NOC 4162 經濟學家和經濟政策研究人員和分析師 (Economists And Economic Policy Researchers And Analysts)


簡介 Intro


Economists and economic policy researchers and analysts conduct research, monitor data, analyze information and prepare reports and plans to resolve economic and business problems and develop models to analyze, explain and forecast economic behaviour and patterns. They advise on matters such as finance, fiscal and monetary policy, international trade, agricultural and natural resource commodities and labour and industrial markets. They are employed by government departments and agencies and throughout the private sector in associations, unions, research organizations, banks and investment firms.

Progression to managerial positions in economics is possible with experience.

主要職責 Main Duties

  • 進行研究和開發模型,來分析,解釋和預測經濟行為和模式,並製定數據的收集和分析方法
  • Conduct research and develop models to analyze, explain and forecast economic behaviour and patterns, and devise methods for collection and analysis of data
  • 根據過去的生產和消費及整體經濟和行業特定的條件記錄,預測特定產品和服務的生產和消費
  • Forecast production and consumption of specific products and services based on records of past production and consumption and general economic and industry-specific conditions
  • 準備收入和支出,利率和匯率的預測
  • Prepare forecasts of income and expenditure, interest rates and exchange rates
  • 分析決定經濟增長的因素和政策,向政府機構提供有關增加經濟活動的政策意見
  • Analyze factors which determine economic growth and advise government agencies on policies to increase economic activities
  • 分析決定勞動力參與,就業,工資,失業和其他勞動力市場結果的因素
  • Analyze factors which determine labour force participation, employment, wages, unemployment and other labour market outcomes
  • 研究數學公式和統計技術,並應用到經濟理論的測試和量化以及經濟問題的解決方案中
  • Study mathematical formulae and statistical techniques and apply them to the testing and quantifying of economic theories and the solution of economic problems
  • 研究貨幣,信貸和銀行及其他金融機構的運作的性質,制定貨幣政策和金融活動預測
  • Study the nature of money, credit and the operation of banks and other financial institutions to develop monetary policies and forecasts of financial activity
  • 監測經濟數據,對貨幣政策和財政政策的有效性進行評估,並提出恰當的建議
  • Monitor economic data to assess the effectiveness, and advise on the appropriateness, of monetary and fiscal policies
  • 檢查與個別企業的經濟活動有關的問題
  • Examine problems related to the economic activity of individual companies
  • 檢查財務方法,生產成本及技術和營銷政策,推薦可能的改善策略
  • Examine financial methods, production costs and techniques and marketing policies to recommend possible improvements
  • 檢查有關國家之間的貨物和服務的交換的統計數據
  • Examine statistical data on the exchange of goods and services among nations
  • 預測可再生資源的生產和消費,以及不可再生資源的供應,消費和枯竭。
  • Forecast production and consumption of renewable resources and supply, consumption and depletion of non-renewable resources
  • 對當地,地區或民族地區的市場情況進行調研,制定商品和服務的銷售和價格水平,以評估市場潛力和未來發展趨勢,並製定業務策略
  • Conduct research on market conditions in local, regional or national area to set sales and pricing levels for goods and services, to assess market potential and future trends and to develop business strategies
  • 監控區域和地方經濟趨勢
  • Monitor regional and local economic trends
  • 研究監管過程,提供支持政府和其他各方的法律程序材料。
  • Study regulatory processes and provide material in support of legal proceedings with government and other parties.

任職要求 Employment Requirements

  • 通常必需是經濟學或相關學科,如工商管理或統計數據的碩士學位。 A master’s degree in economics or in a related discipline such as business administration or statistics is usually required.
  • 可能必需是經濟學博士學位。 A doctorate in economics may be required.

所有職稱 All Titles

  • 農業經濟學家 agricultural economist
  • 經濟分析師 analyst, economic
  • 分析師,財政經濟學 analyst, fiscal economics
  • 業務分析師 – 經濟學 business analyst – economics
  • 商業經濟學家 business economist
  • 消費顧問 – 經濟學 consumer advisor – economics
  • 發展經濟學家 development economist
  • 計量經濟學家 econometrician
  • 經濟顧問 economic advisor
  • 經濟分析師 economic analyst
  • 經濟顧問 economic consultant
  • 經濟政策顧問 economic policy adviser
  • 經濟政策分析師 economic policy analyst
  • 經濟政策研究員 economic policy researcher
  • 經濟研究小組主管 economic research group supervisor
  • 經濟學家 economist
  • 經濟學家,自然資源 economist, natural resources
  • 能源經濟學家 energy economist
  • 農業經濟學家 farm economist
  • 金融經濟學家 financial economist
  • 金融市場經濟學家 financial market economist
  • 財政經濟分析師 fiscal economics analyst
  • 森林經濟學家 forest economist
  • 森林資源經濟學家 forest resources economist
  • 總經濟師 general economist
  • 衛生經濟學家 health economist
  • 人力資源經濟學家 human resources economist
  • 工業經濟學家 industrial economist
  • 工業關係的經濟學家 industrial relations economist
  • 工業貿易經濟學家 industrial trade economist
  • 國際貿易經濟學家 international trade economist
  • 投資經濟學家 investment economist
  • 勞動經濟學家 labour economist
  • 勞動力市場信息分析師 labour market information analyst
  • 土地利用經濟學家 land use economist
  • 數理經濟學家 mathematical economist
  • 自然資源經濟學家 natural resources economist
  • 價格經濟學家 price economist
  • 區域經濟學家 regional economist
  • 資源經濟學家 resource economist
  • 風險管理分析師 risk management analyst
  • 薪酬分析師 – 經濟政策 salary analyst – economic policy
  • 社會經濟學家 social economist
  • 監事,經濟研究小組 supervisor, economic research group
  • 稅務經濟學家 tax economist
  • 國土資源經濟學家 territorial resources economist
  • 行業分析師 trade analyst
  • 貿易經濟學家 trade economist
  • 運輸經濟學家 transport economist
  • 分析師工資 – 經濟政策 wage analyst – economic policy
  • 福利經濟學家 welfare economist

不包括職稱 Exclusions

  • 商業發展主任及營銷研究人員和顧問 Business development officers and marketing researchers and consultants 4163
  • 經濟學家在大學任教(大學教授和講師) Economists who teach at universities (in 4011 University professors and lecturers )
  • 財務及投資分析員 Financial and investment analysts 1112
  • 政府管理者 – 經濟分析,政策制定和計劃管理 Government managers – economic analysis, policy development and program administration 0412
  • 勞工政策分析家(社會政策研究人員,顧問和項目官員) Labour policy analysts (in 4164 Social policy researchers, consultants and program officers )




項目類別 線上申請
58 天
109 天
超級簽證 89 天
10 週
12 週
境內學簽續簽 89 天
畢業工簽境外申請 14 週
畢業工簽境內申請 119 天
119 天
5 个月
12 个月
48 个月
5 个月
40 个月
13 个月
24 个月
7 个月
25 天
72 天




