NOC 3215 医疗放射技师 Medical Radiation Technologists


簡介 Intro


This unit group includes technologists who operate radiographic and radiation therapy equipment to administer radiation treatment and produce images of body structures for the diagnosis and treatment of injury and disease. They are employed in hospitals, cancer treatment centres, clinics, radiological laboratories, colleges and universities . Medical radiation technologists who are supervisors or instructors are included in this unit group.

There is no mobility between the three types of medical radiation technologists without further training.

Experience as a medical radiation technologist is required for supervisors and instructors.

主要職責 Main Duties

放射技師主要職責 Radiological technologists

  • 操作X-射線,X光透視設備,電腦斷層掃描儀(CT),乳房X光檢查單位和磁共振成像(MRI)掃描儀以產生X光片或對人體解剖圖像
  • Operate X-ray, radiographic and fluoroscopic equipment, computerized tomography (CT) scanners, mammography units and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanners to produce radiographs or anatomic images of the human body for the diagnosis by radiologists of disease or injury
  • 記錄和處理患者數據
  • Record and process patient data
  • 利用放射學和膜處理設備執行基本的驗證和質量控制檢查
  • Perform basic verification and quality control checks on radiographic and film processing equipment
  • 在射線超聲檢驗中護理並檢測患者
  • Provide appropriate care and monitoring of the patient during the radiographic examination
  • 解釋和應用程序、安置患者和設備,並實施放射防護措施
  • Explain procedures, position patient and equipment and apply radiation protection measures
  • 培訓並監督學生技師,或者監督其他放射技師
  • May train and supervise student radiographers or supervise other radiological technologists.

核醫學技師主要職責 Nuclear medicine technologists

  • 為患者和其他生物標本準備並管理放射性藥物,如放射性核素和其他示踪材料
  • Prepare and administer radiopharmaceuticals, such as radionuclides and other tracer materials to patients or to biological samples
  • 操作輻射檢測設備,如伽瑪相機,掃描儀,閃爍計數器和電離室等,以便對疾病的診斷收集數據
  • Operate radiation detection equipment, such as gamma cameras, scanners, scintillation counters, tomodensitometers and ionization chambers, to acquire data for use by nuclear medicine physicians in the diagnosis of disease
  • 使用放射性物質對生物標本,如血液,尿液和糞便執行診斷程序
  • Perform diagnostic procedures using radioactive materials on biological specimens, such as blood, urine and faeces
  • 記錄和處理程序結果
  • Record and process results of procedures
  • 檢查設備以確保正確的操作
  • Check equipment to ensure proper operation
  • 在檢查過程中為病人提供適當的護理和監測
  • Provide appropriate care and monitoring of the patient during the examination
  • 應用輻射防護措施
  • Apply radiation protection measures
  • 培訓和監督學生核醫學技師或監督其他核醫學技師。
  • May train and supervise student nuclear medicine technologists or supervise other nuclear medicine technologists.

放射治療師主要職責 Radiation therapists

  • 按放射腫瘤學家要求,操作直線加速器,鈷60,X-射線和其他放射治療設備來進行放射治療
  • Operate linear accelerators, cobalt 60, X-ray and other radiation therapy equipment to administer radiation treatment prescribed by radiation oncologists
  • 檢查放射治療設備,以確保正確操作
  • Check radiation therapy equipment to ensure proper operation
  • 協助放射腫瘤學家和臨床物理學家,編制放射治療計劃
  • Assist radiation oncologists and clinical physicists with preparation of radiation treatment plan
  • 協助編制密封放射性物質如鈷,鐳,銫同位素和建設設備,如石膏和丙烯酸模具,以協助管理放射治療
  • Assist in the preparation of sealed radioactive materials such as cobalt, radium, cesium and isotopes and the construction of devices such as plaster casts and acrylic moulds to assist with administration of radiation treatment
  • 在整個療程中對患者的身心健康提供適當的護理和監測
  • Provide appropriate care and monitoring of the patient’s physical and psychological well-being during the entire course of treatment
  • 解釋程序和輻射的副作用
  • Explain procedures and side effects of radiation
  • 培訓和監督學生放療技師或監督其他放療技師。
  • May train and supervise student radiotherapy technologists or supervise other radiotherapy technologists.
  • 放射線技師側重於電腦斷層掃描,血管造影,鉬靶,磁共振成像,介入放射學,劑量學,立體定向或近距離治療等領域
  • Radiological technologists may specialize in areas such as computerized tomography, angiography, mammography, magnetic resonance imaging, interventional radiology, dosimetry, stereotaxy or brachytherapy.

任職要求 Employment Requirements

  • 需完成放射診斷或磁共振成像(放射技師和磁共振技師),核醫學技術(核醫學技師)或放射治療(放射治療師)等方面的2-3年專科、醫院和其他批准程序,放射學,核醫學或放射治療等健康科學學士學位,以及一段時期的實際訓練
  • Completion of a two- to three-year college, hospital or other approved program in diagnostic radiography or magnetic resonance imaging (for radiological technologists and magnetic resonance technologists), nuclear medicine technology (for nuclear medicine technologists) or radiation therapy (for radiation therapists) or A bachelor of health sciences in radiography, nuclear medicine or radiation therapy and A period of supervised practical training are required.
  • 所有省份需要有關管理部門的執照
  • Licensure with a regulatory body is required in all provinces.
  • 在魁北克省以外的所有省份需要通過加拿大醫療放射技師協會的認證
  • Certification by the Canadian Association of Medical Radiation Technologists is required in all provinces except Quebec.

所有職稱 All Titles

  • 近距離放射治療技師 brachytherapy technologist
  • 首席放射技師 chief radiographer
  • 首席放療技師 chief radiotherapy technologist
  • 核醫學首席技術專家 chief technologist, nuclear medicine
  • 放射治療首席技師, chief technologist, radiation therapy
  • 放射性照相首席技師 chief technologist, radiography
  • 核醫學臨床協調員 clinical co-ordinator, nuclear medicine
  • 臨床統籌,放射治療 clinical co-ordinator, radiation therapy
  • 攝片臨床統籌 clinical co-ordinator, radiography
  • 核醫學臨床講師 clinical instructor, nuclear medicine
  • 放射治療臨床講師 clinical instructor, radiation therapy
  • 照相臨床講師 clinical instructor, radiography
  • 診斷成像技術專家 diagnostic imaging technologist
  • 診斷醫療輻射技師 diagnostic medical radiation technologist
  • 放射診斷技師 diagnostic radiography technologist
  • 放射診斷技師 diagnostic radiological technician
  • 放射診斷技師 diagnostic radiological technologist
  • 放射診斷技師 diagnostic radiology technologist
  • 磁共振成像(MRI)技術專家 magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) technologist
  • 磁共振技術專家 magnetic resonance technologist
  • 乳腺X線攝影技師 mammography technician
  • 乳腺X線攝影技師 mammography technologist
  • 醫療輻射技師 medical radiation technologist
  • 醫療放射技師主管 medical radiation technologists supervisor
  • MRI(磁共振成像)技術專家 MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) technologist
  • 核磁共振成像(NMRI)技師 NMRI (nuclear magnetic resonance imaging) technologist
  • 核磁共振成像(NMRI)技師 nuclear magnetic resonance imaging (NMRI) technologist
  • 核醫學首席技師 nuclear medicine chief technologist
  • 核醫學的臨床講師 nuclear medicine clinical instructor
  • 核醫學主管 nuclear medicine supervisor
  • 核醫學技術統籌 nuclear medicine technical co-ordinator
  • 核醫學技術總監 nuclear medicine technical director
  • 核醫學技師 nuclear medicine technician
  • 核醫學技師 nuclear medicine technologist
  • 核醫學技師主管 nuclear medicine technologists supervisor
  • 腫瘤技師 oncology technologist
  • 腫瘤學,放射治療技師 oncology technologist, radiation therapy
  • PET(正電子發射斷層掃描)技術專家 PET (positron-emission tomography) technologist
  • 正電子發射斷層掃描(PET)技術專家 positron-emission tomography (PET) technologist
  • 放射腫瘤學模擬器技師 radiation oncology simulator technologist
  • 放射腫瘤學技師 radiation oncology technician
  • 放射腫瘤學技師 radiation oncology technologist
  • 癌症治療輻射技師 radiation technologist – cancer therapy
  • 腫瘤輻射技師 radiation technologist – oncology
  • 放射臨床治療專家 radiation therapist
  • 放射治療主管 radiation therapists supervisor
  • 放射治療首席技術專家 radiation therapy chief technologist
  • 放射治療臨床統籌 radiation therapy clinical co-ordinator
  • 放射治療臨床講師 radiation therapy clinical instructor
  • 放射治療技術統籌 radiation therapy technical co-ordinator
  • 放射治療技師(RTT) radiation therapy technologist (RTT)
  • 放射技師,醫療 radiographer, medical
  • 放射技師 radiographic technologist
  • 放射照相首席技師 radiography chief technologist
  • 放射照相臨床統籌 radiography clinical co-ordinator
  • 攝片臨床講師 radiography clinical instructor
  • 放射照相主管 radiography supervisor
  • 反射照相技術統籌 radiography technical co-ordinator
  • 放射照相技術總監 radiography technical director
  • X光技師 radiography technologist
  • 放射科技主管 radiography technologists supervisor
  • 放射性同位素技師 radioisotope technician
  • 放射性同位素技術專家 radioisotope technologist
  • 放射技術人員 radiological technician
  • 放射師 radiological technologist
  • 放射技師 radiology technologist
  • 放射治療技師 radiotherapy technician
  • 放療技師 radiotherapy technologist
  • 註冊放射技師 registered radiology technologist
  • 註冊核醫學技師(RTNM) registered technologist in nuclear medicine (RTNM)
  • 註冊放射治療技師 registered technologist in radiation therapy
  • 註冊放射技師(RTR) registered technologist in radiography (RTR)
  • RTNM(註冊核醫學技師) RTNM (registered technologist in nuclear medicine)
  • RTR(註冊放射技師) RTR (registered technologist in radiography)
  • RTT(放射治療技師) RTT (radiation therapy technologist)
  • 高級放射治療技師 senior radiation therapy technologist
  • 醫療放射技師&監事 supervisor, medical radiation technologists
  • 核醫學監事, supervisor, nuclear medicine
  • 核醫學技師監事 supervisor, nuclear medicine technologists
  • 放射治療師監事 supervisor, radiation therapists
  • 放射照相監事 supervisor, radiography
  • X光技師&監事 supervisor, radiography technologists
  • 核醫學技術統籌 technical co-ordinator, nuclear medicine
  • 放射治療技術統籌 technical co-ordinator, radiation therapy
  • 攝片技術統籌 technical co-ordinator, radiography
  • 核醫學技術總監 technical director, nuclear medicine
  • 照相技術總監 technical director, radiography
  • 乳房X線照相技術員 technician, mammography
  • 核醫學技師 technician, nuclear medicine
  • 放射腫瘤學技師 technician, radiation oncology
  • 放射性同位素技術員 technician, radioisotope
  • 放療技師 technician, radiotherapy
  • X射線(放射科)技術員 technician, X-ray (radiology)
  • 近距離放射治療技師 technologist, brachytherapy
  • 醫療放射診斷技師, technologist, diagnostic medical radiation
  • 放射診斷技師, technologist, diagnostic radiography
  • 磁共振技師 technologist, magnetic resonance
  • 磁共振成像(MRI)技師 technologist, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
  • 乳房X線照相技師 technologist, mammography
  • 醫療輻射技師 technologist, medical radiation
  • MRI(磁共振成像)技師 technologist, MRI (magnetic resonance imaging)
  • NMRI(核磁共振成像)技師 technologist, NMRI (nuclear magnetic resonance imaging)
  • 核磁共振成像(NMRI)技師 technologist, nuclear magnetic resonance imaging (NMRI)
  • 核醫學技師 technologist, nuclear medicine
  • 腫瘤學技師 technologist, oncology
  • PET(正電子發射斷層掃描)技師 technologist, PET (positron-emission tomography)
  • 正電子發射斷層掃描(PET)技師 technologist, positron-emission tomography (PET)
  • 放射腫瘤學技師 technologist, radiation oncology
  • 放射腫瘤學模擬器技師 technologist, radiation oncology simulator
  • 放射治療技師 technologist, radiation therapy
  • 放射成像技師 technologist, radiography
  • 放射性同位素技師 technologist, radioisotope
  • 放射學技師 technologist, radiology
  • 放療技師 technologist, radiotherapy
  • 治療放射技師 therapeutic radiological technician
  • X射線放射技師 X-ray (radiology) technician
  • 醫療X射線機操作員 X-ray machine operator – medical
  • X射線技師 X-ray technician

不包括職稱 Exclusions

  • 其他醫療技師和技術員。 Other medical technologists and technicians (in 321 Medical technologists and technicians (except dental health) )




項目類別 線上申請
48 天
117 天
超級簽證 106 天
13 週
17 週
境內學簽續簽 131 天
畢業工簽境外申請 11 週
畢業工簽境內申請 145 天
145 天
5 个月
12 个月
48 个月
5 个月
40 个月
13 个月
24 个月
6 个月
25 天
62 天




