NOC 8252 农业服务承包商,农场主管和专门的牲畜工人 Agricultural service contractors, farm supervisors and specialized livestock workers


简介 Intro


Agricultural service contractors, who own and operate their own businesses, provide agricultural services such as livestock and poultry breeding, soil preparation, crop planting, crop spraying, cultivating or harvesting. Farm supervisors supervise the work of general farm workers and harvesting labourers. Specialized livestock workers carry out feeding, health and breeding programs on dairy, beef, sheep, poultry, hog and other livestock farms.

主要职责 Main Duties

农业服务承包商执行部分或全部下列职责:Agricultural service contractors perform some or all the following duties:

  • 提供农业畜牧服务,如牲畜的人工授精,喷涂或剪毛;或消毒围栏,谷仓或禽舍
    Provide agricultural livestock services such as artificial insemination, spraying or shearing of livestock or disinfecting pens, barns or poultry houses
  • 提供农作物服务项目,如耕地,灌溉,养殖,喷药或丰收
    Provide agricultural crop services such as plowing, irrigating, cultivating, spraying or harvesting
  • 协助制定和实施农机安全和生物安全程序
    Assist in the development and implementation of farm safety and bio-security procedures
  • 雇用和培训工人
    Hire and train workers
  • 协商要提供的服务条款
    Negotiate the terms of services to be provided
  • 保留财务及营运记录
    Maintain financial and operational records
  • 可参与提供服务或机械和设备的操作
    May participate in the provision of services or in the operation of machinery and equipment.

农场主管执行部分或全部下列职责:Farm supervisors perform some or all of the following duties:

  • 统筹和监督一般农场工人和收割劳动者的工作
    Co-ordinate and supervise the work of general farm workers and harvesting labourers
  • 监督和审查养殖等畜牧业相关项目
    Supervise and oversee breeding and other livestock-related programs
  • 监督和审查作物生长和其他与作物相关的操作
    Supervise and oversee growing and other crop-related operations
  • 制定工作计划,并建立程序
    Develop work schedules and establish procedures
  • 确保农机安全和生物安全程序
    Ensure farm safety and bio-security procedures are followed
  • 保持质量控制和生产记录
    Maintain quality control and production records
  • 亦可执行一般农场职责。
    May perform general farm duties.

专门的畜牧工作者执行部分或全部下列职责:Specialized livestock workers perform some or all of the following duties:

  • 制定喂养方案
    Formulate feeding programs
  • 实施牧场或栏中育种计划
    Implement pasture or pen breeding programs
  • 遵循安全和生物安全程序
    Follow safety and bio-security procedures
  • 认识和治疗某些家畜的健康问题
    Recognize and treat certain livestock health problems
  • 保持畜牧性能记录
    Maintain livestock performance records
  • 选择牲畜出售
    Select livestock for sale
  • 训练马匹
    Train horses
  • 执行一般农场职责
    Perform general farm duties
  • 亦可监督农场工人。
    May supervise general farm workers.
  • 农场主管专门研究下列领域:如奶制品,家禽,猪,牛,羊,马,水果,蔬菜,混合或其他特殊农业。如专门的家禽家畜工人通常专注于一种类型的农场动物如肉牛,奶牛,家禽或猪。
    Farm supervisors may specialize in areas such as dairy, poultry, swine, beef, sheep, equine, fruit, vegetable, mixed or other specialty farming.Specialized livestock workers usually specialize in one type of farm animal such as beef cattle, dairy cattle, poultry or swine.

任职要求 Employment Requirements

  • 农业服务承包商通常需要具备大学文凭,大专文凭或农业研究的行业课程,以及多年的相关服务行业的工作经验。
    Agricultural service contractors usually require a university degree, college diploma or industry courses in agricultural studies and several years of experience related to the service offered.
  • 提供某些服务的承包商,如人工授精和农药的应用,可能需要培训证书和省级许可。
    Contractors providing certain services, such as artificial insemination and pesticide application, may require training certificates and provincial licensing.
  • 农场主管和专门的牲畜工人可能要求具备大专证书或其他农业或畜牧业的专门培训。
    Farm supervisors and specialized livestock workers may require a college certificate or other specialized training in agriculture or livestock husbandry.
  • 可能要求具备急救证书或急救课程知识。
    A course or certificate in first aid may be required.

所有职称 All Titles

  • 空中喷洒农药服务承办商 aerial crop dusting service contractor
  • 农业领班/男/女 agriculture foreman/woman
  • 动物农场工头/男/女 animal farm foreman/woman
  • 畜牧业领班/男/女 animal husbandry foreman/woman
  • 苹果园领班/男/女 apple orchard foreman/woman
  • 人工授精服务承办商 artificial insemination service contractor
  • 人工授精操作员 artificial inseminator
  • 肉牛饲养员 beef cattle herdsperson
  • 阉鸡服务承包商 caponizing service contractor
  • 牛饲养场领班/男/女 cattle feedlot foreman/woman
  • 牛群饲养员 cattle herdsperson
  • 养牛场领班/男/女 cattle ranch foreman/woman
  • 承包商 – 农业服务 contractor – agricultural service
  • 承包商,人工授精服务 contractor, artificial insemination service
  • 承包商,收割服务 contractor, crop harvesting service
  • 承包商,农产品包装服务 contractor, farm produce packing service
  • 承包商,施肥服务 – 农业 contractor, fertilization service – agriculture
  • 承建商,杂草控制服务 – 农业 contractor, weed control service – agriculture
  • 畜栏老板 corral boss
  • 作物喷粉承包商 crop dusting contractor
  • 作物喷粉服务承办商 crop dusting service contractor
  • 作物收获承包商 crop harvesting contractor
  • 农作物收获服务承办商 crop harvesting service contractor
  • 自定义联合承办商 custom combine contractor
  • 联合运营商定制 custom combine operator
  • 自定义收割机 custom harvester
  • 自定义操作员,农机 custom operator, farm machinery
  • 奶牛场领班/男/女 dairy farm foreman/woman
  • 奶牛场工人领班/男/女 dairy farm workers foreman/woman
  • 乳制品主管 dairy herdsperson
  • 除角服务承办商 dehorning service contractor
  • 驯马术和特技的驯马师 dressage and stunt horse trainer
  • 鸡蛋分级车站经理 egg grading station manager
  • 农场老板 farm boss
  • 农场经营领班/男/女 farm business foreman/woman
  • 农场工头/男/女 farm foreman/woman
  • 农场灌溉系统承包商 farm irrigating system contractor
  • 农场操作领班/男/女的 farm operation foreman/woman
  • 电场运营主管 farm operation supervisor
  • 农产品分级服务承办商 farm produce grading service contractor
  • 农产品包装服务承办商 farm produce packing service contractor
  • 农场主管 farm supervisor
  • 农场职工主管 farm workers supervisor
  • 饲养场领班/男/女 feedlot foreman/woman
  • 饲养场牛群服务员 feedlot herd attendant
  • 施肥服务承办商 – 农业 fertilization service contractor – agriculture
  • 大田作物和蔬菜的工人领班/男/女 field crop and vegetable workers foreman/woman
  • 大田作物领班/男/女 field crop foreman/woman
  • 田间生长作物领班/男/女的 field-grown crop foreman/woman
  • 大田作物工人领班/男/女 field-grown crop workers foreman/woman
  • 领班/男/女,苹果园 foreman/woman, apple orchard
  • 领班/男/女,奶牛场的工人 foreman/woman, dairy farm workers
  • 领班/男/女,农场 foreman/woman, farm
  • 领班/男/女,饲养场 foreman/woman, feedlot
  • 领班/男/女,大田作物和蔬菜工作者 foreman/woman, field crop and vegetable workers
  • 领班/男/女,水果农场 foreman/woman, fruit farm
  • 领班/男/女,水果农场工人 foreman/woman, fruit farm workers
  • 领班/男/女,孵化工人 foreman/woman, hatchery workers
  • 领班/男/女,家畜农场工人 foreman/woman, livestock farm workers
  • 领班/男/女,果园 foreman/woman, orchard
  • 领班/男/女,家禽农场工人 foreman/woman, poultry farm workers
  • 领班/男/女,牧场 foreman/woman, ranch
  • 领班/男/女,蔬菜农场工人 foreman/woman, vegetable farm workers
  • 领班/男/女,葡萄园 foreman/woman, vineyard
  • 水果农场工头/男/女 fruit farm foreman/woman
  • 水果农场工人领班/男/女 fruit farm workers foreman/woman
  • 粮食作物领班/男/女 grain crop foreman/woman
  • 粮食定制收割机 grain custom harvester
  • 孵化领班/男/女 hatchery foreman/woman
  • 孵化工人领班/男/女 hatchery workers foreman/woman
  • 牛群服务员 herd attendant
  • 牛群服务员,饲养场 herd attendant, feedlot
  • 牛群管理者 herd superintendent
  • 牧民/男/女 herdsman/woman
  • 牧民 herdsperson
  • 养猪场领班/男/女 hog farm foreman/woman
  • 养猪场主管 hog farm supervisor
  • 养猪场职工主管 hog farm workers supervisor
  • 生猪操作主管 hog operation supervisor
  • 跳场领班/男/女 hop farm foreman/woman
  • 马厩领班/男/女 horse stable foreman/woman
  • 驯马师 horse trainer
  • 灌溉主管–农业 irrigation supervisor – agriculture
  • 马车行领班/男/女 livery stable foreman/woman
  • 家畜服务员 livestock attendant
  • 畜牧养殖服务承办商 livestock breeding service contractor
  • 牲畜交换承办商 livestock exchange contractor
  • 畜禽养殖场的工人领班/男/女 livestock farm workers foreman/woman
  • 牲畜领班/男/女 livestock foreman/woman
  • 畜牧业领班/男/女 livestock raising foreman/woman
  • 枫木产品领班/男/女 – 农业 maple products foreman/woman – agriculture
  • 挤奶服务承办商 milking services contractor
  • 水貂场主管 mink farm supervisor
  • 水貂农场主管 mink ranch supervisor
  • 果园领班/男/女 orchard foreman/woman
  • 牧场管理主管 pasture-managing supervisor
  • 种植和栽培承包商的 planting and cultivation contractor
  • 猪肉生产技术员 pork production technician
  • 猪肉生产技术员学徒 pork production technician apprentice
  • 家禽养殖场领班/男/女 poultry farm foreman/woman
  • 家禽农场工人领班/男/女 poultry farm workers foreman/woman
  • 家禽作业监督 poultry operation supervisor
  • 家禽孵化服务承办商 poultry-hatching services contractor
  • 赛马训练师 racehorse trainer
  • 牧场工头/男/女 ranch foreman/woman
  • 种子清洁服务承办商 seed cleaning service contractor
  • 播种承建商 seeding contractor
  • 羊训练者 sheep handler
  • 牧羊人 sheep herdsperson
  • 剪羊毛承包商 sheep shearing contractor
  • 牧羊人 shepherd
  • 整地承包商 soil preparation contractor
  • 测土服务承办商 soil-testing service contractor
  • 马车行老板 stable boss
  • 站经理,鸡蛋分级 station manager, egg grading
  • 料场及牧民领班/男/女 stockyard and herdsmen foreman/woman
  • 枫林操作领班/男/女 sugarbush operation foreman/woman
  • 主管,生猪农场工人 supervisor, hog farm workers
  • 猪牧民 swine herdsperson
  • 烟草农场工头/男/女 tobacco farm foreman/woman
  • 烟草种植工人领班/男/女 tobacco farming workers foreman/woman
  • 教练,马 trainer, horse
  • 训练师,赛马 trainer, racehorses
  • 火鸡农场工头/男/女 turkey farm foreman/woman
  • 火鸡养殖工人领班/男/女 turkey farming workers foreman/woman
  • 农家菜领班/男/女 vegetable farm foreman/woman
  • 蔬菜农场工人领班/男/女 vegetable farm workers foreman/woman
  • 葡萄园工头/男/女 vineyard foreman/woman
  • 葡萄园工人领班/男/女 vineyard workers foreman/woman
  • 杂草控制服务承包商 – 农业 weed control service contractor – agriculture
  • 羊毛剪毛承包商 wool shearing contractor

不包括职称 Exclusions

  • 一般农场工人 General farm workers [8431](8431)
  • 收割劳动者 Harvesting labourers [8611](8611)
  • 农业经理人 Managers in agriculture [0821](0821)
  • 园艺经理 Managers in horticulture [0822](0822)
  • 害虫控制和熏蒸操作员 Pest controllers and fumigators [7444](7444)
  • 宠物美容师和动物保健工作者 Pet groomers and animal care workers [6563](6563)




项目类别 线上申请
48 天
117 天
超级签证 106 天
13 周
17 周
境内学签续签 131 天
毕业工签境外申请 11 周
毕业工签境内申请 145 天
145 天
5 个月
12 个月
48 个月
5 个月
40 个月
13 个月
24 个月
6 个月
25 天
62 天




