechanics hired from other industries may require additional training in textile processes and experience as a textile manufacturing machinery operator.
  • 在魁北克,工业技工车工行业认证是强制性的,而在所有其他省份和地区是自愿的,。
    Industrial mechanic (millwright) trade certification is compulsory in Quebec and available, but voluntary, in all other provinces and the territories.
  • 建筑技工行业认证是可用的,而在安大略省是自愿的,。
    Construction millwright trade certification is available, but voluntary, in Ontario.
  • 工业用缝纫机机械行业认证是可用的,但在魁北克是自愿的。
    Industrial sewing machine mechanic trade certification is available, but voluntary, in Quebec.
  • 红印章背书也提供给通过跨省红色钢印考试的合格工业机械师或维修工。
    Red Seal endorsement is also available to qualified industrial mechanics or millwrights upon successful completion of the interprovincial Red Seal examination.

所有职称 All Titles

  • 调整员,针织机 – 纺织制造 adjuster, knitting machines – textile manufacturing
  • 弹药组装机调整员 ammunition-assembling machine adjuster
  • 弹药装弹机调整员 ammunition-loading machine adjuster
  • 工业技工学徒 apprentice industrial mechanic
  • 学徒技工 apprentice millwright
  • 自动针织机模式安装员 automatic knitting machine pattern setter
  • 烘焙机械技工 bakery machinery mechanic
  • 锅炉房机械技工 boilerhouse machinery mechanic
  • 编织机安装员 braiding machine setter
  • 封罐机维修工 can seamer machine repairer
  • 运河设备技工 canal equipment mechanic
  • 磁卡维修工 card fixer
  • 磁卡维修工 – 纺织制造 card fixer – textile manufacturing
  • 磁卡磨工 card grinder
  • 磁卡磨工 – 纺织制造 card grinder – textile manufacturing
  • 磁卡安装员 – 纺织制造 card setter – textile manufacturing
  • 磁卡机维修工 – 纺织制造 carding machine fixer – textile manufacturing
  • 地毯织机维修工 – 纺织制造 carpet loom fixer – textile manufacturing
  • 地毯织机安装员 – 纺织品制造 carpet loom setter – textile manufacturing
  • 纸箱成型机维修工 carton-forming machine repairer
  • 化工厂维修技工 chemical plant service mechanic
  • 化学工艺设备修理工 chemical process equipment mechanic
  • 梳修理工 – 纺织制造 comb fixer – textile manufacturing
  • 梳安装员 – 纺织制造 comb setter – textile manufacturing
  • 压缩气体厂维修技工 compressed gas plant maintenance mechanic
  • 选矿厂技工 concentrating plant mechanic
  • 建筑技工 construction millwright
  • 输送修理工 conveyor repairer
  • 切割机维修工 – 纺织制造 cutting machine fixer – textile manufacturing
  • 乳品设备修理工 dairy equipment repairer
  • 井架技工 derrick mechanic
  • 设备技工,核电站 equipment mechanic, nuclear power station
  • 织物剪切机维修工 – 纺织制造 fabric-shearing machine fixer – textile manufacturing
  • 织物剪毛机安装员 – 纺织品制造 fabric-shearing machine setter – textile manufacturing
  • 织物剪毛机安装员维修工 – 纺织制造 fabric-shearing machine setter-fixer – textile manufacturing
  • 工厂维修技工 factory maintenance mechanic
  • 玻璃钢成型机修理工 fibreglass-forming machine repairer
  • 修理工,磁卡 – 纺织制造 fixer, cards – textile manufacturing
  • 修理工,地毯织机 – 纺织制造 fixer, carpet looms – textile manufacturing
  • 修理工,切割机 – 纺织制造 fixer, cutting machines – textile manufacturing
  • 修理工,织物剪切机 – 纺织制造 fixer, fabric-shearing machines – textile manufacturing
  • 维修工,提花织机 – 纺织制造 fixer, jacquard looms – textile manufacturing
  • 修理工,尺蠖 – 纺织制造 fixer, loopers – textile manufacturing
  • 维修工,套管轴 – 纺织制造 fixer, quillers – textile manufacturing
  • 修理工,剪切机 – 纺织制造 fixer, shearing machine – textile manufacturing
  • 修理工,航天飞机 – 纺织制造 fixer, shuttles – textile manufacturing
  • 维修工,细纱机 – 纺织制造 fixer, spinning frames – textile manufacturing
  • 维修工,纺纱机 – 纺织制造 fixer, spinning machines – textile manufacturing
  • 维修工,纺织机械 fixer, textile machinery
  • 修理工,绕线机 – 纺织制造 fixer, winding machines – textile manufacturing
  • 传单修理工 – 纺织制造 flyer repairer – textile manufacturing
  • 锻造设备修理工 forge equipment repairer
  • 锻修理工间机械技工 forge shop machinery mechanic
  • 锻修理工间机械修理工 forge shop machinery repairer
  • 燃气轮机修理工 gas turbine repairer
  • 粮食电梯维修技工 grain elevator maintenance mechanic
  • 口香糖包装机工 gum-wrapping machine mechanic
  • 重水工厂机械维护者 heavy water plant mechanical maintainer
  • 钩修理工 – 纺织制造 hook repairer – textile manufacturing
  • 工业葫芦技工 industrial hoist mechanic
  • 工业机械维修技工 industrial machinery maintenance mechanic
  • 工业技工 industrial mechanic
  • 工业技工和技工 industrial mechanic and millwright
  • 工业技工学徒 industrial mechanic apprentice
  • 工业机械师,燃气轮机机械 industrial mechanic, gas turbine machinery
  • 工业机械师,矿山葫芦 industrial mechanic, mine hoists
  • 工业机械师,石油炼油厂 industrial mechanic, petroleum refinery
  • 工业技工焊机 industrial mechanic-welder
  • 工业厂房维修技工 industrial plant maintenance mechanic
  • 工业泵修理工 industrial pump repairer
  • 工业缝纫机修理工 industrial sewing machine mechanic
  • 安装和修理者,自动卡片密码机 installer and repairer, automatic pinsetting machines
  • 提花织机维修工 – 纺织制造 jacquard loom fixer – textile manufacturing
  • 提花织机安装员 – 纺织品制造 jacquard loom setter – textile manufacturing
  • 熟练工/男/女工​​业技工 journeyman/woman industrial mechanic
  • 针织机调整员 – 纺织制造 knitting machine adjuster – textile manufacturing
  • 针织机维修工 – 纺织制造 knitting machine fixer – textile manufacturing
  • 针织机械技工 knitting machine mechanic
  • 针织机安装员 – 纺织品制造 knitting machine setter – textile manufacturing
  • 针织图案安装员 – 纺织品制造 knitting pattern setter – textile manufacturing
  • 排字修理工 linotype repairer
  • 织机交换员 loom changer
  • 织机维修工 loom fixer
  • 织机维修工 – 纺织制造 loom fixer – textile manufacturing
  • 织机,提花维修工 – 纺织制造 loom fixer, jacquard – textile manufacturing
  • 织机技工 – 纺织制造 loom mechanic – textile manufacturing
  • 织机技工修理工 – 纺织制造 loom mechanic-repairer – textile manufacturing
  • 织机模式转换员 loom pattern changer
  • 织机编制者 loom preparer
  • 筘修理工 – 纺织制造 loom reed repairer – textile manufacturing
  • 织机修理工 – 纺织制造 loom repairer – textile manufacturing
  • 织机安装员 loom setter
  • 织机安装员 – 纺织制造 loom setter – textile manufacturing
  • 织机的安装员,提花 – 纺织制造 loom setter, jacquard – textile manufacturing
  • 织机起动 loom starter
  • 织机技术员 loom technician
  • 织机技术员 – 纺织制造 loom technician – textile manufacturing
  • 尺蠖维修工 – 纺织制造 looper fixer – textile manufacturing
  • 尺蠖安装员 – 纺织制造 looper setter – textile manufacturing
  • 机械修理工,锅炉房 machinery mechanic, boilerhouse
  • 机械修理工,重地 machinery mechanic, powerhouse
  • 邮件处理设备工 mail-processing equipment mechanic
  • 维护者,石油钻机 maintainer, oil-drilling rig
  • 维修技工 maintenance mechanic
  • 维修技工 – 公用事业 maintenance mechanic – utilities
  • 维修技工技师 – 工业 maintenance mechanic technician – industrial
  • 维修技工,压缩天然气厂 maintenance mechanic, compressed gas plant
  • 维修技工,工厂 maintenance mechanic, factory
  • 维修技工,机械工业 maintenance mechanic, industrial machinery
  • 维修技工,工业厂房 maintenance mechanic, industrial plant
  • 维修技工,磨 maintenance mechanic, mill
  • 维修技工,石油工具 maintenance mechanic, oil tools
  • 维修技工,厂房 maintenance mechanic, plant
  • 维修技工,厂房,机器 maintenance mechanic, plant machinery
  • 维修机械师,生产机械 maintenance mechanic, production machinery
  • 维修技工,生产工装 maintenance mechanic, production tooling
  • 维修技工,蒸汽厂 maintenance mechanic, steam plant
  • 维修技工,污水处理厂; maintenance mechanic, treatment plants
  • 维修技工 maintenance millwright
  • 船用发动机工 marine engine mechanic
  • 船用发动机机械师学徒 marine engine mechanic apprentice
  • 主机械师,采矿设备 master mechanic, mining equipment
  • 物料搬运设备技工 material handling equipment mechanic
  • 机械师 – 公用事业 mechanic – utilities
  • 机械师,烘焙机械 mechanic, bakery machinery
  • 机械师,运河设备 mechanic, canal equipment
  • 机械师,化学工艺设备 mechanic, chemical process equipment
  • 机械师,选矿厂 mechanic, concentrating plant
  • 机械师,井架 mechanic, derricks
  • 机械师,口香糖包装机 mechanic, gum-wrapping machines
  • 技工,工业 mechanic, industrial
  • 机械,工业葫芦 mechanic, industrial hoists
  • 机械师,针织机 mechanic, knitting machines
  • 机械师,织机 – 纺织制造 mechanic, looms – textile manufacturing
  • 技工,维修 mechanic, maintenance
  • 技工,材料处理设备 mechanic, material handling equipment
  • 机械师机械,矿井提升 mechanic, mine hoist machinery
  • 机械师,石油钻机 mechanic, oil drill rig
  • 机械师,油泵站 mechanic, oil pump station
  • 机械师,矿石处理设备 mechanic, ore-processing equipment
  • 机修工,包装机 mechanic, packaging machines
  • 机械师,厂房及设备 mechanic, plant equipment
  • 机械师,塑料加工设备 mechanic, plastics-processing equipment
  • 修理工,印刷机械 mechanic, printing machinery
  • 机械师,加工厂 mechanic, processing plant
  • 技工,生产机械 mechanic, production machinery
  • 技工,生产工装 mechanic, production tooling
  • 机械师,钻井平台 mechanic, rigs
  • 机械师,涂胶机 mechanic, rubberizing machines
  • 机械师,污水处理厂 mechanic, sewage treatment plant
  • 技工,固定农场设备 mechanic, stationary farm equipment
  • 技工,纺织机械 mechanic, textile machinery
  • 技工,包装机械,印刷机械,纺织机械,轻工机械 mechanic, textile machines
  • 机械师,烟草加工机 mechanic, tobacco-processing machines
  • 机械师,升级工厂 mechanic, upgrading plant
  • 机械师,实用维修厂 mechanic, utility plant maintenance
  • 机械师,水过滤厂 mechanic, water filtration plant
  • 技工,焊接机 mechanic, welding machines
  • 机械维护者,重水厂 mechanical maintainer, heavy water plant
  • 机械维护者,核能发电站 mechanical maintainer, nuclear generating station
  • 技工修理工,织机 – 纺织制造 mechanic-repairer, looms – textile manufacturing
  • 金属加工机械技工 metalworking machinery mechanic
  • 轧机维修技工 mill maintenance mechanic
  • 技工 millwright
  • 技工学徒 millwright apprentice
  • 工业技工 millwright industrial
  • 技工,建筑 millwright, construction
  • 矿井提升机工业技工 mine hoist industrial mechanic
  • 矿井提升机机械技工 mine hoist machinery mechanic
  • 矿井提升机修理工 mine hoist repairer
  • 煤矿技工 mine mechanic
  • 采矿设备主技工 mining equipment master mechanic
  • 矿山机械技工 mining machinery mechanic
  • 骡子维修工 – 纺织制造 mule fixer – textile manufacturing
  • 骡子安装员 – 纺织制造 mule setter – textile manufacturing
  • 起绒调整员 – 纺织制造 napper adjuster – textile manufacturing
  • 起绒机磨床 – 纺织制造 napper grinder – textile manufacturing
  • 的针床修理工 – 纺织品制造 needle bed repairer – textile manufacturing
  • 针板修理工 – 纺织制造 needle board repairer – textile manufacturing
  • 核能发电站机械维护者 nuclear generating station mechanical maintainer
  • 核电站设备工 nuclear power station equipment mechanic
  • 核电站机械技工 nuclear power station machinery mechanic
  • 石油钻机技工 oil drill rig mechanic
  • 油泵站机械师 oil pump station mechanic
  • 石油工具维修技工 oil tool maintenance mechanic
  • 石油工具修理工 oil tool repairer
  • 石油钻机的维护者 oil-drilling rig maintainer
  • 石油钻探钻机技工的 oil-drilling rig mechanic
  • 开放式技师 open-end technician
  • 开放式的技术人员 – 纺织制造 open-end technician – textile manufacturing
  • 选矿设备工 ore-processing equipment mechanic
  • 烤箱设备修理工 oven equipment repairer
  • 破布选料工,纺织机 overhauler, textile machine
  • 包装机工 packaging machine mechanic
  • 模式安装员,自动编织机 pattern setter, automatic knitting machine
  • 针安装员 – 纺织制造 pin setter – textile manufacturing
  • 工厂设备工 plant equipment mechanic
  • 工厂机械维修技工 plant machinery maintenance mechanic
  • 工厂维修技工 plant maintenance mechanic
  • 塑料加工设备工 plastics-processing equipment mechanic
  • 厂房机械技工 powerhouse machinery mechanic
  • 预防性维修技工技师 preventive maintenance mechanic technician
  • 印刷机械技工 printing machinery mechanic
  • 加工厂技工 processing plant mechanic
  • 生产机械维修技工 production machinery maintenance mechanic
  • 生产机械技工 production machinery mechanic
  • 生产技工 production mechanic
  • 生产模具维修技工 production tooling maintenance mechanic
  • 泵机械师和修理工 pump mechanic and repairer
  • 泵系统的安装程序 pump systems installer
  • 卷纬机机维修工 – 纺织制造 quiller machine fixer – textile manufacturing
  • 卷纬机安装员 – 纺织制造 quiller setter – textile manufacturing
  • 绗缝机维修工 – 纺织制造 quilter fixer – textile manufacturing
  • 绗缝机技工 – 纺织制造 quilter mechanic – textile manufacturing
  • 绗缝机安装员维修工 – 纺织制造 quilter setter-fixer – textile manufacturing
  • 的绗缝机维修工 – 纺织品制造 quilting machine fixer – textile manufacturing
  • 的绗缝机技工 – 纺织品制造 quilting machine mechanic – textile manufacturing
  • 绗缝机安装员维修工 – 纺织制造 quilting machine setter-fixer – textile manufacturing
  • 芦苇维修工 – 纺织制造 reed fixer – textile manufacturing
  • 芦苇安装员 – 纺织制造 reed setter – textile manufacturing
  • 修理工,可以封罐机 repairer, can seamer machines
  • 修理工,纸箱成型机 repairer, carton-forming machines
  • 修理工,锻造设备 repairer, forge equipment
  • 修理工,锻修理工间机械 repairer, forge shop machinery
  • 修理工,挂钩 – 纺织制造 repairer, hooks – textile manufacturing
  • 修理工,织机 – 纺织制造 repairer, looms – textile manufacturing
  • 修理工,矿井提升机 repairer, mine hoists
  • 修理工,针床 – 纺织制造 repairer, needle beds – textile manufacturing
  • 修理工,针板 – 纺织制造 repairer, needle boards – textile manufacturing
  • 修理工,石油工具 repairer, oil tools
  • 修理工,烤箱设备 repairer, oven equipment
  • 修理工,蒸汽涡轮机 repairer, steam turbines
  • 修理工,纺织机械 repairer, textile machinery
  • 修理工,纺织印花机辊 – 成衣制造 repairer, textile-printing machine rollers – garment manufacturing
  • 修理工,风车 repairer, windmills
  • 钻机技工 rig mechanic
  • 起重工,船舶 rigger, ship
  • 辊建设者修理工 – 轧机 roll builder-repairer – rolling mills
  • 辊安装员 – 轧机 roll setter – rolling mills
  • 辊防尘罩 – 纺织制造 roller coverer – textile manufacturing
  • 辊修理工 – 工业设备 roller repairer – industrial equipment
  • 绳机安装员 – 纺织品制造 rope machine setter – textile manufacturing
  • 涂胶机机械师 rubberizing machine mechanic
  • 安装员,织机 – 纺织制造 setter, loom – textile manufacturing
  • 安装员,织机 setter, looms
  • 安装员,尺蠖 – 纺织制造 setter, looper – textile manufacturing
  • 安装员,骡子 – 纺织制造 setter, mules – textile manufacturing
  • 安装员,销 – 纺织制造 setter, pins – textile manufacturing
  • 安装员,班车 – 纺织制造 setter, shuttles – textile manufacturing
  • 污水处理厂的机修工 sewage treatment plant mechanic
  • 剪切机维修工 – 纺织制造 shearing machine fixer – textile manufacturing
  • 船舶起重工 ship rigger
  • 班车维修工 – 纺织制造 shuttle fixer – textile manufacturing
  • 班车安装员 – 纺织制造 shuttle setter – textile manufacturing
  • 滑雪升降机技工 ski lift mechanic
  • 滑雪缆车维修技师 ski lift repair technician
  • 纺纱维修工 spinning fixer
  • 细纱机维修工 – 纺织制造 spinning frame fixer – textile manufacturing
  • 纺纱技术人员 – 纺织制造 spinning technician – textile manufacturing
  • 固定农场设备技工 stationary farm equipment mechanic
  • 蒸汽厂维修技工 steam plant maintenance mechanic
  • 汽轮机修理工 steam turbine repairer
  • 制革机械修理工 tannery machinery repairer
  • 技术员,织机 – 纺织制造 technician, loom – textile manufacturing
  • 技术员,开放式 – 纺织制造 technician, open-end – textile manufacturing
  • 技术员,纺纱 – 纺织品制造 technician, spinning – textile manufacturing
  • 纺织维修工 textile fixer
  • 纺织机工 textile machine mechanic
  • 纺织机overhauler的 textile machine overhauler
  • 纺织机械维修工 textile machinery fixer
  • 纺织机械技工 textile machinery mechanic
  • 纺织机械修理工 textile machinery repairer
  • 纺织印花机辊修理工 – 成衣制造 textile-printing machine roller repairer – garment manufacturing
  • 烟草加工机械技工 tobacco-processing machine mechanic
  • 刀具油壶和维修技工 tool oiler and maintenance mechanic
  • 工具油壶和修理工 tool oiler and repairer
  • 处理厂的维修技工 treatment plant maintenance mechanic
  • 升级工厂技工 upgrading plant mechanic
  • 实用工具厂维修技工 utility plant maintenance mechanic
  • 水过滤厂技工 water filtration plant mechanic
  • 污水处理厂技工 water treatment plant mechanic
  • 编织换 – 纺织制造 weave changer – textile manufacturing
  • 焊接设备技工 welding equipment mechanic
  • 焊接设备修理工 welding equipment repairer
  • 焊接机工 welding machine mechanic
  • 络筒机维修工 – 纺织制造 winder fixer – textile manufacturing
  • 绕线机维修工 – 纺织制造 winding machine fixer – textile manufacturing
  • 风车修理工 windmill repairer
  • 电线修理工 – 纺织制造 wire repairer – textile manufacturing

不包括职称 Exclusions

  • 重型设备技师 Heavy-duty equipment mechanics [7312](7312)
  • 工业仪表技术员和机械师 Industrial instrument technicians and mechanics [2243](2243)
  • 主管工业机械师和维修工承包商和主管,机械行业Supervisors of industrial mechanics and millwrights (in [7301](7301) Contractors and supervisors, mechanic trades )



项目类别 线上申请
53 天
115 天
超级签证 97 天
13 周
17 周
境内学签续签 131 天
毕业工签境外申请 12 周
毕业工签境内申请 138 天
138 天
5 个月
12 个月
48 个月
5 个月
40 个月
13 个月
24 个月
6 个月
24 天
65 天




