NOC 0421 管理员 – 中学后教育和职业培训 (Administrators – Post-Secondary Education And Vocational Training)


簡介 Intro


This unit group includes faculty administrators and registrars of colleges or universities and administrators of vocational training schools. Faculty administrators manage the academic and related activities of faculties of colleges or universities. Registrars manage registration activities and academic records systems of colleges or universities. Administrators of vocational training schools manage the operations of vocational schools specializing in trades, technology, business or other vocational subjects.

There is no mobility among the various types of administrators in this group.

Progression to some senior management positions in education is possible with experience.

主要職責 Main Duties

學院管理員執行部分或全部下列職責:Faculty administrators perform some or all of the following duties:

  • 計劃,組織,指揮,控制和評估的學院或大學教師學術及相關活動。 Plan, organize, direct, control and evaluate academic and related activities of a college or university faculty
  • 推薦和批准教師的任免。 Recommend and approve faculty appointments
  • 推薦課程修訂和補充,批准課程安排。 Recommend curriculum revisions and additions and approve scheduling of courses
  • 通過下屬人員,指導研究和課程發展等活動。 Direct, through subordinate staff, activities such as research and curriculum development
  • 規劃,管理和控制項目,計劃,支援服務及設備的預算。 Plan, administer and control budgets for projects, programs, support services and equipment
  • 向校長或大學或學院院長提供建議。 Advise president or rector of university or college
  • 參加各種學院和大學委員會活動。 Participate in activities of various faculty and college committees.

登記員執行部分或全部下列職責:Registrars perform some or all of the following duties:

  • 計劃,組織,指導,控制和評估學院或大學登記活動和學術記錄系統。 Plan, organize, direct, control and evaluate the registration activities and academic records system of a college or university
  • 審查登記統計和與學校管理者共同商議,制訂登記政策。 Review registration statistics and consult with faculty officials to develop registration policies
  • 指導工作人員編輯入學和畢業課程,日程安排和入學及畢業要求。 Direct activities of staff and others engaged in compiling information on courses, schedules and requirements for admission and graduation.

職業培訓學校的管理員執行部分或全部下列職責:Administrators of vocational training schools perform some or all of the following duties:

  • 計劃,組織,指揮,控制和評估專門從事貿易,技術或商業的私立學院或機構的活動。 Plan, organize, direct, control and evaluate the activities of a private college or institute specializing in trades, technology or business
  • 開發培訓方案課程。 Develop curriculum for training programs
  • 諮詢政府管理者及發證機構,以確保符合省級標準。 Consult with government regulatory and licensing agencies to ensure conformance to provincial standards
  • 規劃,管理和控制項目,計劃,支援服務及設備的預算。 Plan, administer and control budgets for projects, programs, support services and equipment
  • 聘任教師和其他工作人員。 May recruit and hire teachers and other staff
  • 亦可從事教學。 May teach.

任職要求 Employment Requirements

  • 學院管理員需要具備與學術管理員相關領域的的研究生學位。 Faculty administrators require a graduate degree in a field related to the academic faculty
  • 並且具有幾年一個大學教授或大學老師的經驗。 Several years of experience as a university professor or college teacher.
  • 登記要求具備工商管理或相關領域的本科學位。 Registrars require an undergraduate degree in business administration or a related field
  • 並且具備幾年的登記管理經驗。 Several years of experience in registration administration.
  • 職業培訓學校的管理員通常需要具有工商管理本科學位。 Administrators of vocational training schools usually require an undergraduate degree in business administration
  • 或者俱備教學的學科專業知識和認證。 Expertise and certification in a subject of instruction.

所有職稱 All Titles

  • 管理員,教育計劃 administrator, education programs
  • 管理員,職業學校 administrator, vocational school
  • 招生主任 – 大專教育 admissions director – post-secondary education
  • 成人教育學院院長 adult education dean
  • 院長助理 – 大專或大學 assistant dean – college or university
  • 聯營公司之過戶登記處 associate registrar
  • 航空校董 aviation school manager
  • 商學院院長 business college director
  • 商業學校主任 business school director
  • 商業學校校長 business school principal
  • 中心經理助理 – 酒店學校 centre assistant manager – hotel school
  • 學院院長 – 大專教育 college director – post-secondary education
  • 大學過戶登記 college registrar
  • 社區學院院長 community college dean
  • 社區學院過戶登記處 community college registrar
  • 學校計算機技術主任 computer technology school director
  • 統籌,現場教學 co-ordinator, field teaching
  • 院長 – 大學或學院 dean – university or college
  • 成人教育學院院長 dean of adult education
  • 研究生院院長 dean of graduate studies
  • 理學院院長 dean of science
  • 學生活動院長 dean of student activities
  • 院長的技術和技術方案 dean of technical and technological programs
  • 院長,成人教育 dean, adult education
  • 社區學院院長, dean, community college
  • 藝術學院院長, dean, faculty of arts
  • 科學學院院長, dean, faculty of science
  • 院長,研究生課程 dean, graduate studies
  • 護理學院院長 dean, school of nursing
  • 技術學院院長 dean, school of technology
  • 院長,學生活動 dean, student activities
  • 中學後教育的招生辦主任 – director of admissions – post-secondary education
  • 大學或學院的研究主任 – director of research – university or college
  • 學生事務處​​處長 director of student affairs
  • 研究主任 – 大專 director of studies – college
  • 主任,商學院 director, business college
  • 董事,商業學校 director, business school
  • 董事,計算機技術學校 director, computer technology school
  • 董事,私人職業學校 director, private vocational school
  • 董事,護理學校 director, school of nursing
  • 主任,學校的技術 director, school of technology
  • 主任秘書學院 director, secretarial college
  • 董事,技校 director, technical school
  • 主任,經貿學校 director, trade school
  • 主任,培訓機構 director, training institute
  • 董事,職業學校 director, vocational school
  • 教育項目管理員 education programs administrator
  • 教師管理員 faculty administrator
  • 教師藝術學院院長 faculty of arts dean
  • 教師的科學泰斗 faculty of science dean
  • 時裝學校總經理 fashion school general manager
  • 現場教學統籌 field teaching co-ordinator
  • 飛行學校經理 flying school manager
  • 研究生研究學院院長 graduate studies dean
  • 經理,航空學校 manager, aviation school
  • 經理,商業學校 manager, business school
  • 經理,語言學校 manager, language school
  • 技術經理,學校 manager, school of technology
  • 經理,技校 manager, technical school
  • 經理,貿易學校 manager, trade school
  • 教學統籌 pedagogical co-ordinator
  • 商業學校校長, principal, business school
  • 私人職業學校董事 private vocational school director
  • 節目統籌 – 大專教育 program co-ordinator – post-secondary education
  • 大學教務長 – provost – university
  • 教務主任 – 大專或大學 registrar – college or university
  • 教務主任,社區學院 registrar, community college
  • 研究管理員 – 大學或學院 research administrator – university or college
  • 研究總監 – 大學或學院 research director – university or college
  • 學校護理學院院長 school of nursing dean
  • 學校的護理部主任 school of nursing director
  • 技術學院院長 school of technology dean
  • 學校技術總監 school of technology director
  • 學校技術經理 school of technology manager
  • 科學主任 science dean
  • 秘書學院院長 secretarial college director
  • 學生活動院長 student activities dean
  • 學生事務主任 student affairs director
  • 技校主任 technical school director
  • 技校經理 technical school manager
  • 旅遊及酒店校董 tourism and hotel school manager
  • 貿易學校總監 trade school director
  • 貿易校董 trade school manager
  • 訓練研究所所長 training institute director
  • 大學教務主任 university registrar
  • 副總裁 – 大專或大學 vice-president – college or university
  • 職業學校管理員 vocational school administrator
  • 職業學校董事 vocational school director
  • 職業學校經理 vocational school manager

不包括職稱 Exclusions

  • 非職業培訓學校管理員,如駕駛學校(客戶經理及個人服務業,NEC的管理員) Administrators of non-vocational training schools, such as driving schools (in 0651 Managers in customer and personal services, nec )
  • 學院和其他職業指導員 College and other vocational instructors 4021
  • 大學校長(高級經理 – 醫療衛生,教育,社會和​​社區服務及會員組織) College rectors (in 0014 Senior managers – health, education, social and community services and membership organizations )
  • 初等和中等教育的學校校長和管理員 School principals and administrators of elementary and secondary education 0422
  • 大學校長(高級經理 – 醫療衛生,教育,社會和​​社區服務及會員組織) University presidents (in 0014 Senior managers – health, education, social and community services and membership organizations )
  • 大學教授和講師 University professors and lecturers 0411




項目類別 線上申請
55 天
109 天
超級簽證 93 天
11 週
14 週
境內學簽續簽 102 天
畢業工簽境外申請 13 週
畢業工簽境內申請 125 天
125 天
5 个月
12 个月
48 个月
5 个月
40 个月
13 个月
24 个月
7 个月
25 天
71 天




